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CBSE XII Sample / Mock 2017 : CREATIVE WRING AND TRANSLATION STUDIES (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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Class XII English Code no. 069 Creative Writing and Translation Studies Max. Marks: 80 TIME 3 HRS. The Question paper is divided into three sections: Section A: Reading Comprehension 20 marks Section B: Creative Writing Skills 20 marks Section C: Translation 20 marks Section D: Text 20 marks General Instructions 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. You may attempt any section at a time. 3. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order. Q.No 1. SECTION --A Reading 20 marks Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: Yoga Tourism opens up tremendous opportunities as it is for everyone. People of all generations and fitness levels can find classes suitable for them.The practice of Yoga also helps one to achieve peace and tranquility through focused training. At the time when job responsibilities, kids needs, spouse s demands, and never-ending to-do lists can easily overwhelm us, yoga teaches us to relax, de-clutter our minds, and create a space for ourselves where we can be happy and at peace with ourselves. There are many forms of yoga one can pursue, depending on one s preferences and lifestyles. There is relaxation yoga where breathing exercises and meditation techniques are stressed upon; there is power yoga for those who are looking to increase their body s stamina and resistance power; there is prenatal yoga for pregnant women, and there is Hatha Yoga for beginners who want to learn basic postures at a comfortable pace.. We need to remember that 'Yoga' for Indians and 'Yoga' for foreigners is not the same thing. Many American yoga students, for example, are fiercely independent and self-reliant. For some, yoga is a not-too-strenuous way to lose fat effectively, or reduce their stress. For others, yoga might mean doing strenuous postures to become more flexible, firm up their abs, or attain slender muscularity. Others might be looking for ways to reverse the onset of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and arthritis. This commodification of 'Yoga' is crucial today, if you want to earn from it. June 21 has created an opportunity for the entire Indian travel and tourism fraternity to boost inbound tourism to the country. Yoga tours are already being conducted regularly, with clientele from France, USA, Germany, Russia, and several other countries. With the World Yoga Day branding, the Yoga is now known all over the world, and the niche tourism products in the field with dedicated Yoga packages are bound to do well in such a scenario. Yoga tourism is not only good for ashram services sector but also for hospitality sector in general. Besides foreign tourists, corporate houses and companies from India and abroad popularly opt for Yoga sessions for their employees as offsite training programmes. It presents several more opportunities for those who are working for the tourism industry. Here is a word of caution though. Despite all the branding and marketing efforts, Yoga 1.1 2 tourism can only pick up when we offer quality to the tourists. India has an edge over countries because the trips to India are moderately priced and offer several budget options too. It is also believed to be the country where roots of Yoga lie. If you can build upon premise, and offer world-class services and real results to wellness tourists, you are bound to do well as Yoga tourism operator, trainer or service provider. On the basis of your understanding of the passage answer the following:-a. Would you want to visit a country for yoga tourism? Why or why not? b. What drawbacks do you think yoga tourists might find in India? c. How are power yoga and relaxation yoga different? d. How can yoga tourism be encouraged in India? e. Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following:i calmness ii capable of bending Read the story given below and answer the questions that follow:- 2 1 1 2 1 I was driven one afternoon in November, 1896, by a rain of such chilling copiousness that any shelter was preferable to exposure. Now I found myself upon an apparently abandoned road which I had chosen as the shortest cut to Arkham, overtaken by the storm at a point far from any town, and confronted with no refuge save the antique and repellent wooden building which blinked with bleared windows from between two huge leafless elms near the foot of a rocky hill. Distant though it is from the remnant of a road, this house none the less impressed me unfavorably the very moment I espied it. I had somehow taken it for granted that the house was abandoned, yet as I approached it I was not so sure, for though the walks were indeed overgrown with weeds, they seemed to retain their nature a little too well to argue complete desertion. Therefore instead of trying the door I knocked, feeling as I did so a trepidation I could scarcely explain. As I waited on the rough, mossy rock which served as a door-step, I glanced at the neighboring windows and the panes of the transom above me, and noticed that although old, rattling, and almost opaque with dirt, they were not broken. The building, then, must still be inhabited, despite its isolation and general neglect. However, my rapping evoked no response, so after repeating the summons I tried the rusty latch and found the door unfastened. Inside was a little vestibule with walls from which the plaster was falling, and through the doorway came a faint but peculiarly hateful odor. I entered, carrying my bicycle, and