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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2017 : ENGLISH ELECTIVE NCERT (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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ENGLISH ELECTIVE NCERT SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2016-17 CODE NO. 001 CLASS-XII Time Allowed: 3 hours General instructions: Marks: 100 1. Question nos. 1-4 are compulsory 2. Attempt either Question 5 or 6 3. Your answer should be to the point. Adhere to the word limit given. Q.1 a) SECTION A READING 20 MARKS Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 1. The most spectacular and in many ways the most fundamental social change that the Gandhian movement effected in India is in respect of the position of women. Undoubtedly, women in ancient India enjoyed a much higher status than their descendents in the 18th and 19th century. From the earliest days, there have been many notable women in India poets, scholars, administrators, social reformers and leaders of various movements. In fact, the 18th century produced women like Ahalyabai Holkar whose administration of Indore state was considered a model for all of India. 2. Today s woman is a highly self directed person, a life to the sense of her dignity and the importance of her functions in the private domestic domain and the public domain of the world of work. It has been brought to light across the globe that no enduring solution of society s most threatening social, economic, environmental and political problems could be found without the participation and empowerment of women. The 1995 World Summit for Social Development had also emphasized the pivotal role of women in eradicating poverty and mending the social fabric. The Constitution of India had conferred on women equal rights and opportunities political, social, educational and of employment. However, oppressive traditions, superstitions, exploitations and stereo typed mind sets keep them away from enjoying the rights and opportunities bestowed on them. One of the major reasons is the lack of literacy and awareness among women. Education is the main instrument through which we can narrow down the prevailing inequality and accelerate the process of economic and political change in the status of women. 3. The role of women in a society is very important. Women s education is the key to a better life in the future. A World Bank study says that educating girls is not a charity; it is good economics. The report also goes on to state that the economic and social returns on investments in education for the girls are substantial and probably greater than those for boys. As the female population forms nearly half of the national population, the poor performance on the front of female literacy considerably affects the human development index of the nation. Society would progress only if the status of women is respected and the presence of an educated woman in the family would ensure education of the family itself. Hence, education and empowerment of women are closely related. 4. Swami Vivekananda rightly said, It is impossible to think about the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is impossible for a bird to fly on only one wing. Women are not born, but made. It would only be apt to analyze the position and space Indian women occupy today, and comparing it to the times sixty years ago when the country had just gained independence. With the women participating in nationalist movements to being pushed into the domestic household space, to their resurgence as the super-woman today, women in our country have seen it all. 5. Women of India have started recognizing their true potential by breaking traditional barriers and earning a respectable position in the society. There is no arena which remains unconquered by them, be political, sport, technology, entertainment or even innovators. The modern Indian woman does not let social constraints to keep her behind, but prioritizes her education, her home and her career before anything else. Today, she is so deft and self sufficient that she can be easily called a super-woman juggling many fronts single handedly. They are proving their metal not only on the home front but also in their respective professions. They are joining universities and colleges in large numbers and entering specialized professional fields like engineering, medicine, space, research and development and the defense forces. 