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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2020 : Computer Science (Series C Old)

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Code No. 491/C Candidates must write the Code on the Roll No. title page of the answer-book. Please check that this question paper contains 27 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 7 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. COMPUTER SCIENCE (OLD) Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70 General Instructions : (i) SECTION A refers to programming language C++. (ii) SECTION B refers to programming language Python. (iii) SECTION C is compulsory for all. (iv) Answer either SECTION A or SECTION B. (v) It is compulsory to mention on page 1 in the answer-book whether you are attempting SECTION A or SECTION B. (vi) All questions are compulsory within each section. (vii) Questions 2(b), 2(d), 3 and 4 have internal choices. .491/D 1 P.T.O. SECTION A [Only for candidates, who opted for C++] 1. (a) (b) (c) .491/D Identify the valid keywords in C++ from the following : (i) If (ii) for (iii) case (iv) Object (v) struct (vi) sub (vii) float (viii) My_class Write the names of the correct header files, which must be included in the following C++ code to compile the code successfully : void main() { int X = random(10); int Y = random(20); cout<<"sum of "<<X<<" and "<<Y<<" = "<<X+Y<<endl; } Rewrite the following C++ program after removing any/all syntactical errors with each correction underlined : Note : Assume all required header files are already included in the program. void main() { cout<<"Enter two integers"; cin>>A>>B; if A <= B A += B; B = 5; else { B = B + A; A 5 = A; } cout<<A<<" : "<< B << Endl; } 2 2 1 2 (d) Find and write the output of the following C++ program code : Note : Assume all required header files are already included in the program. 2 void ChangeVal(int *M, int N) { for(int i=0;i<N ; i++) { if (*M%5 == 0) *M /= 5; if (*M%3 == 0) *M /= 3; M++; } } void main() { int Val[]={25,8,75,12}; ChangeVal(Val,4); for(int i=0;i<4; i++) cout<<Val[i]<<"*"; cout<<endl; } (e) .491/D Find and write the output of the following C++ program code : Note : Assume all required header files are already included in the program. struct Product { int X, Y; }; void Change(Product &P) { P.X += 5; P.Y = 5; } void Multiply(int P1, int P2) { cout<<"First = "<<P1<<" & Second = "<<P2<<endl; cout<<"Product = "<<P1*P2<<endl; } void main() { Product P[] = {{7,10},{10,7},{7,7}}; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { Change(P[i]); Multiply(P[i].X, P[i].Y); } } 3 3 P.T.O. (f) Look at the following C++ code and find the possible output(s) from the options (i) to (iv) following it. Also, write the minimum and maximum values that can possibly be assigned to the variable End. 2 Note : Assume all the required header files are already being included in the code. void main() { randomize(); char Colours[][20] = {"VIOLET","INDIGO","BLUE","GREEN", "YELLOW","ORANGE","RED"}; int End = random(2)+3; int Begin = random(End)+1; for(int i= Begin; i<End; i++) cout<<Colours[i]<<"&"; } 2. (a) (i) INDIGO&BLUE&GREEN& (ii) VIOLET&INDIGO&BLUE& (iii) BLUE&GREEN&YELLOW& (iv) GREEN&YELLOW&ORANGE& Explain Single level inheritance in context of Object Oriented Programming in C++. Also, write a suitable example in C++ to illustrate Single level inheritance. .491/D 4 2 (b) Observe the following C++ code and answer the questions (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) : Note : Assume all necessary files are included. 2 class Triangle { int S1,S2,S3; public: Triangle(int X=0, int Y=0, int Z=0) //Function 1 { S1=X; S2=Y; S3=Z; } Triangle(Triangle &T) //Function 2 { T.S1 += 15; S1 = T.S1; S2 = T.S2; T.S2 += 20; S3 = T.S3; } void Show() //Function 3 { cout<<S1<<"#"<<S2<<"#"<<S3<<endl; } }; void main() { ___________ ___________ ___________ } .491/D //Statement 1 //Statement 2 //Statement 3 (i) Write Statement 1 to declare an object T1 of class Triangle, initialised by values 10 for S1, 20 for S2 and and 0 for S3. (ii) Write Statement 2 which would invoke Function 2. (iii) Write Statement 3 which would invoke Function 3 for the object T1 declared in Statement 1. 5 P.T.O. (iv) Write the output of the above code after execution of all the three statements, Statement 1, Statement 3 in the main(). Statement 2 and OR (c) Write any two differences between a constructor and a destructor function declared inside a class. Illustrate with the help of a suitable example. 