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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2019 : Business Studies (Series 4)

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SET-1 H$moS> Z . Series BVM/4 Code No. amob Z . 66/4/1 narjmWu H$moS >H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n >na Ad ` {bIo & Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _o _w{ V n > 15 h & Z-n _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Z ~a H$mo N>m C ma -nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n > na {bI| & H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _| >25 Z h & H $n`m Z H$m C ma {bIZm ew $ H$aZo go nhbo, Z H$m H $_m H$ Ad ` {bI| & Bg Z-n H$mo n T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h & Z-n H$m {dVaU nydm _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>m Ho$db Z-n H$mo n T>|Jo Am a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm amZ do C ma-nwp VH$m na H$moB C ma Zht {bI|Jo & Please check that this question paper contains 15 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 25 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. `mdgm{`H$ A ``Z BUSINESS STUDIES {ZYm [aV g_` : 3 K Q>o A{YH$V_ A H$ : 80 Time allowed : 3 hours 66/4/1 Maximum Marks : 80 1 P.T.O. gm_m ` {ZX}e : (i) Bg Z-n _| nm M I S> h : A, ~, g, X VWm ` & (ii) I S> A _| 1 A H$ dmbo Z 1 go 8 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma EH$ e X AWdm EH$ dm ` _| hmo & (iii) I S> ~ _| 3 A H$ dmbo Z 9 go 13 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma 50 75 e Xm o _| hmo & (iv) I S> g _| 4 A H$ dmbo Z 14 go 19 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma 120 e Xm o _| hmo & (v) I S> X _| 5 A H$ dmbo Z 20 go 22 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma 150 e Xm o _| hmo & (vi) I S> ` _| 6 A H$ dmbo Z 23 go 25 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma 200 e Xm o _| hmo & (vii) Z-n _| H$moB g_J -M`Z-{dH$ n Cnb Y Zht h , VWm{n EH$ A H$ dmbo 3 n Zm| _ o, VrZ A H$ dmbo 2 n Zm| _ o, Mma A H$ dmbo 2 n Zm| _ o, nm M A H$ dmbo 1 n Zm| _ o VWm N>: A H$ dmbo 1 n Zm| _ o {dH$ n Cnb Y h & Eogo Zm| _|o AmnH$mo Ho$db EH$ hr {dH$ n H$m hr C ma XoZm h & General Instructions : (i) This question paper contains five Section : A, B, C, D and E. (ii) Section A contains questions 1 to 8 carrying one mark each. Answers to these questions may be given in one word or a sentence. (iii) Section B contains questions 9 to 13 carrying three marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in 50 75 words. (iv) Section C contains questions 14 to 19 carrying four marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in 120 words. (v) Section D contains questions 20 to 22 carrying five marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in 150 words. (vi) Section E contains questions 23 to 25 carrying six marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in 200 words. (vii) There is no over-all-choice in the question paper, however an internal choice has been provided in 3 questions of one mark, 2 questions of three marks, 2 questions of four marks, 1 question of five marks and 1 question of six marks. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions. 66/4/1 2 I S> A SECTION A 1. ~ Y Ho$ {g m V ~ YH$m| H$mo AnZo {ZU `m| Ed H$m`m o _| H$maU Ed n[aUm_ Ho$ g ~ Y H$m nydm Zw_mZ bJmZo Ho$ `mo ` ~ZmVo h Vm{H$ narjU Ed w{Q> p Q>H$moU go g ~p YV j{V`m| H$mo X a {H$`m Om gHo$ & `hm H$m{eV ~ Y Ho$ {g m Vm| Ho$ _h d Ho$ {~ X H$mo nhMm{ZE & 1 Principles of management equip the managers to foresee the cause and effect relationships of their decisions and actions so that the wastages associated with a trial and error approach can be overcome. Identify the point of significance of principles of management highlighted here. 2. "Zr{V`m ' VWm "{H $`m{d{Y`m ' {H$g H$ma A V:g ~p YV h AWdm {Z`moOZ- {H $`m _| "{dH$mgerb AmYma' H$m `m AW h ? 