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CBSE Class 10 Sample / Model Paper 2022 : Elements of Book-Keeping and Accountancy - Term I (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER ELEMENTS OF BOOK KEEPING AND ACCOUNTANCY (254) Class X TERM I (2021-22) TIME: 90 Minutes Max. Marks 35 General Instructions:1. The Question paper contains three sections. 2. Section A has 25 questions. Attempt any 20 questions. 3. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions. 4. Section C has 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions. 5. All questions carry equal marks. 6. There is NO negative marking. Q.No QUESTIONS SECTION A 1 An amount of 20,000 was spent on repairs of building. This expense will be categorised under ______ . (a) Capital Expenditure (b) Revenue Expenditure (c) Deferred Revenue Expenditure (d) Both Capital and Deferred Revenue Expenditure 2 Which of the following will be a Capital Expenditure for a business? (a) Routine Advertisement Expenditure (b) Advertisement for launching a new product (c) Delivery Van purchased (d) Salary to Employees 3 On 1st July, 2020 Aqua Ltd purchased Machinery of 4,00,000. Depreciation is to be charged @10% p.a by diminishing balance method. What amount of depreciation will be charged for the year ending March 31, 2021? (a) 40,000 (b) 20,000 (c) 30,000 (d) 70,000 Page 1 of 12 4 Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared to reconcile _________ and ________ balances. (a) Cash Book and Ledger Accounts (b) Pass Book and Ledger Accounts (c) Cash Book and Pass Book (d) Cash Book and Vouchers 5 Which of the following is deferred Revenue Expenditure? (a) Salary for previous year paid in current year (b) Advertisement for launching a new product (c) Repayment of Loan (d) Building purchased 6 Assertion (A) :- Capital Expenditure are recurring in nature Reason (R) :- Capital Expenditure are incurred to increase the earning capacity. (a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A, (b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) A is correct but R is incorrect. (d) A is incorrect but R is correct. 7 In straight line method ________ (a) Depreciation is charged on remaining book value every year. (b) Depreciation is charged only for half of the year. (c) Depreciation is charged on cost price of asset every year. (d) Book value of Asset will never be zero 8 Which of the following is not a Capital Receipt? (a) Sale of old Newspaper (b) Sale of Machinery (c) Loan taken from Bank (d) Capital introduced by proprietor 9 If Depreciation is not charged in a particular year, then what will be the effect on the books of Accounts? (a) Profits will be higher (b) Profits will be lesser (c) Assets can t be shown in books of the firm (d) Accounts can t be prepared 10 By charging depreciation (a) Only Market value is affected Page 2 of 12 (b) Only Book Value is affected (c) Both market value and book value is affected (d) Neither market value nor book value is affected 11 When money is withdrawn from the bank, it is _____ in the pass book. (a) Debited (b) Credited (c) Not shown (d) Added 12 Depreciation causes (a) Outflow of Cash (b) Sale of Assets (c) Decrease in book value of Assets (d) Increase in market value of Assets 13 Depreciation is charged on (a) Only Tangible Assets (b) Only Intangible Assets (c) Both Tangible and Intangible Assets (d) Only Current Assets 14 Assertion (A) :- Annual amount of depreciation under Straight line method remains the same. Reason (R) :- Depreciation is charged on original cost of Asset every year under straight line method. (a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A, (b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) A is correct but R is incorrect. (d) Both A and R are incorrect. 15 Statement that explains the causes of difference between bank balance of the cash-book and bank statement is called (a) Bank Statement (b) Pass Book (c) Expenses Statement (d) Bank Reconciliation Statement 16 Bank Reconciliation statement is prepared in the books of: (a) Bank (b) Guarantor Page 3 of 12 (c) Account Holder (d) Government 17 Which of the following statement is true? (a) Capital Expenditure gives benefits for short period of time (b) Revenue Expenditure gives benefits for long period of time (c) Office Premises purchased is Capital Receipt (d) Rent paid is Revenue Expenditure 18 Which if the following is not a factor affecting depreciation? (a) Cost of Asset (b) Scrap Value (c) Useful Life of Asset (d) Market Value of Asset 19 Statement I: - In Straight Line Method, the asset will be completely written off. Statement II: - In Written Down value Method, the asset will not be completely written off. (a) Only Statement I is true. (b) Only Statement II is true. (c) Both Statements are true. (d) Both Statements are false. 