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CBSE Class X Sample Question Paper 2017 : FOUNDATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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Sample Question Paper Foundation of Information Technology Class: X Session 2016-17 Max Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 70 SECTION A Q1) Fill in the blanks: [5] i) Viruses, worms and trojans are collectively named ________________. ii) Cellspacing attribute is used with ______________ tag. iii) _____________ is a program which makes you view the information on the World Wide Web. iv) Collection of Web Pages is called _____________. v) Columns of a table are specified using __________tag. vi) _________ can replicate itself automatically . vii) _________ attribute is used with <A> tag to specify the URL of link. viii) ___________ is type of program that is installed on a user s computer to collect information about user. ix) XML attribute value should always be enclosed in _______________ . x) ______________is a program that appears harmless but actually performs malicious functions. Q2) State True or False: [5] i) The World Wide Web Consortium was founded to develop common standards. ii) iii) iv) v) An XML document can have any number of child elements. No value is specified with border attribute of <img> tag. COLSPAN attribute of <TD> tag is used to merge more than one column of table. Unsolicited bulk emails are called spam. vi) Malware is Antivirus software. vii) Because each computer differs in terms of what fonts it can display, each individual browser determines how text is to be displayed. viii) Xml is Extended MarkupLanguage ix) Software piracy is crime. x) A cracker is a malicious programmer who break into secure systems. Q3) i. Short Answer Questions What does an anti-virus software do? [2] ii. What is full form of HTTP and what is its use? [2] iii. Write the HTML code to display links of a web page in yellow colour. [2] iv. Write the full forms of: [2] i) URL v. ii) <LI> iii) <TD> iv) HTML As life gets busier, it becomes difficult for everyone to keep a track with school & college friends, old colleagues, old neighbours and favourite teachers. It is important to keep in touch with all your near and dear ones. At times, people sitting miles away doing similar kind of activity or solving similar kind of problems can help you to achieve goals faster by sharing their experiences. Similarly people belonging to different socio-economic background can change your perspective and can enhance your understanding of various cultures. [2] vi. a. Suggest two real time tools that are suitable for the above-mentioned activities. b. What is the generic name used for such tools? Laleema Chakradhar wants a broadband connection for accessing her mails and staying informed about the latest happenings in the field of Biotechnology. Can you suggest two Internet Service Providers of India to be approached for the same? [2] Q4) Short Answer Questions i. Draw the XML tree for the code given below: <employees> <employee> <name> <first>Harry</first> <last>Potter</last> </name> </employee> <employee> <name> <first>Linda</first> <last>Ray</last> </name> </employee> [5] </employees> ii. Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it : [5] iii. What is the meaning of backup and why the data backup is essential? Also name 4 devices to take data backup. [5] iv. Write any two attributes for each tag: [3] a) <img> b) <Table> c) <A> v. Sharvan Joshi is a student of Political Science and is a keen researcher of Political issues related to various countries and states. He wants to share his research and his own opinion on these issues on day -to-day basis with everyone on the World Wide Web. He is also interested in collecting views of others to enhance his research and knowledge related to his area of interest. He belongs to a middle class family and can t afford his own website. Also being a non-technical person he can t create a dynamic website to deal with day-to-day inputs. [2] a) Suggest an easy way for Shravan to achieve the same. b) Also name any two popular websites providing free services that can help Shravan in this regard. Q5) Long Answer Questions Observe the following web page and write HTML code to