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CBSE Pre Board Class 10 2019 : English Language & Literature (St Xavier's Sr. Sec. School, Delhi) : Set 2

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Pre Board Examination 2019 Std. 10 18-01-2019 Set 2 ENGLISH Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 hrs. The Question paper is divided into three sections; Section A Reading (20 marks) Section B Writing and Grammar (30 marks) Section C Literature (30 marks) General Instructions: i) All questions are compulsory. ii) You may attempt any section at a time. iii) All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order. Section A(Reading) 1. Read the following passage carefully: 1 Fear of failure is an attitude problem. All of us postpone things. We procrastinate. We rationalize. We make excuses. We foolishly believe that to be creative and to have a positive attitude and to simply do things, we have to have all kinds of preconditions.You can find several excuses for waiting to be more creative. But scratch the surface of these smooth and logical rationalizations, and if you are honest, you will see the face of a little demon, the fear of failure, hiding there.Zig Ziglar reminds us that this is nothing but an attitude problem. The future can be depressing or magnificent-it is not correlated to the present or the past, past failures or successes. It is only our attitude towards these failures or successes which determines our future. You can change yourself by changing your attitude without fear of error. 2 Problems cause stress and stress reduces our effectiveness. So it is very logical that once we solve our problems, we should be able to increase our efficiency and effectiveness. Incidentally, we can t eliminate problems unless we opt for the final exit-the very thought of this itself is stressful!What causes our problems? Well, roughly speaking one third of our problems are there because we are alive and kicking; another one-third of our problems are created by ourselves; and the remaining one-third of our problems exist because of greed and ego.When too many problems are causing you enormous stress and strain, do the following:Think there must be a better way to solve these problems. It helps to remember the crow and jug story! Recall similar stories and incidents.Ask, ask, ask from yourself and from others, how to do things in better ways. May be certain things should not be done at all or should be clubbed with other activities! Don t forget even stupid questions will get you intelligent and common sense answers. 3 Do it now! Start doing it. Don t forget that the first step towards solving a problem is to begin. The first step is the most difficult one, but taking it will kill procrastination-a disease or a problem in itself. Do not forget to prioritise your problems first. Those which are C category jobs should be delegated to others, but do not forget to check and recheck till these get done. There is always a silver lining in any gloomy situation, provided you starve the problems and feed the opportunities. For every problem, there could be several solutions, and solutions point towards opportunities.Apply the MISER concept to solve problems. MISER where M stands for Merge, I for Improve, S for Simplify, E for Eliminate and R for Reduce. MISER is an excellent conceptual sieve that helps in reducingproblems. 1.1 Answer the following questions: Answer any 8. a) Why do most people procrastinate? b) What determines our future? c) How does our effectiveness get reduced? d) Why can t we eliminate problems? e) What is the best way to tackle a problem? f) What does the word procrastinate mean? (1 x 8) ENGLISH (Set 2) g) h) i) 2. Page 2 Std. 10 Write the word from para 2 which is a synonym of very large . Which saying has been used in the passage for being an optimist? What is the cause of our problems? Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 1 Literacy means ability to read and write , the act of being educated. Literacy is an essential need for development. The countries with low literacy rate have economically failed and their progress rate is too slow. The personality of an individual is polished if he or she is educated; but an illiterate person can be disrespected in society. The value of literacy can be imagined by taking the example of some African areas where literacy rate is much below the average; therefore, they are still working as slaves of other countries. 2 To promote sense and awareness about the value of literacy and education, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) announced to celebrate International Literacy Day on 8th September every year. This was decided in 1965 and from 1966 onwards, this day is celebrated each year on 8th September. Every year UNESCO organises conferences and seminars to highlight the importance of literacy. Governments of all countries also organise programmes and expeditions to create awareness about literacy. Governments encourage people to get necessary education and send their children to school. Literacy programmes are also organised at school and college level, where the students present speeches and models to demonstrate the value of literacy. 