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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2017 : NCC (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2016-17 CLASS XII NATIONAL CADET CORPS Max marks : 49 marks Common Syllabus + 21 marks Special Subject Duration: 3 hours COMMON SYLLABUS Q. no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Question What is Sajna (dressing)in drill with arms? What is radio-active waste? What is the ill-effect of high sulphur di oxide content in air on our health? Write any 2 Directive Principles of State Policy What is the need of etiquettes in a society? (Any 2) After a series of events, including the Jallianwala Bagh, it was realized that there was no prospect of getting fair treatment at the hands of British , so it was planned to withdraw the nation s cooperation from the British government . a) Identify the movement. b) Under whose leadership this movement was started? c) What was the outcome of this movement? What are the 3 fundamentals of side pace? Weapon training is a very important component of NCC program. Explain giving 3 relevant points. Explain the role of NCC carcass disposal groups at the time of any natural or manmade calamity. State the laws of aiming. Apart from boiling & filtration explain any 4 ways of water purification. From 962 for every 1000 boys in the year 1981 , the sex ratio has decreased to an all time low of only 914 girls for 1000 boys in 2011. a) Identify & explain the cause of dropping sex- ratio in the given period. b) Explain any three effects of the given situation What is self- awareness ? Explain any 5 dimensions of self- awareness. Unit Marks 2 9 9 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 5 3 3 7 6 4 4 4 2 6 14. 15. What procedure is followed by the Guard Mounting NCO with regard to 4 the inspection of the Guard? State the objective of obstacle training for an NCC Cadet. Enlist the 8 safety measures to be followed during this course. What are the benefits of obstacle training course for a cadet? 6 6 Special Subjects A. Army 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Question Unit What is a contour? 2 What is a modem? 6 Write about any two methods used in finding north? 2 Write about any two uses of service protector? 2 Mention about any four facilities that videophone provide? 6 Write about any three characteristics of Infantry. 1 With regard to 5.56MM INSAS rifle provide the following 4 information: (i) Length of rifle with bayonet. (ii) Effective range (iii) Muzzle velocity (iv) Principal of operation (v) Mode of fire (vi) Normal rate of fire Why is the study of military history is a must for political & military 5 commanders? (Any three points) What are the factors that help in the recognition of an object?(Any 3 four) Marks 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 Question Unit How do we judge the correctness of the Sailing models? 8 Why is the knowledge of swimming necessary for a naval cadet? 9 Mention the parts of sail. 5 Explain the following terms: 6 (a) Reaching (b) Sailing free Write about any two types of fire fighting extinguishers used in 7 navy. Explain the system of watches on a naval ship. 1 What is the role of submarines? 2 What is a prosing? Mention any 4 prosigns which are used in 3 Semaphore? Marks 1 1 2 2 3 4 B. Navy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 3 3 3 9 (a) What is the full form of RADAR? Mention about any two types 4,8 of radars used in navy. (b) Mention any 4 fittings we generally find in a ship. 4 C. Air Force 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Question Who were known as Hawai Sepoys? Name the President who proclaimed a national emergency under Article 353 of the Indian Constitution in 1971? What are the special features of Light Combat Aircraft(LCA) What is the purpose of Air Traffic Control Services?(Any 2) How many types of aero engines are in use? Explain any one of them. Define the following: (a) Chord length (b) Drag (c) Angle of incidence What are the three basic elements required in a map? Explain What safety code will be followed by a cadet with regard to Radio control? (a) What is unique about Ionosphere? (b) What is a fuselage? (c) What is a radar? Write about any two basic parts of a radar. Unit 1 2 Marks 1 1 3 5 8 2 2 2 4 3 6 11 3 3 7,9,10 4 SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2016-17 CLASS XII NATIONAL CADET CORPS MARKING SCHEME Expected answer 1. In dressing, the front rank raises the left arm instead of the right arm and the rifle is again raised to the position of short trail when moving 2. Radioactive Waste: These are wastes that contain radioactive material. Radioactive wastes are usually the by-products of nuclear power generation and other applications of nuclear fission or nuclear technology, such as research and medicine. 3. Deterioration of health in the form of nausea, headache, loss of appetite and irritation due to high sulphur dioxide content in air. 4. There are 16 articles of the constitution from 36-51, that deal with the Directive Principles of State Policy. Important ones out of these are as follows:- (a) To ensure and protect a social order which stands for the welfare of the people. (b) Separation of judiciary from the executive. (c) Protection of national monuments. (d) Protection and improvement in environment, forests and wild life. (e) Organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines. (f) Improvement of public health. (g) Prohibition of intoxicants drinks and drugs. (h) Promotion of educational and economic interests of weaker sections of society. (j) To have a uniform code of law, irrespective of caste, creed, colour or religion. (k) Participation of workers and labourers in the labour law. (l) Promotion of cottage industries. (m) Provision of maternity leave. (n) Education for all. (o) Equal justice for all. (p) Equal pay for equal work applicable for men and women. (q) Adequate means of livelihood for all citizens.