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CBSE Class 11 Pre Board 2020 : English Core (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL,JAMMU ASSIGNMENT : 2019-20 CLASS : XI SUBJECT: ENGLISH TIME : 3 Hrs MM : 80 General Instructions i) ii) iii) This paper is divided into three sections: A, B, and C. All the sections are compulsory. Separate instructions are given with each question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully. Word-limit is given with the questions wherever required. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. SECTION A (READING) Q1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follows: We know if we eat the right food, in the right quantities, at the right time, our digestive system will remain healthy, similarly if we breathe right our respiratory system will function efficiently. If our hearts are in good shape, and the arteries ensure that blood reaches where it must, our circulatory system is in order. Pathology tests can verify the efficacy of our bodily functions. But how does one keep in shape an invisible system? Our energy system helps us process the life force. Like food, air or blood, it flows through our bodies, is processed and transformed before leaving us. The manner in which it tells us how energetic we are. We need go no further than our body to gauge our emotions. If we are feeling distressed, upset, guilty, angry, irritated or resentful, we can safely assume that energy is leaving our body in fear. If, on the other hand, we are in a joyful, contented, vibrant mood, we are processing our energy lovingly. All emotions flow from two basic emotions: Love and Fear. (One group of emotions makes us feel restless and uneasy, the other brings about balance and harmony.) We label the two as positive and negative. It also encourages us to accept the happy ones and reject the other. We grow up with the understanding that while it is correct to feel happy, joyful and grateful, it is in bad form to feel guilty irritated stressed or sad. These are emotions which make us weak and we could be pushed into being a loser, unable to cope. Not only do we get into the habit of being unable to acknowledge what we are feeling but worse, gradually, we begin to suppress those feelings as they arise. See how naturally this happens. A young child, jealous of hid newborn sibling is made to feel bad about his emotions; when he suffers hurt, he is distracted so he doesn t feel it fully; he is taught it is brave not to cry. Seed of emotional processing begin to take root in young, fertile mind. By the time we are adults, we have become outwardly poised, calm individuals, in control of our surroundings and expert at keeping our emotions in careful check. Where do we hide our feelings? We repress them within in various parts of our body. Anger hides in our liver, ruining our digestion and creating acidity; responsibility sits heavy on our shoulders; hurt and resentment causes constipation; financial insecurity might cause us discomfort in our lower back. Although these might seem like generalization, they are the emotional components of our physical and pains and aches. Understanding them can help us heal totally from the most dread disease. Will we take responsibility for our emotional health? Let us learn to manage our emotions. All negative thoughts are caused by a disruption in the body s energy system. By learning a simple routine of tapping certain parts of our face and hands, the end points of energy meridians, these disruptions can be fixed- often within minutes. With awareness, we can lift ourselves out of irritation, restlessness, anxiety, fear and more. We can equally let go of longterm hurts and bitterness. We can manage stress, which needlessly saps our energy. We can also heal physical aches and pains with the same tool. Once we begin emotion management, we will begin to feel empowered. We will live in the present moment, free of past burdens and learn the meaning of emotional freedom. 1.1 1.2 1.3 Q2. Answer the following questions briefly. a) How can we keep our digestive system fit? b) How do we lose or gain energy? c) Which are two basic emotions from which emotions flow? d) Where does a person hide his feelings? e) How can we manage our emotions? f) How does emotion management empower us? Complete the following sentences after reading the above passage: a) Negative thoughts are caused by .. b) We hide our feelings c) Seed of emotional processing begin to take root in d) Two basic emotions are .. Choose one word from the passage which means same as the following a) Desired effect(para 1) b) Ready/prepared/ self-confidence (para 5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Over the last fifty years, millions of rupees have undoubtedly been spent on child care in this country. Yet, it is not sub-Saharan Africa that is the home of the malnutrition children but India where, according to UNICEF statistics, 53% of all children are malnourished. The reasons for malnutrition among Indian children are not far to seek. It is a multi-sectorial, multi-level problem that involve not just the availability but also adequate mother and child care in terms of easy access to health facilities, safe drinking water, environmental sanitation and, of course, literacy. Neither the setting up of the National Nutrition Council in 