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CBSE Class 9 Pre Board 2021 : Social Science - Annual Final (CBSE Gulf Sahodaya Qatar Chapter, Doha)

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Annual Examination, 2020-21 Social Science Grade: 9 Date: 07.02.2021 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks:80 General Instructions. i.Question paper comprises five Sections A, B, C, D and E. There are 32 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory. ii. Section A Question no. 1 to 16 are Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each. iii. Section B Question no. 17 to 22 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words. iv. Section C Question no. 23 to 26 are source based questions, carrying 4 marks each. v.Section D Question no. 27 to 31 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words. vi. Section E Question no. 32 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts, 32.1 from History (2 marks) and 32.2 from Geography (3 marks). vii.There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few . Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted. viii. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Section - A Answer the following questions I) Choose and write the correct answers for the following: 1. Identify the correct statement with regards to the significant of the passing of the Enabling Act on 3rd March 1933 from the following options: (1) (a) It gave more power to the Reichstag. (b) It enabled Hitler to suspend all political parties. (c) It gave Hitler supreme power to sideline the parliament and rule by decrees. (d) It enabled the adult population of Germany to elect the government. 2. Which one of the following group was not benefitted by the French Revolution? (a) Peasants (b) Workers (c) Nobles (1) (d) Agricultural Labourers 3. 3.28 million sq.kilometres is the ______________of India. Page 1 of 7 (1) 4. What is the Standard Meridian of India? (1) 5. Peninsular plateau is composed of the old crystalline ________ and _______ rocks. (1) (a) igneous/metamorphic (b) metamorphic/sedimentary (c) Igneous/sedimentary (d) sedimentary/gypsum 6. ________ are the pre-monsoon summer rains in the state of Kerala and Karnataka. (1) 7. Drass is the coldest place in India. (True/False) (1) 8. Match the following: (1) A B a. Biosphere i. Rosewood,Ebony b. Fauna ii.Sandalwood,Shisham c. Tropical Evergreen forests iii. A narrow belt of living organism d. Tropical Deciduous forests iv. Wildlife living in a particular area 9. Which of the following was one of the reason for the three demands that Vladimir Lenin proposed in his April Theses? (1) (a) To rename the Bolshevik party as the communist party. (b) To nationalize the Banks (c) To have common systems of election. (d) To support Provisional Government. 10.Since 1930, __________ holds elections after every six years and has never been under a military or dictator s rule. (a) Nepal (b) Ghana (1) (c) Zimbabwe 11. Define Constituency. (d) Mexico (1) OR Define Code of Conduct. Page 2 of 7 12. Which group other than the government need a constitution? (1) OR Which assembly was an assembly of people s representatives that wrote the constitution? 13.Physical capital is of ____________ types. (a) two (b) three (1) (c) four (d) five 14. People as a resource refers to the stock of skill and productive knowledge embodied in them. (True/False). Support your answer with the correct statement. (1) 15.Sarva Siksha Abhiyan is a significant step towards providing ________. (1) (a) Secondary education (b) Elementary education (c) Higher education (d) Women education 16. In the question given below,there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and chose the correct option: (1) Assertion-(A)- Poverty is a multi-dimensional problem in India. Reason (R)- It is an account of debacle for weak in their struggle for existence at numerous levels. Options: A. Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is true but R is false. D. A is false but R is true. Section - B II) Answer the following questions briefly: 17. What were the demands referred in Lenin s April Theses ? (3) 18. Why do we need a Standard Meridian for India? (3) 19. Explain the reasons which compelled Louis XVI to raise taxes in France? (3) (OR) The inequality that existed in the French Society in the Old Regime became the Page 3 of 7 cause of French Revolution . Explain the statement by giving suitable examples. 20. Describe any three provisions which makes Election Commission an independent body. (OR) Describe any three conditions for free and fair elections. (3) 21. Few species of flora and fauna are endangered in India. Why? (3) (OR) Analyze and write any three characteristics of tidal forests. 22. Describe the current government strategy of poverty alleviation. (3) Section C III) Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow: (4) 23. Peasants made up about 90 per cent of the population. However, only a small number of them owned the land they cultivated. About 60 per cent of the land was owned by nobles, the Church and other richer members of the third estate. The members of the first two estates, that is, the clergy and the nobility, enjoyed certain privileges by birth. The most important of these was exemption from paying taxes to the state. The nobles further enjoyed feudal privileges. These included feudal dues, which they extracted from the peasants. Peasants were obliged to render services to the lord to work in his house and fields to serve in the army or to participate in building roads. 