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CBSE Class X Sample Question Paper 2017 : SOCIAL SCIENCE (with Marking Scheme / Solutions)

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SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - II SESSION 2016-2017 SOCIAL SCIENCE (CODE NO. 087) CLASS-X Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 90 General Instructions: 1. There are 29 questions in all. All questions are compulsory. 2. Marks for each question are indicated against the question. 3. Questions from serial number 1 to 8 are very short answer questions of 1 mark each. 4. Questions from serial number 9 to 20 are 3 marks questions. Answers of these questions should not exceed 80 words each. 5. Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 5 marks questions. Answers of these questions should not exceed 120 words each. 6. Question number 29 (a) is a map question of 3 marks from History and the Question number 29 (b) is a map question of 3 marks from Geography. 7. Attach the filled up maps inside your answer-book. 1. Why did French colonizers consider education as important way to civilize the Vietnamese? 1 Or Why did French artist ,Frederic Sorrieu prepare a series of print based on democratic and socialist republics in 1848? 2. Name the mineral which is used to harden steel during manufacturing. 1 3. By what means does hand spun khadi provide large scale employment to weavers? 1 4. Handling of exports and imports on a large scale is done conveniently from the Kandla port. Why? 1 5. What do ou ea the ter ollateral ? 6. Which is the most common route for investment by MNCs in countries around the world? 7. Reema bought a pack of brown bread, later she realized that it was expired. Which right does 1 she have to counter this problem? 8. Which act of Indian democracy empowers the people and work as watchdog? 1 9. Ideas of national unity in the early nineteenth century Europe were closely allied to the ideolog of li eralis . Support the state e t ith argu e ts. 3 1 1 OR Analyze the role of students in the anti-imperial struggle in Vietnam during 19th century 10. How did the salt Satyagraha become an effective tool of resistance against British colonialism in India during 1930? Explain. 11. Natural gas is a i porta t sour e of lea e erg . Support the state e t ith e a ples. 3 3 Jute industry is o e trated i the Hugli asi . Validate the statement with three suitable reasons. 13. Discuss the hazards of mining on the life of miners and on the environment. 3 Air a s is the ost preferred ode of tra sport i North-Eastern states of I dia. Gi e three reasons to prove this preference. 3 12. 14. 15. Early Vietnamese nationalists had a close relationship with Japan and China in the first de ades of the t e tieth e tur . Support the state e t ith three e a ples. OR 3 3 The idealisti li eral- democratic sentiment of nationalism became a narrow creed with limited e ds. Support the state e t i the o te t of Balka atio alis i the earl 19 th century. 16. Moder de o ra ies a ot e ist ithout politi al parties . E aluate the state e t ith the help of three relevant arguments. 3 17. The quality of democracy depends upon the degree of public participation. Suggest any three values essential for a citizen for effective participation. 3 18. Analyze the impact of globalization on world economy. 3 19. Self-help Groups support has brought about a revolutionary change in the rural sector. Explain with suitable examples. 3 20. Why do we need to expand formal sources of credit in India? Give three reasons. 3 21. Explain the nation building process of Germany. 5 OR Explain the role of women in the nationalist struggle of Vietnam. 22. How did history and fiction, folklore and songs, popular prints and symbols, all played important part in the making of Indian nationalism in the nineteenth century? Explain. 23. The road a s ha e pre eded rail a s a d still ha e a edge o er rail a s i o e ie es the pro ide. E plai the state e t. ie of arious 5 5 24. Give a comparative analysis of Sectional Interest Groups and Public Interest Groups. 5 25. What is a Politi al Part ? Suggest three refor s to stre gthe toda s politi al parties so that they perform their functions well. 5 26. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government? Discuss by giving five reasons. 5 27. Why are trade barriers imposed on the foreign trade and investment in a country? Explain with the help of two illustrations. 5 28. Explain any five rights of consumers that protect them from exploitation in the market place. 5 29. On the given political map of India, locate and label the following a i. Place where violence erupted during Non- Cooperation Movement leading to its withdrawal. 3 ii. Place from where Mahatma Gandhi started the Dandi March in 1930. iii. Place where Indian National congress held its session in December 1929. 