3 Parents have an important role in the development of children. But if parents are illiterate, they may not be able to cope with the need of the new century and their children may suffer. So, programmes must be organised to teach the parents to read and write. Such steps must be taken so that no child is deprived of going to school. It is their right to get education. We should promise ourselves that, on the coming International Literacy Day, we will be a part of the literacy campaigns. 2.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions in about 30-40 words each: (8) a) b) c) d) e) 2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, fill in any two of the following blanks with appropriate words/phrases. (2) a) b) c) 2.3 What does literacy mean? What is its effect on one s personality? When is the International Literacy Day celebrated and why? How does the government promote literacy? Why is literacy important for the parents too? What is done at school and college level to promote literacy? Every year UNESCO organises ___________and _________ to highlight the importance of literacy. UNESCO announced to celebrate International Literacy Day to __________________. It is the right of every child to ______________________________. Attempt any two of the following. Write the words that are nearest in meaning to the following phrases: (2) a) b) c) A person who is a legal property of another and is bound to obey him. (para1) A journey undertaken for a particular purpose. (para2) Organised course of action to achieve a specific goal.(para3) ENGLISH (Set 2) Page 3 Std. 10 Section - B (Writing and Grammar) 3. 4. You are Hemlata of 191, Safdarjang Enclave, Delhi. You have purchased a music system from a reputed showroom but within a week of the purchase it has started giving trouble. Write a letter of complaint in 100-120 words to the Manager, Sangam Electronics, Yusuf Sarai, New Delhi. (OR) Ms.M.Sharma, Head of he Physics department, Cambridge School, wants to place an order for some lab equipments like lenses, prisms, galvanometers, glass, cubes etc. Write a letter in 100-120words placing the order with Nuaire Laboratory Equipment, NaiSarak, Delhi. Write a story on the hints provided below: (8) (10) It was 5.05 pm when the storm broke over the city OR At last the long awaited day came. My result of class 10th was to be declared 5. Fill in any four of the following blanks choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given below: (4) South India (a)_____ the leading silk producing area of the country, also (b)______ for its famous silk weaving enclaves like Kancheepuram, Dharmavaram, Arni etc. (c)_____ traditional silks (d)______ score over the powerloom silks in the richness of (e)______ textures and design, in their individuality, character and classic beauty. a) b) c) d) e) (i) was recognize Little often its (ii) is recalled The never their (iii) were known Much seldom our (iv) has praised Even hardly own 6. There is a word missing in each line. Write the missing word in any four lines along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after against the correct blank number. (4) Before Word After a) Some festivals national affairs ______ ______ ______ b) celebrated throughout country; others are ______ ______ ______ c) regional events peculiar to particular area ______ ______ ______ d) and particular people. Some Buddhists ______ ______ ______ e) and some are secular, but are joyous. ______ ______ ______ 7. Read the following conversation carefully and complete any four blanks in the passage given below. Rohan: Rahul : Karan : Rohan: Karan: Friends, I sent many flowers on Thanksgiving Day. What do you mean? What did you get in return? I didn t get back anything in return. You must have sent cauliflowers! Three friends were talking and one of them told the other two that (a)__________ Day. Hearing this Rahul (b)____________ while Karan asked(c)___________. Rohan answered that(d)_________anything in return. With a broad smile Karan suggested(e)__________. (4) ENGLISH (Set 2) Page 4 Std. 10 Section - C (Literature) 8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (4) All in a hot and copper sky, The bloody sun, at noon, Right up above the mast did stand, No bigger than the moon. a) b) c) d) Name the poem and the poet. What do you mean by hot and copper sky ? Which figure of speech is used in bloody sun ? What do the lines convey about the sun? (OR) Are we pinching it before Aunt Elizabeth comes? a) b) c) d) 9. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each: a) b) c) d) e) 10. poem. 11. What does it refer to here and who are pinching it? How does Victoria conclude that they are pinching it? What is meant by pinching ? What does it reveal about the difference between the attitude of elders and that of Victoria? (8) How can you say that the two boys(Two Gentlemen of Verona) were willing workers ? Why did Sosanko say that PatolBabu was the luckiest of actors? Why has the story been titled Virtually True? What is the theme of the poem Not Marble Nor the Gilded Monuments? I ve got the bulliest of the plot. Explain with context to A Shady Plot. Answer the following question in 100-120 words: (8) The proud Ozymandias lies forgotten in the desert. Comment on the message derived from the (OR) Write a brief character sketch of Mark Antony. Answer the following question in 200-250 words: (10) What was the change in the life of Anne Frank after entering the Annexe? (OR) Paper is more patient than people. Elucidate with reference to the novel The Diary of a Young Girl. -x-x-x-x-x-x-

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