1 ? 1 How are Policies and Procedures interlinked ? OR What is meant by Developing Premises in the process of planning ? 3. `h `m| H$hm OmVm h {H$ {Z` U EH$ gVV J{V{d{Y h AWdm {Z` U ^{d `Xeu H$m` `m| H$hbmVm h ? 1 ? 1 Why is it said that Controlling is a continuous activity ? OR Why is Controlling called a forward looking function ? 4. Cn^mo $mAm| Ho$ {hVm| Ho$ g ajU Ed dV Z Ho$ {bE J a-gaH$mar g JR>Zm| mam {Z nm{XV {H$E OmZo dmbo {H$gr EH$ H$m` H$m C oI H$s{OE & 1 State any one function performed by non-governmental organisations for protection and promotion of interest of consumers. 66/4/1 3 P.T.O. 5. "n Ho${ O J' H$m `m AW h ? AWdm EH$ A N>o {dH $`H$Vm Ho$ {H$gr EH$ JwU H$m C oI H$s{OE & 1 1 What is the meant by Packaging ? OR State any one quality of a good salesman. 6. H$mo~r {b{_Q>oS>, 87 df nwamZr Cn^mo $m d VwAm| H$s EH$ {g H$ nZr h & `h A N>r JwUd mm dmbr Bbo Q >m {ZH$ d VwAm| H$mo C{MV _y `m| na VwV H$aZo Ho$ {bE OmZr OmVr h & nyao ^maV _| BgH$s emImE h & BgH$m EH$ ~ S>m A eYmar AmYma h & A eYmar MmhVo h {H$ CZHo$ {Zdoem| na {V df Hw$N> bm^m e H$m ^wJVmZ {H$`m OmE & H$ nZr H$m ~ Y `h g_PVm h {H$ A eYm[a`m| H$mo Iwe Ed g Vw Q> aIZm _h dnyU h & Zr{V Ho$ AZwgma, g_ V {VYm[aV CnmO Z H$mo nwZ:{d{Z`mo{OV H$aZo H$s Anojm H$ nZr {V df bm^m| H$m EH$ ^mJ bm^m e Ho$ $n _| Kmo{fV H$aVr h & Cn`w $ p W{V _| H$me S>mbo JE bm^m e {ZU ` H$mo ^m{dV H$aZo dmbo H$maH$ H$mo nhMm{ZE & 1 Koby Ltd. is an 87-year-old reputed consumer goods company. It is known for offering good quality electronic products at reasonable prices. It has branches all over India. It has a large shareholder base. The shareholders desire that some dividend is paid every year on their investments. Company s management understands that it is important to keep the shareholders happy and satisfied. As a matter of policy, they declare a certain amount of dividend every year out of profits rather than reinvesting the whole as retained earnings. Identify the factor affecting dividend decision being highlighted in the above situation. 7. _{h_m O Z, H$moS >g {b{_Q>oS> Ho$ nam_eu godm {d^mJ _| d[a R> ~ YH$ h & dh _y `m H$Z Ho$ EH$ ^mJ Ho$ $n _| {Z`{_V $n go AnZo AYrZ Wm| H$s {Z nmXZ [anmoQ>] V `ma H$aVr h & CgHo$ mam {Z nm{XV {H$E OmZo dmbr {Z` U {H $`m Ho$ MaU H$mo nhMm{ZE & Mahima Jain is the Senior Manager in the Advisory Services Department of Kodes Ltd. She regularly prepares performance reports of her subordinates as a part of the appraisal. Identify the step of the controlling process performed by her. 66/4/1 4 1 8. a{d O Z ZmW Q >oS>g H$m _w ` H$m` H$mar A{YH$mar Wm & dh {dkmnZ na hmoZo dmbo A `{YH$ `` Ho$ ~mao _| qM{VV Wm & CgZo AnZo {d mr` ~ YH$, _mo{hV d_m H$mo H$hm {H$ dh Bg `` Ho$ ~mao _| {dH $` ~ YH$ d CgH$s Q>r_ Ho$ {dMma OmZo & Mm`-AdH$me Ho$ ~mX _mo{hV d_m {dH $` ~ YH$ d CgH$s Q>r_ Ho$ gmW ~ R>H$ H$aZo Ho$ ~mao _| gmoM ahm Wm & bo{H$Z, g `moJ go Mm`-AdH$me Ho$ g_` _mo{hV d_m H $Q>rZ _| {dH $` ~ YH$ d CgH$s Q>r_ go {_bm & CZ g^r Zo Bg `` Ho$ ~mao _| MMm H$s Am a A VV: Bg `` H$mo H$_ H$aZo H$m gwPmd {X`m & g JR>Z Ho$ Cg n H$ma H$mo nhMm{ZE {OgZo {d mr` ~ YH$ _mo{hV d_m , {dH $` ~ YH$ d CgH$s Q>r_ H$mo Bg gwPmd H$mo A {V_ $n XoZo _| _XX H$s & 1 Ravi Jain was the Chief Executive Officer of Nath Traders. He was worried about the heavy expenditure on advertising. He asked his Finance Manager, Mohit Verma to know the views of the Sales Manager and his team regarding this expenditure. Mohit Verma was thinking of calling a meeting of the Sales Manager and his team after tea-break. But by chance at the time of tea-break, Mohit Verma met with the Sales Manager and his team in the canteen. They all discussed about this expenditure and finalised to give suggestion