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ISC Class XII Prelims 2021 : Commerce (Madhusthali Vidyapeeth, Deoghar)

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Soumya Roy
Sikkim Manipal University (SMU), Gangtok
Master of Computer Application Computer Application
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MADHUSTHALI VIDYAPEETH HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION : 2020-21 SUBJECT: COMMERCE CLASS- XII F.M 80 Time 3 Hr Date : 17.12.2020 Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answer. Answer questions from part I and any five questions from part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. PART I (20 MARKS) Question 1. Answer all Questions Answer briefly each of the questions (I) to (X). (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) [10x2] State two components of legal environment of business concern. What is the meaning of working capital? What is Bonus share? What is meant by budget? Explain the concept of management by exception. Distinguish between Equity share and Preference share. What do you mean by Mobile Banking? What is meant by delegation of authority? Differentiate between RTGS and NEFT. Explain the principles of Esprit de corps as advocated by Henry Fayol. Question 2. (a) Describe the limitations of planning. (b) Explain the main internal sources of Recruitment. (c) Explain the five importance of Organizing. [3] [4] [5] (a) Explain the three features of business environment. (b) Discuss the steps of staffing. (c) Differentiate between Decentralization and Centralization. [3] [4] [5] Question 3. Page 1 of 2 Question 4. (a) Mention three features of credit card. (b) Write short notes: (i) S.W.O.T Analysis. (ii) SMS Alert. (c) Differentiate between Selection and Recruitment. Question 5. [3] [4] [5] (a) Distinguish between share and Debentures. (b) Discuss any four principles of management, as laid down by Henry Fayol. (c) Explain the main functions of management. [3] [4] [5] (a) Management is an Art as well Science Comment. (b) Explain the four disadvantages of preference shares. (c) Discuss the needs for the principles management. [3] [4] [5] (a) Explain the three features of RTGS. (b) Why coordination is considered the essence of management? (c) Differentiate between shares and debentures. [3] [4] [5] (a) Describe the main advantages of online payments. (b) Explain the importance of delegation of authority. (c) Discuss the main procedure of selection. [3] [4] [5] (a) Distinguish between Debit Card and Credit Card. (b) Explain any four features of principles of management. (c) Explain any five advantages of Debentures. [3] [4] [5] Question 6. Question 7. Question 8. Question 9. ************** Page 2 of 2

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