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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2023 : Geography

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Ds Adithya
St. Jude's Public School & Junior College, Kotagiri, The Nilgiris
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Rag ST. JUDE'SPUBLIC SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE SECOND REVISION EXAM 2022 MARKS: GEOGRAPHY STD: X 80 QUESTION 1 Study the cxtract of the survey oi India nnap and answer (he following questions. (20) ()Give the four figure grid reference for the temple that is locatcd to the south of Dhavi. (a Name two ty pes of vegetation found in the cast of casting 15, t t (ii) What do the following symbols mean (a)3 r in l003 (b) 280 in |403 (i ) (a) What is the dircct distance in kilometers between the survey (ree 1408 to the clihatri in Dattan (b)Diflerentiate between the drainage pattern shown in urid square 1708 and 606 (iv) In what way the pattern of se:tlement Ingrid square i003is different from that ingrid square 1601 (v) Calculate the area in kilometer of the region between |l and 14 eastings and O1 and 07 northing (vi) (a)name two natural features seen in grid square 9905 (b) What is the contour height in the grid square 1403. (vi) Which are the two different kinds of roads shown in the north cast of the map. 1504. (vii) How are the gentle and siecp slopes shown on the map. Which one isSgentle and steep in the !606 and (ix) Explain the folowing (a) sluice (b) Aqueducts the the western half of (x) What inference can be drawn about the general 0c Occupation of the people of the region shown in map extract. GIve a reason to support your answer. QUESTION 2 On the outline map of India provided. (10) (!) Draw. name and nunber Tropic of Cancer. (i )Label River Indus (ii) Mark and name the winds which bring rain to Mumbai in July. (iv)Shade and name a sparsely populated region in western India. (v) Mark the Himalayas (vi)Mark and name the Vindhya Mountains (vii) Shade and label black soi! (viii) Mark and name the Nathu la Pass (ix) Mark and name the Karakoran Pass (x) Mark the River Godavari QUESTION 3 Choose the correct answer (10) u) Isahot and dry local wind that blow in noth India during pre-nonsoon period (awesterndisturbance (b)Loo (c)cherry Blossom (d) Kal Baisakhi (ii)The Bagasse is a by product of which of the foliowing industries (aysugar (b) oiiseeds (c) cotton (d)coffee (ii) What is the term used for the sudden violet onset of raintall in the first week of June. (a) The retreating monsoon (b) Tropical depressions (c) Cyclonic winds (d burst of the monsoon (iv) Which of the following nations helped in the establishment of the Rourkela Steel Plant? (aytSSR (b) USA (c) China (d Britain in (v)lismethod which during harvesting of sugarcane piant, the roots and the lower parts of the plani are left in the fielA to give the subtle crop. (b) Sowing (c) Threshing ( Ratooning (a Winnowing (vi) Cultivation of crops and raising of animals is a feature of (a) Intensive farming (bnixed farming (o) Plantation (vii) This is the best quality of coal with 80 percent carbon (a Bituminous (b) ignite (YAnthracite (d) Peat (dyCommercial farming (vii)i Largest coalfield in India ( Jheria (b) Ranigunj (a) Digboi (ix) This mineral is highly ductile (a) Iron ore (bY Copper (c) Manganesc (x) Press mud is used for () making wax (b) nail polish (c) paper (dMunnbai high (d) Coal (d) fertilizer QUESTION 4 propriy. () () Name the best quality of iron orc which has magnetie () State an important industrial use of Manganese. (i) states vhcre Iron orc is mined (2) Name one centre in eacih of the following ( (a) Odisha (5) Jharkhand ciulet Answer the following (3) (a) State one industrial use of copper. tron biogas (b) Mention one advantage of generating power it rust proof. makes and steel tougiens (c) Name the mineral that conventional sources of energy. (3) ( ) yMention three disadvantages of QUESTION 5 farning. (2) () Describe any two main features of subsistence (i) What is Japanese methodof rice cultivation. (2) India. (2) cultivation is gaining impotance in peninsular (i1 (a) Mention two reasons why sugarcane Uttar Pradesh. (1) (b)State one probiems of sugarcane growers of (iv Give a geographical reason (3) (a) Jute stems must be retted (b) Regular pruning is essential for tea bushes (c)Cotton grows widely in Maharashtra. QUESTION 6 Give two uses of each. (2) ()Name any two by products of the sugar Industry. (ii)(a) Name the private sector iron and steel plant of India. (2) (b) from where does it get its supply of iron ore, Manganese and coal (ii)Mention any two probBems faced by the cotton textile industry of India. (3) (iv) Give a reason for the following: (3) (a) Petrochemical product are growing in popularity (b) Sugar mills are located close to sugarcane growing areas. (c) Karnataka is famous for silk industry. QUESTION 7 ()Name two states where copper is found in lndia. (2) (ii)with reference to the Bhakra Nagal Dan, answer the following. (2) (a)Name the river on which it has been constructed. (b)Name two states that benefit from this project. (iii) Give a reason for each of the following. (3) (a) India'sLocation is advantageous for the generation of solar power. (b) rnany port cities have their own oilrefineries (c) Coal is called a versatile mineral. (iv) (a) Name any tvo off shcreoilfields of India. (2) (b)Name the state which is the largest producer of coal. (!)

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