to reduce this expenditure. Identify the type of organisation which helped the Finance Manager Mohit Verma, the Sales Manager and his team in finalising the suggestion. I S> ~ SECTION B 9. ~ Y Ho$ {Z` U H$m` Ho$ _h d na H$me S>mbZo dmbo {H$ ht VrZ {~ X Am| H$mo g_PmBE & 3 AWdm EH$ CXmhaU H$s ghm`Vm go g_PmBE {H$ "AndmX mam ~ Y' {H$g H$ma {Z` U {H $`m _| ghm`Vm H$aVm h & 3 Explain any three points that highlight the importance of controlling function of management. OR Explain with the help of an example how Management by Exception helps in the controlling process. 66/4/1 5 P.T.O. 10. H${dVm KB bIZD$ Ho$ "ho Xr {H$MZ' Zm_ Ho$ EH$ ao Vam H$s ~ Y {ZXoeH$ Wr & ao Vam R>rH$ H$ma go H$m` H$a ahm Wm VWm H$m` H$s _m m Yrao-Yrao VWm Wm`r $n go ~ T> ahr Wr & H${dVm KB d` gmao H$m` H$mo H$aZo _| gj_ Zht Wr & H$m` H$s ~ T>Vr _m m Ho$ H$maU d` gmao H$m` H$mo g ^mbZm CgHo$ {bE A `mdhm[aH$ hmo J`m Wm & gmW hr CgH$m C o ` A ` WmZm| na Bg ao Vam H$s A{YH$ emImE ImobZm Wm & CgZo {Z{Ib Jw m H$mo "ho Xr {H$MZ', bIZD$ Ho$ EH$ gm_m ` ~ YH$ Ho$ $n _| {Z`w $ {H$`m VWm Cgo AnZo nX H$s gr_mAmo Ho$ A VJ V AnZo AYrZ Wm| H$mo AmXoe XoZo VWm H$m` dmhr H$aZo H$m A{YH$ma ^r {X`m & ao Vam Ho$ gwMm g MmbZ Ho$ {bE CgZo Cgo Amd `H$VmAm| Ho$ AZw $n H$_ Mm[a`m| H$mo {Z`w{ $ Ed {ejU H$m A{YH$ma ^r {X`m & H${dVm KB , {Z{Ib Jw m Ho$ H$m` go g Vw Q> Wr Am a AmJam VWm H$mZnwa _| ^r Bg ao Vam H$s emImE Imob gH$s & (H$) H${dVm KB mam AnZmB JB AdYmaUm H$mo nhMm{ZE {OgZo Cgo ao Vam H$s ZB emImE ImobZo _| _XX H$s & (I) Cn`w $ (H$) _| nhMmZr JB AdYmaUm Ho$ _h d Ho$ Xmo {~ X Am| H$mo g jon _| g_PmBE & Kavita Ghai was the Managing Director of a restaurant in Lucknow called Healthy Kitchen . The restaurant was doing well and the volume of work started increasing slowly and steadily. Kavita Ghai was not able to manage all the work on her own. The increasing magnitude of work made it impractical for her to handle it all by herself. Moreover her objective is to open more branches of this restaurant at different places. She appointed Nikhil Gupta, as a General Manager of Healthy Kitchen , Lucknow and gave him the right to command his subordinates and to take action within the scope of his position. For smooth running of the restaurant she also gave him authority to hire and train the staff as per the requirements. Kavita Ghai was satisfied with the work of Nikhil Gupta and was able to open other branches of the restaurant in Agra and Kanpur also. (a) Identify the concept followed by Kavita Ghai which helped her to open the new branches of the restaurant. (b) Also, explain briefly the two points of importance of the concept identified in (a) above. 66/4/1 6 3 11. {H$ ht VrZ {~ X Am| H$s ghm`Vm go g_PmBE {H$ {H$g H$ma C{MV {d mr` {Z`moOZ H$ n{Z`m| H$mo H$mofm| H$s Cnb YVm Ho$ g ~ Y _| A{Zp MVVm VWm g_` go g ~p YV H${R>ZmB`m| H$m gm_Zm H$aZo Ho$ `mo ` VWm g JR>Z Ho$ H$m` g MmbZ H$mo gab ~ZmVm h & 3 AWdm G$U VWm g_Vm _| CZH$s bmJV VWm {Z{hV Omo{I_ Ho$ AmYma na {^ Vm H $go h g_PmBE & ? 3 Explain with the help of any three points how proper Financial Planning enables the companies to tackle the uncertainty in respect of availability and timings of funds and helps in smooth functioning of the organisation. OR How do debt and equity differ in their costs and risks involved ? Explain. 12. {H$g H$ma "{Z`moOZ ~ Y H$m EH$ gd `mnr H$m` ' h ? g_PmBE & 3 How is planning a pervasive function of management ? Explain. 