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Page 1/ PB I/2023-24/ Comp App/SC 10 SANSKRITI THE GURUKUL Pre-Board II Session- 2023-24 Subject-Computer Applications (Theory) Time allotted: 2 hours Study Center: X This question paper consists of 6 pages Full Marks: 100 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You willnot be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading 1he question pape:. The t me gien at thehead of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Tis Paper is divided into two Sections. Altempt all questions fiomSection A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions ae given in brackets[]. SECTION A Questionl (Atempt all questionsfrom this Section.) i) If m=-l6, then what is the output of Math.sqrt(m)? [20] a. -4.0 b. NaN c. Syntax error d. Runtime error ii)The process of binding data and function together as one unit is called: a. Dynamic Binding b. Abstraction -c. Encapsulation d. Polymorphism ii) If the value of the switch variable/ expression doesn't match with any of thecase constants, then which of the following cases gets executed. a. First case b. Al]the cases c. Default case d. Control jurnpsout of the switch statement iv)Related classes are grouped 1ogether into a. Library b. Object c. Super class d. Package