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CBSE Class 12 Sample / Model Paper 2021 : English Elective (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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ENGLISH ELECTIVE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2020-2021 CODE NO. 001 CLASS XII Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: 1. This paper is divided into two parts: A & B. 2. Part A 40 Marks Part B - 40 Marks 3. Separate instructions are given with each part and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully. 3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions. Part A (40 Marks) READING (20 marks) Q1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (Any Twelve) (1x12) 1. The man with the white face entered the carriage at Rugby. He moved slowly in spite of the urgency of his porter, and even while he was still on the platform I noted how ill he seemed. He dropped into the corner over against me with a sigh, made an incomplete attempt to arrange his travelling shawl, and became motionless, with his eyes staring vacantly. Presently he was moved by a sense of my observation, looked up at me, and put out a spiritless hand for his newspaper. Then he glanced again in my direction. I feigned to read. I feared I had unwittingly embarrassed him, and in a moment I was surprised to find him speaking. 2. "I beg your pardon?" said I. "That book," he repeated, pointing a lean finger, "is about dreams." "Obviously," I answered, for it was Fortnum Roscoe's Dream States, and the title was on the cover. He hung silent for a space as if he sought words. "Yes," he said at last, "but they tell you nothing." I did not catch his meaning for a second. "They don't know," he added. I looked a little more attentively at his face. "There are dreams," he said, "and dreams." That sort of proposition I never dispute. "I suppose--" he hesitated. "Do you ever dream? I mean vividly." "I dream very little," I answered. "I doubt if I have three vivid dreams in a year." "Ah!" he said, and seemed for a moment to collect his thoughts. "Your dreams don't mix with your memories?" he asked abruptly. "You don't find yourself in doubt; did this happen or did it not?" "Hardly ever. Except just for a momentary hesitation now and then. I suppose few people do." "Does he say--?" He indicated the book. "Says it happens at times and gives the usual explanation about intensity of impression and the like to account for its not happening as a rule. I suppose you know something of these theories--" "Very little--except that they are wrong." 3. His emaciated hand played with the strap of the window for a time. I prepared to resume reading, and that seemed to precipitate his next remark. He leant forward almost as though he would touch me. "Isn't there something called consecutive dreaming--that goes on night after night?" "I believe there is. There are cases given in most books on mental trouble." "Mental trouble! Yes. I daresay there are. It's the right place for them. But what I mean--" He looked at his bony knuckles. "Is that sort of thing always dreaming? Is it dreaming? Or is it something else? Mightn't it be something else?" 4. I should have snubbed his persistent conversation but for the drawn anxiety of his face. I remember now the look of his faded eyes and the lids red stained-perhaps you know that look. "I'm not just arguing about a matter of opinion," he said. "The thing's killing me." "Dreams?" "If you call them dreams. Night after night. Vivid! so vivid . . . this--" (he indicated the landscape that went streaming by the window) "seems unreal in comparison! I can scarcely remember who I am, what business I am on . . . ."He paused. "Even now--" "The dream is always the same--do you mean?" I asked. "It's over." "You mean?" "I died." "Died?" 5. "Smashed and killed, and now, so much of me as that dream was, is dead. Dead forever. I dreamt I was another man, you know, living in a different part of the world and in a different time. I dreamt that night after night. Night after night I woke into that other life. Fresh scenes and fresh happenings--until I came upon the last--" "When you died?" "When I died." "And since then--" "No," he said. "Thank God! That was the end of the dream.. . " 6. It was clear I was in for this dream. And after all, I had an hour before me, the light was fading fast, and Fortnum Roscoe has a dreary way with him. "Living in a different time," I said: "do you mean in some different age?" "Yes." "Past?" "No, to come--to come." "The year three thousand, for example?" "I don't know what year it was. I did when I was asleep, when I was dreaming, that is, but not now--not now that I am awake. There's a lot of things I have forgotten since I woke out of these dreams, though I knew them at the time when I was--I suppose it was dreaming. They called the year differently from our way of calling the year . . . What did they call it?" He put his hand to his forehead. "No," said he, "I forget." He sat smiling weakly. For a moment I feared he did not mean to tell me his dream. As a rule I hate people who tell their dreams, but this struck me differently. I proffered assistance even. "It began--" I suggested. 