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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : Social Science - Prelim 2 (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Agra)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, AGRA REGION PRE BOARD 2019-20 CLASS-X SET- H SOCIAL SCIENCE Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: i. The question paper has 35 questions in all. ii. Marks are indicated against each question. iii. Questions from serial number 1 to 20 are objective type questions. Each question carries one mark. Answer them as instructed. iv. Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each. v. Questions from serial number 29 to 34 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120 words each. vi. Question number 35 is a map question of 6 marks with two parts - 35 a. from History (2 marks) and 35b. from Geography (4 marks). : i. 35 ii. iii. 1 20 iv. 21 28 3 80 v. 29 34 5 120 vi. 35 6 - 35 (2 ) 35 (4 ) Page 1 of 17 SECTION A SHORT ANS. QUESTIONS 1.Choose the correct answer from the options given below: ` 1 COLUMN B A. Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossein 1. Sambad Kaumudi B. Jyotiba Phule 2. Sultana s Dream C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak 3. Kesari D. Raja Rammohan Roy 4. Gulamgiri A B A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. 2. What was the reason for calling of the Non- Cooperation movement ? A.Due to Jalianwala Bagh incident B.Due to Chauri Chaura violent incident C.Because of Gandhi Irwin pact D.None of the above 2. ? A. C. B. D. 3Study the picture and answer the question that follows Page 2 of 17 1 1 Which of the following aspect best signifies this image of Germania ? A. Heroism and Justice B. Folk and Cultural Tradition C. Austerity and Asceticism D. Revenge and Vengeance ? A. B. C. D. Note: This question is in lieu of Q3 for Visually Impaired Candidates only : Q3 Q-3 What does the crown on allegory of Germania signify? ? 4.Who hosted the congress at Vienna in 1815? 1815 ? 5.Which state is the leading producer of rubber? A. Punjab B. West Bengal C. Telangana D. Kerala 1 1 ? A. B. C. D. 6.Complete the following table with correct information with regard to cultivation of Rice: Page 3 of 17 1 Rice Annual rain fall Cropping season required Temperature required for its growth (in degrees) 100 cm (A) - ? (B) - ? : ( ) 100 . . (A) -? (B)- ? 7.Being a tropical country, India has enormous possibilities of tapping solar energy. Suggest any one way to popularize its maximum use. 1 , OR / A concerted effort has to be made for sustainable development. Suggest any one step in conserving our natural resources for the future. 8. Correct the following statement and rewrite: In Srilanka, an Act was passed in 1956 to recognise Tamil as the only official language, disregarding Sinhala. 1 : , 1956 , OR / Page 4 of 17 Correct the following statement and rewrite: Belgium is a small country in Europe and share borders with France, Italy, Germany and Luxembourg. : , , 1 Q9. What does a legitimate government mean? ? 1 Note: This question is in lieu of Q9 for visually impaired candidates : Q9 Q9. Give any one example of Social Democracy. 10. The representation of women in Indian Parliament is still low as compared to European 1 countries because __________ ............ OR / The Constitution of India provides to all individuals and communities freedom to profess, practice and propagate any religion because ___________ 1 , _____________ 11 What is Panchayati Raj? 1 ? OR / Who presides over the meetings of a Municipal Corporation? ? Page 5 of 17 1 1 12.Write any one indicator of Human Development Index. 13 Which of the following statement defines Sustainable Development?1 A. A. Sustainable use of natural resources without considering the need of the future generation. B.P B. present generation fulfils its needs while considering the needs of the future generation as well. C.I C. means utilisation of natural resources by the past, present and forthcoming future generation. D. To meets the needs of the future generations even if the needs of the present generation go unmet ? A. B. C. , D. , 14. State any one reason for overuse of resources? ?1 15 Which of the following profession belongs to the Secondary Sector of economy? A.Fisherman B.Farmer C.Factory worker D.Teacher ? 