1994, under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister, nor the integrated child development of the child under six years of age, have made any visible or vocal difference or improvement in the sordid situation. Unfortunately, the purpose of strengthening the capacities of the community and of those whose care has failed to deliver the goods because the schemes envisaged have had only marginal impact in the area of nutrition where it is most wanting and woeful. On paper we have plenty of policies and programmes, but as far as performance is concerned we have earned enough notoriety. The need of the hour is to translate them into deeds and results what we have tried to sell in the form of promises and populist pronouncements. The most urgent areas of attention and immediate actions are nutrition, health and education of children, whose well being reflects the health of the society and caring outlook of the polity. Since the causes of malnutrition of children are many, like exploding population, bias against the female child, weak and suffering mothers, the remedy calls for care of the mother and care by the mother , besides an effective control over population explosion. Ignorance of what food should be taken, is another contributory factor that results in malnutrition among women and children. The implementation of various schemes to fight the menace of malnutrition and undernourishment of children requires planning, co-ordination and monitoring by high powered bodies right down to the village level. 2.1 2.2 On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. Also suggest a suitable title. 5 Write the summary of the above passage in about 80 words. 3 SECTION B (WRITING&GRAMMAR ) Q3 As the Principal of Zenith Public school, Gurgaon, write a notice in 50 words informing the students about the remedial classes in English, Maths and Science being organized for weak students of XI & XII during summer vacation. 4 OR As Director of New Star Orientations, draft an advertisement on behalf of your institute which is shortly starting computer courses. Give necessary details about the features of the course and other details. Q4 You are Misha/Mahesh of New Delhi. As a representative of your school you have attended a workshop on Adult Education Programme organized by CBSE. Write a report in about 150 words for publication in The Indian Express , New Delhi. 8 OR You are Riddhima/Ritik from NaiSarak, Delhi. You observe lots of developmental works are being carried out in and around Delhi. You strongly feel that there is urgent need to change the mindset of people so that they feel proud and responsible for such changes. Write an article in about 150-200 words expressing your views. You are ShilpiDatta of Chittranjan Park, Jharkhand. Write aletter to the Health Minister, Jharkhand complaining to him about the lack of facilities and malfunctioning of the Government Hospital in your area. ( 150 words ) 6 Q5 Q6 Q7 As the Vice-Principal of SaraswatiShikshaMandir, R.P. Block, Pitampura, New Delhi you have to makearrangements for the farewell party to the outgoing batch. Write a letterto Subhash Caterers 512, Rohini sector 20, Delhi placing an order of food and drinks for about 200people. They should also makeserving arrangements. There is one error in each line in the following paragraph. Write the incorrect word and the correct word for it in your answer sheet. 4 Even if Indians have a long history ofthem, he have a poor knowledge of maintainingthere homes, toilets, draperies on fridges. Modern detergents and soaps arevery common among only few, but people does use them regularly. This cause the growth ofharmful bacteria and viruses. Q8 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Arrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. 2 a) crowded / railway platform / Sunday / the / unusually / last / was b) toSurat / vendors carrying / to board / were at / sweet-smelling flowers / the train / the platform SECTION C (TEXT BOOKS) Q9 Read the extract from the poem and answer the questions that follow: A sweet face, My mother s, that was before I was born. And the sea, which appears to have changed less Washed their terribly transient feet. . a) b) c) Where was the mother standing and why? How did she look at that time? Compare the change that comes in the mother and the sea? Or He speaks: I cannot understand Myself, why anger grows from grief. We each put out an empty hand, Longing for something to forgive. a) What can t the father understand? b) What do the words an empty hand signify? do both the father and the son long for? Q10 1 1 1 1 c) 1 Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each. a) b) c) offered. d) e) 1 What 3x5=15 Forests precede mankind; deserts follow? Explain this statement. How did the nurse and the old woman react when they heard the child cry? Comment upon the criteria of selection of the wisest man and the quality of counsel he Describe the reaction of the tourists visiting Tut s tomb. Describe the role of children in the story we are .to die be together? Q11 Answer the following question in about 125-150 words: The Address is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment Q12Compare and contrast Crocker Harris and Frank. Q13 Narrate in your own words the story of Wu Dauzi and his painting. Explain its significance. 6 6 6

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