29. I. On the given political outline map of India locate and label the following items with b appropriate symbols. i. Kochi Sea Port ii. Noida Software Technology Park 3 II. Identify the features marked as A and B on the same given political map of India: A. Cotton Textile Industry B. Coal Mine NOTE : the following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of Q No- 29 29.1 Name the place where the Indian National Congress session was held in 1929. 29.2 Name the place where Jallian Wala Bagh massacre took place. 29.3 Name the place associated with the indigo Satyagraha of Gandhiji. 29.4 In which state is Kaiga nuclear plant located? 29.4 Name the software technology park located in Punjab. 29.5 Name the port which was developed to relieve growing pressure of Mumbai port. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - II SESSION 2016-2017 SOCIAL SCIENCE (CODE NO. 087) CLASS-X ANSWER KEY 1. Ans. Why did French colonizers consider education as important way to civilize the Vietnamese? i. ii. iii. 1 it was the mission of the advanced European countries to bring the benefits of civilization to backward people Symbol of development (any one) OR Why did French artist, Frederic Sorrieu prepare a series of print based on democratic and socialist republics in 1848? Offering homage to the statue of Liberty 2. Ans. 3. Ans. Name the mineral which is used to harden steel during manufacturing Iron 1 By what means does hand spun khadi provide large scale employment to weavers? 1 It provides large scale employment to weavers as it is a cottage industry, can be set up at home. 4. Ans. Handling of exports and imports on a large scale is done conveniently from the Kandla port. Why? 1 Kandla is a tidal port, hence large ship can enter and leave the port easily. 5. What do ou ea the ter ollateral ? Ans. It is an asset that the borrower owns and uses this guarantee to a lender until the loan is repaid. 1 6. Ans. Which is the most common route for investment by MNCs in countries around the world? 1 To buy up local companies and then to expand production. 7. Ans. Reema bought a pack of brown bread later she realized that it was expired. Which right does she have to counter this problem? 1 Right to Seek Redressal 8. Which act of Indian democracy empowers the people and work as watchdog? 1 Ans. Right To Information 9. Ans. Ideas of atio al u it i the earl i etee th e tur Europe ere losel allied to the ideolog of li eralis . Support the state e t ith argu e ts. Liberalism 3 Deri ed fro li er ea s free Stood for freedom for all and equality for all before the law Politically Govt. by consent Universal suffrage, right to vote for all French revolution stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges, a constitution and representative govt. through parliament. vi. Struggles for equal political rights. vii. Economically, inviolability of private property viii. Freedom of markets and abolition of state restrictions. ix. Any other relevant point Any three to be explained i. ii. iii. iv. v. OR Analyze the role of students in the anti-imperial struggle in Vietnam during 19th century STUDENTS OF VIETNAM I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. 10. The teachers and students did not blindly follow the curriculum. The teachers while teaching criticized their text. The students of French should occupy front seat in the class. If they refused, they were expelled. The stude ts fought agai st the olo ial go er e t s efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white-collar jobs Started journals and magazines Got the help from leaders Tonkin school incidence Any three to be explained How did the salt Satyagraha become an effective tool of resistance against British 3 colonialism in India during 1930? Explain Ans. Salt satyagraha i. Mahatma Gandhi believed that salt could be a powerful symbol to unite the whole nation. Poor peasants- against high revenue demand, trade depression, remittance of rent. ii. Rich peasants-high revenue, wanted revision in the revenue demands. iii. Industrialist wanted protection against imports of foreign goods, rupee-sterling foreign exchange ratio, formed FICCI iv. Workers-against poor working conditions and low wages. v. Women-service to the nation as the sacred duty. vi. Salt was made was an act of civil disobedience. vii. Workers went on strike in railway workshops shops closed down. viii. Local leaders were arrested. Any three to be explained 11. Ans. Natural gas is a i porta t sour e of lea e erg . Support the state e t ith examples. 