(Any 2) 5. Need for Etiquette: a) Etiquette makes you a cultured individual, who leaves his/her mark wherever he goes. b) Etiquette teaches you the way to talk, walk and most importantly, behave in society. c) Etiquette is essential for an everlasting first impression. The way you interact with your superiors, parents, fellow workers, friends speak a lot about your personality and up- bringing. d) Etiquette enables the individuals to earn respect and appreciation in the society. No one would feel like talking to a person who does not know how to speak or behave in the society. Etiquette inculcates a feeling of trust and loyalty in the individuals. One becomes more responsible and mature. Etiquette helps individuals to value relationships.(Any 2) 6. a) The Non-Cooperation Movement. b) The Non-Cooperation Movement was started under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. c) This movement was a success as it gave great encouragement to millions of Marks/ 1/P no.25 1/ P no 202 1/ P no 209 2/ P no 10 &11 2/ P no 102 3/ P no 6 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Indians. This movement almost shook the British authorities The fundamentals are:i) Left foot shot forward or rear up to the required distance. ii) ii) If more than one pace, normal marching is adopted, stepping a full pace of 30 inches. iii) iii) Maximum number of paces ordered to step forward or rear will be three. The fine art of shooting, teaches a person (a) precision, accuracy, co-ordination of body movements, (b)patience and confidence which all help to make him a better man in the public life. (c) The shooting at the ranges helps an individual to master this as a sport and also to learn handling of a weapon for self-protection. Carcass Disposal Groups: Rotting and undisputed carcasses create unhygienic conditions and have to be disposed off immediately. Their disposal becomes an extremely important task. The members of this group have to be psychologically and physically able to carry out this task and should have been medically protected. They will be imparted appropriate training for carrying out this task. If possible the Civil Defence Volunteers, members from the NSS\boys Scouts can be included in this group. These groups are: i) Command and Control: The overall command and control of the operation rests with the Group Commander. The Group Commander constantly provides feedback to the ADG / DDG who will be monitoring this from the directorate. Group Commander has to nominate a unit to coordinate the operation with one or more flood/cyclone control liaison officers. Telephonic communication will be severely affected in the event of floods. Therefore it is imperative that alternate source of communications are identified and included in the operation. ii) Honours and Incentives: Undertaking tasks in the event of the natural /other calamities is voluntary and organisation driven. It is a ser i e perfor edoutside all of o e s dut a d therefore, it requires due recognition. It is encouraging and stimulating to the NCC volunteers to be recognised by the media during their dedicated work. Therefore, the liaison officer must be in constant liaison with the local and national press and electronic media and to ensure wide coverage. The laws of aiming are: (a) Focusing on the target so that a clear picture is formed on the retina of the eye and getting true centre of the target. Then with the eye, focus to the foresight. (b) Holding the rifle properly and keeping it upright. (c) Close the left eye and focus the foresight. d See the foresight through the la k sight U . The foresight is see right in the centre of the U. The tip of the foresight must be aligned in the centre and in level with the shoulder of the U. (i) Clarification: This is the removal of suspended matter through filtration, by 3/ P no 21 3/ P no 42 3/ P no 125 &126 4/ P no 48 4/ P no 158 12. 13. passing it though filter beds of gravel and sand or through properly sterilized filters. (ii) Sterilization: This is done by using chlorine gas or bleaching powder. (iii) Pinking: During cholera epidemic potassium permanganate is mostly used for pinking of wells. (iv) Precipitation: This is done by adding alum or some similar chemical to water, which makes all impurities accumulate at the bottom and leaves pure water. The purified water is then passed through a filter. a)Female Foeticide 4/ P no 141&142 Female foeticide is the selective abortion / elimination of the girl in the o , do e deli eratel the other, after the dete tio of the hild s gender through medical means. This is usually done under family pressure from the husband or the in-la s or e e the o a s pare ts. b) Effects: (a) Skewed sex ratio: In India, the number of girls per 1000 boys is declining with each passing decade. From 962 for every 1000 boys in the year 1981, the sex ratio has plummeted to an all-time low of only 914 girls for 1000 boys in 2011. (b) Female trafficking: The steep decline in the number of girls makes them scarce for the number of males eligible for marriage. As a solution to this issue, illegal trafficking of women has become commonplace in many regions. Wo e , ofte ou g girls ho e just rossed the threshold of pu ert , are compelled to marry for a price fixed by the groom-to be. (c) Increase in rape and assault: Once women become an endangered species, it is only a matter of time before the instances of rape, assault and violence become widespread. The legal system may offer protection, but as is the situation today, many cases might not even surface for fear of isolation and hu iliatio o the girl s part. (d) Population decline: With no mothers or wombs to bear a child (male or fe ale , there ould e fe er irths, leadi g to a de li e i the ou tr s overall population.