1 A. C. B. D. Page 6 of 17 1 116. The number of deaths of children less than one year of age per 1000 live births is 6referred as............... 1 1000 ................. OR / The total number of children of age group 14 and 15 years attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group is referred as ________. 14 15 --------------- . 1 717.Find the Incorrect option 1 A. Demand deposit share the essential features of money B. With demand deposit payments can be made without cash C. Demand deposits are safe way of money transformation D. Demand deposit facility is like cheque 1 A. B. C. D 18.Arrange the following in the correct sequence i.Transporting cloth to the workshops ii.Sale in shops and showrooms Page 7 of 17 1 iii.Spinning the yarn iv.Weaving of the fabric Options A.i--iv--iii--ii B.iii iv i--ii C.iv i--ii--iii D.iii iv--ii i - 1 i) ii) iii) iv) A.i--iv--iii--ii B.iii iv i--ii C.iv i--ii--iii D.iii iv--ii i 19.In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and chose the correct option: Assertion (A): Not every good or service that is produced and sold needs to be counted to know the total production in each sector. Reason (R): The value of final goods already includes the value of all the intermediate goods. Options: a.Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. b.Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. c.A is correct but R is wrong. d.A is wrong but R is correct. Page 8 of 17 , ( ) ( ) : ( ): (R): : a. A R R, A b. A R R, A c. A R d. A R 20Rita20. Shila has taken a loan of Rs. 10 lakhs from the bank to purchase a car. The annual interest rate on the loan is 12 per cent and the loan is to be repaid in 5years in monthly instalments. The bank retained the papers of the new car as collateral, which will be returned to Shila only when she repays the entire loan with interest. Analyse the loan information given above, considering one of the following correct option. a.Mode of re-payment b.Terms of credit c.Interest on loan d.Deposit criteria 10 , 12 5 , I , A) C) B) D) SECTION B/ SHORT ANS. QUESTIONS/ Page 9 of 17 21. What was the Rowlatt Act? How did it affect the National Movement? 3 ? ? OR/ Describe the incidence of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. 3 22. Why did Group 77 countries demand a new International Economic Order? Explain.3 77 ? OR/ Why did merchants moved to the countryside Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth 3 centuries? Give reason . ? 23. Read the sources given below and answer the questions that followsSource A-Religious Debates and the Fear of Print Print created the possibility of wide circulation of ideas, and introduced a new world of debate and discussion. Even those who disagreed with established authorities could now print and circulate their ideas. Through the printed message, they could persuade people to think 3 differently, and move them to action. This had significance in different spheres of life. Source B-The Reading Mania The ideas of scientists and philosophers now became more accessible to the common people. Ancient and medieval scientific texts were compiled and published, and maps and scientific diagrams were widely printed. When scientists like Isaac Newton began to publish their discoveries, they could influence a much wider circle of scientifically minded readers. The writings of thinkers such as Thomas Paine, Voltaire and Jean Jacques Rousseau were also widely printed and read. Thus their ideas about science, reason and rationality found their way into popular literature. Source C --- Print Culture and the French Revolution Print popularised the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers. Collectively, their writings provided a critical commentary on tradition, superstition and despotism. They argued for the rule of reason rather than custom, and demanded that everything be judged through the application of reason and rationality. They attacked the sacred authority of the Church and the despotic Page 10 of 17 power of the state, thus eroding the legitimacy of a social order based on tradition. The writings of Voltaire and Rousseau were read widely; and those who read these books saw the world through new eyes, eyes that were questioning, critical and rational. Source A-Religious Debates and the Fear of Print 23.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of Print in the transmission of ideas and cultures. 1 Source B-The Reading Mania 23.2 To what extent do you agree that scientific ideas were circulated through Print.? Give only one aspect. 