2 Write the definition of a class CARGO in C++ with the following description : 4 Private Members Distance // integer Weight // integer Charge // float GetCharge() Member function to assign value of upon Distance and Weight as follows : Charge based Distance(Km) Weight(Grams) Charge(<) <=100 <=500 150 >100 and <=500 >500 and <=999 300 Public Members Enter() /* The function should allow a user to enter values of Distance and Weight to assign the value of Charge. It must then invoke the GetCharge() to assign value of Charge */ Display() // Function to display all the data members .491/D 6 (d) Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based on the following : 4 class Book { char Bno[20]; protected: float Price; public: void GetB(); void ShowB(); }; class Member { char Mno[20]; protected: char Name[20]; public: void GetM(); void ShowM(); }; class Library : public Member, private Book { char Lname[20]; public: void GetL(); void ShowL(); }; void main() { Library L; } (i) Which type of Inheritance out of the following is illustrated in the above example ? (ii) .491/D Single Level Inheritance, Multilevel Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance Write the names of all the data members, which are directly accessible by the member function GetL() of class Library. 7 P.T.O. (iii) Write the names of all the member functions, which are directly accessible by the member function ShowL() of class Library. (iv) Write the names of all the members, which are directly accessible by the object L of class Library declared in the main() function. OR Consider the following class College, assuming all required header files being included : class College { char Cname[20]; protected : float Fees; public: void ShowCollege(); }; Write a code in C++ to privately derive another class Faculty from the base class College with the following members : Data Members Total_seats of type int FName of type char array of size 20 Member Functions A constructor function to assign Total_seats as 500. GetFac() to allow user to enter FName and assign Fees (of the base class College) its value depending upon entered FName as follows : .491/D FName Fees Science 35000 Commerce 25000 ShowFac() to display all the data members which are accessible to it. 8 4 3. (a) Write the definition of a function Mean(int A[], int N) in C++, which should display the Mean (Average) of all the N number of integers in the array A. 2 Example : If the array A contains following 5 elements (i.e. for N=5) 0 1 2 3 4 25 5 15 10 25 Then the function should display the output as follows : Mean = 16 OR Write the definition of a function ChangeConsonant(char Str[]) in C++, which should replace every occurrence of a consonant (non vowel letters) with its previous letter (example, replace letter b to a and B to A , c to b and C to B , d to c and D to C , f to e and F to E and so on...). The function should finally display the charged content of the string. Example : If the array Str contains the string : Elephant 2 Then the function should rearrange the string to Ekeogams (b) Write the definition for a function SumAlter(int Arr[10][10], int N) in C++, for a square matrix Arr having N rows and N columns, which displays the sum of the elements of alternate rows starting from the second row and the sum of the elements of the alternate columns starting from the second column respectively. 3 For example : If array Arr for N=4, contains the following elements : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Then the function should display the following output : Sum of alternate rows = 84 Sum of alternate columns = 72 OR .491/D 9 P.T.O. Write the definition for a function RevAlternate(char S[][20], int N) in C++, which reverses the contents of the strings at every odd index of the array of strings S. 3 For example : For an array S containing 6 strings (for N=6) as follows: ORIGINAL ARRAY S CHANGED ARRAY S First First Second dnoceS Third Third Fourth htruoF Fifth Fifth Sixth htxiS Note : DO NOT DISPLAY the Changed Array contents. Do not use any other array to transfer the contents of the array S. (c) Let us assume Q[20][15] is a two-dimensional array, which is stored in the memory along the row and each of its element occupies 4 bytes. Find the address of the element Q[15][5], if the address of the element Q[5][10] is 25000. 