(Any 3) Self-a are ess is a perso al u dersta di g of the er ore of o e s o 6/ P no 66 & identity. Self-awareness includes our recognition of ourselves, our character, strengths, weaknesses, desires and dislikes. Dimensions of Self Awareness a) Self realization: Self-realization in the ultimate of self-awareness. It occurs he o e u dersta ds o e s self a d the reaso for o e s e iste e i the world. b) Self-knowledge or self-exploration: This is a process through which we undo or explore ourselves. This exploration, understanding and knowledge are regarding three areas:- (i) Physical self- knowledge about our own body; (ii) Social self knowledge about how we relate and interact with society; whether we are social, extroverts or introverts; helping nature; empathetic, etc. (iii) Inner self knowledge about our goals, dreams, aspirations, secrets, fears, etc. c) Self-Esteem: Self-esteem or self- orth i ludes a perso s su je ti e appraisal of himself or herself as intrinsically positive or negative to some degree. Developing high self- esteem would improve our self-confidence, the 14. way we look at ourselves, what we can do for ourselves, our well-being, our relationships and our happiness. d) Self-confidence: Self-confidence builds on self-esteem and this is possible o l he o e is o pletel a are a out o e s a ilities a d li its. Su ess, appre iatio , are, lo e et ., are fa tors that oost o e s self-confidence. e) Self-talk: There are automatic thoughts that can be positive or negative. There are endless talks and conversations that run through our minds throughout the day. Some of our self- talk comes from logic and reason. Other self-talk may arise from misconceptions that we create because of the lack of information. Self-talk is an important strategy for raisi g o es selfconfidence, only if one practises positive thinking. f) Self-Motivation: Self-motivation is what makes an individual work towards a goal or target, not for external reasons but because of his/her own internal will. It is an important quality required by everybody to do various activities like studying, working, earning and building relationships. g) Self-Image: Self-image is how one perceives himself/herself positively or negatively. Self-image is important because, how one feels and thinks about himself/herself effects the way he/she acts. Self-image about our body is called body image, which is very often a cause for low self-esteem. By body image, one keeps in mind both internal and external aspects. h) Self-Co trol: The a ilit to o trol o e s thoughts, e otio s, urges, desires, fantasies, actions is called self-control. It is part of will power, and includes delayed gratification. i) Self-Purpose: This is the ability to find a purpose for ourselves in relation to this world. What are our goals in terms of family, friendships, career, hobbies, and interests? When taken to the extreme what are our goals in terms of our own selves in this world and universe (i.e. self- realization)? j) Individuality and Uniqueness: Human beings are born with different qualities inherent and later, they acquire some as they live and learn. This helps individuals to become unique in skills giving them an identity of their own. k) Personality: Personality can be defined as the distinctive and characteristic patter s of thought, e otio a d eha iour that defi e a i di idual s personal style of interacting with the physical and social environment. Personality has various dimensions, including our openness, conscientiousness, attitudes, etc. l) Values: Value is a concept that describes the beliefs of an individual or culture. Love, care, courage, bravery, respect, integrity and compassion, and respecting elders are examples of values.(Any 5) The Guard mounting NCO is twelve paces away from the guard. He falls in the Guard and inspects as under:a Guard-Parade Par Guard get o parade : The guard o es to atte tio , steps off and falls in the open order, twelve paces away from the guard mounting NCO and stands at ease in succession from the right. Guard Sa dha : Guard o es to atte tio . Guard Dahi e Saj : The Guard o a der tur s to his right a d ar h out five paces, halt, turnabout, dress the front rank. He then dresses the rear ra k a d gi es the o a d Sa e-Dekh a d retur s to his origi al 6/ P no 30 15. position. d Guard-Bagal Shast r : Guard does the shoulder ar s. (e) The Guard Mounting NCO then reports to the Orderly Officer (who has taken position 6 paces behind the guard mounting NCO). f Guard iriksha ke lie hazir hai : The guard ou ti g NCO the falls i o the right of the guard, six paces away from the guard commander The obstacle course training not only makes the cadets physically tough but develops a very high degree of confidence and inculcates the qualities of patience and courage to face challenges. Safety Measures: Following Safety Measures must be ensured during the conduct of Obstacle Course training to cadets (a) Suitable and physically fit cadets only to be selected. (b) Training at first in PT dress and later, with packs and weapon. (c) Emphasis to be given on closing of individual timings and later team timings. (d) Wet and slippery obstacles and area to be avoided. (e) Obstacles to be done under the supervision of qualified instructors and correct technique to be used. (f) Arrangement for first aid to be ensured. Benefits: Benefits of obstacles course training: (a) Physical fitness. (b) Agility (c) Mental robustness. (d) Coordination and balance of mind and body. (e) Improves risk-taking ability. (f) Evaluating problem-solving skills. (g) Over all team spirit. 6/pg no.188, 193

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