3 Natural gas In a power deficient country, natural gas is a precious gift. i. ii. iii. iv. v. It can be used as a source of energy. It takes less time to build a power plant based on natural gas. It can be used as an industrial raw material in petro-chemical industry. It can be used in building the fertilizer plants and thereby encouraging the use of fertilizers. It can boost agricultural production. Through easy transportation by way of pipelines, its utility is further increased Use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for vehicles to replace liquid fuels is gaining wide popularity in the country. Any three to be explained 12. Ans. Jute i dustr is o e trated i the Hugli asi . Validate the statement with three suitable reasons. Jute industry i. ii. iii. iv. West Bengal is the home of jute. It produces the highest number of bales of the jute fiber. Adjoining regions of West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa are also important producers of jute. Thus, raw material is easily available. Additional requirement of jute is met through import from Bangladesh. Densely populated area of the lower Ganga basin provides cheap labour. The industry consumes huge quantity of water which is easily available 3 from the Hooghly River. v. Kolkata has a good network of transportation both of land and water. It has the facility of transport through rivers, canals, railways and roads. vi. International airport and a big port in Kolkata have also helped in the transportation of materials. vii. Coal-mines of Raniganj and Asansol provide sufficient supply of power to this industry in Kolkata. Any three to be explained 13. Ans. 14. Ans. 15. Ans. Discuss the hazards of mining on the life of miners and on environment. i. The dust and noxious fumes inhaled by miners make them vulnerable to pulmonary diseases. ii. The risk of collapsing mine roofs, inundation and fires in coalmines are a constant threat to miners. iii. The water sources in the region get contaminated due to mining. Dumping of waste and slurry leads to degradation of land, soil and increase in stream and river pollution. Air a s is the ost preferred ode of tra sport i North-Eastern states of I dia. Gi e three reaso s to pro e this prefere e. i. The north-eastern part of the country is marked with the presence of big rivers, dissected relief and dense forests hence, it is difficult to construct roads and railway lines there. ii. There are frequent floods and international frontiers, which require immediate and quick attention from the government authorities. Floods also damage roads and railway lines. iii. Air travel has made access to north-eastern part of the country easier and quicker. Early Vietnamese nationalists had a close relationship with Japan and China in the first decade of the t e tieth e tur . Support the state e t ith three examples. Vietnam i. ii. In the first decade of the 20th century a 'Go East Movement' became popular. These nationalists looked for foreign arms and help. They appealed to the Japanese for help. 3 3 3 iii. iv. Japan had modernized itself and had resisted colonization by the west. Vietnamese students established a branch of the Restoration Society in Tokyo but after 1908, the Japanese Ministry stopped them to do so. Many, including Phan Boi Chau, was deported and forced to seek exile in China and Thailand. OR The idealisti li eral- democratic sentiment of nationalism became a narrow creed with limited e ds. Support the state e t i the o te t of Balka nationalism in the early 19th century. The Balkans comprised modern-day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro. i. The disintegration of the ruling Ottoman Empire and the spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism made this area explosive. ii. The European subject nationalities started breaking from its control to declare independence. iii. The Balkan re olutio aries acts were directed to gain back the long-lost independence. iv. The Balkan States were fiercely jealous of each other and wanted to gain more territory at the expense of the other. v. There was intense rivalry among the European powers over trade, colonies, naval might and military might. European powers such as Russia, Germany, England and Austro-Hungary were keen on opposing the hold of other powers over the Balkans for extending their own area of control. vi. All these events ultimately triggered the First World War (1914). 16. Ans. Moder de o ra ies a ot e ist ithout politi al parties . E aluate the statement with the help of three relevant arguments. 3 Political parties i. 17. Ans. They form govt. after winning elections i.e. .the political party which wins majority seats in the legislature forms the govt. ii. Political party which does not win majority seats in the legislature forms the opposition. It criticizes the govt. For its acts of omission and commission. iii. Political parties are important for representative democracies as they bring representatives together to form the govt. iv. It consists of people seeking to achieve their objectives through constitutional means and aims at promoting national integration. The quality of democracy depends upon the degree of public participation. Suggest any three values essential for a citizen for effective participation. Value based 3 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. 18. Awareness mobilization for sharing opinions feeling for nation building Work for bringing social change Honesty in all spheres Accommodation of all difference any other relevant point Analyze the Impact of globalization. 