3 OR Let us assume N[30][25] is a two-dimensional array, which is stored in the memory along the column and each of its elements occupies 4 bytes. Find the address of the element N[5][10], if the base address of the array is 20000. (d) 3 Write the definition of a function Push(int P[], int &T), which pushes an integer and Pop(int P[], int &T) which pops an integer from the static stack of integers P, where the top of the stack is represented by index T. The stack should be able to store a maximum of 10 integers. The functions must also check for stack overflow and stack underflow errors. OR .491/D 10 4 For the following structure of Book in C++ struct Book { int Bno; Book *Link; }; Given that the following declaration of class BookStack in C++ represents a dynamic stack of Buses : class BookStack { Book *Top; //Pointer T to store address of the //topmost Node of type Book public: BookStack() { Top = NULL; } void Push(); //Function to push a Book Node into the //dynamic stack void Pop(); //Function to pop a Book Node from the //dynamic stack ~BookStack(); }; Write the definition for the member function void BookStack::Pop(), that pops a Book Node from the dynamic stack of BookStack. The function must also check for an underflow error. (e) 4 Evaluate the following Postfix expression, showing the stack contents : 2 180,15,6,*,30,+,60,-,/ OR Convert the following Infix expression to its equivalent Postfix expression, showing the stack contents for each step of conversion : 2 P * Q / R - S ^ T .491/D 11 P.T.O. 4. (a) A text file named SOLUTION.TXT contains some English sentences. Another text file named TEST.TXT needs to be created such that it replaces every occurrence of 3 consecutive letters h , i and s (irrespective of their cases) from each word of the file SOLUTION.TXT, with 3 underscores ( __ ). For example : If the file SOLUTION.TXT contains the following content : "This is his history book." Then TEST.TXT should contain the following : "T____ is ____ ____tory book." Write the definition for function CreateTest() in C++ that would perform the above task of creating TEST.TXT from the already existing file SOLUTION.TXT. 3 OR A text file named AGENCIES.TXT contains some text. Write the definition for a function Showsites() in C++ which displays all such words of the file which have more than 9 characters and start with "www.". For example : if the file AGENCIES.TXT contains : "Name: TechnoCraft, Website:, Name: DataTech, Website:" 3 Then the function Showsites() should display the output as : (b) Write a definition for function Billing() in C++ to read each record of a binary file STOCK.DAT, and display the Total Price of all the records in the file. Assume that the file STOCK.DAT is created with the help of objects of class Stock, which is defined below : class Stock { char Name[20]; float Price; public: float RPrice() { return Price; } }; OR .491/D 12 2 A binary file ELECTION.DAT contains records stored as objects of the following class : class ELECTION { char Name[20]; int Count; public: int GetCount() { return Count; } Char *RName() { return Name; } }; (c) Write the definition for function LowCount() in C++, which reads every record from the file ELECTION.DAT and displays every such Name whose Count is less than 100. 2 Considering that binary file TRAINS.DAT contains 100 records of the following class Train, find the output of the following C++ code : 1 class Train { int Tno; char FROM[20], To[20]; public: void Get(); void Show(); }; void main() { fstream File;"TRAINS.DAT", ios::binary|ios::in); Train T;*)&T,sizeof(T)); File.seekg(25*sizeof(T)); cout<<"Presently at "<< File.tellg()/sizeof(T)<< endl;*)&T,sizeof(T)); cout<<"Now at "<< File.tellg()/sizeof(T)<< endl; File.close(); } OR Differentiate between seekg() and tellg(). .491/D 13 1 P.T.O. SECTION B [Only for candidates, who opted for Python] 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) .491/D Identify the valid keywords in Python from the following : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Queue False in Number (v) global (vi) (vii) (viii) method import List Name the Python Library modules which need to be imported to invoke the following functions : (i) floor() (ii) random() Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline each correction done in the code. W = raw_input('Enter a word') If W <> 'HELLO': print W + 2 else print W * 2 Find and write the output of the following Python code : def ChangeVal(M,N): for i in range(N): if M[i]%5 == 0: M[i] //= 5 if M[i]%3 == 0: M[i] //= 3 Val=[25,8,75,12] ChangeVal(Val,4) for N in Val: print N,'#', 14 2 1 2 2 (e) Find and write the output of the following Python code : 3 def Assign(P=30,Q=40): P=P+Q Q=P Q print P,'@',Q return P A=100 B=150 A=Assign(A,B) print A,'@',B B=Assign(B) print A,'@',B (f) What possible output(s) are expected to be displayed on screen at the time of execution of the program from the following code ? Also, specify the minimum and maximum values that can be assigned to the variable End. 2 import random Rainbow = ["VIOLET","INDIGO","BLUE","GREEN", "YELLOW","ORANGE","RED"] End = randrange(2)+3 Begin = randrange(End)+1 for i in range (Begin,End): print Rainbow[i],"&", 2. (a) .491/D (i) INDIGO & BLUE & GREEN & (ii) VIOLET & INDIGO & BLUE & (iii) BLUE & GREEN & YELLOW & (iv) GREEN & YELLOW & ORANGE & What is method/function overriding in Python. Write a Python code to illustrate how to invoke a base class overridden method inside an inherited class. 