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CBSE Class 11 Pre Board 2020 : English Core (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL,JAMMU ASSIGNMENT : 2019-20 CLASS : XI SUBJECT: ENGLISH TIME : 3 Hrs MM : 80 General Instructions i) ii) iii) This paper is divided into three sections: A, B, and C. All the sections are compulsory. Separate instructions are given with each question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully. Word-limit is given with the questions wherever required. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. SECTION A (READING) Q1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follows: We know if we eat the right food, in the right quantities, at the right time, our digestive system will remain healthy, similarly if we breathe right our respiratory system will function efficiently. If our hearts are in good shape, and the arteries ensure that blood reaches where it must, our circulatory system is in order. Pathology tests can verify the efficacy of our bodily functions. But how does one keep in shape an invisible system? Our energy system helps us process the life force. Like food, air or blood, it flows through our bodies, is processed and transformed before leaving us. The manner in which it tells us how energetic we are. We need go no further than our body to gauge our emotions. If we are feeling distressed, upset, guilty, angry, irritated or resentful, we can safely assume that energy is leaving our body in fear. If, on the other hand, we are in a joyful, contented, vibrant mood, we are processing our energy lovingly. All emotions flow from two basic emotions: Love and Fear. (One group of emotions makes us feel restless and uneasy, the other brings about balance and harmony.) We label the two as positive and negative. It also encourages us to accept the happy ones and reject the other. We grow up with the understanding that while it is correct to feel happy, joyful and grateful, it is in bad form to feel guilty irritated stressed or sad. These are emotions which make us weak and we could be pushed into being a loser, unable to cope. Not only do we get into the habit of being unable to acknowledge what we are feeling but worse, gradually, we begin to suppress those feelings as they arise. See how naturally this happens. A young child, jealous of hid newborn sibling is made to feel bad about his emotions; when he suffers hurt, he is distracted so he doesn t feel it fully; he is taught it is brave not to cry. Seed of emotional processing begin to take root in young, fertile mind. By the time we are adults, we have become outwardly poised, calm individuals, in control of our surroundings and expert at keeping our emotions in careful check. Where do we hide our feelings? We repress them within in various parts of our body. Anger hides in our liver, ruining our digestion and creating acidity; responsibility sits heavy on our shoulders; hurt and resentment causes constipation; financial insecurity might cause us discomfort in our lower back. Although these might seem like generalization, they are the emotional components of our physical and pains and aches. Understanding them can help us heal totally from the most dread disease. Will we take responsibility for our emotional health? Let us learn to manage our emotions. All negative thoughts are caused by a disruption in the body s energy system. By learning a simple routine of tapping certain parts of our face and hands, the end

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