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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2017 : GRAPHIC DESIGN (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER GRAPHIC DESIGN (Theory) Class XII (2016-17) TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 70 General Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. The question paper is divided into two section A and B. Section A is theory part based on the textbook and is of 40 marks. Section B is Application Based. This is of 20 marks Student will have to attempt 20 questions in all. Some questions have internal choice. Note: Student need to carry pencil colours & Sketch pens for application based answers. Section A Q.N. Answer the following questions in three to five sentences each. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 What is Teleology? What is Thumbnail? What do you understand with the term Aesthetic? Define Design Brief? What are the two major categories of Digital Images? OR What are Scanners? Answer the following questions in 80-100 words each. (1x5=5) (3x4=12) Describe Design process? Drawing plays an important part in graphic design. Describe its importance. What do you understand by warm and cool colour? What is Digital Image editing? OR Newspaper is playing an important role in our lives and has many advantages. Describe few of them. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words each. (5x3=15) 10 Layout enhances the usual appearance of design. Describe the different type of layout. 11 What is corporate social responsibility? 12 Radio is an important electronic media. Evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. OR Television and outdoor mediums are so popular among masses. Differentiate between them. Answer the following questions in 150-200 words each. (8x1=8) 13 Graphic Design can be a game changer in the contemporary scenario. Justify this statement. OR Creativity is the backbone of any Graphic Design. Describe creativity and its processes in graphic design. Section B Answer the following questions. (3x4=12) 14 Take ir les, ake a desig ithi a o of a d olour it. OR Make a sloga o Sa e Girl Child a d rite it i Sa Serif St le. 15 B usi g pri ar olours, ake a patter desig ithi a ir le of dia eter . 16 Take first two letters of your name and o pose a desig ithi a re ta gle of & olour with 2 colours only. 17 Desig a logo for S at hh Bharat A hi a ith la k olour ithi a size of . Answer the following questions. (5x2=10) 18 Make a poster o A ti- Corruptio ith suita le graphi s ithi a size of 7 & Justif the concept. 19 What is the role of e site i toda s li es? Desig a suita le e page la out for Mo ile Pho e Co pa . OR What is the role of magazine in our lives? Desig a o er page for I dia Toda ith olours. Answer the following questions. (8x1=8) 20 What do you understand with the term Drawing? How Drawing from memory is different from drawing from observation? Make a drawing sketch from your observation using below given shapes. OR What is colour theory? What are the different colour schemes? By using any one colour scheme fill the design given below. GRAPHIC DESIGN Class XII MARKING SCHEME SECTION A Q.N. Answer the following questions in three to five sentences each. (1x5=5) 1 What is Teleology? The ability of design to fulfill the function as purpose is called Teleology. (* 1 marks for defining Teleology) 2 What is Thumbnail? Thumbnail are small sketches. Which can be as small as your Thumbnail. (* 1 marks for defining Thumbnail) 3 What do you understand with the term Aesthetic? Anything related to beauty of form is Aesthetic. (* 1 marks for defining Aesthetic) 4 Define Design Brief? The brief describes theme of the project, target audience, resources available , duration and budget of the project. (* 1 marks for defining Design Brief) 5 What are the two major categories of Digital Images? Raster Images and vector Images are two categories of Digital Images. (* marks each for defining both categories. OR What are Scanners? The devices which are used to convert Images on the papers into Digital Images are called scanners. (* 1 marks for defining Scanner) Answer the following questions in 80-100 words each. (3x4=12) 6 Describe Design process? Design process is a multi-stage process. It involves creative phase as well as non-creative phases. Therefore, apart from creative capabilities, a designer needs to develop other capabilities such as observation, research, coordination and management, technical knowledge, and persuasive capabilities. (*3 marks for defining full design process) 7 Drawing plays an important part in graphic design. Describe its importance. Drawing is a system of representing visual ideas and thoughts on a surface. Most commonly it is used as a means of depicting three dimensional reality on a two dimensional surface using pencil, charcoal, crayon, pen, brush etc on a paper, cloth, wall etc. Drawing is also used as a tool fo isualisatio . D a i g is a skill hi h is pe fe ted its kee i te est i its e ti i g activity of observation and by patient and persistent practice of representing it. (*1 mark for each point explaining the importance) 8 What do you understand by warm and cool colour? This is the most simplest classification of colours. All the visible colours can be divided into two basic categories warm colours and cool colours as shown in the figure alongside. Normally, warm colours