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CBSE Class 12 Sample / Model Paper 2022 : Chemistry - Term I (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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Sample Question Paper 2021-22 Term 1 Subject: Chemistry (043) Time: 90 Minutes Max. Marks: 35 General Instructions: 1. The Question Paper contains three sections. 2. Section A has 25 questions. Attempt any 20 questions. 3. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions. 4. Section C has 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions. 5. All questions carry equal marks. 6. There is no negative marking. SECTION A This section consists of 25multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 20 questions. In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 20 will be considered for evaluation. 1.Which of the following statements is true: (a)Melting point of Phosphorous is less than that of Nitrogen (b)N2 is highly reactive while P4 is inert (c)Nitrogen shows higher tendency of catenation than P (d)N-N is weaker than P-P 2. Which of the following is a non-stoichiometric defect? (a)Frenkel defect (b)Schottky defect (c)metal deficiency defect (d)interstitial defect 3. Identify the law which is stated as: For any solution, the partial vapour pressure of each volatile component in the solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction. (a)Henry s law (b) Raoult s law (c)Dalton s law (d)Gay-Lussac's Law 4. Pink colour of LiCl crystals is due to: (a) Schottky defect (b)Frenkel defect (c) Metal excess defect (d) Metal deficiency defect 5. Which of the following isomer has the highest meltingpoint: (a) 1,2-dicholorbenzene (b) 1,3 -dichlorobenzene (c) 1,4-dicholorbenzene (d) all isomers have same melting points 6. Which one of the following reactions is not explained by the open chain Structureof glucose: (a) Formation of pentaacetate of glucose with acetic anhydride. (b) formation of addition product with 2,4 DNP reagent (c) Silver mirror formation with Tollen s reagent (d) existence of alpha and beta forms of glucose. 7. Williamson s synthesis of preparing dimethyl ether is an: (a) SN1 reaction (b) Elimination reaction (c) SN2 reaction (d) Nucleophilic addition reaction 8. Chlorine water loses its yellow colour on standing because: (a) HCl gas is produced, due to the action of sunlight. (b) a mixture of HOCl and HCl is produced in the presence of light (c) HOCl and hydrogen gas is produced (d) a mixture of HCl and ClO3 is produced, due to the action of sunlight 9. During dehydration of alcohols to alkenes by heating with concentrated H2SO4, the initiation step is: (a) protonation of alcohol molecule (b) formation of carbocation (c) elimination of water (d) formation of an ester 10. Amorphous solids are: (a) isotropic (b)anisotropic (c) isotopic (d) isomeric 11. Which of the following reactions is used to prepare salicylaldehyde? (a) Kolbe s reaction (b) Etard reaction (c) Reimer- Tiemann reaction (d) Stephen s reduction. 12. Which of the following is an example of a solid solution? (a)sea water (b)sugar solution (c)smoke (d)22 carat gold 13. The boiling points of alcohols are higher than those of hydrocarbons of comparable masses due to: (a) Hydrogen bonding ( b) Ion dipole interaction (c) Dipole- dipole interaction (d) Van der Waal s forces. 14. Which of the following has the lowest boiling point: (a)H2O (b)H2S (c)H2Se (d)H2Te 15. Which of the following statement is correct: (a)Fibrous proteins are generally soluble in water (b)Albumin is an example of fibrous proteins (c)In fibrous proteins, the structure is stabilised by hydrogen bonds and disulphide bonds (d)pH does not affect the primary structure of protein. 