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CBSE Class 11 Pre Board 2021 : Informatics Practices - Annual Final (CBSE Gulf Sahodaya Qatar Chapter, Doha)

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Annual Examination, 2020-2021 Informatics Practices (Theory) Grade: 11 Date: 18.02. 2021 Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70 General Instructions: 1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory. 2. Both Part A and Part B have choices. 3. Part-A has 2 sections: a. Section I is short answer questions, to be answered in one word or one line. b. Section II has two case studies questions. Each case study has 4 case-based sub- parts. An examinee is to attempt any 4 out of the 5 subparts. 4. Part - B is Descriptive Paper. 5. Part- B has three sections a. Section-I is short answer questions of 2 marks each in which two questions have internal options. b. Section-II is long answer questions of 3 marks each in which two questions have internal options. c. Section-III is very long answer questions of 5 marks each in which one question has question has internal option. Part A Section I Attempt any 15 questions from questions 1 to 21 1 1 State whether the following statements are True or False: i) Operating System is an interface between the user and the computer and controls the hardware and software of the computer system. __________ ii) In FOSS source code is usually hidden from the users.____________ 2 1 Fill in the blanks: Which data type will be used to represent the following data values in Python? i) Volume of sphere ii) Mobile number Page 1 of 7 3 i) 4 for i in range (20,30,2) : print (i) Give the output of the following when num1=4, num2=3, num3=2. i) 5. 1 Find the output of the following program segments: 1 num1 += num2 + num3 1 What will be the output of the following statements? i) List1=[12,43,2,56,78] List1.sort( ) 6 Print (List1) List any two cloud-based services that you are using at present. 1 7 Expand: SaaS 1 8 Fill in the blanks: 1 _________ allows a user to look at, explore, and interact with virtual surroundings, just like one can do in the real world. 9 Name the device that is capable of carrying out one or more tasks automatically 1 with accuracy and precision. 10 Convert the following into bytes: i) 11 1 2 MB Identify the category (system / application / programming tool) of the following 1 software: i) 12 Name the Output device used to do the following: i) 13 Ubuntu 1 To build 3D models Name the device which is a network of devices that have an embedded 1 hardware and software used to connect and exchange data with other devices on the same network. 14 What is MySQL? 1 15 Expand : RDBMS 1 16 An attribute A of datatype varchar(20) has the value Amit . The attribute B of 1 datatype char(20) has value Karanita . How many characters are occupied in attribute A ? How many characters are occupied in attribute B? 17 What is a Tuple? 1 18 Define Degree of a Table. 1 19 Choose the correct option: 1 Page 2 of 7 The symbol ( * ) in a select query retrieves __________ . 20 i) All data from the table ii) Data of primary key only iii) NULL data Name the SQL commands used to : i) 21 1 Display the structure of a table SPORTS . Rewrite the following SQL statement after correcting error(s). Underline the corrections made. INSERT IN EMP(EMPNO, SALES) VALUE (100, 20078.50); 1 Section II Both the case study based questions (22 & 23) are compulsory. Attempt any four sub parts from each question. Each sub question carries 1 mark. 22 Consider the following dictionary stateCapital: stateCapital = {"Assam":"Guwahati", "Bihar":"Patna","Maharashtra":"Mumbai", "Rajasthan":"Jaipur"} Find the output of the following statements: i) print(stateCapital.get("Bihar")) 1 ii) print(stateCapital.keys()) 1 iii) print(stateCapital.values()) 1 iv) print(stateCapital.items()) 1 v) print(len(stateCapital)) 1 23 Write the following SQL commands on the basis of table Class . ROLLNO NAME STIPEND SUBJECT AVGMARK GRADE 1 VIKAS 1200 MEDICAL 67 B 2 BOBY 1400 HUMANITIES 78.8 B 3 TARUN 1000 MEDICAL 64.8 C 4 VARUN 1600 NON-MEDICAL 84 A 1800 NON-MEDICAL 90 A 5 ATUL i) Display names of all Non-Medical stream students from the table Class. 1 ii) Display all the records where grade is B or C. 1 iii) Display those records whose average mark in between 70 to 90 1 iv) Insert a new row with the following data (06, MITHUN , 1300, HUMANITIES , 1 Page 3 of 7 98 , A ) v) 1 Display all records in Descending order of Name wise. Part B Section I 24 2 Consider a list: list1 = [6,7,8,9] What will be the output of the following operations on list1? a) list1 * 2 Consider a list: list1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] What will be the output of the following operations on list1? b) list1 [ : : -2 ] 25 What will be the output of the following code segment? myList = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] del myList[3:] print(myList) 2 26 Consider the following list myList. What will be the elements of myList after each of the following operations? myList = [10,20,30,40] a) myList.append([50,60]) b) myList.extend([80,90]) 2 27 Create a Python program to calculate Profit-Loss for given cost and selling price. 2 28 Draw a block diagram of a computer system and label each part. 2 29 Mention any four characteristics of Big Data. 2 OR What is mean by Artificial Intelligence? 30 List four commonly used Database Management System application software. 2 31 What is a Query? 2 32 Define the following: 2 i) Primary key 33 ii) Foreign key What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR datatype in MySQL. Section II Page 4 of 7 2 34 Create a Python program to find the largest and smallest numbers in a list. 3 35 Define the following terms: 3 i) Sensors j) Robotics 36 Create a Python program to find the sum of squares of the first 100 Natural numbers 3 37 Write an SQL query to create the table 'Menu' with the following structure: 3 Section - III 38 Predict the Output for the following (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) and write the Python code for (v). i. #list2 is the list of vowels list2 = ['a','e','i','o','u'] print(list2) ii. #initialing a list named list1 list1 = [2,4,6,8,10,12] print( list1[0] ) iii. # list1 of colors list1 = ['Red','Green','Blue','Orange'] list1[3] = 'Black' print(list1) iv. list1 = ['Red','Green','Blue'] print('Green' in list1) v. Consider the list, list1 =['Red','Green','Blue','Cyan', 'Magenta','Yellow','Black'] Output is: ['Blue', 'Cyan', 'Magenta', 'Yellow'] Write the Python code to get the above Output (v). Page 5 of 7 5 39 Observe the given table Person carefully and answer the following questions: 5 i. Name the column that might have a Primary Key constraint. Justify your answer. ii. Name the column that might have a Unique constraint. Justify your answer. iii. Write a query to add a new column (Salary int(5) not null )to the Person table. OR Consider the following table named Garment . 1) Write SQL command to change the colour of garment with code as 116 to Orange . 2) Write SQL command to increase the price of all XL garments by 10%. 3) Write SQL command to delete the record with GCode 116 . Page 6 of 7 40 Write a Python program to calculate average marks of 5 subjects and display 5 the result. OR Write a Python program to print the highest and lowest values in the dictionary, Student_dict . student_dict={'Rahul':98,'Bala':43,'Veal':67,'Kevin':76,'Omar':100 } Page 7 of 7

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