are considered as aggressive and active colours while the cool colours are considered as passive and receding colours. A range of colour hues from redish-violet to yellowish-green is considered as warm colours. On the other hand hues ranging from green to violet are considered as cool colours. (* 1.5 marks for defining each category of colour) 9 What is Digital Image editing? Graphic designers frequently use both the types of digital images. There are tools to convert images on the papers into digital images. These devices are called scanners. Such digital images can be further modified or manipulated digitally. There are software programs to create, modify and manipulate digital images. Such programs are called digital image editors. There are digital image editors for two dimensional image processing as well as three dimensional image processing. (*3 marks for defining full process of digital image editing) OR Newspaper is playing an important role in our lives and has many advantages. Describe few of them. A e spape is des i ed as p i ted pe iodi al o tai i g e s pu lished dail . Advantages of a newspaper The a ket can be broadly selected, catering to different types. The ediu pe its fle i ilit of le gth a d size. Ad e tise e ts a e e ha ed the use of olou . Ad e tisi g a e i se ted at a fai l sho t oti e. Ad e tisi g a e est i ted to a region, if required. (*1 marks for defining newspaper and 2 marks for defining advantages) Answer the following questions in 100-120 words each. (5x3=15) 10 Layout enhances the usual appearance of design. Describe the different type of layout. Types of Layout: A layout is the play in placement of given text and suitable images on a given surface area. Layouts can be classified in three categories: Te t Dominant I age Do i a t I age a d Te t Text Dominant: If there is too much or large text then it will have to be text dominated. But from the layout point of view the headline could be used in large display fonts occupying more area if that creates the desired effect. Image Dominant: These layouts are seen regularly in our newspapers and magazines, where a picture of a celebrity takes centre stage or the product is shown in all its glory like in most automobile advertisements. Image and Text: In these types of layouts, image and text are used in equal measure, and given a balanced exposure. (*1 marks for defining layout, and 4 marks for categories and explanation) 11 What is corporate social responsibility? Corporate Social Responsibility is a form of positive publicity of its own organization by creating awareness and helping improve living conditions of the community and the society around you and your company or factory and beyond and doing your bit to contribute by actually doing it. Subsequently it helps project the company as a good corporate citizen. Firstly, it incorporates environment-friendly manufacturing practices, adopting non-polluting technologies, maintaining healthy surroundings, employee welfare schemes, providing medical and educational facilities to nearby villagers and various such things. Now-a-days these activities have become inevitable as they convey a leading edge corporate strategy which can be communicated effectively through corporate advertising. The company can communicate who they are, what they are and what they stand for. It largely compliments the corporate image change perceptions, attitudes, behaviour to reality. Familiarity through CSR projects leads to favorability, building public awareness and appreciation. (*5 marks for full explanation) 12 Radio is an important electronic media. Evaluate its advantages. O igi all , adio o adioteleg aph as alled i eless teleg aph . I 9 6 Fi st Radio Tu e as i e ted. The te Radio is said to ha e ee oi ed the advertising expert Waldo Warren and became common by the time of the first commercial broadcasts in the United States. In India, Radio Broadcasting started in 1927 with two privately owned transmitters. Soon the Government took over the broadcasting and named it the Indian Broadcasting Service. Later it was re-named All India Radio (AIR). Advantages of Radio Wide o e age a d osts a e ot too high. Ca ea h people o a ious o asio s i di e se lo atio s. Att a ts atte tio usi g the persuasiveness of the human voice along with capturing music, it a sou d u ge t a d o pelli g. Ca e p ope l ti ed, to ea h the ta get audie es. Ta get a ket a e ea hed i its o la guage. Disadvantages B a d la ge, adio a ot e a primary medium. It a o l e used as a e i de o suppo t ediu . Has eati e li itatio s. Audie e p ofile a d u e s a ot e k o a u atel . (*1 marks for defining Radio, and 2 marks for defining advantages and disadvantages each) OR Television and outdoor mediums are so popular among masses. Differentiate between them. Television has an important aspect in our lives. It is an audio visual media which delivers impactful message. Now we have many 24 hour news and current affairs channel among others which reach almost 30 million Indian households. Wide o e age deep eati e i pa t. High p estige, fa ou a le fle i ilit . Rathe high i itial ost, li ited ie e atte tio . Fleeti g essage e ui es f e ue t epetitio s. Outdoor media or OOH (out of home): One of the oldest methods of communication it is actually a pre-print media. In its modern form, there are posters, hoardings, kiosks, banners, neon signs, and skywriting. Outdoor advertising is