generate it. [10] Note the following points while generating the Webpage: Link colour is black, background colour is yellow and visited link colour is green Title of the page is wild life in India Heading of the page is maroon Image used is elephant.png Caption of table is blue Table border is blue and of size 2 The 4 links are one.html, two.html, three.html and four.html The email id for contact us is SECTION B Q6) Multiple Choice Questions (Choose most appropriate option): i. What does URL stand for? a) United Route Line b) Uniform Resource Locator c) Unknown Redirection Link [18] d) Upload Redirection Link ii. XML uses a) b) c) d) Only 6 tags Predefined tags Custom tags HTML tags iii. Copy of data created for safe storage is a) Saved copy b) Backup c) Dcopy d) Stored copy iv. XML uses the features of a) SGML b) HTML c) XHTML d) DHTML v. Which of the following is not the source of virus? a) Email attachments b) Pen drives c) Typing through key board d) Downloading files vi. Which of them is correct XML tag a) <first name> b) <6class> c) <name> d) All of the above vii. A good way to safeguard access to your computer is to _________ protect it. a) A deadbolt b) Copyright c) Safemode d) Password viii. Which one of these is correct processing instruction (PI) of a XML document? a) <?xml version = 1.0 ?> b) <?xml version = 1.0 > c) </xml version = 1.0 > d) <xml version = 1.0 ?> ix. Which statement is true? a) All XML elements must have a closing tag. b) All XML elements must be in lower case. c) All XML document must have a DTD. d) All of the above x. Out of the following, which one will be altered or modified by a computer virus? a) Operating System b) Speed of Network Connectivity c) Application Software d) All of the above xi. Google ( is a a) Search Engine b) Number in Math c) Chat service on the web d) Directory of images xii. Border, cellspacing, cellpadding, align are the attributes of a) <body> b) <img> c) <table> d) None of these xiii. Mozilla Firebox is a a) Web Browser b) News Website c) Graphing Package d) Word Processor xiv. Which of these are all table tags? a) <thead>, <body>, <tr> b) <table>, <tr>, <td> c) <table>, <head>, <title> d) <table>, <tr>, <tt> xv. Valid XML document means a) The document has one root element b) The document contains one or more root element c) The document has a DTD and complies to it d) Each element must be in capital letter xvi. When creating a Web document, what format is used to express an image's height and width? a) b) c) d) xvii. Centimeters Pixels Dots per inch Inches What can you do with the Internet? a) Exchange information with friends and colleagues b) Access pictures, sounds, video clips and other media elements c) Find diverse perspective on issues from a global audience d) All of the above xviii. Which command we use to link a page with an HTML page? a) <a link="url">link text</a> b) <a href="url">link text </a> c) <a connect="url">link text </a> d) <a attach="url">link text </a> Marking Scheme Foundation of Information Technology Class: X Session 2016-17 Q1) Fill in the blanks: i. Malware ii. <table> iii. Web browser iv. Website v. <td> vi. Worm vii. href viii. Spyware ix. Quotes x. Trojan Horse (1/2 mark for each correct answer) Q2) State True or False: i. True ii. True iii. False iv. True v. True vi. False vii. True viii. False ix. True x. True (1/2 mark for each correct answer) Q3)i) Anti Virus software are used to prevent, detect and remove malicious programs. (2 marks for correct answer) ii) HyperText Transfer/Transmission Protocol ( 1 mark ) Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the main protocol of the World Wide Web. When you request a web page by typing its address into your web browser, that request is sent using HTTP. The browser is an HTTP client, and the web page server is an HTTP server. ( 1 mark ) iii) <Body link = yellow > ( 1 mark for tag and I mark for attribute name) iv) Uniform Resource Locator List Item Table Data HyperText Markup Language (1/2 mark for each correct answer) v)a) b) vi) Facebook and Twitter (1 Mark for correctly naming any two tools) Social Networking (1 Mark for the correct generic name) VSNL, Airtel etc. (1 Mark each for correctly naming any two ISPs) Q4)i) a. employees employee name first last (5 marks for