3 Ans. Positive i) Wide variety of good is now available to the consumers. ii) New jobs are created in industries. iii) Local companies have prospered through supplying raw materials to the industries. iv) Top Indian companies have benefitted for successful collaborations with foreign companies. Negative i)globalization may not help in achieving sustainable development ii) It may lead to widening of income inequalities among various countries. iii) It may lead to greater dependence of underdeveloped countries on advanced countries. Any three to be assessed 19. Ans. Self-help Groups support has brought about a revolutionary change in the rural sector. i. The idea is to organize rural poor, in particular women, into small Self Help Groups (SHGs) and pool their savings. Members can take small loans from the group itself to meet their needs. The group charges interest on these loans but this is still less than what the moneylender charges. ii. If the group is regular in savings, it becomes eligible for availing loan from the bank. Loan is sanctioned in the name of the group and is meant to create self employment opportunities for the members. The SHG is responsible for repayment of the loan, hence, banks get ready to give loans 3 without collateral. iii. 20. Ans. 21. Self - help, self - reliance and creating a support system and platform to discuss and act on a variety of social issues such as health, nutrition, domestic violence etc. Why do we need to expand formal sources of credit in India? Give three reasons. i. The cost of informal loans is much higher and often leads to a debt trap. Also, people who might wish to start a new enterprise by borrowing may not do so because of the high cost of borrowing in such a case. ii. Most loans from informal lenders carry a very high interest rate and do little to increase the income of the borrowers. Thus, it is necessary that banks and cooperatives increase their lending particularly in the rural areas, so that the dependence of the poor on informal sources of credit reduces. iii. It is important that the formal credit is distributed more equally so that the poor can benefit from the cheaper loans. Explain the nation building process of Germany Nation building process of Germany Ans. i. By 1848, the popular effort failed to succeed in installing constitutional monarch in Germany. ii. There after the task for unification of Germany was taken over by Prussia and its chief minister Otto von Bismarck who followed a policy of "blood and Iron" within a period of seven years three were fought with denmark, Austria and France. iii. These states were defeated. iv. In January 1871 the process of unification of Germany was completed. v. The Prussian king William I was proclaimed German Emperor To be assessed as a whole OR Explain the role of women in the nationalist struggle of Vietnam i. Women as Rebels: Writers and political thinkers began idealising women 3 5 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. who rebelled against social norms. In the 1930s, a famous novel by Nhat Linh caused a scandal because it showed a woman leaving a forced marriage and marrying someone of her choice, someone who was involved in nationalist politics. Heroes of Past Times: Rebel women of the past were similarly celebrated. In 1913, the nationalist Phan Boi Chau wrote a play based on the lives of the Trung sisters who had fought against Chinese domination in 39-43 CE. In this play he depicted these sisters as patriots fighting to save the Vietnamese nation from the Chinese. One of the most venerated was Trieu Au who lived in the third century CE. She left home, went into the jungles, organised a large army and resisted Chinese rule. Women as Warriors- In the 1960s, photographs in magazines and journals showed women as brave fighters. Women as workers -They helped in nursing the wounded, constructing underground rooms and tunnels and fighting the enemy. Women in Times of Peace Now the image of women as workers begins to predominate. Any five to be explained 22. How did history and fiction, folklore and songs, popular prints and symbols, all played important part in the making of Indian nationalism in the nineteenth century? Explain. Ans. Folklore and Indian nationalism i) Came to be visually associated with the image of Bharat Mata. ii) Va de Matara as a h to the otherland. Later it was included in the novel Anandamath and widely sung during the Swadeshi movement in Bengal. iii) Moved by the Swadeshi movement, Abanindranath Tagore painted his famous image of Bharat Mata, is portrayed as an ascetic figure; she is calm, composed, divine and spiritual. iv) Ideas of nationalism also developed through a movement to revive Indian folklore. Nationalists began recording folk tales sung by bards and they toured villages to gather folk songs and legends. v) It was essential to preserve the folk traditio i order to dis o er o e s atio al identity. 