designed to catch the eye and not to be read in detail. Repetition and reminders are its tremendous forces. OoH is a highly important contribution to many advertising campaigns. Le gth of essage is est i ted as the audie e is o the o e, a d ill ot deli e atel stop to see the advertisement. Co petiti e p odu ts a e ofte fou d i lose p o i it . Not possi le to p e-select a limited group of the public. Answer the following questions in 150-200 words each. (8x1=8) 13 Graphic Design can be a game changer in the contemporary scenario. Justify this statement. Looking at varied functions of design and its impact and implications, a designer in general and a graphic designer in particular can play a seminal role in resolving contemporary design issues. Graphic designers generate graphics for variety of things mostly either for print media or for digital media. This is usually done on a task basis if you are a freelance graphic designer and if you are employed in a graphic design firm then it will be a part of your routine activity. Here at every instance a graphic designer should always think about the larger concerns of design and society. Designers must be able to work under extreme time constraints and much defined financial conditions and still should be able to produce quality work. In a large corporate set up a graphic designer must be able to understand and synthesize all the inputs received from number of people such as technical experts, marketing personal, managers and policy makers as well as visualizes and other co-designers. Graphic designer also has to understand user research feedback prepared by the marketing department and cost specifications determined by the budgeting department. Apart from these not so creative tasks, a graphic designer has to prepare variety of sketches and models that demonstrate different approaches to the concept and prepare effective presentations. Therefore, a graphic designer also needs excellent communication skills. (* Full 8 marks for justifying the statement and its role) OR Creativity is the backbone of any Graphic Design. Describe creativity and its processes in graphic design. Creativity is a natural gift as well as it can be nurtured. Intuition and inspiration certainly aid and enhance the final results of any creative activity but in general if a designer follows a process in a certain way then that can also lead to creative output. Each graphic designer develops o eso ethod fo sol i g desig p o le s, the e ol es that method over a period of time hi h ul i ates i to a spe ial st le of that desig e . No desig e ill ie a p o le f o the same perspective; on the other hand, uniqueness of creative solutions lies in this specific aspect of problem perception. However, it is possible to capture major commonalities across various styles and develop a broad outline of the design process. There has been always a curiosity about understanding the nature of creative process. Graphic design is no exception to it. It is elie ed that eati e people a e gifted a d esto ed ith special power or gift of generating beautiful ideas. Although, there is some bit of truth in this belief, since some people are naturally fluent in generating interesting ideas and articulating them, it is also true that if a person makes efforts and understands various procedures and subtle dynamics of creative thinking and then follows it in a step by-step manner then it can yield creative results. (* 4 marks for describing creativity and 4 marks for its processes) SECTION B (3x4=12) Answer the following questions. 14 Take 3 circles, make a design within a box of a d olour it. (* 2 marks for creating design and 1 mark for colouring) OR Make a sloga o Sa e Girl Child a d rite it i Sa Serif St le. (* 2 marks for making slogan and 1 mark for writing) 15 By using primary colours, make a pattern design ithi a ir le of dia eter . (* 2 marks for creating pattern design and 1 mark for colouring) 16 Take first t o letters of our a e a d o pose a desig with 2 colours only. ithi a re ta gle of & olour (* 2 marks for composing design and 1 mark for colouring) 17 Desig a logo for S at hh Bharat A hi a ith la k olour ithi a size of . (* 2 marks for designing a logo and 1 mark for colouring) Answer the following questions. (5x2=10) 18 Make a poster o A ti- Corruptio ith suita le graphi s ithi a size of 7 & Justif the concept. (* 3 marks for making a poster and 2 marks for justifying concept) 19 What is the role of e site i toda s li es? Desig a suita le e page la out for Mo ile Pho e Co pa . (* 2 marks for describing the role of website and 3 marks for designing the layout) OR What is the role of agazi e i our li es? Desig a o er page for I dia Toda ith olours. (* 2 marks for describing the role of magazine and 3 marks for designing the cover page) Answer the following questions. (8x1=8) 20 What do you understand with the term Drawing? How Drawing from memory is different from drawing from observation? Make a drawing sketch from your observation using below given shapes. 2 marks for defining drawing, 2 marks for differentiation and 4 marks for drawing a sketch. OR What is colour theory? What are the different colour schemes? By using any one colour scheme fill the design given below. 2 marks for defining colour theory, 2 marks for defining colour Scheme, and 4 marks for colouring the design.

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