6. Thus, the path towards total gender empowerment may be full of potholes but over the years women have made great strides in many areas with notable progress in reducing the gender gap. Questions:(a) What keeps women away from enjoying the rights and opportunities due to them? (b) How does the education of women contribute to a nation s economics? (c) In what ways can today s Indian women be called super-women ? (d) How has the modern Indian woman been able to bridge the gender gap? (e) Identify words from the passage which mean the following (i) Amazing (para 1) (ii) Hasten (para 2) (iii) Revival (para 4) (f) What does proving their metal phrase mean? (g) In what way is education and empowerment of women closely related? (h) Justify this statement in its contextual terms It is impossible for a bird to fly only on one wing . Q.1 b) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follows: Animal Liberation Human Liberation By Kenneth Cassar The parallel is obvious for those with eyes to see For all feel the same suffering, all the same misery The segregation of priviledged from those considered tools The state miseducation that makes all citizens fools Taught that dogs and cats should be treated well as pets While in the cold laboratories same animals meet their deaths With painful experimentation for more products to consume A cheap way to make profits sends animals to their doom 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Consider factory farms with the animals crammed inside With no access to daylight, from human eyes they hide No real animal welfare, this would increase the costs They re treated as a commodity, as just profit or loss Consider circus animals or animals in the zoo Slaves for your entertainment, suffer just to please you In solitude they stay in their prison cage for months With violence they are trained to perform unnatural stunts Consider the tradition of killing just for fun Where birds are shot out of the sky for the pleasure of one A dead corpse in a showcase for one to see and boast No matter pointless killing is murder to the most Violence to animals leads to violence to human beings A culture of death does not have eyes for seeing An all inclusive world makes it better for every being Animal liberation leads to human freeing 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the atrocities from which animals need to be liberated from Explain the plight of animals in the circus and the zoo. In what ways are animals are treated as commodities. What parallel is drawn by the poet between animal liberation and human liberation ? 5. Explain the phrase send animals to their doom . Q. 2 a) Q. 2 b) Q. 2 c) Q. 3 SECTION - B CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS 30 MARKS Recent incidences around the world and in our country have divided people on many fronts. As a community and a nation, we must know that unity is our strength and we should not indulge in or tolerate anyone that harms our peaceful coexistence. In approximately 150-200 words, write an essay reflecting your ideas on the topic Empathy knows no boundaries of age or race. The world is dealing with an unprecedented spike in illegal wildlife trade and poaching, threatening to overturn decades of conservation gain. Recently, in one of the largest seizures of illegal ivory, 23 metric tons (representing 2500 elephants) of ivory was confiscated by authorities. On the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5, draft a speech in approximately 80-100 words expressing your concern for the school assembly on the topic, Inculcating Zero Tolerance for Illegal Wildlife Trade. Draft a debate in 80-100 words on the topic Possession of material commodities makes human beings happy. Put forth your views and opinions either FOR or AGAINST the motion. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and after it in the space provided. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. Hydrating drinks one refresh and (a) 2 2 2 1 1 10 5 5 10 x 1= 10 rejuvenate the hot summers. Coconut water is one healthy drink which our body with various Q. 4 a) (b) (c) (d) nutrients. It particularly (e) good rehydrating the body and restoring (f) . it its essential fluids. Besides, it (g) . helps blood pressure, curb digestion (h) . problems and in weight as well (i) because of its low content. (j) SECTION C Literature Texts (30 Marks) Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow 1. To me thou, falsely thine; And I to thee mine actions shall disguise. The morning shadowes were away, But these grow longer all the day, But oh, loves day is short, if love decay. Love is a growing, or full constant light; And his first minute, after no one, is night. a. The imagery of shadows has been ideated by the poet to convey his message. Discuss. b. What stage of love has been represented in these lines and what are the characteristic features of it? 2 2 2. When Tao Ying rides on the bus alone, quite often she does not bother to buy a ticket. Why should she? Without her, the bus would still be stopping at every stop, a driver and a conductor would still have to be employed, and the same amount of petrol used. Clearly Tao Ying has to be astute. When the bus conductor look like the responsible type, she would buy a ticket as soon as she got on board. But if he appeared to be casual and careless, she would not dream of paying, considering it a small punishment for him and a little saving for herself.? Q. 4 b) a. Why is Tao Ying undecided about buying a ticket when she rode a bus that day? What logic does she present? b. How does the first sentence of this extract connect with the theme of the story? Answer any two of the following questions in about 120-150 words each. Q. 4 c) 1. Tomorrow by Joseph Conrad is a story of deluded hopes and dramatic irony. Elucidate. 