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CBSE Class X Sample Question Paper 2017 : NCC (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2016-17 CLASS X NATIONAL CADET CORPS COMMON SYLLABUS Q. no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Question When was the Girls Division of NCC raised? What are the two parts of a word of command ? What is trekking ? Name any two air borne diseases . How can recycling conserve resources? State the important considerations for being at ease (vishram) position. Mention any four parts of .22 Delux Rifle. State the objectives of Obstacle training programme for a cadet . One of the most ghastly act of the British rulers in India took place on 13th April 1919. Identify the incident and answer the following questions; a. Where did Jallianwala Bagh massacre incident take place? b. Name the person who was responsible for Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Natural resources are mother natures gift to mankind . In the light of the given statement enumerate the role of NCC in conservation of natural resources. After determination of target, what are the next two steps of firing a shot? State any six man made disasters . What is Drill ? What are the aims of Drill ? What do you understand by Social Service? Explain the three identified methods for conduct of social service. From the given diagrams identify and explain the standard obstacles that the NCC Cadet is required to negotiate during the obstacle training course in NCC. a. b. Unit 1 4 6 9 10 4 5 6 2 Marks 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 10 3 5 3 4 8 3 3 4 4 6 6 c. d. 16. 17. Why is aiming by far the most difficult operation in shooting? Explain the laws of aiming. Explain the three styles of communication? What does effective communication involves? 5 6 7 6 Unit 1 2 Marks 2 2 3 3 4 5 3 4 3 3 4 4 SPECIAL SUBJECTS A. Army Q. no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Question Draw the ranks of Brigadier and Captain . a) Identify the personality. b) When was he appointed as the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian army? Define the following: a) Atlas maps b) Relief maps c) Outline maps Describe any three types of ground. What are the disadvantages of line communication? (Any 3) What is a bearing? Describe three types of bearings. Write about any four types of section formations. B. Navy Q. no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Question What does the following signs stand for a) KN b) XE c) MIM d) DU Describe any two important parts of a remote control. Write about any three branches of Navy Describe various types of navigational aids used in navy. How are alphabets and special signs used? Write about any three types of signs & how are they represented? Unit 2 Marks 2 5 1 4 2 3 3 3 2 Write about eight parts of sail. Write about any four relevant points related to handling and operation of remote controlled models. 3 5 4 4 Unit 4 Marks 2 5 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 4 1 4 4 C. Air Force Q. no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Question Write the composition of following gases in air Nitrogen, oxygen, argon &carbon dioxide. Mention any four ways in which relief is indicated on maps What are the six methods used for the identification of aircrafts? For which aircrafts we can make static models Provide the following information with regard to the role of Indian Air Force during the Kargil war: a) What was the codename of this operation of Indian Air force? b) When was IAF first approached to provide air support? c)Which fighter aircrafts were used in the operation? Draw a labeled diagram of different layers of atmosphere. With regard to Indo-Pak War 1971 provide the following information a) Who was the then prime minister? b) Which type of emergency was declared at that time? c) Write about any two damages reported in civil areas as a result of the war. SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2016-17 CLASS X NATIONAL CADET CORPS Marking Scheme COMMON SYLLABUS Q. no 1. Ans. 2. Ans. 3. Ans. 4. Ans. 5. Ans. 6. Ans. 7. Ans. 8. Ans. 9. Question When was the Girls Division of NCC raised? In July 1949. What are the two parts of a word of command ? The two parts of a word of command are a. Cautionary b. Executive What is trekking ? Trekking is a long adventurous journey under taken on foot, in areas where common means of transport are generally not available. Name any two air borne diseases . Diphtheria, Asthma, Tuberculosis, Chicken pox, How can recycling conserve resources? Recycling. This is a method by which some of the resources can be conserved by recycling them or reusing them by adopting certain methods. State the important considerations for being at ease (vishram) position. Point to be kept in mind during at ease or vishram position a. Weight equally distributed on both the heels. b. Heel to heel distance 12 inches. c. Toe to toe distance 18 inches. d. Hands locked at the back & straight. e. Back straight & eyes parallel to ground. f. No extra body movement. (Any 4 of these) Mention any four parts of .22 Delux Rifle. 