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Class 10 CBSE Pre Board 2015 : Social Science 1 (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) No. 2, Raipur)

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SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - II SUB - SOCIAL SCIENCE CLASS - X TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS - 90 General Instructions :1. The question paper has 30 questions in all. All questions are COMPULSORY 2. Marks for each question are indicated against the question . 3. Questions from serial number 1 to 9 are very short answer type questions. Each question carries one marks. 4. Questions from serial number 10 to 21 are three marks questions 5. Questions from serial number 22 to 29 are five marks 6. Question number 30 is a map question of five marks (Two marks from history and three marks from geography) 1-- Write full name of BAMCEF ? 1 2 How many parties are registered with the election commission of India? 1 ? 3 Which is the basic mineral and the backbone of industrial development ? 1 ? 4 Which country in South Asia has no democracy? 1 ? 5 Why is money called the medium of exchange ? 1 ? 6 What is an MNC ? 1 ? 7 COPRA was passed in the year-------. 1 ----- ? 8 Who was Ottoman Bismarck ? 1 ? OR Who was Paul Bernard ? ? 9 Who wrote the book HIND SWARAJ ? 1 ? 10 Write a name three national waterways of our country ? 3 ? 11 Describe any three economic effect of the Non-Cooperation movement ?3 ? 12 Mention three main proposal with reference to the Non-Cooperation movement as suggested by Mahatma Gandhi Ji? 3 ? 13 Why is road transport more useful than rail transport in India ? Explain. 3. ? 14 Write three differences between Conventional and Non- Conventional source of energy ? 3 ? 15 What is the role played by the banks in the economic development of a 3 country ? ? 16 Political Parties play a major role in a democracy ? Give three point . 3 ? . 17 Why is democracy preferred to other forms of government ? 3 ? 18 What is a pressure group ? Give a few example . 3 ? 19 What is the main function of consumer protection councils ? 3 ? 20 What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people ? ? OR What was the idea of a civilizing mission ? ? 3 21 Mentions three limitations of the Barter system? 3 ? 22 Describe any five major problems faced by the road transport in India ? 5 ? 23 What was Rowlatt Act ? How did the Indians show their disapproval towards this act ? 5 ? ? 24 Describe any five function of Political parties? 5 ? 25 Describes any five positive impact of Globalization on India ? 5 ? 26 Explain any five ways in which consumers are exploited in the market ? 5 ? 27 Explain any five major challenges being faced by the Indian democracy ? 5 ? 28 Write five points to show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe ? ? OR 5 Explain the causes of the US involvement in the war in Vietnam. What effect did this involvement have on life within the US itself ? ? 29 Why is the use of Non-Conventional sources of energy becoming essential these days ? 5 ? 30. MAP WORK 5 30.1 (A) Iron Ore Mines (B) Mica Mines (C) Bauxite Mines 30.2 (A) Place where Indian National Congress Session was held in December 1920 1920 (B) A place associated with Jallianwala Bagh Massacre SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT ------ II ANSWER KEY CLASS ---- X SUB ------ SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. Backward And Minority Communities Employees Federation 2. More than 750 Parties 3. Iron-Ore 4. Bhutan 5. Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process 6. Multi-National Corporation is a company that owns and controls production in more than one nation 7. 1986 8. He was the true architect of Germany who played an important role in the unification of the country Or A diplomat 9. Mahatma Gandhi 10. N.W. 1 Ganga river between Allahabad to Haldia N.M. 2 Brahmaputra river between Sadiya and Dhubri N.W. 3 The west coast canal in Kerala 11. (1). Cloths value dropping (2). Merchants and traders refused to trade (3). People began discarding imported cloths 12. (1) Boycott of election (2). Boycott of schools and collages (3). Boycott of British goods 13.(1). Construction cost of wood is much lower than that of railway lines (2). It provides door to door services (3). Roads can pass through comparatively more dissected and undulating topography 14. Conventional :- 1) They are available in limited 2) Cause a lot of pollution 3) Exp :- Coal and Petroleum Non-conventional :- 1) They are renewable 2) Pollution free 3) Exp :- Solar and Wind Energy 15. (i) They give interest on the money deposited by the people (ii) The banks mediate between those who have surplus money and those who need money (iii) Banks provide cheap loans to a large number of people 16. (i) Political parties makes government (ii) Play role of opposition (iii) Political parties shape public opinions by raising and highlighting issues 17. (i) It promotes equality (ii) It allows room to correct mistakes (iii) It is people s own government 18. A pressure group is an organization which attempts to influence government policies through protest and demonstration, exp FEDECOR and BAMCEF 19. (i) For guidance (ii) For awareness (iii) On many occasion they also represent individual consumers 20. (i) The idea of LA PATRIE and LE CITOYEN (ii) The state generals was elected by the citizens (iii) Regional languages were discouraged and French was adopted Or (i). Bring modern civilization (ii) Destroy local culture (iii) Educate the native and civilize them 21. (i). Lack of double coincidence of wants (ii) Lack of actual measurement of value (iii) Difficulty in storing wealth 22. (i) Poor maintenance (ii) Most of the bridges are old (iii) Roadways are highly congested (iv) Distribution of roads is not uniform (v) The NH s are inadequate 23. This act was passed in 1919 by the British government despite the united opposition of the Indian members (1) Shops closed down (2) Put the local leaders in jail (3) Rallies were organized 24. (i) Parties make laws for the country (ii) Parties play role of the opposition (iii) Parties contest elections (iv) Parties shape public opinions (v) Parties form and run government 25. (i) Increase foreign investment (ii) Creation of new job (iii) Variety of products (iv) Improved qualities (v) Lower price 26. (i) High price (ii) Duplicity (iii) Sub-standard quality (iv) Incomplete information (v) Unsatisfactory service 27.(i) Corruption (ii) Communalism (iii) Casteism (iv) Power (v) Expansion 28. (i) Stories (ii) Music (iii) Great nationalist (iv) Language (v) Art and Poetry Or Causes (i) (ii) (iii) US policy planners got afraid France had to face great humiliation in Vietnam America did not want the unification Effect (i) (ii) Technology and medical supplies were high The youth were drafted for the war 29. (i) These are Renewable (ii) Eco-Friendly (iii)Rising price of oil (IV)Non Renewable are limited (V) power saving 30. 30.1(a) Koraput 30.1(b) Ajmer 30.1 Bilaspur 30.2(a) Nagpur 30.2(b) Amritsar

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