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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : Science - Prelim 2 (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Agra)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN - AGRA REGION PRE - BOARD EXAMINATION 2019 20 CLASS - X SUBJECT SCIENCE Time : 3 Hours SET-H M. M. : 80 . General Instructions : (i) The question paper comprises of three sections A, B and C. You are to attempt all the sections. (ii) All questions are compulsory. (iii) Internal choice is given in sections A, B and C. (iv) Question number 1 - 14 in section A are 1 mark questions. (v) Question number 15 - 24 in section B are 3 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 60 words each. (vi) Question number 25 - 30 in section C are 5 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 80 90 words each. ___________________________________________________________________________ SECTION - A Q. 1 : Fe2O3+ 2Al Al2O3 + 2Fe The above reaction is an example of: a. Combination reaction. b. Double displacement reaction. c. Decomposition reaction. d. Displacement reaction. 1 OR In which of the following compounds OH is the functional group:(A) Butanol (B) Butanone (C) Butanoic acid (D) Butanal _________________________________________________________________________ 1 Q. 2 : The PH of the gastric juice released during digestion is: a. Less than 7. b. More than 7. c. Equal to 7. d. Equal to zero. 1 Q.3Answer the following on the basis of your understanding of following paragraph and related studied concept Solution may be acidic or basic. Strength of acidity; or basicness depends upon concentration of hydrogen ions. Neutralisation can be done by missing acid and base of same strength. Nature provides several options to use neutralisation. (A) Do basic solution also have H+ ions? if yes then why they are basic? 1 (B) Why tartaric acid is mixed in baking soda to make it baking powder? 1 (C) What should a farmer do to remove acidity of his field? 1 (D) Name the plant which can be used to neutralise bee sting? 1 Q. 4: Dwarfism in human being is caused due to deficiency of: a. Thyroxine. b. Adrenaline. c. Growth hormone. d. Insulin. 1 OR Q. : - The hormone which increases the fertility in males is called : a. Oestrogen. b. Testesterone. c. Insulin. d. Growth hormone. _________________________________________________________________________ 2 Q. 5 : Involuntary action in the body are controlled by: a. Medulla in forebrain. b. Medulla in midbrain. c. Medulla in hindbrain. d. Medulla in spinal cord. 1 OR Spinal cord originates from: a. Cerebrum. b. Medulla. c. Pons. d. Cerebellum. Q. 6A person cannot see objects distinctly kept beyond 2 m. This defect can be corrected by using a lens of power: a. + 0.5 D. b. - 0.5 D. c. + 0.2 D. d. - 0.2 D. 1 Q. 7 : Electric current is measured by: a. Voltmeter. b. Ammeter. c. Potentiometer. d. Anemometer. 1 _________________________________________________________________________ 3 Q. 8 Answer the following on the basis of your understanding of following paragraph and related studied concept Total no. of magnetic field lines passing through a surface is called magnetic flux. Electricity can be produced by cutting thins flux. Flemings Right hand rule is used to determine the direction of force, induced current and magnetic field. (A) What will happen if the direction of current is reversed in a current carrying conductor placed between two poles of magnet? 1 (B) If we reverse the direction of magnetic field, what effect you will observe on induced current? 1 (C) Write the condition of producing maximum induced current? 1 (D) What do you mean by magnetic flux? 1 Q-9-Out of the three bulbs: 25 W, 60 W and 100 W which bulb has least resistance: a. 25 W. b. 60 W. c. 100 W. d. All the bulb have equal resistance. 1 Q. 10 : - The nuclear fuel in the sun is : a. Carbon. b. Hydrogen. c. Helium. d. Nitrogen. 1 Q11 and Q12are consists of two statements-Assertion A and Reason R. Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below (A) Both A and R true and R is correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R true and R is not correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false (D) A is false but R is true Q11 Assertion- Biological magnification is highest in humans. Reason- Humans being occupy top level in food chain _________________________________________________________________________ 4 1 Q12 Assertion- Local involvement in forest conservation leads to fruitful result. Reason-It reduce the clashes between the stakeholders of forest. 