7. "It was vivid from the first. I seemed to wake up in it suddenly. And it's curious that in these dreams I am speaking of I never remembered this life I am living now. It seemed as if the dream life was enough while it lasted. Perhaps--But I will tell you how I find myself when I do my best to recall it all. I don't remember anything clearly until I found myself sitting in a sort of loggia looking out over the sea. I had been dozing, and suddenly I woke up--fresh and vivid--not a bit dreamlike--because the girl had stopped fanning me." On the basis of your reading of the above excerpt, choose the correct option to answer the following questions : (Any Twelve) (i) How did the man with the white face behave as he entered the carriage? a. Excited and enthusiastic b. Scared c. Excited and nervous d. showed no enthusiasm (ii) What was the name of the book which the narrator was reading? a. Fortnum Roscoe's Dream States b. Dream States c. Dreams of the States d. State of the Dream (iii) What was the man s opinion about the theory of dreams given in the narrator s book? a. He felt that it was all correct b. He felt the book painted a wrong picture. c. He felt that the book explained nothing. d. He felt that the book was confusing (iv) Why couldn t the narrator snub the man s conversation? a. The narrator liked listening to conversations. b. The book which he was reading was lost. c. The man with the white face looked anxious. d. The man begged him to listen. (v) What is NOT the reason for narrator being interested in listening to the man s description of his last dream? a. The man s dream was about an alien. b. It was getting dark c. The narrator had still an hour s journey left. d. His book was getting boring. (vi) What did the man NOT say about the last dream which he had? a. It was a dream which wasn t clear b. He was sitting in the loggia c. His last dream was very clear d. He would wake up in these dreams suddenly. (vii) Choose the correct option: Which of the following is NOT true for the Man with the white face? a. He moved around slowly b. He looked sickly c. He didn t want to talk about his dream. d. He didn t believe in theories of Fortnum Roscoe's Dream States (viii)"I dream very little," I answered. "I doubt if I have three vivid dreams in a year. This line highlights that the narrator did not a. Have normal dreams b. Good sleep pattern. c. Give much importance to the science behind dreams. d. like talking to the man with the white face (ix) Choose the synonym of thin (para 3) a. precipitate b. knuckles c. emaciated d. resume (x) Choose the antonym of dull(para 7) a. Proffered b. vivid c. assistance d. loggia (xi) Choose the right answer which explains the underlined phrase: He hung silent for a space as if he sought words. a. he was at a loss of words. b. he was indecisive c. he was left hanging because of his indecisiveness d. he stayed silent for sometime as if he searched for words. (xii) I feigned to read implies a. b. c. d. I feared reading. I pretended to read. I ignored reading. I continued to read. (xiii) Proffered means a. hold out or put forward b. to obtain something c. to project something d. to establish the validity (xiv) The word which is a synonym of boring in para 6 is ______________ a. fading b. fast c. dreary d. weakly (xv) The man in his dream lived in the ______________ a. Present Age b. Future c. Past d. Jacobean era Q2. Read the poem given below and choose the correct option to answer the questions which follow: (ANY FOUR) I SING the song of the great clean guns that belch forth death at will. "Ah, but the wailing mothers, the lifeless forms and still!" I sing the song of the billowing flags, the bugles that cry before. "Ah, but the skeletons flapping rags, the lips that speak no more!" I sing the clash of bayonets, of sabres that flash and cleave. "And wilt thou sing the maimed ones, too, that go with pinnedup sleeve? I sing acclaimed generals that bring the victory home. "Ah, but the broken bodies that drip like honey-comb!" I sing of hosts triumphant, long ranks of marching men. "And wilt thou sing the shadowy hosts that never march again?" (i) What are the two feelings being contradicted in the poem? a. Sadness and pride b. Happiness and pride c. Excitement and Pride d. Lethargy and enthusiasm (ii) The poem is set in the midst of a. Industrial Revolution b. Political Protest c. War d. peaceful demonstration (iii) Who all don t seem to be rejoicing in the poem? (I) Ranks of Marching men (II) Generals 4 marks (1 x 4) (III) Handicapped soldiers (IV) Mothers of the dead a. b. c. d. I and II III and I III and IV II and III (iv) What do the great clean guns do? a. they belch forth Victory b. they belch forth death c. they belch forth sadness d. they belch forth energy (v) Who and what are the symbols of victory in the poem? (I) great clean guns, billowing flags (II) bayonets and sabres (III) Acclaimed Generals (IV) triumphant Hosts a. b. c. d. I, II, III & IV I & II II & III III & IV Q3A. On the basis of your reading of the passage and other visual inputs, choose the correct option to answer the questions which follow: (Any FOUR) Status of domesticated elephants Records indicate that the management of domesticated elephants in Nepal has a long history and is said to have begun in 1903. At one time there were 31 elephant camps throughout the lowlands of Nepal. The capture and training of wild animals was a common practice in the past. A total of 17 domesticated elephants were released into the wild in 1914 and 10 wild elephants were captured for domestication during 1954-1970. Although the reason for releasing elephants into the wild is not mentioned in reports, it can be assumed that those elephants were released because of the difficulty of finding them work and because of their old age. Table 1. Elephant populations at ten year intervals between 1903 and 1973 Years 1903 1913 1923 1933 1943 1953 1963 1973 No. of elephants 328 234 198 199 180 136 80 47 Fig. 1. Declining trend of domesticated elephant populations at ten-year intervals between 1903 and 1973 4 Marks (1x4=4) (i) The data presented in the passage has been compiled with the help of ____. a. Hearsay b. People s opinion c. Official Records d. Passage does not specify (ii) On analyzing elephant population data, their population has found to be_ a. decreased over the years b. remained the same c. increased over the years d. increased in year 1943 (iii) What were the reasons for releasing the elephants into the wild? a. Old age and government orders b. Shortage of work and government orders c. Government orders and shortage of space d. Old age and shortage of work (iv) What peculiar thing was observed in the year 1933? a. A slight increase in the number of domesticated Elephants. b. A slight decrease in the number of domesticated Elephants. c. No change. d. It stays the same as the decade 1923. (v) Where were most of the elephant camps located? a. The Himalayas b. Lowlands of Nepal c. Lowlands of Assam d. Terai region of Gorakhpur ***FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED CANDIDATES IN LIEU OF Q3A Q3B. Read the passage given below and answer the questions which follow 1. Based on a novel by Jay Parini, The Last Station deals with the somewhat unedifying last months of the 82-year-old Leo Tolstoy (Christopher Plummer) that concluded with his public death at the remote southern Russia railway station of Astapovo in 1910, the end of the line and the last station of the cross. During this time his wife Sofya (Helen Mirren) battles for his soul and the copyright of his valuable works with the writer's manipulative disciple Vladimir Chertkov (Paul Giamatti), who regards himself as the guardian of the great man's reputation and wants the money from War and Peace to be used to advance the cause of universal love and passive resistance. Their battles are observed and recorded by Tolstoy's new secretary, Valentin Bulgakov, played by James McAvoy with the same amiable diffidence he brought to the role of Idi Amin's confidant in The Last King of Scotland. 2. The events were documented in copious diaries kept by the participants and by newsreel cameramen from all over the world, and the film is well acted, handsomely designed and bizarrely comic in a manner more Chekhovian than Tolstoyan. The opening titles tell us that Tolstoy was the world's most famous novelist and widely regarded as a living saint, and it is just as well to be reminded, because he comes over as a rather ludicrous Lear-like fool: pompous, ill-tempered, insensitive, constantly talking of love but rarely practising it. (i) Which character does Christopher Plummer play in the movie? a. Vladimir Chertkov b. Leo Tolstoy c. Valentin Bulgakov d. James McAvoy (ii) The last Station is based on the novel by a. Leo Tolstoy b. Jay Parini c. Sofya Tolstoy d. Helen Mirren (iii) James McAvoy, in The Last Station plays the role of a. Idi Amin s Confidant b. Tolstoy New Secretary c. Tolstoy s Disciple d. Idi Amin s Disciple (iv) What was the bone of contention between Sofya and Vladimir? a. Fight for Tolstoy s money b. Fight for Tolstoy s mansion c. Fight for Sofya s money d. Copyright of Tolstoy s works (v) What does the movie The last Station focus on? a. Childhood of Leo Tolstoy b. Last months of Tolstoy s life c. Tolstoy s marriage to Sofya d. School life of Tolstoy Q4.Transform the following sentences as per the given instructions. (Any Eight) (i) Ramesh consulted his parents before accepting the job offer. 