16. Major product obtained on reaction of 3-Phenyl propene with HBr in presence of organic peroxide (a)3- Phenyl 1- bromopropane (b) 1 Phenyl -3- bromopropane (c) 1-Phenyl -2-bromopropane (d) 3-Phenyl -2- bromopropane 17. Which of the following is a correct statement for C2H5Br? (a) It reacts with metallic Na to give ethane. (b) It gives nitroethane on heating with aqueous solution of AgNO2 (c) It gives C2H5OH on boiling with alcoholic potash. (d) It forms diethylthioether on heating with alcoholic KSH. 18.Covalency of nitrogen is restricted to: (a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)5 19.Solubility of gases in liquids decreases with rise in temperature because dissolution is an: (a)endothermic and reversible process (b)exothermic and reversible process (c)endothermic and irreversible process (d) exothermic and irreversible process 20.All elements of Group 15 show allotropy except: (a)Nitrogen (b)Arsenic (c)Antimony (d)Bismuth 21.Which of the following is a polysaccharide? (a)glucose (b)maltose (c)glycogen (d)lactose 22. Substance having the lowest boiling point: (a)Hydrogen (b)Oxygen (c)Nitrogen (d) Helium 23.Lower molecular mass alcohols are: (a)miscible in limited amount of water (b) miscible in excess of water (c) miscible in water in all proportions (d) immiscible in water 24.Maximum oxidation state exhibited by Chlorine is: (a) +1 (b) +3 (c)+5 (d)+7 25.In which of the following cases blood cells will shrink: (a)when placed in water containing more than 0.9% (mass/ volume) NaCl solution. (b)when placed in water containing less than 0.9% (mass /volume) NaCl solution. (c)when placed in water containing 0.9% (mass/volume) NaCl solution. (d)when placed in distilled water. SECTION B This section consists of 24multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 20 questions. In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 20 will be considered for evaluation. 26. How much ethyl alcohol must be added to 1 litre of water so that the solution will freeze at 14 C ? (Kf for water = 1.86 C/mol) (a) 7.5 mol (b)8.5 mol (c)9.5 mol (d)10.5 mol 27. Which reagents are required for one step conversion of chlorobenzene to toluene? (a) CH3Cl / AlCl3 (b) CH3Cl, Na, Dry ether (c)CH3Cl/Fe dark (d) NaNO2/ HCl /0-50C 28. On partial hydrolysis, XeF6 gives: (a) XeO3 +4HF (b) XeO2F + HF (c) XeOF4+ H2 (d) XeO2F2 + 4HF 29. Which one of the following statement is correct about sucrose : (a) It can reduce tollen s reagent however cannot reduce fehling s reagent (b) It undergoes mutarotation like glucose and fructose (c) It undergoes inversion in the configuration on hydrolysis (d) It is laevorotatory in nature . 30. Phenol does not undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction easily due to: (a) acidic nature of phenol (b) partial double bond character of C-OH bond (c) partial double bond character of C-C bond (d)instability of phenoxide ion 31. Which of the following has highest ionisation enthalpy? (a)Nitrogen (b)Phosphorus (c)Oxygen (d)Sulphur 32. Metal M ions form accp structure. Oxide ions occupy octahedral and tetrahedral voids. What is the formula of the oxide? (a)MO (b)MO2 (c)MO3 (d) M2O3 33. The reaction of toluene with Cl2 in presence of FeCl3 gives X while theof toluene with Cl2in presence of light gives Y . Thus X and Y are: (a) X = benzyl chloride Y = o and p chlorotoluene (b) X = m chlorotoluene Y = p chlorotoluene (c) X = o and p chlorotoluene Y = trichloromethylbenzene (d) X= benzyl chloride, Y = m-chlorotoluene 34.Ozone is a/ an __________ molecule and the two O-O bond lengths in ozone are (i)_______-and (ii) ____________ (a) linear ,110pm ; 148pm (b) angular, 110pm ; 148pm (c)linear, 128pm ; 128pm (d)angular, 128pm ; 128pm 35. Water retention or puffiness due to high salt intake occurs due to: (a)diffusion (b)vapour pressure difference (c) osmosis (d)reverse osmosis 36. In the following reaction,identify