2. How does Yeats portray the beauty of Autumn? 3. Elaborate on the theme of Broken Images , that it is a study of the exploration of the crisis of identity. Answer any two of the following questions in about 80-100 words. 1. According to Lawrence, what is the limitation of the parson, the philosopher, the scientist, and the poet? What effect in the reader does the novelist 2 2 6 + 6 = 12 5 x 2= 10 Q.5 a) Q.5 b) Q.6 a) Q.6 b) generate that none of them can? Do you think he is correct? Why or why not? 2. How has the symbol of the Raven been incorporated by William Blake in the theme of the poem? 3. What misgivings does Bergman have about the contemporary film industry? 4. By weaving the theme of human injustice of distinctions, how does Rabindranath Tagore highlight the social reality of the times? FICTION-20 Marks Note : Attempt either question 5 or 6 Answer the following questions in about 80-100 words. 5x2=10 1. The second phase of Raja s life is filled with negativity. Comment. 2. Write a brief note on the unpleasant turn that forces Raja to leave the circus. Answer any one of the following questions in 150-200 words. 10x1=10 1. What is R.K. Narayan s aim in creating the character of Raja? 2. I was still a prisoner is Raja s feeling inspite of being well looked after by the Captain. Discuss. Answer the following questions in about 80-100 words. 5x2=10 1. Briefly describe the role played by Mr. Pal in Margayya s social and filial downfall. 2. Bring out the irony in the title The Financial Expert. Answer any one of the following questions in about 150-200 words. 10x1=10 1. Which incident made it impossible for Margayya to resume his old career? 2. What were Margayya s immediate concerns which needed to be addressed if and when he fell into money? ENGLISH ELECTIVE NCERT MARKING SCHEME 2016-17 CODE NO 001 CLASS XII General Instructions: 1. The answers given below are suggestive. Give credit to the students if they have made a relevant point which may not have been included in the answers listed below. 2. No marks may be deducted for exceeding word limit. 3. Suggested break up of marks has been indicated against each question. Award marks accordingly. 4. In the Writing Section the 10 marks may be divided as follows: Content: 5 marks Organisation : 2 marks ( This includes fluency, relevant style ,coherence and logical flow of ideas) Expression: 2 marks (this includes grammatical, accuracy, punctuation, spellings, range of vocabulary, originality of ideas and expression) Q.1. a) Q.1. b) 2 a) 2 b) SECTION A READING 20 MARKS (a) Oppressive traditions / superstitions / exploitation / stereotype mind sets / lack of literacy and awareness (b) Substantial returns / social returns / human development index / education of family (c) Breaking traditional barriers / self sufficient / juggling many fronts / entering specialized professional fields (d) Education / joining universities and colleges / breaking traditional barriers (e) (i) spectacular (ii) accelerate (iii) resurgence (f) Showcasing their abilities, potential, talents, energy (g) Female literacy affects human development index / presence of educated woman in family (h) Society cannot progress without women not participating in national movements. (1) Segregation / painful experiments / deaths in laboratories / entertainment slaves / killing (2) Slaves for entertainment / suffer for man s pleasure / isolated in crammed cages / suffer violence from trainers / forced to perform unnatural stunts (3) Sold for profit or loss / no care for welfare / crammed in factory farms / no access to day light (4) Suffer the same misery / world should be inclusive for both (5) Force animals to reach death and destructions SECTION B CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS 30 MARKS the marks may divided as Content 6 marks Organisation 2 marks (fluency, coherence, logical flow) Expression 2 marks (vocabulary, originality of ideas, grammatical accuracy) the marks may divided as 12 8 10 5x2=10 Q. 3 Content 3 marks Organisation 1 mark (fluency, coherence, logical flow) Expression 1 mark (vocabulary, originality of ideas, grammatical accuracy) (a) drinks help one (b) rejuvenate during the (c) one such healthy (d) which aids our (e) it is particularly (f) good for rehydrating (g) it with its (h) helps control blood (i) in losing weight (j) low fat content 10x1=10 Objectives: To test comprehension, interpretation, appreciation, expression 4x2=8 SECTION C Literature Texts 30 MARKS Q.4a. Any two (content 1 mark, Expression 1 mark) Total marks: 4+4=8 marks 1 (a). Just as in the morning when everything is fresh and new, the beginning of a relationship is also new and faultless but shadows go longer with passage of time but love is fleeting as the noon also last only for a fleeting moment. 