13. ^maVr` g_Vm ~m Oma Vo Or Ho$ Xm a go Jw Oa aho h & Zd dV Z VH$ZrH$m| Ho$ {dH$mg Ho$ {bE `hm A `{YH$ g ^mdZmE h & BgHo$ n[aUm_ d $n ~h V go ZE CnH $_ AnZo ~m Oma A e H$mo ~ T>mZo H$m `mg H$a aho h VWm nwamZo C _ Cg J{V Ho$ gmW AmJo ~ T>Zo H$m `mg H$a aho h {Og H$ma AW `d Wm _| n[adV Z Am aho h & Bg VH$ZrH$s Zd dV Z Zo N>moQ>o `dgm`m| H$mo ^r d p dH$ Va na {V`mo{JVm H$aZo _| ghm`Vm H$s h & Cn`w $ _| H$me S>mbo JE Eogo VrZ KQ>H$m| H$mo nhMm{ZE Ed g_PmBE Omo Eogo C _m| H$s H$m` erb ny Or Amd `H$VmAm| H$mo ^m{dV H$aVo h & 3 Indian equity markets are going through a phase of boom. There is a huge growth potential for innovative technologies. This has resulted in lots of new ventures vying for a market share and old enterprises trying to keep up with the pace with which changes are taking place in the economy. This technological innovation has helped even smaller businesses to compete on a global scale. Identify and explain the three factors highlighted above which affect the working capital requirements of such enterprises. 66/4/1 7 P.T.O. I S> g SECTION C 14. ^maV _| ~ T>Vo noQ >mob Ho$ _y `m| VWm _ `_ dJ H$s ~ S>r OZg `m Ho$ n`m daU _|, Ho$.dr. _moQ>g {b{_Q>oS> Zo ^maV _| N>moQ>r H$ma H$s Amd `H$Vm H$mo nhMmZm & C hm|Zo EH$ C nmX H$m g OZ {H$`m Omo Z Ho$db CZHo$ {V`mo{J`m| go JwUd mm _| ~h V lo R> Wm na Vw g nyU MmbZ AZw^d _| ^r lo R> Wm & `h ~h V O Xr N>moQ>r H$ma Ho$ ~m Oma H$m ZoVm ~Z J`m & M y{H$ ^maV gaH$ma {dXoer {Zdoe H$mo mo gm{hV H$a ahr Wr, H$ma C nmXZ _| bJr ~ S>o Zm_ dmbr ~h am Q >r` H$ n{Z`m| Zo ^maVr` ~m Oma _| doe {H$`m & Ho$.dr. _moQ>g Zo AnZo godm ZoQ>dH $ VWm JwUd mm H$mo Am a ~ T>m`m {Oggo {V`mo{J`m| Ho$ doe na bJm_ bJ JB & BgZo AnZr VmH$V H$m Xe Z {d{^ ~ m S>-{Z_m Ur J{V{d{Y`m| mam {H$`m & BgHo$ n[aUm_ d $n, g^r _wI Am Q>mo {Z_m VmAm| Ho$ {V`moJr hmoVo h E ^r Ho$.dr. _moQ>g Ho$ ~m Oma A e _| H$_r Zht AmB & (H$) Cn`w $ p W{V _| H$m{eV Am{W H$ gwYmam| H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE & (I) n { $`m| H$mo CX Y V H$aVo h E, Cn`w $ p W{V _| H$m{eV `mdgm{`H$ n`m daU Ho$ _h d Ho$ {H$ ht Xmo {~ X Am| H$mo g_PmBE & In an environment of rising petroleum prices and a large middle class population in India, KV Motors Ltd. recognized the need for small cars in India. It created a product far superior than their competitors not only in terms of quality but also in terms of overall driving experience. It soon became the leader in the small car market. As the Indian government was encouraging foreign investment, MNCs having a big name in car manufacturing entered the Indian market. KV Motors further expanded its service network and quality creating an entry barrier for the competitors. It depicted its strengths through various brand-building activities. As a result, the market share of KV Motors is refusing to go down in spite of all major automakers as its competitors. (a) Identify the economic reforms highlighted in the above case. (b) Quoting the lines, explain any two points of importance of Business Environment being highlighted in the above case. 66/4/1 8 4 15. 4 _w m ~m Oma VWm ny Or ~m Oma _| {Z Z Ho$ AmYma na A Va n > H$s{OE : (H$) g ^m{dV {V\$b (I) gwajm (J) VabVm (K) n AWdm mW{_H$ ~m Oma VWm { Vr`H$ ~m Oma _| {Z Z Ho$ AmYma na A Va n > H$s{OE : (H$) H$ nZr ^mJrXmar (I) _y ` {ZYm aU (J) Adp W{V (K) ny Or {Z_m U 4 Differentiate between Money Market and Capital Market on the following basis : (a) Expected return (b) Safety (c) Liquidity (d) Instruments OR Differentiate between Primary Market and Secondary Market on the following basis : (a) Company involvement (b) Price determinnation (c) Location (d) Capital formation 16. _w{XV Jw m Zo {d{^ H$ma Ho$ {~ Hw$Q> O go AmoQ> {~ Hw$Q>, gmo`m {~ Hw$Q>, amJr {~ Hw$Q> VWm MmoH$a`w $ Joh Ho$ {~ Hw$Q> ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE "ho Xr {~p H$Q >g' Zm_ H$s H$ nZr H$s WmnZm H$s & dh OmZVm Wm {H$ J mhH$ C nmX H$s H$_ _m m H$m H $` H$a|Jo, AV: dh d` Ho$ \w$Q>H$a AmCQ>boQ> _| {Zdoe Zht H$aZm MmhVm Wm & CgZo eha Ho$ {d{^ noQ >mb o n nm| na p WV "BZ E S> AmCQ>' Q>moam| Ho$ _m `_ go C nmX {dnUZ H$s `moOZm ~ZmB ` {n X gao {~ Hw$Q> {Z_m Vm {dVaU Ho$ A ` _m `_m| H$m Cn`moJ H$a aho Wo & (H$) "{dVaU _m `_m|' H$m AW Xr{OE & (I) CZ H$maH$m| Ho$ Zm_ Xr{OE {OZgo {dVaU _m `_ M`Z ^m{dV h Am VWm C oI H$s{OE {H$ Cn`w $ p W{V _| {H$g H$ma B hm|Zo {dVaU _m `_ Ho$ M`Z H$mo ^m{dV {H$`m & 4 Mudit Gupta set up Healthy Biscuits , a company manufacturing various kinds of biscuits like oat biscuits, soya biscuits, ragi biscuits and wholewheat biscuits. He knew that a customer would only pick up a small quantity of the product, so he did not want to invest in starting his own retail outlets. He planned to market the product at the In and Out stores at various petrol pumps in the city though the other biscuit manufacturers were using other channels of distribution. (a) Give the meaning of Channels of Distribution . (b) Name the factors that affected the determination of choice of channels and state how they will affect the choice of channel of distribution in the above case. 66/4/1 9 P.T.O. 17. `dgm` H$s p Q> go Cn^mo $m g ajU Ho$ _h d Ho$ {H$ ht Mma {~ X Am| H$mo g_PmBE & AWdm Cn^mo $m g ajU A{Y{Z`_, 1986 Ho$ A VJ V Cn^mo $mAm| Ho$ {Z Z{b{IV A{YH$mam| H$m dU Z H$s{OE :> (H$) gwZdmB H$m A{YH$ma (I) gwajm H$m A{YH$ma 4 4 Explain any four points of importance of consumer protection from the business point of view. OR Describe the following rights of a consumer as per Consumer Protection Act, 1986 : (a) Right to be Heard (b) Right to Safety 18. d XZm np bH$ Hy$b _| J{UV Ho$ A `mnH$ Ho$ nX Ho$ {bE [a{ $ Wr & do EH$ _mQ> , g OZH$mar VWm C H $ Q>Vm Ho$ {bE ~b no aUm dmbo A `mnH$ H$s Imo O _| Wo & g^r AJ Ur Xo {ZH$ g_mMma-n m| _| BgHo$ {bE {dkmnZ {X`m J`m & My {H$ {V[H $`m A `{YH$ Wr, Hy$b Zo g^r AmdoXZ \$m_m o H$m _y `m H$Z {H$`m VWm CZ AmdoXH$m| Ho$ AmdoXZm| H$mo a H$a {X`m {OZHo$ nmg Amd `H$ `mo `VmE Zht Wt & BgHo$ n MmV , AmdoXH$m| _| {d _mZ H$m mbm| H$mo _mnZo Ho$ {bE EH$ narjm H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m & V n MmV Hy$b Ho$ YmZmMm` VWm J{UV Ho$ {deofkm| Ho$ EH$ n Zb Ho$ gmW Am nMm[aH$ JhZ dmVm bmn mam BgH$m AZwgaU {H$`m J`m & (H$) lo R>V_ `mer H$s nhMmZ VWm M`Z H$aZo H$s {H $`m _| d XZm np bH$ H$yb mam {Z nm{XV MaUm| H$s `m `m H$s{OE & (I) Hy$b mam Am`mo{OV H$s JB narjm H$m Zm_ Xr{OE VWm BgH$m AW ^r Xr{OE & Vandana Public School had a vacancy of a Maths teacher. They were looking for a smart and creative teacher having a drive for excellence. An advertisement was given in all leading dailies. Since the response was huge, the school examined all the application forms and rejected the candidates who did not have the necessary qualifications. Thereafter, a test was conducted to measure the existing skills of the candidates. After that it was followed by a formal in-depth conversation with the Principal of the school and a panel of Maths experts. (a) Explain the steps that have been performed by Vandana Public School in the process of identifying and choosing the best candidate. (b) Give the name and also the meaning of the test which was conducted by the school. 66/4/1 10 4 19. {d mr` ~m Oma {d mr` n[ag n{ m`m| Ho$ g OZ VWm {d{Z_` H$m EH$ ~m Oma h & `h ~MV>H$Vm Am| VWm {ZdoeH$m| H$mo Omo S>Zo _| ghm`Vm H$aVm h VWm H$mofm| H$mo CZHo$ A `{YH$ C nmXH$ {Zdoe Adgam| H$s Amoa {ZX o{eV H$aVm h & `h eo`a ~m Oma Ho$ _m `_ go {d mr` n[ag n{ m`m| Ho$ gab H $` VWm gab {dH $` H$s ^r gw{dYm XmZ H$aVm h & eo`a ~m Oma Z Ho$db dV _mZ {V^y{V`m| Ho$ H $` VWm {dH $` H$s gw{dYm XmZ H$aVm h A{nVw OZVm H$mo CZHo$ {Zdoem| na {d mr` ~m Oma _| A N>o {V\$b H $go {_b gH$Vo h Bg {df` _| ^r {e{jV H$aVm h & (H$) Cn`w $ p W{V _| {d mr` ~m Oma mam {Z nm{XV {H$E OmZo dmbo Xmo H$m`m o H$m C oI H$s{OE & (I) Cn`w $ p W{V _| C o{IV H$m`m o Ho$ A{V[a $ eo`a ~m Oma Ho$ Xmo A ` H$m`m o H$mo g_PmBE & 4 Financial market is a market for creation and exchange of financial assets. It helps to link the savers with the investors and directs available funds