A and B: C6H12O6 Acetic anhydride A Conc. nitric acid B (a) A= COOH-(CH2)4 -COOH, B= OHC-(CHOCOCH3)4 -CH2OCOCH3 OHC-(CHOCOCH3)4 -CH2OCOCH3 (b) A= COOH-(CH2)4 -CHO , B= (c) A= OHC-(CHOCOCH3)3-CH2OCOCH3 B= COOH-(CH2)4 -CHO , (d) A= OHC-(CHOCOCH3)4-CH2OCOCH3 B= COOH-(CH2)4 -COOH 37. In lake test for Al3+ ions, there is the formation of coloured floating lake . It is due to: (a)Absorption of litmus by [Al(OH)4](b)Absorption of litmus by Al(OH)3 (c)Adsorption of litmus by [Al(OH)4](d) Adsorption of litmus by Al(OH)3 38. A unit cell of NaCl has 4 formula units. Its edge length is 0.50 nm. Calculate the density if molar mass of NaCl = 58.5 g/mol. (a) 1 g/cm3 (b)2 g/cm3 (c) 3 g/cm3 (d)4g/cm3 39.Which one of the following are correctly arranged on the basis of the property indicated: (a) I2< Br2<F2<Cl2 [ increasing bond dissociation enthalpy] (b) H2O > H2S<H2Te<H2Se [ increasing acidic strength] (c) NH3 < N2O< NH2OH<N2O5 [ increasing oxidation state] (d) BiH3<SbH3<AsH3<PH3<NH3 [ increasing bondangle] 40. What would be the reactantt aand reagent used to obtain 2, 4-dimethyl pentan--3-ol? (a) Propanal and propyl magnesiu sium bromide (b) 3-methylbutanal and 2-methy hyl magnesium iodide (c) 2-dimethylpropanone and meethyl magnesium iodide (d) 2- methylpropanal and isopro ropyl magnesium iodide PAC name) 41. o-hydroxy benzyl alcohol whhen reacted with PCl3 gives the product as (IUPA (a) o- hydroxy benzyl chloride (b) 2- chloromethylphenol ne (c) o-chloromethylchlorobenzene (d) 4-hydroxymethylphenol tements is true: 42. Which of the following statem (a)Ammonia is the weakest reduc ucing agent and the strongest base among Groupp 15 hydrides. (b) Ammonia is the strongest red educing agent as well as the strongest base among ng Group 15 hydrides. (c)Ammonia is the weakest reduc ucing agent as well as the weakest base among Group Gr 15 hydrides. (d) Ammonia is the strongest red educing agent and the weakest base among Group up 15 hydrides. ols from the following set: 43.Identify the secondary alcohol (i)CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3 (ii) (C2H5)3COH (iii) (iv) (a)(i) and (iv) (b)(i) and (iii) (c)(i) and (ii) (d)(i), (iii) and (iv) 44.Alkenes decolourise brominee water in presence of CCl4 due to formation of: (a)allyl bromide (b)vinyl bromide (c)bromoform (d)vicinal dibromide 45. Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) Assertion (A): Electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is less than that of Flourine but greater than Nitrogen. Reason (R): Ionisation enthalpies of the elements follow the order Nitrogen > Oxygen > Fluorine Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c)A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. 46. Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) Assertion (A): Alkyl halides are insoluble in water. Reason (R): Alkyl halides have halogen attached to sp3 hybrid carbon. Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c)A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. 47. Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) Assertion(A): Molarity of a solution changes with temperature. Reason (R): Molarity is a colligative property. Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c)A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. 48. Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) Assertion(A):SO2 is reducing while TeO2 is an oxidising agent. Reason(R):Reducing property of dioxide decreases from SO2 to TeO2. Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c)A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. 49.Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) Assertion (A):Cryoscopic constant depends on nature of solvent. Reason(R ):Cryoscopic constant is a universal constant. Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c)A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. SECTION C This section consists of 6multiple choice questions with an overall choice to attempt any5. In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 5 will be considered for evaluation. 50.Match the following: I II (i)Amino acids (A)protein (ii)Thymine (B)Nucleic acid (iii)Insulin ( C)DNA (iv)phosphodiester linkage (D)Zwitter ion (v) Uracil (a) (b) (c) (d) Which of the following is the best matched options? i-A, v- D, iii- C, iv-B i-D, ii-C, iii- A, iv-B i-D, v- D, iii- A, iv-B i-A, ii- C, iii- D, iv-B 51. Which of the following analogies is correct: (a)Nitrogen: 1s22s22p3 :: Argon:1s22s22p6 (b)Carbon: maximum compounds :: Xenon: no compounds (c) XeF2: Linear :: ClF3: Trigonal planar (d)Helium: meteorological observations:: Argon: metallurgical processes 52. Complete the following analogy: Same molecular formula but different structures: A:: Non superimposable mirror images: B (a) A:Isomers B: Enantiomer (b) A: Enantiomers B: Racemic mixture (c) A: Sterioisomers B: Retention (d) A: IsomersB: Sterioisomers CASE1: Read the passage given below and answer the following questions 53-55 Early crystallographers had trouble solving the structures of inorganic solids using X-ray diffraction because some of the mathematical tools for analyzing the data had not yet been developed. Once a trial structure was proposed, it was relatively easy to calculate the diffraction pattern, but it was difficult to go the other way (from the diffraction pattern to the structure) if nothing was known a priori about the arrangement of atoms in the unit cell. It was important to develop some guidelines for guessing the coordination numbers and bonding geometries of atoms in crystals. The first such rules were proposed by Linus Pauling, who considered how one might pack together oppositely charged spheres of different radii. Pauling proposed from geometric considerations that the quality of the "fit" depended on the radius ratio of the anion and the cation. If the anion is considered as the packing atom in the crystal, then the smaller cation fills interstitial sites ("holes"). Cations will find arrangements in which they can contact the largest number of anions. If the cation can touch all of its nearest neighbour anions then the fit is good. If the cation is too small for a given site, that coordination number will be unstable and it will prefer a lower coordination structure. The table below gives the ranges of cation/anion radius ratios that give the best fit for a given coordination geometry. Coordination number 2 3 4 4 6 8 12 Geometry = rcation/ranion linear triangular tetrahedral square planar octahedral cubic cuboctahedral 0 - 0.155 0.155 - 0.225 0.225 - 0.414 0.414 - 0.732 0.414 - 0.732 0.732 - 1.0 1.0 (Source: Ionic Radii and Radius Ratios. (2021, June 8). Retrieved June 29, 2021, from - Q53. The radius of Ag+ ion is 126pm and of I ion is 216pm. The coordination number of Ag+ ion is: (a)2 (b)3 (c)6 (d)8 Q54. A solid AB has square planar structure. If the radius of cation A+ is 120pm, calculate - the maximum possible value of anion B (a)240 pm (b)270 pm (c)280 pm (d)290 pm Q55.A good fit is considered to be one where the cation can touch: (a) all of its nearest neighbour anions. (b) most of its nearest neighbour anions. (c) some of its nearest neighbour anions. (d) none of its nearest neighbour anions. ___________________________________________________________________________ CHEMISTRY (043) Marking Scheme SECTION A 1.