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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2017 : GEOGRAPHY (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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GEOGRAPHY (029) SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER CLASS XII (2016-17) Time: 3 Hours MM: 70 General Instruction: There are 22 general questions. Questions No. 1 7 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 40 words. Questions No. 8 13 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 80 100 words. Questions No. 14 20 are long-answer questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 150 words. Questions No. 21 22 are related to identification or locating and labelling of geographical features on maps, carrying 5 marks each. Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within your answer-book. Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed. All questions are compulsory. S.NO. QUESTIONS 1 How is density of population of a region calculated? 2 How has India emerged as a leading country in medical tourism? 3 Maharashtra has emerged as the leading sugar producer in India. Give two 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 reasons. Who are called red collar workers? Mention any two characteristics of sub-urbanisation. Which port is situated on the mouth of Zuari estuary? Name any two areas of high latitudes where hunting and food gathering is practiced. The knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop technology . Support this statement by giving three examples. Urban waste disposal in major metropolitan cities of India has become a major cause of concern in recent years. How can we overcome this problem? Explain any three characteristics of clustered rural settlements of India. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions: MARKS 1 1 + =1 1 + =1 1 + =1 3x1=3 3 3x1=3 1+1+1=3 a) Identify the iron and steel plant shown in the map. b) Name any two raw materials used in this plant and their sources. c) How does the iron and steel plants form a base for industrial development? 12 American slave auction advertised slaves for sale or temporary hire by their owners. Buyers often paid as much as $2,000 for a skilled, healthy slave. Such auctions often separated family members from one another, many of whom never saw their loved ones again. 1 + 1 =3 Read the above paragraph and answer the following: a. Slavery was a curse Justify the statement in your opinion. 13 b. What kind of values are needed to bring slavery to an end? Study the diagram given below and answer the questions: 1 + 1 =3 14 15 16 17 18 19 a)Why is the agriculture sector using 89% of surface water and 92% of underground water? b) Usages of which two sectors are likely to increase more in future? Name any five types of rural settlement patterns developed in different parts of the world. Write their typical features. What are the problems faced by the Indian agriculture system? Suggest some ways to overcome them. What is meant by human development? What are its different approaches? Explain. What is the impact of rural-urban migration on the age and sex structure of the place of origin and destination? Discuss the consequences of international migration in India. What is the basic function of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)? What benefits do nations get by forming trading blocs? Study the diagram given below and answer the questions: Mention the measures proposed to promote sustainable development in the Command area of Indira Gandhi Canal irrigation project which are meant 5 3+2=5 5 5 5 5 20 21 22 to restore ecological balance. Indian railways brought people of diverse cultures together . Support this statement with suitable examples. In the given political outline map of the world, the following four features are shown. Identify these features and write their correct names on the lines marked near each feature. A: Area of nomadic herding B: A sea port C: A mega city D: An international airport E: An area of high density On the outline political map of India provided to you, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols : (i) A dam in Gujarat. (ii) A state with highest sex ratio. (iii) A state where Telugu is mainly spoken. (iv) A state with lowest HDI rank (v) A lignite coalmine in Tamil Nadu 5x1=5 5 5 GEOGRAPHY (029) Marking Scheme CLASS XII (2016-17) Time: 3 Hours MM: 70 S.NO. QUESTIONS 1 Density of population is the ratio between the number of people to the 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 size of land OR Density of Population = Population/Area a) World class medical facilities in hospitals of metropolitan cities b) Providing variety of medical treatment at lower cost. Maharashtra has emerged as the leading sugar producer in India because: a) Tropical climate and long crushing season b) Large scale sugar cane cultivation People engaged in primary activities are called Red Collar Workers. Characteristics of sub-urbanization (i) People move away from congested urban areas to cleaner areas outside the city. (ii) Everyday thousands of people commute from their homes in the suburbs to their workplaces in the city. Marmagao. Two areas of high latitudes where hunting and food gathering is practiced are: a) Scandinavian countries b) Siberian areas Knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop technology(i) Understanding of concepts of friction and heat helped us discover fire. (ii) Understanding of the secrets of DNA and genetics enabled us to conquer many diseases. (iii) The laws of aerodynamics are used to develop faster planes. (iv)Any other relevant point. (Any three points to be explained) Urban waste disposal is a serious problem in India. (i) In metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, etc., about 90 per cent of the solid waste is collected and disposed. (ii) In most of other cities and towns in the country, about 30 to 50 per cent of the waste generated are left uncollected which accumulate on streets, in open spaces between houses and in wastelands leading to serious health hazards. (iii) These wastes should be treated as resource and utilized for generating energy and compost. Untreated wastes ferment slowly and release toxic biogas to the atmosphere, including methane. Characteristics of clustered rural settlements of India (i) The Clustered rural settlement is a compact or closely built up area of houses. MARKS 1 1 + =1 1 + =1 1 + =1 3x1=3 3 3x1=3 11 12 13 14 15 (ii) In this type of village the general living area is distinct and separated from the surrounding farms, barns and pastures. (iii) The closely built-up area and its intervening streets present some recognizable pattern of geometric shape such as rectangular, radial, linear etc. (iv) Such settlements are generally found in fertile alluvial plains and in the north eastern states. (v) Sometimes, people live in compact village for security or defense reasons. (vi) In Rajasthan scarcity of water has necessitated compact settlement for maximum utilization of available water resources. (vii) Any other relevant point. (Any three points to be explained) 1+1+1=3 Study the diagram given below and answer the questions: a) Bhilai Steel Plant b) The iron ore comes from Dalli-Rajhara mine, coal comes from Korba and Kargali coal fields. c) All sectors of the Indian industry depends heavily on the iron and steel industry for their basic infrastructure Value hidden: 1. Slave trade is a bad practice. 