into their most productive investment opportunity. It also facilitates easy purchase and sale of financial assets through the stock exchange. The stock exchange not only facilitates buying and selling of existing securities but also educates public about how their investments in the financial market can yield good returns. (a) State two functions performed by financial market in the above case. (b) Explain two more functions of the stock exchange, other than those stated in the above case. I S> X SECTION D 20. AnZo ~MnZ go hr Zr $ VWm OZH$ AnZr XmXr H$mo ~m Oma go Joh IarXVo, Bgo A N>r Vah go YmoVo, gwImVo VWm Bgo AmQ>o _| ~XbVo XoI aho Wo & C hm|Zo `h Am H$ S>o EH${ V H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$ ~Zo-~ZmE AmQ>o H$s _m J h AWdm Zht EH$ gd}jU {H$`m VWm AZw^d {H$`m {H$ H$m` H$mar _{hbmAm| H$s ~ T>Vr h E g `m Ho$ H$maU, `h g_` H$s _m J h {H$ A N>r JwUd mm dmbo AmQ>o H$m C nmXZ {H$`m OmE & C hm|Zo Om Znwa Jm d _| "g OZ AmQ>m \ $ Q >r' H$s WmnZm H$s VWm AnZo C nmX H$m Zm_ "g OZ' aIm & ~m Oma _| doe H$aZo Ho$ {bE C hm|Zo _y ` H$_ aIZo H$m {ZU ` {H$`m & ~m Oma _| AnZo C nmX H$m dmh R>rH$ aIZo Ho$ {bE VWm {dVaU _| Xoar H$s g ^mdZm H$mo X a H$aZo Ho$ {bE, `h {ZU ` {H$`m J`m {H$ Joh H$m ^ S>maU Eg.Ho$.E_. g{d {g O Ho$ `hm {H$`m OmEJm {OZHo$ nmg Vwa V {dVaU H$mo gh`moJ XoZo Ho$ {bE d km{ZH$ {H $`mE VWm V Cnb Y Wo & Cn^mo $mAm o H$s {eH$m`Vm| H$m `mZ aIZo Ho$ {bE C hm|Zo EH$ Am ZbmBZ {eH$m`V nmoQ> b H$s WmnZm ^r H$s & Cn`w $ AZw N>oX go n { $`m| H$mo CX Y V H$aVo h E, "g OZ' AmQ>o Ho$ g\$b {dnUZ hoVw Zr $ VWm OZH$ mam {H$E JE {dnUZ Ho$ {H$ ht nm M H$m`m o H$m C boI H$s{OE & 66/4/1 11 5 P.T.O. Since childhood Niru and Janak had been watching their grandmother procuring wheat from the market, washing it well, drying it and getting it converted into atta. They conducted a survey to collect data to identify whether there is demand for readymade atta and realised that with the growing number of working women, it is the need of the hour to manufacture high quality atta. They named their product Srijan and set up Srijan Atta Factory at Jaunpur Village. To penetrate in the market, they decided to keep the price low. For maintaining smooth flow of their product into the market and avoiding delays in delivery, it was decided to store wheat at SKM Services which had scientific processes and logistics facilitating quick delivery. They also set up an online complaint portal to take care of consumer grievances. By quoting the lines from the above paragraph, state five marketing functions undertaken by Niru and Janak for successful marketing of Srijan atta. 21. g_ d` H$s {H$ ht nm M {deofVmAm| H$mo g_PmBE & AWdm ~ Y Ho$ _h d Ho$ {H$ ht nm M {~ X Am| H$mo g_PmBE & 5 5 Explain any five characteristics of co-ordination. OR Explain any five points of importance of management. 22. " `ya|O' ^maV _| 56 AmCQ>boQ> dmbr EH$ {d^mJr` Q>moa m Ibm h & `h gd lo R> C nmX `yZV_ _y ` na ~oMVr h & _mZd g gmYZ {d^mJ H$_ Mm[a`m| Ho$ M`Z, {ejU, A{^ oaUm VWm C h| nXmgrZ aIZo H$s XoI^mb H$aVm h & Bg g_`, BgHo$ nmg 170 nyU H$m{bH$ VWm 30 A eH$m{bH$ H$_ Mmar h & C Var` ~ Y Ho$ {bE H$_ Mm[a`m| H$s {Z`w{ $ {ZOr nam_e XmVmAm| Ho$ _m `_ go H$s OmVr h & `o noeoda ^VuH$Vm Amd `H$ C H$m` H$m[a`m| H$mo X gar H$ n{Z`m| go C{MV Vmd XoH$a bw^mVo h & doe Va na {Z`w $ {H$E OmZo dmbo H$_ Mm[a`m| H$s ^Vu Mb-H$a AmZo dmbm| ({~Zm {Z`mo{OV ^|Q>) Ho$ _m `_ go H$s OmVr h & " `ya|O' AnZo dV _mZ H$_ Mm[a`m| `m CZHo$ {_ m| VWm g ~ {Y`m| H$mo `m{e`m| Ho$ Zm_ gwPmZo Ho$ {bE mo gm{hV H$aVr h & do {V^mdmZ VWm hmoZhma N>m m| H$mo AnZo H$_ Mm[a`m| Ho$ $n _| {Z`w $ H$aZo Ho$ {bE Hw$N> {Vp R>V {ejU g WmZm o _| ^r OmVo h & N> Q>Zr H$aZo Ho$ ~Om` " `ya|O' A{V[a $ H$_ Mm[a`m o dmbo {d^mJm| go H$_r dmbo {d^mJm| _| H$m` H$mar ~b H$s ~Xbr H$aVm h & H$_ Mm[a`m| H$s ^Vu H$aZo