5 23. Ans. The road a s ha e pre eded rail a s a d still ha e a edge o er rail a s i of arious o e ie es the pro ide. E plai the state e t. ie i. Construction cost of roads is much lower than that of railway lines. ii. Roads can traverse comparatively more dissected and undulating topography. iii. Roads can negotiate higher gradients of slopes and as such can traverse mountains such as the Himalayas. iv. Road transport is economical in transportation of few persons and relatively smaller amount of goods over short distances. v. It also provides door-to-door service, thus the cost of loading and unloading is much lower. vi. Road transport is also used as a feeder to other modes of transport such as they provide a link between railway stations, air and sea ports. 5 ( Any five to be explained) 24. Ans. Give a comparative analysis of Sectional Interest Groups and Public Interest Groups. 5 Sectional Interest Group: i. They are sectional because they represent to a section of society: workers, employees, businesspersons, industrialists, followers of a religion, caste groups, etc. ii. Their principal concern is the betterment and well-being of their members, not society in general. iii. Illustration Public Interest Group: 25. i. They represent some common or general interest that needs to be defended and promote collective rather than selective goods. ii. The members of the organization may not benefit from the cause that the organization represents as they aim to help groups other than their own members. What is a Politi al Part ? Suggest three refor s to stre gthe toda s politi al parties so that they perform their functions well. 5 Ans. Political Party: i. A political party is a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government. They agree on some policies and programs for the society with a view to promote the collective good. ii. They try to persuade people as to why their policies are better than others, seek to implement these policies by winning popular support through elections. Political parties have three components the leaders, active members and followers. Suggestions: 26. Ans. i. A law should be made to regulate the internal affairs of political parties. It should be made compulsory for political parties to maintain a register of its members, to follow its own constitution etc. ii. It should be made mandatory for political parties to give a minimum number of tickets, about one-third, to women candidates. Similarly, there should be a quota for women in the decision making bodies of the party. iii. There should be state funding of elections. The government should give parties money to support their election expenses. 2+3 How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government? Discuss by giving five reasons. i. In a democracy people have the right to elect their rulers and participate in decision making that affects them all. Government thus, is accountable to the citizens and responsive to their needs and expectations. ii. Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation, though it results in delays. It ensures that decision making is based on norms and procedures and allows transparency. Develops mechanisms for citizens to hold the government accountable. iii. Set up following practices and institutions: regular, free and fair elections; open public debate on major policies and legislations; a d itize s right to information about the government and its functioning. iv. It may be reasonable to expect from democracy a government that is attentive to the needs and demands of the people and is largely free of corruption. Though the record of democracies is not impressive on these two counts. v. Democratic government is a legitimate government. It may be slow, less effi ie t, ot al a s er respo si e or lea , ut is people s o government. People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them. 5 27. Why are trade barriers imposed on the foreign trade and investment in a country? Explain with the help of two illustrations. 5 Ans. Trade barriers are used by the governments i. To increase, decrease or regulate foreign trade. ii. To decide what kinds of goods and how much of each, should come into the country. iii. To protect the producers within the country from foreign competition. (3) Any two illustrations to be given 28. 2 Explain any five rights of consumers that protect them from exploitation in the market place. Ans. 5 Rights of consumers i. Right to information ii. Right to seek redressal iii. Right to choose iv. Right to be heard v. Right to safety vi. Any other relevant point Any five to be explained 29. a 29. On the given political map of India, locate and label the following i. Place where violence erupted during Non- Cooperation Movement leading to its withdrawal. ii. Place from where Mahatma Gandhi started the Dandi March in 1930 iii. Place where Indian National congress held its session in December 1929. I. On the given political outline map of India locate and label the following items 3 3 b with appropriate symbols. i. Kochi Sea Port ii. Noida Software Technology Park 1+ 1=2 II. Identify the features marked as A and B on the same given political map of India: A. Cotton Textile Industry B. Coal Mine Ans. For visually impaired 29.1 Lahore 29.2 Amristsar 29.3 Champaran (Bihar) 29.4 Karnataka 29.5 Mohali (Punjab) 29.6 Jawaharlal Nehru Port 0.5+0.5=1

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