8 Marks [1x8=8] (Begin: Ramesh did not ..) a. b. c. d. Ramesh did not consult his parents before accepting the job offer. Ramesh did not accept the job offer on the consultation of his parents. Ramesh did not accept the job offer without consulting his parents. Ramesh did not consult his parents before acceptance of his job offer. (ii) The memory is so vivid that I will never forget it. (Use too in place of so ) a. b. c. d. The memory is too vivid to be forgotten. The memory is vivid too to be forgotten. The forgetting is too vivid for the memory. The memory is so vivid, that I too can t forget it. (iii) Food and sleep were all we cared about. (Begin: All .) a. b. c. d. All food and sleep was worth caring for. All food and no sleep we cared for. All we cared for was food and sleep. All food and sleep was liked by all. (iv) Sameer said, Ramesh, can you help me with my homework? (convert into Indirect speech) a. b. c. d. Sameer asked Ramesh if he could help him with his homework. Sameer ordered Ramesh to help him with his homework. Sameer asked Ramesh that if can help him with her homework. Sameer asked Ramesh if can help him with his homework? (v) Not only did he buy a desktop but also a laptop. Use Besides a. b. c. d. Besides a laptop he buy a desktop. Beside a laptop , a desktop was purchased by him. Besides a desktop, a laptop was purchased. Besides a desktop, he bought a laptop. (vi) I ll do it tomorrow, he promised (Rewrite in Indirect Speech) a. He promised that I will do it tomorrow. b. He promised that he would do that the next day. c. He promised that he will do it the next day. d. He promised that he would do it tomorrow. (vii) The bee is more industrious than all the other creatures. (Use most industrious ) a. The bee is more most industrious creature of all. b. The bee is most industrious of all creatures. c. The bee is more industrious than most industrious. d. Most industrious is the bee. (viii) Will she deliver the message? a. b. c. d. (Convert into passive) Will the message be delivered by him? Will the message be delivered by her? Would the message be delivered by her? Will a message be delivered by her? (ix) His bodyguards are checking out the bathroom. (Begin The bathroom _______________) a. b. c. d. The bathroom is being checked by the bodyguards. The bathroom has been checked by the bodyguards. The bathroom was being checked by the bodyguards. The bathroom had been checked by the bodyguards. (x) I m ashamed of your behaviour! shouted my father in anger. (Rewrite in Indirect Speech) a. b. c. d. My father shouted in anger that he was ashamed of my behaviour. My father shouted in anger that he was ashamed of your behaviour. My father shouted in anger that I am ashamed of your behaviour. My father commented that I was ashamed of his behaviour. (xi) All nooks and corners were checked (Begin No nooks and corners ..) a. b. c. d. No nooks and corners were checked No nooks and corners were searched. No nooks and corners were left unchecked. No nooks and corners were left. (xii) Their dog is too friendly to be an effective guard dog. (Begin Their dog is so .) a. Their dog is so effective so as to be a friendly dog. b. Their dog is so friendly that it cannot be an effective guard dog. c. Their dog is so friendly in order to be an effective guard dog. d. Their dog is so friendly and an effective guard dog. Q5. Choose the correct answer from the options given with any 12 of the following questions. Attempt Any Twelve. 12 Marks (Any Twelve) [1x12=12] (i) The play Chandalika is based on the famous Buddhist legend of Buddha s disciple named ________ a. Vikrama b. Ratna c. Satyam d. Ananda (ii) Name the poem from which the following lines are taken: That love hath not attain d the high st degree, Which is still diligent lest others see. a. b. c. d. Poems by Milton Poems by Blake A Lecture upon the Shadow The Wild Swans at Coole ( iii) In I sell my dreams , I referred to ___. a. Frau Frieda b. Pablo Neruda c. Gabriel Garcia Marquez d. Eveline (iv) Where was Eveline planning to go? a. Paris b. Egypt c. Copenhagen d. Buenos Aires (v) What does Psaltries of summer refer to? a. Music of the lowly b. Music of the summer c. Music which brings in Summer d. Boons of Summer (vi) Where did Kubla Khan make his pleasure dome? a. Tehran b. Istanbul