Ho$ {bE " `ya|O' mam Cn`mooJ {H$E JE {d{^ Am V[aH$ VWm ~m moVm| H$mo g_PmBE & 66/4/1 12 5 Newrange is a chain of departmental stores in India with 56 outlets. It sells the best products at the lowest price. The Human Resource department takes care to select, train, motivate and retain the employees. Currently, it has 170 full time employees and 30 part time employees. For top-level management, employees are recruited through private consultants. These professional recruiters can entice the needed top executives from other companies by making the right offers. Employees appointed at the entry level are recruited through walk-in. For that, a notice is placed on the notice board specifying the details of the jobs available. Newrange also encourages present employees or their friends and relatives to refer candidates. They also visit some of the reputed educational institutions to hire some of the most talented and promising students as its employees. Newrange shifts workforce from surplus departments to those where there is shortage of staff instead of laying them off. Explain the various internal and external sources of recruitment used by Newrange to recruit its employees. I S> ` SECTION E 23. 6 "H$m`m _H$ T>m Mo' VWm "{d^mJm _H$ T>m Mo' _| {H$ ht N>: AmYmam| na A V^ oX H$s{OE & AWdm ~ Y Ho$ {Z`moOZ H$m` Ho$ _h d Ho$ {H$ ht Mma {~ X Am| H$mo g_PmBE & 6 Differentiate between Functional Structure and Divisional Structure on any six bases. OR Explain any four points of importance of planning function of management. 24. VrZ {_ aOV, a_Z VWm A e _w ~B Ho$ EH$ {g `mdgm{`H$ Hy$b go AnZr E_.~r.E. nyar H$aZo Ho$ n MmV Cg g JR>Z H$ma Ho$ ~mao _| MMm H$a aho Wo {Og_| dh H$m` H$aZm Mmho Jo & aOV ~h V n Q> Wm {H$ dh gaH$mar Zm H$ar boZm ng X H$aoJm `m|{H$ Bggo ^{d ` H$s Am` Ed H$m` _| p WaVm {_bVr h Am a Bggo Cgo A{YH$ Omoe Ho$ gmW H$m` H$aZo _| ghm`Vm {_boJr & O~ dh godm{Zd m hmoJm Vmo `h Cgo n|eZ ^r XmZ H$aoJr & a_Z EH$ Eogr H$ nZr _| H$m` H$aZm MmhVm Wm Ohm H$_ Mm[a`m| Ho$ {bE Cn`w $ H$m eb {dH$mg `moOZmE hm| VWm Omo g JR>Z _| AnZo H$_ Mm[a`m| H$m C Vam| VH$ {dH$mg H$aZo _| ghm`H$ hm| & BgHo$ A{V[a $, Eogr H$ nZr {Zdmg, {M{H$ gm gw{dYm, Am{X H$s gw{dYmE ^r XmZ H$aVr hmo & A e Zo H$hm {H$ dh Eogr H$ nZr _| H$m` H$aZm ng X H$aoJm Ohm `{ $JV dm` mVm H$s g H ${V hmo, Omo H$_ Mm[a`m| H$m `mZ aIZo dmbr hmo VWm Omo H$_ Mm[a`m| H$mo `{ $JV {dH$mg VWm AW nyU H$m` AZw^d Ho$ Adga XmZ H$aVr hmo & 66/4/1 13 P.T.O. (H$) VrZm| {_ m| Ho$ Cn`w $ dmVm bmn _| M{M V {d{^ {d mr` Ed J a-{d mr` A{^ oaH$m| H$mo nhMm{ZE & (I) Eogo VrZ A ` J a-{d mr` A{^ oaH$m| H$mo g_PmBE {OZH$s MMm Bg_| go {H$gr EH$ Ho$ mam ^r Zht H$s JB h & Three friends, Rajat, Raman and Ansh, after completing their MBA from a reputed business school at Mumbai, were discussing about the type of organisation they would like to join. Rajat was very clear that he would like to take up a government job as it gives stability about the future income and work which will help him to work with greater zeal. It will also provide him pension when he will retire from his service. Raman wanted to work in a company, which has appropriate skill development plans for its employees and helps the employees to grow to higher levels in the organisation. In addition to this, the company should also provide facilities like housing, medical aid, etc. Ansh said that he would prefer to work in an organisation, which has the culture of individual autonomy, is considerate to employees and provides the employees with opportunity for personal growth and a meaningful work experience. 25. (a) Identify the various financial and non-financial incentives discussed by the three friends in the above conversation. (b) Explain three other non-financial incentives which were not discussed by any one of them. {deof Zo bIZD$ Ho$ EH$ {g `mdgm{`H$ Hy$b go E_.