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CBSE Class 9 Pre Board 2020 : English (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, JAMMU FINAL EXAMINATION ASSIGNMENT SESSION (2019-20) CLASS -IX SUB: ENGLISH SECTION A (READING) 1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1. Doing housework, taking care of children, and carrying out assorted jobs for husbands are work just as much as is performing paid employment in an office or factory. To ignore this is to do a disservice to women in the labour force. The reality of housework is that women s work in the home averages 56 hours per week for a full-time homemaker, and 26 hours per week for an employed wife or mother. Husbands and children barely increase their contribution to housework and child care when the wife or mother is in the labour force. As a result, an employed woman with family responsibilities gives up most of her other leisure activities to carry out the responsibilities of family life. 2. We realise that it may sound strange to hear women s activities at home called work. Since women who do housework and take care of children get no salary or wages. Homemaking is not considered work . Some people have proposed that the solution to the problems of employed housewives would be simply to pay housewives for being housewives .Hence women with heavy family responsibilities would not have to enter the labour force in order to gain income for themselves and/or their families. This is not a solution for many reasons. Wages provide income but they do not remedy the isolating nature of the work itself. Unless women and men are paid equally in the labour force and there is no division of labour by gender, women s work at home will have no value. Since it is not clear what constitutes housework, and we know that housework standards vary greatly, it would be difficult to know how to reward it. 3. Pay for housework might place homemakers (wives) in the difficult position of having their work assessed by their husbands, while in the case of single homemakers it is not clear who would do the assessing. Wages for housework, derived from spouse payments, overlook the contribution women make to the society (e.g. by training children to be good citizens) and assume that their work is only beneficial to their own families. Finally, payment for housework does not address the basic reason why women with family responsibilities work. Answer the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read. i. As a full-time homemaker a women works.......... a. 24 hrs per week b. 56 hrs per week c. 24 hrs per month ii. Women with heavy family responsibilities ..... a. do not enter labour force b. take care of children iii. Wages provide ......... a. independence b. income c. work c. do housework d. All of the these iv. Homemaking is not considered work as I. it sounds strange to hear women s activities at home called work. II. women have heavy family responsibilities III. Women who do housework get no salary or wages. IV. women participate in all leisure activities at home. a. Only I b. Only III c. III and IV d. II and III d. 56 hrs per month d. All of these

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