1 . Q. 13 : - Expand the abbreviation GAP : a. Government Agency for Pollution control. b. Gross Assimilation by Photosynthesis. c. Ganga Action Plan. d. Governmental Agency for Animal Protection. 1 Q14:-Which of the following is the outer most shell for elements of period 2:(A) K shell (B) L shell (C) M shell (D) N shell 1 SECTION - B Q. 15 : Balance the following equations: 1. HNO3 + Ca (OH)2 2. P + O2 3. Fe + H2O Ca(NO3)2 + H2O. P2O5. Fe3O4 + H2 . 3 Q.16 : Name the gas evolved when diluted HCl reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate. How is it recognized? Write reaction of recognition 3 Q. 17 : -Give reasons : (a) The element of group 18 are called zero valent ? (b) Group 17 elements form uni negative ions? 3 _________________________________________________________________________ 5 OR An atom has electronic configuration 2, 8, 7: (a) What is the atomic number of this element? (b) To which of the following element would it be chemically similar atomic number are given (c) Nitrogen (7), Flurine (9), Phosphorus (15)? Q. 18 : - In each of the following situations what happened to the rate of photosynthesis ? i. Cloudy days. ii. No rainfall in the area. iii. Stomata get blocked due to dust. Q. 19 : - 3 Mention the function of forebrain? 3 Q. 20 : What is DNA copying? State its importance. 3 Q. 21 : (a) List three specific characteristics of the image of the object formed by convex mirror. (b) An object is placed at a distance of 30 cm in front of a convex mirror of focal length 15 cm. Write three characteristics of image formed by the mirror. 3 For visually challenged : Q. 21 : State the law of refraction of light. If the speed of light in vacuum is 3 x 10 8 m/s. Find the absolute refractive index of a medium in which light travels with a speed of 1.4 x 10 8 m/s? Q. 22 : -Why do stars twinkle ? Explain with diagram? OR What is Tyndale effect? Explain with example. Q. 23 : - 3 A wire of length l and resistance R is stretched so that its length is doubled and the area of cross section is halved. How will it : (a) Resistance change? (b) Resistivity change? 3 Q. 24 : What is Ozone layer? How it gets deplete? _________________________________________________________________________ 6 3 SECTION - C Q. 25 : (a) Distinguish between roasting and calcination. Which of these two is used for sulphide ores and why? (b) Name the anode and cathode and the electrolyte used in the electrolytic refining of impure copper .5 Q. 26 : Explain the mechanism of the cleaning action of soaps . 5 Q. 27 : (a) Describe the structure and functioning of nephron. (b) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of human heart. 5 For visually challenged: Q. 27 : (a) Describe the structure and functioning of nephron. (b) Define excretion. Q. 28 : (a) What is contraception? (b) List two ways of contraception? (c) List two advantages of adopting contraceptive measures. 5 Q. 29 : (a) Give mathematical expression for resistivity of a material. What is its S.I. unit? (b) State OHM's law. (c) Calculate the resistance if 5 A of electric current flows through a conductor having potential difference between two points is equal to 15 V. 5 OR (c) What are the advantages of connecting electrical devices in parallel with battery instead of connecting them in series? _________________________________________________________________________ 7 Q. 30 : (a) The refractive index of media A, B, C and D are given in the following table : - Medium A B C D Refractive Index 1.33 1.50 1.52 2.40 If light travel from one medium to another in which case the change in speed will : i. Minimum. ii. Maximum. (b) The refractive index of diamond is 2.42. What is the meaning of this statement in relation to speed of light ? (c) The relative index of diamond is 2.42 and speed light in air is 3*108 m/s. calculate speed of light in diamond? OR (a) Distinguish between convex lens and concave lens . (b) The angle between incident ray and the mirror is 40 0 i. What is the angle of incidence ? ii. What is the angle of reflection ? iii. What is the total angle through which the Ray of light turns ? -------------------------------------------- END OF PAPER -------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________________ 8 2+3

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