(d)N-N is weaker than P-P other statements as incorrect as Phosphorus has a higher melting point due to bigger size than Nitrogen. Nitrogen is inert due to formation of triple bonds and has a lower covalence due to non - availability of d orbitals 2. (c)metal deficiency defect (anion is missing from lattice site) In Frenkel defect the smaller ion occupies the interstitial sites and Schottky defect equal number of cations and anions are missing. Interstitial defect an atom or molecule occupies intestinal sites so in these three defects the ratio of positive and negative ions (Stoichiometric) of a solid is not disturbed in these three 3. (b) Raoult s law 4. (c) Metal excess defect (formation of F centres) 5. (c) 1,4-dicholorbenzene ( para isomers are more symmetric and ortho and meta ) 6. (d) existence of alpha and beta forms of glucose . 7. (c) SN2 reaction (alkoxide ion reacts with primary alkyl halide in a single step to form ether) 8. (b) a mixture of HOCl and HCl is produced in the presence of sunlight Cl2(g) +H2O (l) HCl (g) +HOCl(aq) 9. (a)protonation of alcohol molecule 10. Amorphous solids are: (a) isotropic (the value of any physical property is same along any direction) 11. (c) Reimer- Tiemann reaction ( Kolbe s reaction is used to prepare salicylic acid, Etard reaction for benzaldehyde, Reimer- Tiemann reaction for salicylaldehyde and Stephen s reduction for aldehyde) 12. (d)22 carat gold (it is an alloy so solid in solid solution) 13. (a) Hydrogen bonding (alcohols form intermolecular hydrogen bonds) 14. (b)H2S (boiling point increases down the group but water forms strong hydrogen bonds so has higher boiling point than H2S) 15. (d)pH does not affect the primary structure of protein (pH effects the tertiary structure) 16. (b) 1 Phenyl -3- bromopropane ((C6H5)CH2CH=CH2 + HBr (organic peroxide) (C6H5)CH2CH2CH2Br anti-Markovnikov addition) 17. (b) It gives nitroethane on heating with aqueous solution of AgNO2 (C2H5Br reacts with metallic Na to give butane , gives ethene on boiling with alcoholic potash. and forms C2H5SH (thiol) on heating with alcoholic KSH) 18. (c)4 (Covalency of nitrogen is restricted to 4 due to non availability of d orbitals) 19. (b)exothermic and reversible process (according to Le -Chatlier principle Solubility of gases in liquids decreases with rise in temperature) 20. (a)Nitrogen (due to small size and high electronegativity N-N is weak) 21.(c)glycogen (It is a polymer of glucose) 22. (d) Helium (He is monoatomic and has low atomic mass) 23.(c) miscible in water in all proportions Lower molecular mass alcohols are able to form hydrogen bonds with water 24.(d)+7 (Cl : 1s22s22p63s23p5) 25.(a)When placed in water containing more than 0.9% (mass/ volume) NaCl solution because fluid inside blood cells is isotonic with 0.9% NaCl solution SECTION B 26. (a) 7.5 mol Tf = Kf m Tf = Kf n2 x 1000 w1 14 = 1.86 x n2 x 1000 1000 n2 = 7.5 mol 27. (b) CH3Cl, Na, Dry ether 28. (d) XeO2F2 + 4HF XeF4 + H2O XeO2F2 + 4HF 29. (c) It undergoes inversion in the configuration on hydrolysis 30. (b) partial double bond character of C-OH bond 31. (a)Nitrogen (High IE of N is because of smallest size in the group and completely half - filled p subshell) 32. (d) M2O3 Metal M ions form ccp structure. Let number of ions of M be : X No. of tetrahedral voids = 2x No. of octahedral voids = x Number of oxide ions will be 1/2 x + (2x) = 3/2 x Formula of oxide = MxO3/2 x = M2O3 33. c) X = o and p chlorotoluene Y = trichloromethylbenzene The reaction of toluene with Cl2 in presence of FeCl3 gives X due to electrophilic substitution reaction taking place at ortho and para positions and reaction in the presence of light gives Y , due to substitution reaction occurring via free radical mechanism . Thus X and Y are X = o and p chlorotoluene Y = trichloromethylbenzene 34. (d)angular, 128pm ; 128pm (Ozone is a resonance hybrid of two equivalent structures) 35. (c) Osmosis 36. d) A= OHC-(CHOCOCH3)4-CH2OCOCH3 B= COOH-(CH2)4 -COOH 37. (d) Adsorption of litmus by Al(OH)3 In lake test for Al3+ ions, there is the formation of coloured floating lake In lake test for Al3+ ions, there is the formation of coloured floating lake due to adsorption 38. (c) 3 g/cm3 Using formula Density = ( Z X m ) (a3 X Na ) D= . 