1. Butt 2. Sling 3. Magazine 4. Trigger 5. Safety Latch 6. Fore sight Trip Or any other part. State the objectives of Obstacle training programme for a cadet . Unit 1 Marks 1 4 1 6 1 9 1 10 1 4 2 5 2 6 2 One of the most ghastly act of the British rulers in India took place on 2 13th April 1919. Identify the incident and answer the following questions; a. Where did Jallianwala Bagh massacre incident take place? 3 Ans. 10. Ans. b. Name the person who was responsible for Jallianwala Bagh massacre. a. Amritsar b. General Dyer Natural resources are mother natures gift to mankind . In the light of the given statement enumerate the role of NCC in conservation of natural resources. Every cadet can fulfill his obligation towards environment individually or collectively by following means :- 10 3 5 3 3 3 (a) Avoiding cutting of trees and by Planting more trees. (b) Not polluting water sources like river, ponds, sea. (c) Avoiding use of plastic. (d) Avoiding noise pollution. (e) Recycling natural resources to ensure their efficient sustainable use. (f) Using renewable sources of energy like solar and wind power. (g) Saving energy in small matters like switching off fans, lights and other electric gadgets when not needed. 11. Ans. 12. Ans. After determination of target, what are the next two steps of firing a shot? 1. Turning the shot: From the time correct holding is achieved, not more than five seconds should be taken to fire a shot. Dwelling on the aim causes the eye and muscles to tire and results in bad shooting. 2. Action on range being ordered: When the range is given the firer should adjust his sight and await for indication of the target. State any six man made disasters . Man Made Disasters. These can be classified as under :- (i) Accidents. Road, rail, air, sea accidents or building collapse. (ii) Industrial Mishaps. Gas leaks, explosion, sabotage and safety breaches. (iii) Fires. In buildings, coal fields or oil / gas fields and oil / gas storage depots. (iv) Forest Fires. In tropical countries, forest fires are often man made. (v) Contamination/Poisoning. Incidents of mass food poisoning, water contamination, illicit-liquor poisoning and epidemics. (vi) Terrorists Activities. Serial Blasts / explosions in public transport or markets. (vii) Ecological. Pollution of air, water, noise, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, global warming, sea level rise, toxic wastes and nuclear accidents. 13. Ans. 14. Ans. (viii) Warfare. Conventional, chemical, biological or nuclear. What is Drill ? What are the aims of Drill ? Drill is defined as being instructed in military exercise which involves marching, saluting and turning . To inculcate: a. a sense of discipline b. Bearing c. smartness in appearance and turnout d. self-confidence e. Implicit obedience of orders. What do you understand by Social Service? Explain the three identified methods for conduct of social service. The term Social Service is defined broadly as, the provisions made by governmental or voluntary efforts to meet income maintenance, medical care, housing, education and recreational needs and provisions, for the care and protection of recognized special groups. 4 4 8 4 6 6 (a) Social Case Work. This aims to help the individual make maximum use of the established community, through understanding the individual in his total situation. (b) Social Group Work. It seeks to help the individuals utilize their fullest capacity for their own welfare and for the welfare of the group as a whole, through understanding of the behavior of individuals in a group setting. 15. (c) Community Organization. It attempts to help groups of individuals or groups of agencies to work together so that their combined efforts will be useful for the social welfare of the whole community. From the given diagrams identify and explain the standard obstacles that the NCC Cadet is required to negotiate during the obstacle training course in NCC. a. b. c. d. Ans. (a) Straight Balance. It is a wooden plank of 3 inches thickness, 4 inches width and 12 ft in length, which is 1 ft above ground level. A cadet crosses this obstacle running, keeping his arms open and balancing his body. (b)Clear Jump. Its structure is just like a straight beam. This wooden beam is 2 ft from the ground. Cadet has to jump over it without touching or using any part of the body. (c ) Zig-Zag Balance. It is a Zig-Zag a structure of wooden beam 18 ft in length, with 3 inch width and 1 ft above the ground and is constructed in a zig-zag manner. The Cadet has to cross the obstacle lengthwise with open hands and balancing the body similar to straight balance. (d) Double Ditch. The obstacle is composed of two ditches each of approximately 6-8 ft in length, 4-5 ft wide and 3-4 ft deep separated by a small gap of approx 9-12 inch. The Cadet have to jump across the two ditches by jumping over the first ditch, placing one foot on the gap and jumping across the second ditch. 