closed the door behind me. Ahead rose a narrow staircase, flanked by a small door probably leading to the cellar, while to the left and right were closed doors leading to rooms on the ground floor. Leaning my cycle against the wall I opened the door at the left, and crossed into a small low-ceiled chamber but dimly lighted by its two dusty windows and furnished in the barest and most primitive possible way. On the basis of your understanding of the passage answer the following :-a. What does the author mean when he says, this house nonetheless impressed me unfavorably b. What kind of weather is described in the beginning of the passage? c. Why did he think that the house was abandoned? d. What was the condition of the house? e. Why did he enter the room? f. Find out a word from the story which means the same as -- not clear because of mist /dirt etc. 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 Read the poem and answer the questions that follow:The sky is full of the sun and the stars The universe is full of life Among all these I have found a place And in wonder and amazement I sing. The world is swayed By eternity's rushing tide Rising and falling I have felt its tug in my blood Racing through my veins And in wonder and amazement I sing. While walking in the woodlands With my feet I have touched the blades of grass I have been startled by the flowers' fragrance They have all maddened my mind The gifts of gladness and joy Are strewn all around And in wonder and amazement I sing. I have pricked my ears I have opened my eyes I have bared my heart to the world In the midst of the known I have sought the unknown And in wonder and amazement I sing a. b. c. d. What could be the reason for wonder and amazement in the first stanza? What is the dilemma for the poet? What could be the reason for the poet s amazement in the woodlands? Name the poetic device used in the line- They have all maddened my mind 1 2 2 1 SECTION B: Creative Writing Skills - 20 Marks 4 A well-known educationist was invited to address the All India Edu -Leaders conference 6 held in New Delhi. He made a powerful speech championing the cause of real education in India. In his speech he stressed that simply passing the examination is not real education. We should encourage and inspire the young generation to cherish their dreams and fulfill them. Some of the things he spoke about were that ------ Each child is special and precious not only to his family but to the nation. Due to lack of education -deprived of fundamental rights Suffer from inequality due to improper education All the children should be provided equal opportunities all over the country Must be given value education. Basic skills specially life skills should be developed Education should inspire them rather than fill them with information. You were among the audience in the conference and were greatly moved by his speech. Later on you made a diary entry reflecting on the issues raised and the impact of the speech on you. Write your diary entry in about 200 words. 5 India is known for her natural beauty and boasts of amazing flora and fauna. Given below 6 are notes on Bhubaneshwar. Use the notes given below to create a travelogue in about 200 words:Bhubaneshwar 6 Capital city Near PURI and KONARK Lush with water bodies , forests and wild life Glorious past Rich and varied cultural heritage Exquisite temples and monuments Harmonious blend of old and new Modern architectural marvels Rock cut Marvel Several museums Read the following opening lines of a story : 8 Shankar was coming from school when he heard some sounds coming from a deserted house. He was surprised to hear those voices. He at once came near the house and wanted to know about the sounds coming from the closed doors of that house. As he came closer, the sounds became clear. Quietly he moved towards the door and looked in through the opening in the door. It was very dark but he could see some children in a room. He was about to move from there, when a man -----------------------------------------------------------. Complete the story . Keep in mind that it must have the following elements of a story--theme , setting,characters and plot. SECTION C Translation 20 marks 7 Given below is a passage in Hindi . Read the passage and complete the translation in 4 English: , , , , . , , , . A , , A There was once a merchant who (a)------------------------.. .Regularly, they would start work in the morning; and take a break for the mid-day meals, and (b) ------------------------. One day, a group of monkeys arrived at the site of the building and watched the workers leaving for their mid-day meals.( c )-----------------------------------. Since, it was only half-done; he placed a wedge in between to prevent the log from closing up. He then went off along with the other workers for his meal. When all the workers were gone, (d )-----------------------------------8 Translate this passage into English in about 100 words:-- 8 . A A A A 9. A Translate this Hindi poem into English:-- 8 , , , , A A SECTION D Text 20 marks 10 Attempt any four questions given below in about 60-70 words:---a. 11 What is the difference between frozen , formal and casual registers? Explain with examples. b. Which focal points of drama seem most important in Street theatre? c. What is the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist? d. Write a review of your favourite book. e. What is the basic difference between a newspaper article and a magazine article? What are the essentials of effective writing and what things must be avoided by a writer? ( in about 200 words.) Or How important is the translation of the different forms of a technical register? Why? 4x3 8 Class XII English Code no. 069 Creative Writing and Translation Studies Max. Marks: 80 TIME 3 HRS. The Question paper is divided into three sections: Section A: Reading Comprehension 20 marks Section B: Creative Writing Skills 20 marks Section C: Translation 20 marks Section D: Text 20 marks General Instructions 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. You may attempt any section at a time. 3. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order. Q.No SECTION --A Reading 20 marks 1. Suggested value points:- (Any other relevant answer is acceptable) a. No , there is no need to visit other countries specially when India is so rich in Yoga . b. The foreigners do not find yoga too-strenuous way to lose fat effectively, or reduce their stress. For them yoga means doing strenuous postures to become more flexible, firm up their abs, or attain slender muscularity. Others might be looking for ways to reverse the onset of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and arthritis. c. In relaxation yoga breathing exercises and meditation techniques are stressed upon; whereas in power yoga body s stamina and resistance is increased d. when we offer quality to the tourists e. i. tranquility , ii. flexible 2. 3. Because he was scared and didn t want to go inside the house . It was raining heavily. It was Distant from the remnant of a road . The house was old, rattling, and almost opaque with dirt, they were not broken. The latch was rusty and. Inside was a little vestibule with walls from which the plaster was falling, and through the doorway came a faint but peculiarly hateful odor. e. It was raining heavily and there was no other place to seek shelter. f. opaque a. b. c. d. a. b. c. that the poet has got a place in the world where The sky is full of the sun and the stars and the universe is full of life . The world is swayed by eternity's rushing tide rising and falling. the poet is unable to understand the concept of the nature. He had touched the blades of the grass . There is a sweet fragrance of the flowers. Marks 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 d. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2 2 2 Travelogue writing 6 marks Content -Organization of Marks-Expression 2 2 2 Story Writing; 8 marks Content -Organization of Marks-Expression 4 2 2 a) c) d) 9. x2 SECTION B: Creative Writing Skills - 20 Marks Autobiography writing:- 6 marks Content -Organization of Marks-Expression b) 8. Personification, alliteration SECTION C Translation 20 marks employed many carpenters and masons to build a temple in his garden. take a break for the mid-day meals, and return to resume work till evening. One of the carpenters was sawing a huge log of wood the monkeys came down from the trees and started jumping around the site, and playing with the instruments. 1 1 1 1 Greed and attraction are the forms of each other.if perceived in reality it is 8 the same thing.To make one self move with the concept because there is a boundation that connects one another in such a way ,as one is essential with the other.for example our body has two arms ,both of them are useful for us . In the same way ,attraction is attached to man wants to get more and more money.along with the craving for getting something , he does inappropriate activities.and is distracted from his path. . Discussion about the book fair , 8 Excited the rats with pleasure. New feelings were in every heart, Little mouse said I will go to the fair, And bring some good books bite by bite. The Book Fir will be at ease , As they will get some respite from these, The sellers will not be affected they feel ,they will organise with ease, Decided the cat to be domesticated. . 10 SECTION D Text 20 marks Any 4 questions in 60 or 80 words:- 3 a. difference between a book review and a movie review: -in a book review we focus on the author, genre of the book themes ,story line ,characters etc. In the movie review we review about director,cast,story line, Theme , music, action ,direction etc. b.The role of dialogue is to reveal character and add layers to the drama.In a play, practically the entire story is carried out on the shoulders of the dialogue. dialogue has to fit the tone and the pacing of the entire work, and it must be written in a way that it can be uttered much more easily 3 First and foremost, dialogue unveils characters. A playwright needs to have a good idea who his main players are and who they will become at the end of the play, inside and out. Characters in a play speak through their own vocabulary, accent, and life experiences. C.a protagonist s a leading actor who supports a cause,while the antagonist is his adversary who creates hurdle in his path of glory.a protagonist gets our love and sympathy whereas the antagonist gets our hatred and anger. D. To catch the interest and attention of the audience. 3 3 To provide specific purpose of the speech The language should be according to the interest social status and understanding. Use some lighter moments by adding some harmless and decent humor. Do not give a very long speech . 11 3 E. A word for a common object in target language may have different meaning.. The corresponding TL word may not be used in the similar register.the SL word may have greater semantic range.A SL text wit greater cultural presence would be impossible to translate. Style,structure,audience,form and content,purpose,organization 8 Or The technical translation provides concepts,,instructions,reports,results or proposals.the benefits of technology are not confined to any one community.

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