15 2 P.T.O. (b) Write the output of the given Python code : class Volume(object): Length=10 Breadth=20 Height=5 def __init__(self,X=20, Y=30, Z=10): self.Length = X self.Breadth = Y self.Height = Z def ShowVol(self): print self.Length*self.Breadth*self.Height print Volume.Length*Volume.Breadth*Volume.Height V1=Volume(15,30,10) V1.ShowVol() Volume.Height = 20 V2=Volume(30,40) V2.ShowVol() 2 OR class Triangle(object): def __init__(self,N1=3, N2=4, N3=5): # Function self.Side1 = N1 self.Side2 = N2 self.Side3 = N3 def ShowSides(self): # Function print self.Side1, self.Side2, self.Side3 def __del__(self): # Function print "Nothing to show" def Workit(): # Function ___________ # Statement 1 ___________ # Statement 2 Workit() .491/D 1 2 3 4 (i) Write the missing Statement 1 which will invoke the Function 1 for an object T of the class Triangle with values for Side1 as 10, Side2 as 15 and Side3 as 20, and the missing Statement 2 which will invoke the Function 2 for the object T. (ii) Write the output for the above Python code after the missing Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correctly written. 16 2 (c) Write the definition of a class CARGO in Python with following description : 4 Instance Attributes Distance Weight Charge Methods/Functions GetCharge() # to assign value of Charge based upon Distance and # Weight as follows : Distance(Km) Weight(Grams) Charge(<) <=100 <=500 150 >100 and <=500 >500 and <=999 300 Enter() # The function should allow a user to # enter values of Distance and Weight # to assign the value of Charge # It must then call the GetCharge()to # assign value of Charge Display() # Function to display Distance, Weight # and Charge .491/D 17 P.T.O. (d) Answer the questions (i) to (iii) based on the following : class Book(object): def __init__(self,B_No,B_Price): self.Bno = B_No self.Price = B_Price def GetB(self,B_No,B_Price): self.Bno = B_No self.Price = B_Price def ShowB(self): print self.Bno, self.Price, class Member(object): def __init__(self,M_Num,M_Name): self.Mno=M_Num self.Mname=M_Name def GetM(self,M_Num,M_Name): self.Mno=M_Num self.Mname=M_Name def ShowM(self): print self.Mno, self.MName class Library(Book,Member): def __init__(self,L_Name,B,P,M,N): self.Lname=L_Name Book.__init__(self,B,P) Member.__init__(self,M,N) def GetL(self,L_Name,B,P,M,N): self.Lname=L_Name Book.GetB(self,B,P) Member.GetM(self,M,N) def ShowL(self): Print self.Lname Book.ShowB(self) Member.ShowM(self) L=Library('First',101,150,901,'Roshni') L.ShowL() L.GetL('Second',102,200,902,'Simran') L.ShowL() .491/D 18 #Function 1 #Function 2 (i) Write the type of the inheritance illustrated in the above Python code. 1 (ii) Write the output of the above code. 2 (iii) What is the difference between Function 1 and Function 2, although their definitions are the same. 1 OR Consider the following class Shape in Python : class Company(object): CName="" Area=0 def __init__(self,N): Company.CName=N Company.Area=20 def ShowCompany(self): print self.CName,self.Area Write a code in Python derive another class Department from the class Company with the following : Attribute DName initialised with an empty string Attribute DArea initialised with 0 Class methods/functions .491/D A constructor function which should first invoke the class Company s constructor passing Company name (for CName) as parameter. GetDept() to allow user to enter DName and DArea and then add the entered value of DArea (of the class Department) to the attribute Area (of the class Company). ShowDept() which should display the CName, Area of class Company followed by DName and DArea of class Department. 19 4 P.T.O. 3. (a) Consider the following randomly ordered numbers stored in a list : 325, 215, 74, 465, 520, 132, 97 Show the content of list after the First, Third and Fourth pass of the Bubble sort method used for arranging in ascending order. Note : Show the status of all the elements after each pass very clearly encircling the changes. 3 OR Consider the following randomly ordered numbers stored in a list : 325, 215, 74, 465, 520, 132, 97 Show the content of the list after the Second, Third and Fourth pass of the Insertion sort method used for arranging in descending order. Note : Show the status of all the elements after each pass very clearly encircling the changes. (b) Write the definition of a function AddPrev(A, N) in Python, which should add every previous value of list A to the next value and assign the sum at the index of the next value. The list A contains N number of integers. The function should finally display the entire content of the changed list. 3 3 Example : If the list A contains the following 10 elements (i.e. for N=10). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 5 15 10 25 12 5 9 5 12 Then the function should display the output as follows : 9 # 14 # 29 # 39 # 64 # 76 # 81 # 90 # 95 # 107 # OR Write the definition of a function ChangeEvenOdd(Num, N) in Python, which should add 1 to every even number and subtract 1 from every odd number. The function should finally display the changed content of the list Num. Example : If the list Num contains the following 10 elements (i.e. for N=10) 0 1 25 12 2 5 3 10 4 9 5 5 6 15 7 9 8 5 9 12 Then the function should display the output as follows : 24 13 4 11 8 4 14 8 4 13 .491/D 20 3 (c) Write functions in Python for PushS(List) and for PopS(List) for performing Push and Pop operations with a stack of List containing integers. The function must check for Empty Stack. OR Write functions in Python for InsertQ(Names) and RemoveQ(Names) for performing insertion and removal operations with a queue of list which contains names of students. The function must check for Empty Queue. (d) Write a Python method/function SwapParts(Word) to swap the first part and the second part of the string Word. Assuming there are an even number of letters in the string Word. The function should finally display the changed Word. For example : If Word = 'Elephant then the function should convert Word to 'hantElep' and display the output as: Changed Word is hantElep 4 4 2 OR Write a Python method/function Noun2Adj(Word) which checks if the string Word ends with the letter y . If so, it replaces the last letter y with the string iful and then displays the changed Word. For example if the Word is "Beauty", then the Word should be changed to "Beautiful". Otherwise it should display Not ending with "y" (e) Evaluate the following Postfix expression, showing the stack contents : 2 2 180,15,6,*,30,+,60,-,/ OR Convert the following Infix expression to its equivalent Postfix expression, showing the stack contents for each step of conversion : P * Q / R - S ^ T 4. (a) What is a NameError in Python ? 2 1 OR What is a TypeError in Python ? .491/D 21 1 P.T.O. (b) (c) .491/D A text file named SOLUTION.TXT contains some English sentences. Another text file named TEST.TXT needs to be created such that it replaces every occurence of 3 consecutive letters h , i and s (irrespective of their cases) from each word of the file SOLUTION.TXT, with 3 underscores ( ___ ). For example : If the file SOLUTION.TXT contains the following content : "This is his history book." Then TEST.TXT should contain the following : "T ___ is ___ ___tory book." Write the definition for function CreateTest()in Python that would perform the above task of creating TEST.TXT from the already existing file SOLUTION.TXT. OR A text file named AGENCIES.TXT contains some text. Write the definition for a function Showsites() in Python which displays all such words of the file which have more than 9 characters and start with "www.". For example : If the file AGENCIES.TXT contains : "Name: TechnoCraft, Website:, Name: DataTech, Website:" Then the function Showsites() should display the output as : Write a definition for function Billing() in Python to read each record of a pickled file STOCK.DAT, and display the Total Price of all the records in the file. Assume that the file STOCK.DAT, is created with the help of objects of class Stock, which is defined below : class Stock(object): def __init__(self,N='',P=0): self.SName=N self.Price=P OR A pickled file ELECTION.DAT contains records stored as objects of the following class : class Election(object): def __init__(self,N,C): self.Name=N self.Count=C Write the definition for function LowCount()in Python, which reads every record from ELECTION.DAT and displays every such Name whose Count is less than 10. 