1 Source C --- Print Culture and the French Revolution 23.3To what extent did print culture create conditions for French Revolution ?. Cite any one evidence to support your answer. 1 - , , , 3 , - , , , , --- , , , Page 11 of 17 , ; , , - 23.1 1 - 23.2 ? 1 --- 23.3 ? 24. ?tie 1 ioion ieHiniHiws inw ioh nii s Hi twitHt ii Htw iowns ioi Htw woninio woH ? 3 in/ India has fairly rich and varied mineral resources across different regions . Support the statement with examples. 3 " " 25. WtiH sHwps ewnw Hikwo io 1992 io Htw inwi ii iwewoHnitisiHiio io Ioiii? 3 1992 ? 26.WtiH is Htw owewssiHy ii i pitiHieit pinHy iin i iw ieniey ? 3 ? 27. CnwiiH tis iHs ieo oiq w nitw iin iwnwtip woH J sHiiy Htw sHiHw woHs eiHt inn w woHs. in/ Page 12 of 17 3 Wty is iiwno e nnwoey ieewpHwi is i wii ii wxetionw eiHti H ioy sw ii iHs ieo? Fioi i H Htw nwisios. ? 3 28. Underemployment continues to be rampant in the rural areas. Suggest any three ways through which employment for rural people can be generated. 3 . SECTION C LONG ANS. QUESTIONS 29. How did culture play an important role in creating the idea of the nation in Europe? 5 Explain with examples. ? Or/ What was the impact of treaty of Vienna (1815) on European people? Write any five points. (1815) ? 30. Read the extract and answer the questions that follows: Today, the world has been converted into a large village with the help of efficient and fast moving transport. Transport has been able to achieve this with the help of equally developed communication system. Therefore, transport, communication and trade are complementary to each other. Today, India is well-linked with the rest of the world despite its vast size, diversity and linguistic and socio-cultural plurality. Railways, airways, waterways, newspapers, radio, television, cinema and internet, etc. have been contributing to its socio-economic progress in many ways. The trades from local to international levels have added to the vitality of its economy. It has enriched our life and added substantially to growing amenities and facilities for the comforts Page 13 of 17 of life. It is thus, evident that a dense and efficient network of transport and communication is a prerequisite for local, national and global trade of today. 30.1-Why is there a need to interlink with the world? 30.2-Infer the importance of means of transportation and communication for socio- economic progress? 30.3- How does trade strengthen the economy of a country? (1+2+2=5) : , , , , , - , , , , , , - - , , . - ? 30.2- - ? 30.3- ? (1 + 2 + 2 = 5) 31. WtiH is Htw s sHiioibtw weioi ie iwnwtip woH? Dise ss Htw p npisw ii Rii iw Jiowini EinHt S iH Aoi Anwoii 21. 5 ? 21 32.Ci pinw Htw eiys io etiet Htw Bwtni ioi Htw Sni Liokios tinw iwitH eiHt e tH nit iinwnsiHy . 5 5 33. Democracy is seen to be good principle but felt to be not good in practice . Justify the statement. Page 14 of 17 " " . 5 Or/ Why do we feel that democracy is a better form of government than any other form? Explain. ? 34. WtiH is ntibitisiHiio ? Exptiio Hei pisiHinw ioi Hei owniHinw i pieH ii ntibitisiHiio. (1+2+2=5) ? 35. (a) Two places A and B have been marked on the given outline map of India. 2 Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them A) The place where Indian National Congress session was held in December 1920. B) The place where Salt Law was broken by Mahatma Gandhi b)On the same outline map of India locate and label any four of the following with suitable 4 Symbols. i. Paradweep- Major Sea Port ii. Noida- Software Technology Park iii. Salem- Iron and Steel industry iv. Kalpakkam- Nuclear Power Plant v.Bhakra Nangal Dam vi.Chattrapati Shivaji International Airport Note: The following questions are for the Visually Impaired candidates only in lieuof Q. No. 35. ANY SIX to be attempted: 1X6 =6 i.Name the state where Indigo planters organized Satyagraha. Page 15 of 17 ii.Name the place where Non- Cooperation Movement ended abruptly due to violence. iii.Name the state where Jallianwala Bagh incidence took place. iv.Name the state where Chhatrapati ShivajiAirport is located. v.Name the state where Salem Iron and Steel Plant is located. vi.Name the state where Kalpakkam Nuclear Power Plant is located. vii.Name the Software Technology Park located in Uttar Pradesh. viii.Name the state where Haldia Seaport is located. 35. ( ) A) 1920 ) b) i. - ii . - iii. - iv. v - vi. (2+4=6) : , 35. SIX : 1X6 = 6 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Page 16 of 17 viii. #### END OF PAPER ### Page 17 of 17

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