1 (b). The absolute stage of love which exists forever, faults are accepted openly without hesitation. 2 (a) Careful about spending money feels that not paying will not stop anything from happening people will still be employed bus would still be stopping at every stop and petrol will still be used. Q.4b. 2 (b) Ambivalent attitude of people to society contrast between what we really are and what we wish to appear to be to others feels that official rules can be bypassed Attempt any two. Marks distribution : Content (4) + Expression (2) 1. Apparently doting father terms out to be a fraud and tyrant eagerly awaited son actually wants nothing to do with him Hagberd has built up self enclosed system of belief about his son prepared a home coming which is a myth which sustains Hagberd himself Harry borrows money from Bessi who will ironically be the benefactor if Hagberd disinherits his son. 2. Solemn serenity of the autumn season reflects on the scene after 19 years when he is in the autumn of his life beautiful image of trees along 6 + 6 = 12 woodland paths in the autumn season observes lake in autumn twilight which mirrors the sky and the swimming swans Q.4c. Q.4d. Q 5a 3. Search for identity in technology driven society hollowness of media conflict between outer mask and inner truth that emerges in the tussle between two sisters Manjula s final emotional collapse Distribution of marks Content (3 marks) + Expression (2 marks) 5x1=5 1. The characters do nothing but live follow a pattern, being good or bad they cannot help in any supreme manner because they cannot change or continuously move in a mental or physical way they live their life as if in a story the novelist can generate an understanding of life, feeling, concepts, ideas and beliefs what are the requirements to be alive in body, mind and soul, to understand complex essence of life Students interpretation in either option may be accepted. 2. Raven symbolizes death the tree is associated with deceit and its branches harbor the Raven strong Biblical imaginary poet produces powerful image of oppression and death growing in the human mind. 3. Contemporary film industry takes advantage of human weakness can sway audience to high emotional levels over technicality rides over imagination and feeling atmosphere in studio factory like the need to always create reaction among audience at the cost of creativity failure, criticism, public indifference is more harmful. Distribution of marks 5 Content (3 marks) + Expression (2 marks) Disparity between upper and lower caste Chandal girl treated as nonentity discrimination of caste and creed social conflicts untouchability and inhuman treatment towards lower caste people. FICTION 20 MARKS NOTE: Attempt either question 5 or 6: 1. Mate and cubs killed by hunters over powered by blind anger wants to 5x2=10 pounce and destroy every creature kills defenceless sheep but later fills guilty finds out that preying on domestic animals is easier than hunting in the wild. (Content 3, Expression 2) 2. As a circus animal is kept well by the captain but still feels a prisoner and helpless when pushed too far kills the captain and rediscovers his original nature is forced to be a part of the film. (Content 3, Expression 2) Q 5b 1. Explore man s delusion that he is all important all other creatures exist 10x1=10 for his sport, comfort and amusement man portrayed as selfish and insensitive, unaware of his role in the scheme of themes exposes man s ignorance, pride and arrogance (Content 6, Expression 4) 2. Feels helpless about what captain inflicts on him feels that one can t Q 6a Q 6b drive from the tiger in his basic nature his wildness and ferocity are essential traits that are subjugated. (Content 6, Expression 4) 1. Offers him the ownership of a pornographic manuscript cause of ruin for 5x2=10 him and his son physical assault on him, doctor Pal angry instigates people of Malgudi bribes priest to get suitable horoscope for Balu creates rifts between father and son diverts Balu in wrong and immoral path (Content 3, Expression 2) 2. Expert money lender in the initial phase of his career made a modest living lacks insight and fails to retain his financial position doesn t realize monitory basics becomes rich but lacks the knack of investing wealth though careful, fails to control and check doctor Pal s dishonesty ironical that it is his financial inexpertise that leads to his downfall. (Content 3, Expression 2) 1. Balu his spoilt and only child throws account books into gutter in a fit of 10x1=10 anger all transaction entries with clients destroyed (Content 6, Expression 4) 2. Foreign studies for his only son possible marriage with judge s daughter breed a generation of aristocrat in the family. (Content 6, Expression 4)

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