2. Respect human and fellow citizens equally 3. Right to equality a) Due to irregularity of Indian Monsoon, India depends on both surface and underground water resources. b) Domestic and Industrial sector. Rural Settlement types on the basis of forms and shapes a) Linear pattern b) Rectangular pattern c) Circular pattern d) Star-like pattern e) T-shaped, Y-shaped or Cross-shaped pattern f) Double village pattern (Explain any five points and draw a suitable diagram) (i) Dependence on Erratic Monsoon 1 + 1 =3 1 + 1 =3 5 3+2=5 (ii) Small Farm Size and Fragmentation of Landholdings (iii) Low productivity (iv) Constraints of Financial Resources and Indebtedness 16 17 18 Human development is a process of enlarging the range of people s 5 choices, increasing their opportunities for education, health care, income and empowerment and covering the full range of human choices from a sound physical environment to economic, social and political freedom. Approaches are: Basic Needs Approach Income Approach Welfare Approach Capability Approach (Explain each) Demographic Consequences 5 High out migration from Uttaranchal, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Eastern Maharashtra have brought serious imbalances in age and sex composition in these states. Similar imbalances are also brought in the recipient states. Consequences of International Migration Remittances from the international migrants are one of the major sources of foreign exchange. In 2002, India received US$ 11 billion as remittances from international migrants. Migrants act as agents of social change. The new ideas related to new technologies, family planning, girl s education, etc. get diffused from urban to rural areas through them. Migration leads to intermixing of people from diverse cultures. World Trade Organisation 5 In1948, to liberalise the world from high customs tariffs and various other types of restrictions, General Agreement for Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was formed by some countries. In 1994, it was decided by the member countries to set up a permanent institution for looking after the promotion of free and fair trade amongst nation and the GATT was transformed into the World Trade Organisation from 1st January 1995. WTO is the only international organisation dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. It sets the rules for the global trading system and resolves disputes between its member nations. WTO also covers trade in services, such as telecommunication and banking, and others issues such as intellectual rights. Benefits of forming trading blocs Regional Trade Blocs have come up in order to encourage trade between countries with geographical proximity, similarity and complementarities in trading items and to curb restrictions on trade of the developing world. 19 20 21 Today, 120 regional trade blocs generate 52 per cent of the world trade. These trading blocs developed as a response to the failure of the global organisations to speed up intra-regional trade. 5 (i) The first requirement is strict implementation of water management policy. The canal project envisages protective irrigation in Stage-I and extensive irrigation of crops and pasture development in Stage-II. (ii) In general, the cropping pattern shall not include water intensive crops. It shall be adhered to and people shall be encouraged to grow plantation crops such as citrus fruits. (iii) The CAD programmes such as lining of water courses, land development and levelling and warabandi system (equal distribution of canal water in the command area of outlet) shall be effectively implemented to reduce the conveyance loss of water. (iv) The areas affected by water logging and soil salinity shall be reclaimed. (v) The eco-development through afforestation, shelterbelt plantation and pasture development is necessary particularly in the fragile environment of Stage-II. (vi) The social sustainability in the region can be achieved only if the land allottees having poor economic background are provided adequate financial and institutional support for cultivation of land. (vii) The economic sustainability in the region cannot be attained only through development of agriculture and animal husbandry. The agricultural and allied activities have to develop along with other sectors of economy. This shall lead to diversification of economic base and establishment of functional linkages between basic villages, agro-service centres and market centres. 5x1=5 Indian Railways brought people of diverse cultures together (i) Indian Railway was introduced in 1853. (ii) Indian Railways network is more than 64,000 kms. (iii) It connects people of different regions through its sixteen (16) zones. (iv) Mahatma Gandhi said Indian Railways brought people of diverse cultures together to contribute to India s freedom struggle . (v) People from different languages with different customs and food habits could connect with each other using Indian Railways. (vi)Any other relevant point. (Any five points to be explained with suitable examples) In the given political outline map of the world, the following four features are shown. Identify these features and write their correct names on the lines marked near each feature. A: Area of nomadic herding- Sahara Africa B: A sea port- Vancouver C: A mega city- Tokyo D: An international airport- Mumbai E: An area of high density- North-East USA 22 On the outline political map of India provided to you, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols : (i) A dam in Gujarat- Sardar Sarovar Dam on Narmada river (ii) A state with highest sex ratio- Kerala (iii) A state where Telugu is mainly spoken- Andhra Pradesh (iv) A state with lowest HDI rank- Odisha (v) A lignite coalmine in Tamil Nadu- Neyveli 5

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