16. Ans. Why is aiming by far the most difficult operation in shooting? Explain the laws of aiming. Because as the eyes have certain limitation and there are influences 5 6 affecting on what it does. Nevertheless good shooting can be obtained with consistency of aim. 17. Ans. Laws Of Aiming 1. Focus the target so that a clear picture is formed on the retina of the eye and get the true center of the target and focus to the foresight. 2. Hold the rifle properly and keep it upright. 3. Close the left eye and focus the foresight. 4. See the foresight through the backside U . The foresight should be seen right in the centre of the U . The tip of the foresight should be aligned in the centre and in level with the shoulder of the U . Elevation is given to counter the force of gravity, while the bullet is in flight. The elevation depends on the range of the target. Explain the three styles of communication? What does effective 7 communication involves? There are three styles of communication as under:(a) Aggressive. They believe that everyone should like them; I am never wrong I`ve got rights but you don`t. They have a close mind and are poor listeners. They have difficulty in seeing the other person point of view, they interrupt and monopolize. They tend to dominate and put down others. They are bossy. While communicating they frown, stare, talk loudly or have a yelling tone of voice. (b) Passive. In such communication the persons do not express their true feelings; they do not disagree and think that others have more rights than they do. Their communication style is indirect, they always agree and do not speak out and are very hesitant. While communicating they often lack facial expression and stand with down cast eyes. (c) Assertive. In such communication the person believes those he/she as well as others are valuable. They know that if they have rights then others also have rights. They are active listeners and check on others feelings. They are action oriented, attentive, vocal, expressive, good listeners, aware, supportive, persuasive, fair, open and consistent in behavior. Their expectations are realistic. They have open and natural gestures. They maintain an eye contact while communicating. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Effective Communicative involves:(a) Verbal Communication. One person talks and others listens to be able to react. The conversation can be informative, in the form of questions, a negotiation, and statement or open ended questions, instruction, etc. And the situation can be formal or informal. In 6 relationships, communication is usually informal. A speaker, to clear up misunderstand of what is said may ask questions to gain information and may repeat in a different way (paraphrase). Speech problem, too long sentences, mumbling, speaking too softly, hearing problems, listeners interrupting the speaker, loud external noises, etc. all hamper proper communication. (b) Non-Verbal Communication. Non verbal communication is that gives meaning to what is said and may communicate both appreciation and rejection. It includes such things as tone of voice, a nod of head, using silence, frowning, smiling, body posture, touch, shaking of the head to communicate approval or disapproval, lifting of the eyebrows to show surprise, distance between persons, playing with something in hand instead of focusing etc. The body language communicates a lot in the communication process. Body language can be easy to read, but at the same time easy to misinterpret. It is not only important to observe the non-verbal communication of others and understand how well they receive or reject the communication, but also use proper body language to communicate effectively. Ensure that you appreciate others through body language. React to what others say by nodding, smiling and generally showing you are listening. (c) Listening. During communication, one person talks and another person listens. The listeners must give attention to all that is said, without interrupting the speaker and react later in a relevant manner. Many people may listen but know what the full message is. Some people react to only half is said. There are people who listen selectively , who miss much of the message and only focus on points relevant to him or her. Sometime we do not listen to our friends and other people; sometimes they do not listen to us. In either situation, there will be a problem in communication and understanding.

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