~r.E. nyar H$s & dh E\$.S> `y. Q>oba mam {dH${gV d km{ZH$ ~ Y Ho$ {g m Vm| Ed VH$ZrH$m| go ^m{dV Wm & AnZr E_.~r.E. nyar H$aHo$, dh AnZo nm[adm[aH$ `dgm` \$m Q> \y$S> ao Vam H$s MoZ "~J a _o{ZAm' _| d km{ZH$ ~ Y H$mo bmJy H$aZm MmhVm Wm & CgH$m _w ` b ` bmJV H$mo H$_ H$aHo$ C nmXZ H$mo ~ T>mZm Wm & ma ^ _| dh EH$ _mZH$ {d{Y {dH${gV H$aZm MmhVm Wm {OgH$m g nyU g JR>Z _| AZwgaU {H$`m OmE & Bg{bE, CgZo H$m` A ``Z Ho$ _m `_ go na namJV {d{Y`m| H$s ImoO H$s Am a CZH$mo gd lo R> VarH$m| _| EH$sH $V {H$`m & BgHo$ n MmV H$ o _mb H$s m{ go boH$a J mhH$ H$mo A {V_ C nmX H$s gwnwX Jr VH$ g^r n[a{Y`m| H$mo `mZ _| aIVo h E EH$ _mZH$ {d{Y, AWm V H$m` H$aZo Ho$ lo R> VarHo$ H$mo {dH${gV {H$`m J`m & {deof H$mo `h ^r {d dmg Wm {H$ `oH$ `{ $ H$m M`Z Z Ho$db d km{ZH$ T> J go {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE A{nVw Hw$ebVm H$mo ~ T>mZo Ho$ {bE Amd `H$ {ejU ^r {X`m OmZm Mm{hE & BgHo$ {bE, CgZo ~ Jbw $ _| "h _~J a' Zm_ H$s EH$ {deof {ejU BH$mB H$s WmnZm H$s Ohm H$_ Mm[a`m| H$mo gd lo R> {d{Y grIZo Ho$ {bE Amd `H$ {ejU {X`m OmVm Wm & \ $ Q>ar _| ~J a ~ZmZo _| `w $ gm_J r H$mo 66/4/1 14 6 aUZr{VH$ $n go Bg H$ma aIm OmVm Wm {H$ A{YH$ g MmbZm| _| bJZo dmbo g_` H$mo H$_ {H$`m Om gHo$ & H$m` A ``Z Ho$ AmYma na _mZH$ g_` VWm A ` n[a{Y`m| H$mo {ZYm [aV {H$`m J`m VWm {deof Zo _mZH$ C nmXZ H$aZo dmbo H$_ Mm[a`m| H$mo nm[aVmo{fH$ {XE & A~, "~J a _o{ZAm' Ho$ nmg _mZ{H$V {H $`mE , H$ m _mb, g_`, _erZar, C nmX VWm H$m` p W{V`m h Omo `h Am d V H$aVr h {H$ do AnZo J mhH$m| H$mo AnZr `oH$ m Ibm d \ o$MmB O Ho$ _m `_ go Omo ^moOZ ^oOVo h do EH$ O go lo R> C _mZH$m| VWm JwUd mm Va Ho$ h & ao Vam MmbZ Ho$ `oH$ nj _| d km{ZH$ ~ Y Ho$ Cn`moJ Zo "~J a _o{ZAm' H$mo {d V V g\$bVm XmZ H$s & Cn`w $ go n { $`m| H$mo CX Y V H$aVo h E, "~J a _o{ZAm' mam `moJ _| bmE JE "d km{ZH$ ~ Y' Ho$ {g m Vm| VWm VH$ZrH$m| H$mo g_PmBE & 6 Vishesh completed his MBA at a reputed business school in Lucknow. He was impressed by the Principles and Techniques of Scientific Management developed by F.W. Taylor. On completing his MBA, he wanted to apply Scientific Management in his family s business of fast food chain of restaurants named Burger Mania . His main goal was to reduce costs with increased output. To begin with, he wanted to develop a standard method which would be followed throughout the organisation. So, he investigated traditional methods through work study and unified the best practices. The standard method, i.e. the best way of doing the job was then developed taking into account all parameters right from the procurement of raw materials till the delivery of the final product to the customer. Vishesh also believed that each person should not only be scientifically selected but should also be given the required training to increase efficiency. For this, he set up a Special Training Unit called Hamburger in Bengaluru where the workers were given the required training to learn the best method. At the factory, the ingredients making up a burger were strategically placed to reduce the time taken for excess movements. The standard time and other parameters were determined on the basis of work study and Vishesh rewarded the workers for meeting the standard output. Now, Burger Mania has standardised processes, raw material, time, machinery, product and working conditions that ensure that the food they send out to their customers has the same high standards of excellence and level of quality in every chain or franchise. The application of Scientific Management to every aspect of restaurant operations led to Burger Mania s widespread success. Quoting the lines from the above, explain the Principles and Techniques of Scientific Management used by Burger Mania . 66/4/1 15 P.T.O.

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