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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : Science - Prelim 1 (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL JAMMU PREBOARD-1 ASSIGNMENT (2019-20) SUB-SCIENCE CLASS-X 1.The basic cause of refraction is the change in the speed of light in going from 1 medium to another. For example when a ray of light travelling in air enters into glass the speed of light decreases. Therefore bending of light occurs at the interface of air and glass. Similarly when the ray of light travelling in glass enters into air the speed of light increase. Therefore refraction of light occurs at the inferface of glass and air. Further the angle of bending of a ray would depend upon the difference in speeds of light in the two medium. Larger the difference in speed of light greater will be the angle of bending and vicecersa. For example light will bend through larger angle in going from air to glass then in going from air to water. The speed of light in air is 3 x 108 m/s and speed of light in glass is 2 x 108 m/s whereas speed of light in water is 2.25 x 108 m/s. 1a.What is the basic cause of refraction? 1b.What happens when a ray of light travelling in glass enters into air? 1c.On which principle does the angle of bending depends. 1d.Why will the light bends to a larger angle when moving from air to glass then in going from air to water. 2.Image obtained on screen is; (a)Virtual (b) both real and virtual (c) real (d) none of these OR The colour of light which is deviated the least by a prism in the spectrum of white light is; (a)Red (b) Green (c) Violet (d) Yellow 3.An electric bulb is rated 220V and 100 Watt when it is operated on 110 V. the power consumed will be (a)100 Watt (b) 75 Watt (c) 50 Watt (d) 25 Watt 4.Which one of following terms does not represents electric power in a circuit (a)I2R (b) IR2 (c) VI (d) VR 5.Assertion: Wind farms cannot be set at every place. Reason: The velocity required for a windmill to function is about 15km/h. (a)A (b) B (c) C (d) D

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