c. Xanadu d. Taipei (vii) A damsel with a dulcimer In a vision once I saw: What does Dulcimer refer to? a. A vessel b. A flower c. A musical instrument d. An ornament (viii) In the Wild Swans at Coole, Trod with a lighter tread refers to the time a. when the poet was confined up in his house b. when the poet was young and carefree c. when the children visited Coole d. when the swans flew energetically (ix) According to G.B. Shaw in the Essay Freedom , what is the difference between slavery of man to Nature and slavery of man to man? a. Men are kind to each other. b. Nature is kind to its slaves c. Men are sensitive towards their kind. d. Nature can exploit humanity. (x) In the essay, Why the novel matters ,what does Mens sana in corpora sano mean? a. Buyers beware of fraud b. A healthy mind resides in healthy body c. Do well whatever you do d. Not all men can do all things (xi) How old was Ingmar Bergman when he received a film projector? a. five year old b. seven year old c. twelve year old d. ten year old (xii) In the Essay Freedom , what does the writer say about Marx? a. Marx believed that slavery can only be stopped by law. b. Marx believed that slavery can be stopped by extremity. c. Marx believed that slavery can be stopped by women. d. Marx believed that slavery can be stopped by Capitalism. (xiii) Who was instrumental in teaching Ingmar Bergman film making from scratch? a. Lorens Marmstedt b. Alf Sjoberg c. Carl Anders d. D. H. Lawrence (xiv) According to Milton, the best tribute that future generations has given to Shakespeare is___ a. His readers bodies constitute the permanent space in which Shakespeare peacefully lies. b. His works have won great awards. c. His works had pleased Queen Elizabeth. d. Great monument built in his honour. (xv) What was the profession of Solomon Margolin ? a. Lawyer b. Professor c. Doctor d. Writer (xvi) Where did the author first meet Frau Frieda? a. Vietnam b. Vienna c. Venice d. Vancouver Part B ( 40 Marks) Q6 Attempt any three of the following four questions in 120-150 words 15 marks (5x3) each. (i) Describe an important event in National or International History and how it has changed the world around us. (ii) As a reporter you have visited a number of hospitals in your city. Write a newspaper report entitled City Hospitals , based on the following points: Buildings and infrastructure maintenance of the hospitals quality of services Doctors nursing staff waiting period for treatment emergency facilities other facilities available medical equipment overall opinion. (iii) More money won t necessarily make you happier, but finding meaningful work and a little extra time will . Write a speech in about 120-150 words echoing the quoted thought. (iv) You have been asked to speak on the plight of survivors in war. In the light of the above poem and your own perception, write your speech in about 100 -120 words. Use the following hints: The contradictory attitudes to war -the effects of war - the tragedy of war -loss of lives, resources disillusionment - destruction - death of the young 5 marks Q7. Attempt any one of the following two questions in 120-150 words. (i) Behavioral scientists have spent a lot of time studying what makes us happy. Happiness can predict health and longevity, and happiness scales can be used to measure social progress and the success of public policies. Using the statistics and picture given below write an article in about 150-200 words, discussing ways and means to be happy. *** FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED CANDIDATES IN LIEU OF Q 7A*** (b) Failure and setbacks are part of life. It help us to become aware of our shortcomings and motivate us to improve upon them. Using the cues given below, write an article on Failure is a steppingstone to success. You are Shagufta/Santosh. Success& failure go hand in hand- success brings joy-loss brings sadnesslessons too-bitter lesson motivates hard work- perseverance- many great men- failed first- successful later- because of loss- appreciate winning more (c) The change of modernity in the form of commercialism, consumptionism and industrialism has dented the centuries-old values of respect towards nature and other beings. The Indians are trampling their own approach of Vasudeva Kutumbakam and the long preserved natural beauty through rapid industrialization without sparing any thoughts for sustainable development. Write an article on the environmental roadmap which the Developed and the Developing nations should follow. Q8.Answer any one of the following two questions in 30-40 words. i. (2x1=2) What are the contrasts in "The Wild Swans at Coole" by W.B. Yeats? ii. Why did Dr. Margolin not want to attend the wedding at Brownsville? Q9.Answer any one of the following two questions in 40-50 words each. (i) How can the poem Kubla Khan by Coleridge be read as an illustration of the power of imagination? 