drawing the diagram forreftly) ( 1 mark for eafh level and 1 mark for the flow lines) ii) <html><body><table border=1> <tr><th colspan=6>Time Table</th></tr> <tr> <th rowspan = 6>Hours</th> <th>Mon</th><th>Tue</th><th>Wed</th> <th>Thu</th><th>Fri</th></tr> <tr><td>Science</td><td>Maths</td> <td>Science</td><td>Maths</td> <td>Arts</td></tr> <tr><td>Social</td><td>History</td><td>English</td> <td>Social</td><td>Sports</td></tr> <tr><th colspan=5> Lunch</th></tr> <tr><td> Science</td><td>Maths</td> <td>Science</td><td>Maths</td> <td rowspan =2> Project</td></tr> <tr><td>Social</td><td>History</td><td>English</td> <td>Social</td></tr> </table> </body> </html> (w mark for forreft usage of <HTML> tag) (w mark for forreft usage of <BODY> tag) (w mark for forreft usage of <TABLE> tag) (1 mark eafh for forreft usage of <TR>and <TD> tags) (w mark for eafh forreft usage of folspan attribute) (1/2 mark for eafh forreft usage of rowspan attribute) (1/2 mark for forreft usage of TH and TD> iii) In information technology, a backup, or the process of backing up, refers to the copying and archiving of computer data so it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. (2 marks) Data Backup protect us against failures like: Hardware failure Media Failure Accidental file deletion Theft and natural disaster Virus attack (1 marks) Following are some storage devices to take backup: External hard disk CD DVD USB Flash drive Online Backup (1/2 mark each for any 4 devices) iv) img tag-src, alt, height, width table tag- align, bgcolor, border, cellpadding, cellspacing a tag- href, name (1/2 mark each for any two correct attributes of each tag) v)a) Shravan should develop a blog. (1 Mark for naming the correct tool) b) Blogger.Com Wordpress.Com ( Mark each for correctly naming any two websites providing free blogging services) Q5) <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> wild life in India </TITLE></HEAD> <BODY bgcolor=yellow LINK="black" VLINK="green"> <CENTER><H1> <FONT COLOR="maroon">INDIAN ELEPHANT</FONT> </H1></CENTER> <IMG SRC="elephant.png" ALIGN="right" HEIGHT=225 WIDTH=250> <p>The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) is one of three recognised subspecies of the Asian elephant and native to mainland Asia. Since 1986, Elephas maximus has been listed as Endangered by IUCN as the population has declined by at least 50% over the last three generations, estimated to be 60 75 years. Asian elephants are threatened by habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation". <p> See Also : <UL> <LI><A HREF="one.html">Sri Lankan Elephant</A> <LI><A HREF="two.html">sumatran Elephant</A> <LI><A HREF="three.html">Borneo Elephant</A> <LI><A HREF="four.html">African elephant</A> </UL> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER=2 BORDERCOLOR="blue" width=25% height=175> <font color =blue><CAPTION>Threats To Elephants</CAPTION></font> <TR> <TD> 1<TD> Illegal Hunting</TR> <TR><TD> 2<TD>Industrialisation</TR> <TR><TD> 3<TD> Habitat Loss</TR> <TR><TD> 4<TD> Fragmentation</TR> <TR><TD> 5<TD>Disease</TR> </TABLE><BR>For further enquiries and reservations <A HREF="">Contact Us</A> </CENTER></BODY></HTML> ( mark for correct use of <HTML> tag) ( mark for correct use of <BODY> tag) ( mark for correct use of <TITLE> tag) (1 mark for attributes of <BODY> tag) ( mark for correct use of <P> tag) ( mark for displaying the heading correctly in center) ( mark for correct use of <IMG> tag with the ALIGN attribute) (1 mark for changing table border to 2 pixel thick) (1 mark for giving table <CAPTION>) (1 mark for correctly making the table) (1 mark for correctly making the bulleted list) (1 mark for correct use of <A> tag for creating links) (1 mark for correctly creating the email link) SECTION B Q6) Multiple Choice Questions: i. b) Uniform Resource Locator ii. c) Custom tags iii. b) Backup iv.a) SGML v.c) Typing through key board vi. c) <name> vii. d) password viii. a) <?xml version = 1.0 ?> ix. d) All of the above x. d) All of the above xi. a) Search Engine xii. c) <table> xiii. a) Web Browser xiv. b) <table>, <tr>, <td> xv. c) The document has a DTD and complies to it xvi. b) Pixels xvii. d) All of the above xviii. b) <a href="url">link text </a> ( 1 mark each)

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