20 When Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared with Credit balance as per Pass Book, the Balance derived will be :(a) Credit Balance as per Cash Book (b) Debit Balance as per Cash Book (c) Debit Balance as per Pass Book (d) Either (a) or (b) is possible 21 A bank reconciliation statement is mainly prepared to : (a) Reconcile the cash balance of the cash-book and bank statement. (b) Reconcile the difference between the bank balance shown by the cash-book and pass book. (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Reconcile the cash balance and bank balance of the cash-book. 22 Ajay & Co. purchased Equipments of 2,00,000 on 1st October,2020. Depreciation is to be charged @20% p.a on March 31 every year under Straight Line method. The amount of depreciation for year ending March 31, 2021 will be :(a) 20,000 Page 4 of 12 (b) 40,000 (c) 10,000 (d) 60,000 23 The differences between the cash-book and bank pass-book is caused by: (a) Timing differences on recording of the transactions. (b) Errors made by the business while recording in Cash Book (c) Errors made by the bank while recording in Pass Book (d) All of the above 24 If Revenue Receipts are 2,00,000 and Revenue Expenditure are 1,70,000, then amount of profit will be ____ . (a) 2,00,000 (b) 1,70,000 (c) 30,000 (d) 3,70,000 25 Doremon, a stationery merchant purchased Mobile of 25,000 for giving gift to Nobita. This amount spent will be categorised as (a) Capital Expenditure (b) Revenue Expenditure (c) Deferred Revenue Expenditure (d) None of the Above SECTION B 26 Machinery purchased for 2,50,000 and 30,000 were spent on its installation. This will be treated as (a) Capital Expenditure of 2,50,000 and Revenue Expenditure of 30,000. (b) Capital Expenditure of 2,80,000 (c) Revenue Expenditure of 2,80,000 (d) Capital Expenditure of 30,000 and Revenue Expenditure of 2,50,000. 27 On 1st January 2020 Rambo Ltd. purchased an Asset of 6,00,000. Depreciation is to be charged @10% p.a by SLM. The amount of Depreciation to be charged for the year ending March 31,2021 and book value of Asset on March 31, 2021 was :(a) 15,000 and 5,85,000 respectively (b) 60,000 and 5,40,000 respectively (c) 60,000 and 5,25,000 respectively (d) 75,000 and 5,25,000 respectively Page 5 of 12 28 Overdraft as per Cash book is 20,000. Cheques deposited but not yet collected were 6,000 and cheques issued not yet presented were 2,000. The ________ balance as per pass book is ________. (a) Credit; 24,000 (b) Debit 24,000 (c) Debit 16,000 (d) Credit 16,000 29 Balance as per Cash Book (Cr.) was 1,20,000. While comparing it with Pass Book the following points came into consideration i. Cheques issued for 10,000 were not yet presented for payment. ii. Directly deposited by customer 10,000 in bank account. iii. Bills collected by bank on behalf of customer 10,000 The balance as per Pass Book will be :(a) Credit 1,50,000 (b) Debit 1,50,000 (c) Credit 90,000 (d) Debit 90,000 30 Deferred Revenue Expenditure are (ii) The benefit of this expenditure lasts for a period of more than one accounting year. (iii) It pertains wholly or partly for the future years. (iv) It is a huge amount of expense and thus, is deferred over a period of time. Which if the following is true? (a) Only Statement (i) is true. (b) Only Statements (i) and (ii) is true. (c) Only Statement (i) and (iii) is true. (d) All statements are true. 31 Which of the following entry will be passed for charging depreciation (a) Depreciation A/c Dr. ++++ To Cash A/c (b) Cash A/c Dr. ++++ ++++ To Depreciation A/c (c) Assets A/c Dr. ++++ ++++ To Depreciation A/c (d) Depreciation A/c Dr. ++++ ++++ Page 6 of 12 To Assets A/c 32 ++++ Statement I :- Revenue Receipts are recurring in nature. Statement II :- Revenue Receipts increase the Liability for the business. (a) Only Statement I is true. (b) Only Statement II is true. (c) Both Statements are true. (d) Both Statements are false. 