4 x 58.5 . -7 3 23 (0.5x10 ) x 6.023x10 = 3.1 g/cm3 39. (d) BiH3<SbH3<AsH3<PH3<NH3 [ increasing bond angle ] correct order (a) I2 < Br2<F2<Cl2 [ increasing bond dissociation enthalpy]: incorrect order , correct order is Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2. (b) H2O > H2S<H2Te<H2Se [ increasing acidic strength]: incorrect order , correct order is H2O<H2S<H2Se<H2Te (c) NH3 < N2O< NH2OH<N2O5 [ increasing oxidation state ] : incorrect order NH3 (Oxidation state -3) N2O (Oxidation state +1) NH2OH(Oxidation state -1) N2O5 (Oxidation state +5) 40. (d) 2- methylpropanal and isopropyl magnesium iodide 41. (b) 2- chloromethylphenol 42. (a)Ammonia is the weakest reducing agent and the strongest base among Group 15 hydrides. The reducing character of hydrides increases down the group due to decrease in bond dissociation enthalpy. 43 (a)(i) and (iv) (i)CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3 (secondary) (ii) (C2H5)3COH (tertiary) (iii) (iv) Phenol not an alcohol secondary 44. (d)vicinal dibromide CH2=CH2 + Br2 BrCH2 - CH2Br 45. (c) Assertion: Electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is less than that of Flourine but greater than Nitrogen. (correct) Reason: Ionisation enthalpies of the elements follow the order Nitrogen > Oxygen > Fluorine (incorrect) Ionisation enthalpies of the elements follow the order Fluorine >Nitrogen > Oxygen 46. (b) Assertion: Alkyl halides are insoluble in water. (correct) Reason: Alkyl halides have halogen attached to sp3 hybrid carbon. (correct) Alkyl halides are insoluble in water because they are unable to form hydrogen bonds with water or break pre-existing hydrogen bonds. 47. ( c)Assertion: Molarity of a solution changes with temperature. (correct) Reason: Molarity is a colligative property. (incorrect) Molarity is a means to express concentration. It is not a physical property. 48. (a) Assertion: SO2 is reducing while TeO2 is an oxidising agent. (correct) Reason: Reducing property of dioxide decreases from SO2 to TeO2 (correct and reason for Assertion) 49. (c ) Assertion: Cryoscopic constant depends on nature of solvent. (correct) Reason: Cryoscopic constant is a universal constant (incorrect) Cryoscopic constant various with type of solvent SECTION C 50. (b) i-D, ii-C, iii- A, iv-B Amino acids form proteins and exist as zwitter ion , Thymine is a nitrogenous base in DNA, Insulin is a protein , phosphodiester linkage is found in nucleic acids so also in DNA and Uracil is nitrogenous base found in RNA which is a nucleic acid. 51. (d)Helium: meteorological observations :: Argon: metallurgical processes Nitrogen: 1s22s22p3 :: Argon:1s22s22p6 is configuration of Neon not Argon Carbon: maximum compounds :: Xenon: no compounds , Xenon forms compounds XeF2: Linear :: ClF3: Trigonal planar , ClF3 is T shaped not trigonal planar 52. (a) A : Isomers B: Enantiomer Isomers have Same molecular formula but different structure Enantiomers are Non superimposable mirror images Q53. (c)6 The radius of Ag+ ion is 126pm and of I- ion is 216pm. The coordination number of Ag+ ion is: = rcation/ranion = 126/ 216 = 0.58 Radius ratio lies in the range 0.414 0.732, so has coordination number 6 or 4 according to the table. Since none of the options is 4, so the answer is 6 Q54. (d)290 pm Square planar means ratio ratio is between 0.414 0.732 If radius of cation is 120 pm then anion should be in the range = rcation/ranion 0.414 = 120/ x so x = 289.8 = 290 pm 0.732 = 120/ x so x = 163.9 = 164 pm Q55. (a)all of its nearest neighbour anions _______________________________________________________________________

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