3 marks (3x1=3) (ii) What makes Marquez call Neruda a renaissance poet? Q10.Answer any one of the following two questions in 120-150 words each. 5 marks (5x1=5) (i)Bergman talks about the various influences in his life including his parents, contemporaries, friends and his religious upbringing. Discuss in detail. (ii) How does the churning of emotions bring about self-realisation in Prakriti even if at the cost of her mother s life? (Chandalika) Q10.Answer any one of the following questions in 30-40 words 2 marks (2x1) (i) Describe Raja s early days as cave-dweller. (ii) What were the Master s requests to the zoo official before handing over Raja to him? (iii) Explain the meaning of the name Margayya in the novel The Financial Expert . (iv)Describe No 14 D Vinayaka Street. Q12.Answer any one of the following questions in 40-50 words 3 marks (3 x 1) (i) How did Madan contribute to the development of the plot of the novel? (ii) How does the killing of Captain at Raja s hands transform his Raja s life? (iii) Comment on the father-son relationship in the novel The Financial Expert. (iv)Describe briefly Margayya s new found career in the publishing house. Q13 .Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words. (i) "If I find you fighting again, I ll be back to stop it. Take care; you should not need a tiger to keep the peace." How do the above lines align with the novel A Tiger for Malgudi ? (ii) Those who are deeply attached sometimes deliberately present a rough exterior to each other and that is also one way of enjoying the married state. Some wives in this world show their deepest love only by nagging, and the husbands also enjoy putting on air of being victims Keeping the above extract in mind, describe the relationship between Captain and his wife in the novel A Tiger for Malgudi . (iii) Lakshmi Holmstrom in The Novels of R. K. Narayan Calcutta: Writers Workshop Publication, 1973, comments Different abilities and values are opposed and matched until Pal becomes a nightmare to Margayya . Keeping the above statement in mind, trace the evolution of Margayya and Mr. Pal s relationship. 5 marks (5x1) (iv) A man whom the goddess of wealth favours need not worry much. He can buy all the knowledge he requires. He can afford to buy all gifts that Goddess Saraswathi holds in her plam In the light of the above lines,elaborate the relation of the human and divine realms in R.K. Narayan s The Financial Expert. ENGLISH ELECTIVE MARKING SCHEME 2020-2021 CODE NO 001 CLASS XII General Instructions: 1. The answers given below are suggestive. Give credit to the students if they have made a relevant point which may not have been included in the answers listed below. 2. No marks may be deducted for exceeding word limit. 3. Suggested break up of marks has been indicated against each question. Award marks accordingly. Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Part (A) OBJECTIVE Q1. Q2. Q3A On the basis of your reading of the above excerpt, answer the following questions briefly. i. showed no enthusiasm ii. Dream States iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. He felt that the book explained nothing The man with the white face looked anxious. The man s dream was about an alien. It was a dream which wasn t clear He didn t want to talk about his dream Give much importance to the science behind dreams emaciated vivid he stayed silent for some time as if he searched for words. I pretended to read. hold out or put forward c) dreary b) Future Read the poem and answer the questions given below: i. Sadness and pride ii. War iii. III and IV iv. they belch forth death v. I, II, III & IV i. ii. iii. iv. v. Official Records Decreased over the years Old age and shortage of work A slight increase in the number of domesticated Elephants Lowlands of Nepal 12 marks 4 Marks 1x4= 4 1x4= 4 3B 4. 5. ***FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED CANDIDATES*** i. Leo Tolstoy ii. Jay Parini iii. Tolstoy New Secretary iv. Copyright of Tolstoy s works v. Last months of Tolstoy s life i. Ramesh did not accept the job offer without consulting his parents. ii. the memory is too vivid to be forgotten. iii. All we cared for was food and sleep. iv. Sameer asked Ramesh if he could help him with his homework. v. Besides a desktop, he bought a laptop. vi. He promised that he would do that the next day. vii. The bee is the most industrious of all creatures. viii. Will the message be delivered by her? ix. The bathroom is being checked by the bodyguards. x. My father shouted in anger that he was ashamed of my behaviour. xi. No nooks and corners were left unchecked. xii. Their dog is so friendly that it cannot be an effective guard dog. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Ananda A lecture upon the shadow Frau Frieda Buenos Aires Music of the summer Xanadu A musical instrument refers to the time when the poet was young and carefree Nature is kind to its slaves x. xi. xii. xiii. A healthy mind resides in healthy body ten year old Marx believed that slavery can only be stopped by law. Lorens Marmstedt xiv. His readers bodies constitute the permanent space in which Shakespeare peacefully lies. Doctor Vienna xv. xvi. 8 Marks 12 Marks Part B (40 Marks) 6. Attempt any three of the following four questions in 120-150 words each. 15 marks i. Credit to be given to the candidate s creativity in presentation of ideas, appropriate use of language and skills of reasoning. The marks may be divided as Content 2 marks Organisation 1 marks (fluency, coherence, logical flow) Expression 2 marks (vocabulary, originality of ideas, grammatical accuracy) ii. The marks may be divided as Format 1 (heading + name of contributor) Content 2 marks Expression 2 marks (grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, coherence, fluency) iii. Format- 1 (opening address, salutation, conclusion) The marks may be divided as Content 2 marks Expression 2 marks (grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, coherence, fluency) Value Points Materialism root of all evil; Lust for money never brings happiness- people should be satisfied and content importance of fruitful activities &hobbies iv. Format -1 (opening address, salutation, conclusion) The marks may be divided as Content 2 marks Expression 2 marks (grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, coherence, fluency) Value Points War destroys humanity-impediment in country s progressdialogue between countries should be encouraged 7. Attempt any one of the following two questions in 150-200 words. 5 marks i The marks may be divided as Format - 1 mark (heading + name of contributor) Content 5marks Expression 4marks (2 marks for grammatical accuracy, spelling, vocabulary + 2 marks for coherence, relevance, fluency) Value Points Happiness a lost gem now- does not depend totally on genetics- circumstances have a role to play too-activities to pep oneself Value Points (*** for Visually Impaired Candidates***) Success and loss- both good for us- success brings glory-failure brings lessonteaches us to persevere more- examples in history- importance of failure in great men s lifeii The marks may be divided as Format - 1 mark (heading, name of contributor) Content 5marks 8. Expression 4 marks (2 marks for grammatical accuracy, spelling, vocabulary + 2 marks for coherence, relevance, fluency) Value Points sustainable development-countries to come togetherefforts on city level too- focussed approach- waste management preservation of green covers) Answer any one of the following two questions in 30-40 words. Deduct mark for two or more spelling errors. i. 2x1=2Marks W. B. Yeats establishes a number of fundamental contrasts past to present, present to future, bound to free, and staying to leaving ii. He wouldn t get a chance to sleep had to report early to the hospital on Monday Morning he was on a strict fat-free diet- wedding feast of poisons Jewish laws and customs were completely distorted; 9. Answer any one of the following two questions in 40-50 words each. Deduct mark for two or more spelling errors. i Use of diction and imagery transforms poem first stanza introduces setting, concept of pleasure dome, uses imagery of caverns as a metaphor for untapped potential of man s imagination palace of Kubla Khan is vivid imagination transcends the barriers of reality through use of imagination poet discusses issues of war/tyranny and contrast that which exists in paradise. ii. 10. Renaissance Popes were known for being corrupt. A major sign of their being corrupt was that they were gluttons. Neruda too was fond of eating. He took extreme delight in eating, tasting , Observing and discussing food like the French did Answer any one of the following two questions in 120-150 words each. Deduct mark for two or more spelling errors. i. 3x1=3 the strict middle-class home gave him something to sharpen himself against 5x1=5 marks ii 11. they taught him a number of values efficiency, punctuality, a sense of financial responsibility important to the artist-setting oneself severe standards. Torsten Hammaren ofGothenburg- taught him about theatre religious problems are continuously alive. Never stops concerning himself with them does not take place on the emotional level, but on an intellectual one. Prakriti happy at recognition which she receives with sage s action Error of judgement Tries to lure