33 On 1st July 2019 Rancho Ltd. purchased an Asset of 8,00,000. Depreciation is to be charged @10% p.a by Written Down Value Method. Total Depreciation being charged till March 31,2021 was ______ :(a) 60,000 (b) 1,40,000 (c) 1,34,000 (d) 1,52,000 34 Statement I :- Rate of depreciation differs as the amount of depreciation charged is constant. Statement II :- Rate of depreciation charged is constant every year till useful economic life of assets. (a) Statement I is about SLM and Statement II is about WDV. (b) Statement I is about WDV and Statement II is about SLM. (c) Only Statement I is true regarding Depreciation (d) Only Statement II is true regarding Depreciation 35 Column A (i) A Column B permanent, continuing and gradual 1. Straight Line Method shrinkage in the book value of fixed asset (ii) Wear and tear of Fixed asset is charged on the book value of the asset (iii)Wear and tear of Fixed asset is charged on the cost price of the asset Choose the correct option :(a) (i)-3; (ii)-1; (iii)-2 (b) (i)-3; (ii)-2; (iii)-1 (c) (i)-1; (ii)-2; (iii)-3 Page 7 of 12 2. Written Down Value Method 3. Depreciation (d) (i)-1; (ii)-3; (iii)-2 36 The original cost of an asset is 1,20,000 and its Scrap Value is likely to be 20,000 after its estimated useful life of 10 years, the annual depreciation written off will be (a) 12,000 (b) 14,000 (c) 10,000 (d) 5,000 37 Machinery was purchased on July 1, 2020. Depreciation was to be charged @10% p.a on March 31 every year by WDV. For the year ending March 31, 2021 depreciation charged was 1,20,000. Cost of Machinery purchased was ___ (a) 12,00,000 (b) 16,00,000 (c) 1,08,000 (d) 10,80,000 38 The balance of Machinery on March 31, 2021 was 3,20,000. The machinery was purchased on April 1, 2019. Depreciation was to be charged @ 10% p.a. by Straight Line Method. The cost price of the Machine as on April 1, 2019 was _____ (a) 4,00,000 (b) 3,84,000 (c) 2,56,000 (d) 2,40,000 39 Bank wrongly credited 25,000 to Rohan s Account, an account holder. This amount would be recorded in Cash-Book of Rohan as: (a) On Debit side (b) On Credit side (c) Either on Debit or Credit side (d) Neither on Debit nor on Credit side 40 If Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared with Pass book Balance, it was noticed that cheques issued for 25,000 were credited in Cash book but were not presented for payment. What would be the effect in pass book for the above transaction? (a) Added (b) Debited (c) Credited (d) No effect in Pass Book 41 Assertion (A) :- Loans raised from Banks and Financial Institutions are categorised under Page 8 of 12 Capital Receipts. Reason (R) :- Capital Receipts are non-recurring in nature. (a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A, (b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) A is correct but R is incorrect. (d) A is incorrect but R is correct. 42 If bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared with Dr. balance as per Cash book, which of the following will be added :(a) Cheques deposited not yet credited (b) Interest charged by Bank (c) Directly deposited by customer in bank account (d) Bills paid by bank on standing instructions 43 Which of the following transaction will result in higher balance in the bank column of cash-book in comparison to pass-book? (a) Cheques issued but not presented for payment. (b) Interest allowed by bank. (c) Bank charges entered twice in Cash book. (d) Cheques paid into bank for collection but not yet credited 44 If Cash-Book (Bank Column) shows a debit balance of 20,000 and following transactions were observed while comparing it with Pass-Book: A cheque of 3,000 deposited in Bank but not recorded in Cash-Book and the payment side of Cash-Book was shown less amount by 1,000. The balance as per Pass-Book would be: (a) 22,000 (b) 18,000 (c) 24,000 (d) 16,000 45 Column A Column B (i) Cheques deposited not entered in Cash Book 1. Added in Balance as per Cash Book while preparing BRS (ii) Cheques deposited but not yet credited 2. Subtracted in Balance as per Cash Book while preparing B S 3. No effect in BRS Choose the correct option :Page 9 of 12 (a) (i)-3; (ii)-2 (b) (i)-2; (ii)-1 (c) (i)-1; (ii)-2 (d) (i)-3; (ii)-1 46 Statement I :- While preparing Bank Reconciliation statement with Balance as per Cash Book then interest credited by bank will be added. Statement II :- While preparing Bank Reconciliation statement with Balance as per Pass Book then interest charged by bank will be added (a) Both the statements are correct (b) Both the statements are incorrect (c) Only Statement I is correct (d) Only statement II is correct 47 On 1st October 2019 Sultan Ltd purchased Machinery of 8,00,000 and charged depreciation @10% p.a by SLM. On the same date Dangal Ltd. also purchased same Machinery and charged depreciation @10% p.a by WDV. The amount of depreciation for the year ending March 31,2021 for both the firms will show :(a) Same amount of Depreciation will be charged (b) Depreciation charged by Sultan Ltd. will be 8,000 more than Dangal Ltd. (c) Depreciation charged by Sultan Ltd. will be 4,000 more than Dangal Ltd. (d) Depreciation charged by