22 3 3 2 2 SECTION C [For all candidates] 5. (a) Observe the following tables EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENT carefully and answer the questions that follow : TABLE : EMPLOYEES ENO (b) ENAME DOJ TABLE : DEPARTMENT DNO DNO DNAME E1 NUSRAT 2001-11-21 D3 D1 ACCOUNTS E2 KABIR 2005-10-25 D1 D2 HR D3 ADMIN (i) What is the Degree of the table EMPLOYEES ? What is the cardinality of the table DEPARTMENT ? (ii) Write the result of a Cartesian Product operation performed upon the tables EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENT upon the common attribute DNO from both tables. Write SQL queries for (i) to (iv) and write outputs for SQL queries for (v) to (viii), which are based on the following two tables, CUSTOMERS and PURCHASES : Table : CUSTOMERS 6 Table : PURCHASES CNO CNAME CITIES SNO QTY PUR_DATE C1 SANYAM DELHI S1 15 2018-12-25 C2 C2 SHRUTI DELHI S2 10 2018-11-10 C1 C3 MEHER MUMBAI S3 12 2018-11-10 C4 C4 SAKSHI CHENNAI S4 7 2019-01-12 C7 C5 RITESH INDORE S5 11 2019-02-12 C2 C6 RAHUL DELHI S6 10 2018-10-12 C6 C7 AMEER CHENNAI S7 5 2019-05-09 C8 C8 MINAKSHI BANGALORE S8 20 2019-05-09 C3 C9 ANSHUL MUMBAI S9 8 2018-05-09 C9 S10 15 2018-11-12 C5 S11 6 2018-08-04 C7 .491/D 2 23 CNO P.T.O. (i) To display details of all CUSTOMERS whose CITIES are neither Delhi nor Mumbai. (ii) To display the CNAME and CITIES of all CUSTOMERS in ascending order of their CNAME. (iii) To display the number of CUSTOMERS along with their respective CITIES in each of the CITIES. (iv) To display details of all PURCHASES made (PUR_DATE) in the year 2019. (v) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CITIES) FROM CUSTOMERS; (vi) SELECT MAX(PUR_DATE) QTY <10; (vii) SELECT CITIES FROM CUSTOMERS FROM PURCHASES WHERE GROUP BY CITIES HAVING COUNT(*) = 2; (viii) 6. (a) (b) SELECT CNAME, QTY, PUR_DATE FROM CUSTOMERS, PURCHASES WHERE CUSTOMERS.CNO = PURCHASES.CNO AND QTY IN (10,20); State any one of the Absorption Laws of Boolean Algebra and verify it using truth table. 2 Draw the Logic Circuit of the following Boolean Expression : 2 A . B + B . C (c) .491/D Derive a Canonical SOP expression for a Boolean function F, represented by the following truth table : X Y Z F(X,Y,Z) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 24 1 (d) Reduce the following Boolean Expression to its simplest form using K-Map : 3 F(A,B,C,D) = (5,6,7,10,11,13,14,15) 7. (a) A CEO of a car manufacturing company ElectroCars Ltd. located at Mumbai wants to have an annual meeting with his counterparts located at Delhi and Chennai where he would like to show as well as see and discuss the presentations prepared at the three locations for the financial year. Which communication technology out of the following is best suited for taking such an online demonstration ? (b) (i) Chat (ii) Teleconferencing (iii) Video Conferencing 1 Match the Telecommunication Technologies listed in the first column of the following table with their corresponding features listed in the second column of the table : Technology 1G 2G 3G 4G (c) Feature IP-based Protocols (LTE) True Mobile Broadband Improved Data Services with Multimedia Mobile Broadband Basic Voice Services Analog-based Protocol Better Voice Services Basic Data Services First Digital Standards (GSM, CDMA) Write the names of one client side and one server side scripting language. .491/D 2 1 25 P.T.O. (d) Write the expanded names for the following abbreviated terms used in Networking and Communications : (e) (i) PPP (ii) PAN (iii) FTP (iv) WLL 2 Helping Hands is an NGO with its head office at Mumbai and branches located at Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai. Their Head Office located at Delhi needs a communication network to be established between the head office and all the branch offices. The NGO has received grant approval from the Central Government for setting up the network. The physical distances between the branch offices and the head office and the number of computers to be installed in each of these branch offices and the head office are given below. As a network expert you have to suggest the best possible solutions for the queries as raised by the NGO, as given in (i) to (iv). Distances between various locations in Kilometres : Mumbai H.O. to Delhi 1420 Mumbai H.O. to Kolkata 1640 Mumbai H.O. to Chennai 2710 Delhi to Kolkata 1430 Delhi to Chennai 1870 Chennai to Kolkata 1750 Number of Computers installed at various locations are as follows : .491/D Mumbai H.O. 2500 Delhi Branch 1200 Kolkata Branch 1300 Chennai Branch 1100 26 (i) (ii) (iii) Suggest the drawing the best cable layout for effective network connectivity of all the Branches and the Head Office for communicating data. 1 Suggest the most suitable location to install the main server of this NGO to communicate data with all the offices. 1 Write the name of the type of network out of the following, which will be formed by connecting all the computer systems across the network : 1 (A) WAN (B) MAN (C) LAN (D) PAN (iv) Suggest the most suitable medium for connecting the computers installed across the network out of the following : 1 (A) Optical fibre (B) Telephone wires (C) Radio Waves (D) Ethernet cable .491/D 27 P.T.O.

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