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ICSE Class IX Prelims 2019 : Physics (Madhusthali Vidyapeeth, Deoghar)

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Soumya Roy
Sikkim Manipal University (SMU), Gangtok
Master of Computer Application Computer Application
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MADHUSTHALI VIDYAPEETH F.M 80 Time 2 Hrs ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2018-2019 SUBJECT: PHYSICS (SCIENCE PAPER 1) CLASS- IX Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section. Question 1 a) (i) SI unit of velocity is: (ms-1 / m min-1). [2] 1 (ii) Correct equation of motion is: ( = + / = + 2 2 ) b) Distinguish between speed and velocity. (2 points) c) State how velocity-time graph can be used to find (i) acceleration of a body (ii) distance travelled by a body in a given time. d) (i) The non-contact force is: (force of reaction / force due to gravity). (ii) The gravitational force between two bodies is: (always attractive / always repulsive). e) Distinguish between mass and weight. (2 points) Question 2 a) (i) State whether Pressure is scalar or vector. (ii) The unit of relative density is b) (i) State Pascal s law of transmission of pressure. (ii) State two factors affecting pressure at a point in a liquid depends. c) Give reasons: (i) A gas bubble released at the bottom of a lake grows in size as it rises to the surface of lake. (ii) It is easier to swim in sea water than in river water. d) Define upthrust. Distinguish between density and relative density. e) Define temperature. At what temperature is density if water maximum? [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] Question 3 a) (i) The source of energy in an ecosystem is: (sun/sugar). [2] (ii) 1J = (1cal / 0.24 cal). b) Distinguish between real and virtual image. (2 points) [2] c) (i) Image formed by a convex mirror is: (erect and diminished / inverted and enlarged) [2] (ii) When a concave mirror is used as a shaving mirror, where is the person s face in relation to focus of mirror? d) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image of an object kept in front of a convex mirror. [2] e) (i) Sound is produced by a .. body. [2] 8 -1 -1 (ii) Speed of light in air is .. (3 x 10 ms / 5100 ms ). This paper consists of 3 printed pages. Question 4 a) What is ultrasound? State two properties of medium on which speed of sound in it depends. [2] b) Distinguish between primary cells and secondary cells. (2 points) [2] c) (i) Unit of potential difference: (ampere / volt). [2] (ii) Most non-polluting and efficient lighting device is: (LED /CFL) d) (i) Like poles of a magnet ..(attract / repel) each other. [2] (ii) Electromagnets are made of ..(steel/soft iron). e) State the positions of neutral points when a magnet is placed with its axis in the magnetic meridian and with its north pole (i) pointing towards geographic north. (ii) pointing towards geographic south. [2] SECTION II (40 Marks) Attempt any four Questions from this Section Question 5 a) A car is moving in a straight line with speed 18km/h. It is stopped in 5 s by applying brakes. Find (i) speed of car in m/s. (ii) retardation (iii) speed of car after 2 s of applying brakes b) From the displacement-time graph of a cyclist given in Fig, find (i) average velocity in first 4 s (ii) displacement from initial position at the end of 10 s. (iii) time after which he reaches the starting point. [3] [3] c) A train starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 2m/s2 for 10 s. If then maintains a constant speed for 200 s. The brakes are then applied and the train is uniformly retarded and comes to rest in 50 s. Find [4] (i) maximum velocity reached (ii) retardation in last 50 s (iii) total distance travelled (iv) average velocity of train Question 6 a) (i) Two equal and opposite forces act on a stationary body. Will the body move? Give reasons. (ii) State Newton s second law of motion. [3] b) (i) When you step ashore from a stationary boat, it tends to leave the shore. Why? (ii) A force causes an acceleration of 10m/s2 in a body of mass 500 g. What acceleration will be caused by the same force in a body of mass 5kg? [3] c) (i) Define acceleration due to gravity. [4] (ii) Calculate gravitational force of attraction between two bodies of masses 40 kg and 80 kg separated by a distance of 15 m. [G=6.7 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2] (iii) Newton s law of Universal Gravitation. Question 7 a) (i)Define SI unit of pressure. 2 (ii) The atmospheric pressure at a place is 650mm of Hg. Express this in Pascals. [3] b) A body weighs 450gf in air and 310gf in water. Find [3] (i) volume of the body. (ii) loss in weight of the body. (iii) upthrust on the body. c) (i) Pressure of water on ground floor is 40000Pa and on the 1st floor is 10000Pa. Find height of 1st floor. (ii) A block of iron floats on mercury. Find the fraction of volume which remains immersed in mercury. [Densityiron = 7.8gcm-3, Densitymercury = 13.6gcm-3, Densitywater = 1000kgm-3 ] [4] Question 8 a) The diagram in figure shows a point object P in front of a plane mirror MM1. [3] (i) Complete the diagram by taking two rays from P to show the formation of image. (ii) In diagram, mark the position of eye. (iii) Is image formed virtual or real? Explain. b) (i) Define magnification. [3] (ii) Write its expression relating image distance, object distance, image height and object height. (iii) What is its sign for (1) real image (2) virtual image. c) An object of length 4cm, placed in front of a concave mirror at distance 30cm. The focal length of mirror is 15cm. [4] (i) Draw the ray diagram. (ii) Where will the image form? (iii) What will be the length of image? (iv) What is its magnification? Question 9 a) (i) Define electric current. [3] (ii) A current of 1.5A flows through a conductor for 2s. Find the amount of charge through the conductor. b) (i) State two factors on which the resistance of a wire depends. [3] (ii) A bulb draws current of 1.5A at 6V. Find the resistance of filament of bulb while glowing. c) (i) How is an electromagnet made? [4] (ii) Name two factors on which strength of magnetic field of electromagnet depends. (iii) Why is soft iron core used as the core of the electromagnet in an electric bell? Question 10 a) Explain the following: [3] (i) A glass bottle completely filled with water and tightly closed at room temperature, is likely to burst when kept in freezer of a refrigerator. (ii) Fishes survive in ponds even when the atmospheric temperature is below 00C. b) (i) Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines near a bar magnet placed with its south pole pointing towards geographic north. Indicate the position of neutral points by making X. (ii) State whether the magnetic field lines in part (i) represent uniform or non-uniform magnetic field. [3] c) (i) The wavelength of light of a particular colour is 5800A0. Express it in (1) nanometer (2) metre. (ii) Define least count of any instrument. (iii) Time-period of two simple pendulums at a place is in ratio 2:1. What will be ratio of their length.[4] 3

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