Sultan Ltd. will be 8,000 less than Dangal Ltd. 48 Cheques of 25,000 were deposited in bank of which only 20,000 were cleared till date. While preparing BRS with balance as per Cash Book, which of the following will hold true :(a) 5,000 will be added (b) 20,000 will be added (c) 5,000 will be subtracted (d) 20,000 will be subtracted 49 Shinchan Ltd. spent the following amounts for his business during the year 2020-21 Purchase of Furniture 2,50,000 Spent on whitewash of building 1,00,000 (expected to last for 3 years) Services of Air conditioners 20,000 Rent of godown 60,000 How will you classify the above expenditures? (a) Capital Expenditure 3,50,000; Revenue Expenditure 80,000 (b) Capital Expenditure 2,50,000; Revenue Expenditure 1,80,000 Page 10 of 12 (c) Capital Expenditure 2,50,000; Revenue Expenditure 80,000; Deferred Revenue Expenditure 1,00,000 (d) Capital Expenditure 3,50,000; Revenue Expenditure 60,000; Deferred Revenue Expenditure 1,20,000 SECTION C Case On 1st April, 2021 Lala Todar Mal started a business of carpets and opened a Bank Study Account with Yashna Bank. He appointed Mr. Shamsher to maintain his accounts and was to be allowed Salary of 10,000 per month which was paid by cheque. During the period of 3 months ended June 30, 2021 firm bought Furniture of 1,00,000; paid Rent of 8,000 per month by cheque and paid salary to Mr. Shamsher. Mr. Shamsher hasn t yet deposited the cheque into his bank account for June s salary cheque. Purchases during the period were 2,40,000 and Sales were 5,30,000 (of which 1,30,000 were received by cheque). On June 30,2021 when comparing the Cash Book balance with Pass Book Balance the following points came into consideration Cheques of 30,000 were deposited of which only 20,000 were cleared till June 30,2021 Cheques of 25,000 were issued of which only 18,000 were presented till date. A bill of 3,000 was paid by Bank on standing instructions of Lala Todar Mal. Cheque of 6,000 was debited in Cash Book but was not yet banked. Bank had allowed interest of 2,000 entered twice in Cash Book. 3,000 was credited wrongly by bank in the account of Lala Todar mal instead on in the account of Lala Suraj Mal. Answer the following questions on behalf of the given Case Studies 50 Cheque not yet deposited by Mr. Shamsher in to his bank account will create difference between Bank balance as per Cash Book and Pass book balance due to :(a) Cheques received not yet deposited in bank (b) Cheques deposited not yet cleared (c) Cheques issued not yet presented for payment (d) Cheques issued but not yet recorded in Cash Book 51 When cheques were deposited by account holder but cheques not yet cleared then it will result in :(a) More Balance in Cash Book then Pass Book (b) Debited in Cash book but no effect in Pass Book Page 11 of 12 (c) Less Balance in Cash Book then Pass Book (d) Both (a) and (b) 52 Cheques of 30,000 were deposited of which only 20,000 were cleared till June 30, 2021. While preparing BRS with the balance as per Pass Book taken as base .. (a) 10,000 will be added (b) 10,000 will be subtracted (c) 20,000 will be subtracted (d) 30,000 will be subtracted 53 While preparing BRS with balance as per Cash book given which of the following will be showing higher balance in Pass Book balance .. (a) Cheques issued not yet presented for payment (b) Interest charged by Bank entered twice in Cash Book (c) Interest allowed by Bank (d) All of the above 54 3,000 was credited wrongly by bank in the account of Lala Todar Mal instead on in the account of Lala Suraj Mal. While preparing BRS with the balance as per Cash Book taken as base .. (a) 3,000 will be added (b) 3,000 will be subtracted (c) 6,000 will be added (d) 6,000 will be subtracted 55 Bank had allowed interest of 2,000 entered twice in Cash Book. While preparing BRS with the balance as per Pass Book taken as base .. (a) 2,000 will be added (b) 2,000 will be subtracted (c) 4,000 will be added (d) 4,000 will be subtracted Page 12 of 12 Answer Key ELEMENTS OF BOOK KEEPING AND ACCOUNTANCY (254) Class X (2021-22) Term I SECTION A Question Correct No. Option 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (d) 7 (c) 8 (a) 9 (a) 10 (b) 11 (a) 12 (c) 13 (a) 14 (a) 15 (d) 16 (c) 17 (d) 18 (d) 19 (c) 20 (d) 21 (b) 22 (a) 23 (d) 24 (c) 25 (d) SECTION B Question Correct No. Option 26 (b) 27 (c) 28 (b) 29 (d) 30 (d) 31 (d) 32 (a) 33 (c) 34 (b) 35 (b) 36 (c) 37 (b) 38 (a) 39 (d) 40 (d) 41 (b) 42 (c) 43 (d) 44 (a) 45 (c) 46 (a) 47 (c) 48 (c) 49 (c) SECTION C Question Correct No. Option 50 (c) 51 (d) 52 (a) 53 (d) 54 (a) 55 (a)

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