23.1. The French Revolution was? (1) (a) against the dictatorial policies of the monarch. (b) against the clergy. (c) against the society. (d) none of the above. 23.2. 18th century French society was divided into; (a) castes (b) four estates (c) three estates (1) (d) two estates 23.3. Which estates enjoyed privileges by birth? (a) clergy (b) nobility (c) the third estate (1) (d) both (a) and (b) 23.4. Name the direct tax levied on the third estate. (a) Taille (b) Tithe (c) Custom duty Page 4 of 7 (1) (d) Livre 24. Heavy rainfall is recorded in hill and forest areas because of altitude and dense forests which make the atmosphere cool and force the rain drops fall. For Example Assam,the Ganga delta,the Western ghats,the Western coastal regions.Areas falling in the rain shadow and leeward sides receives sparse rainfall.For example Eastern side of the Western ghats or Ladakh. 24.1. Why there is uneven distribution of rainfall in India? (1) (a) Altitude and rainforests (b) Pressure and winds (b) Latitude and altitude (d) Both (a) and (b) 24.2. Name the regions which receives high amount of rainfall. (1) 24.3. Name the area which lies to the leeward side of the rainfall in Northern India. (1) (a) Lucknow (b) Ladakh (c) West Bengal (d)Gujrath 24.4. Rain shadow region receives ______________ rainfall. (a) High (b) sparse (c) no (1) (d) moderate 25. Palampur is well- connected with neighboring villages and towns. An all weather connects the village to Raniganj and Shahpur. Many kinds of transport are available on this road. Palampurhas two primary schools and one high school. Most of the houses in Palampur have electric connections. Electricity powers and all the tube-wells in the fields are used in various types of small business. The entire cultivated area of Palampur is irrigated. 25.1.Electricity powers and all the tube wells in the field are used in various types of ______. (1) 25.2. There are____ Primary schools and ____ High school. (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 1 (c) 1 and 1 (1) (d) 2 and 2 25.3.The entire cultivated area is not irrigated. (True/False) (1) 25.4. Palampur has an all-weather road which connects the village of _____________. (1) (a) With in the village (b) Raniganj to Shahpur (c) Palampur- Raniganj (d) Both (b) and (c) 26. The representative elected from each constituency is called a Member of Parliament or an MP. One of the features of a democratic election is that every vote should have equal value. That is why our Constitution requires that each constituency should have a roughly equal population living within it. The makers of our Constitution thought of a special system of reserved Page 5 of 7 constituencies for the weaker sections. Some constituencies are reserved for people who belong to the Scheduled Castes [SC] and Scheduled Tribes [ST]. 26.1. Which of the following has the largest Lok Sabha constituency in India? (a) Maharashtra (b) Rajasthan (c) U. P. (1) (d)Bihar 26.2. What is the motive of Reserved Constituencies? (1) (a) To ensure proper representation to the weaker section like SC and ST. (b) Right to vote (c)Right to life (d)None of these 26.3.What is the General election? (1) (a) Election held in few states for the state legislative assembly. (b) Elections held in all constituencies at the same time after every five years. (c) It is an election through which members of legislative assembly (MLAs) are getting elected. (d) All of these. 26.4. Elections in India for Parliament and state Legislature are conducted by _______. (a) Prime Minister (b) Chief Justice of India (c) Election Commission of India (d) None of these (1) Section-D IV) Answer the following questions in detail: 27. Explain how Hitler dismantled the democratic structure. (OR) Describe Nazi cult of motherhood. Page 6 of 7 (5) 28. Define Democracy. Sate two merits and demerits of democracy. (5) 29. Analyse the various functions of a Constitution. (5) 30. Explain the factors affecting the climate of a place. (5) (OR) Mention the main characteristics of Advancing monsoon season. 31.Mention the consequences of unemployment. (5) Section- E 32. (A) Two places A and B have been marked on the given outline political map of world. Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them. (2) (A) A Central Power of First World War. (B) An Allied Power of First World War. (B) In the given map of India locate and label any three of the following. (3) (A) A country sharing its boundary with India from three sides. (B) The island lying to the Arabian sea. (C) The river which is known as the sorrow of West Bengal . (D) Sariska wildlife sanctuary. (E) Malwa Plateau ___________________________________ ______________________________________ Page 7 of 7

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