the sage with the help of her mother s spell Ultimately realises that it is a grave sin sage s body no longer is resplendent- Buddha comes to his rescueSpell takes a toll on mother and she dies Answer any one of the following questions in 30-40 words i. ii. iii. iv. 2x1=2marks Recalls it with pleasure and shame- days when he was a cub and under his mother s cub-later became supreme ruler of the jungle requested the zoo official to keep him well- tiger only in appearancewas a sensitive soul who understood life and its problemsMarga meant way- Ayya a honorific suffix denoted one who showed the way 14 D, Vinaayk marg famous landmark- earliest house to be built there-built on the fringe of cremation Answer any one of the two questions in 40-50 words. Deduct mark for two or more spelling errors. Q.12. 3 Marks Content=2 marks, Expression=1 mark (vocabulary, grammatical accuracy) i Madan is a typical representation of his tribe of greedy, unscrupulous, pragmatic film producers. impressed by the tiger's performance in the circus feat, entertains the idea of making a film on the tiger and a giant. behaves obsequiously till he gets the permission from the Captain to use the tiger in his film. he dictates to the Captain- does not bother about the dignity of the tiger doesn t hesitate to ask the Captain to use the electric shock on the tiger responsible for the untoward situation in which the Captain gets killed. OR ii iii the spiritual transformation of Raja takes place Unaware of the spiritual powers of the Yogi, the ferocious tiger tries to resist his influence but later surrenders himself completely and follows him like a disciple. the Master discusses difficult concepts like for God, Karma, etc. with him and gives discourses on the Bhagavad Gita presence of the Master and the discourses on philosophical matters transform the tiger slowly. OR a realistic and detailed picture of the father-son relationship. Margayya and his son Balu share a fraught relationship. From his childhood, Balu was nurtured as a pampered child -only child Balu -a menace to his parents they adore him. Balu due to his father's continuous pressure to finish school ,ran away- receives grave news Falls into bad company- no morals failed in imparting moral values and practical life lessons OR iv Sold the manuscripts of Bed Life by Dr. Pal for whatever cash Margayya has is assured that the book named Domestic Harmony will sell in thousands if the right publisher is found Madan Lal agrees to publish it on a 50-50 partnership book is popular and Margayya hits a fortune. 13. Answer any one of the two questions in 120-160 words. Deduct mark for two or more 5x1=5 spelling errors. marks Content=3 marks, Expression=2 marks (grammatical accuracy, fluency, coherence, vocabulary) i. Raja, the tiger, after coming under the influence of the Master, behaves more humanly than human beings. listens to the Master's discourses on The Bhagavad Gita tries to elevate himself from mundane level to a higher plane of existence Raja symbolises a soul striving for perfection Narayan, seems to suggest that the people of Malgudi need an exemplary personality like Raja, the tiger to emulate and then improve themselves As Master and the tiger leave Malgudi, they come across a rioting mob engaged in bloody strife- they disperse when they see a tiger Forgetting their strife with each other Master says our country also needs a tiger to keep us disciplined OR ii. Captain s relationship with his wife remains tense as both are attracted by their own interests Captain was deeply concerned with the promotion of his circus and its animals the wife was tired of blindly following the wishes of captain in her role of acrobat opposition of taste often resulted in heated arguments between the husband and wife Narayan downplays the petty domestic feuds between husband and wife as a token of their personalized love Same wife after the tragic end of Captain commits suicide as both were unable to live without each other though they complain of their misunderstandings OR iii. main purpose is to create happiness in the world to prevent tragedies relating to ill-matched couples crucial in lifting Margayya s economic status Balu's constant companion- initiated him into immoral activities Dr. Pal is the cause for the ruin of Margayya s son- spreads rumours about him and brings about his decline OR iv. His sacred little ledger- a symbol of Goddess Saraswati transformed Margayya- new devotee of Goddess Laxmi Having lost his original name Krishna, in fact has also lost his own way. Gains material wealth but loses his soul, fails to give moral values to his son Ultimately after losing everything returens to Goddess Saraswati

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