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Class 10 CBSE Board Exam 2015 : Foundation of Information Technology

21 pages, 63 questions, 17 questions with responses, 18 total responses,    0    0
Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad
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SET-4 Series RLH Code No. Candidates must write the Code on the Roll No. 53 title page of the answer-book. Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 6 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II FOUNDATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 90 SECTION A 1. Fill in the blanks : 10 (a) (b) _____________ includes viruses, data miners, Trojan horses and other programs designed to damage or destroy a computer. (c) _____________ protects a server, a network and an individual PC from attack by viruses from other systems. (d) ____________ tags are case sensitive and _____________ tags are not case sensitive. (e) ____________ tag creates a bulleted list. (f) 53 ____________ is a software that is downloaded onto your computer to track your activities without your knowledge. ____________ tag is used to create a table row. 1 P.T.O. (g) (h) Text written with ____________ attribute appears like a tool tip in Internet Explorer. (i) 2. ____________ attribute with <A> tag is used to open a link in a new window. ______________ attribute with <HR> tag is used to specify thickness of the line. State True or False : 10 (a) (b) HTML is a programming language. (c) The default font size is 5. (d) XML uses DTD to describe the data. (e) To avoid spam never click on links that come from someone you do not know. (f) Hacker is a person who breaks security with malintention to start what we have stored on our computers. (g) Attributes of XML tags are expandable. (h) Color attribute is used with <P> tag. (i) Cellpadding attribute is used to specify distance between two cells. (j) 3. Line breaks are given through <BR>. <Title> tag is one of the structural tags of HTML document. Short Answer Questions : 12 (a) Write any two advantages of online backup. (b) What does an antivirus software do ? (c) Write the HTML code to display a horizontal line of red colour. (d) Write the full forms of : (i) XML (ii) FTP (iii) <img> (iv) <HR> (e) (f) 53 Write the HTML code to create a paragraph whose text colour is blue. Name the attributes of <img> tag which are used for specifying its dimensions in a web page. 2 4. Short Answer Questions : (a) Draw the XML tree for the code given below : 5 <furniture> <Table material="wood"> <Primary>100</Primary> <Middle>150</Middle> <Senior>150</Senior> </Table> <Table material="plastic"> <Primary>200</Primary> <Middle>135</Middle> <Senior>150</Senior> </Table> </furniture> (b) Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it : 5 Grammar English Comprehension Algebra Maths Physics Physics Science Chemistry Biology (c) 53 Answer the following questions : (i) Shrinivasan is working for an IT firm where he needs to backup his data of around 200 MB to 400 MB at the end of each day. Each day backup needs to be archived separately for future reference. Suggest any two economic data backup devices, which he can use for this purpose. (ii) Differentiate between hacker and cracker with reference to their intention and motive. 3 1 2 P.T.O. (iii) Name one specific software tool for each of the following categories. (A) (B) (C) (D) (d) Antivirus Data recovery tool Online backup tool Text editor Identify which of the following is a tag or an attribute : (i) 2 5 border (ii) img (iii) alt (iv) src (v) 5. Long Answer Questions : (a) 53 href Observe the following web page and write the HTML code to generate it. 4 10 Note the following points while generating the web page : Tit e of page is G oba War ing Link colour is green Font style for the page is Arial Heading of the page is blue Image used is warming.png Table border is 2px and border colour is red Use links as : For Greenhouse gases as one.html For Particulates and soot as two.html For Solar Activity as three.html e-mail id for bottom message is abc @ (b) (i) Write two points of difference between HTML and XML. 2 (ii) Write three advantages of using XML document. 3 (iii) Write the code to create an XML document to present the following data : 5 Name Class English Marks Maths Marks Raghav 10 75 95 Ritvik 10 85 92 SECTION B 6. Multiple Choice Questions (Choose the most appropriate option) : (i) 53 If we want an image to be the hyperlink, the correct syntax is : (a) <img src = image.gif><a href = try.html>click</a> (b) <a href = try.html><img src = image.gif>click</a> (c) <a href = image.gif><img src = try.html>click</a> (d) <img src = try.html> (ii) 18 Which attribute tells us how many rows a cell should span ? (a) colspan = n (b) rowspan = n (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above 5 P.T.O. (iii) To create a link, we must use ____________ attribute with <A> tag. (a) name (b) link (c) tag (d) href (iv) To start a list with no. 3, we should write (a) <OL start = 3> (b) <OL type = 3> (c) <OL value = 3> (d) All of the above (v) For internal linking the _____________ attribute. section names are (a) href (b) title (c) name (d) target (vi) Which of the following is an attribute of <table> tag ? (a) src (b) link (c) cellpadding (d) bold (vii) Is this a well formed XML document ? <?x version = 1.0 ?> <note> <to age = 29 > Tove </to> <from>John</from> (a) Yes (b) No (c) Can t say (d) None of the above 53 6 provided by (viii) Comments in XML document is given by (a) <?_ _ comment _ _> (b) <!_ _ comment _ _!> (c) <!_ _ comment _ _> (d) None of the above (ix) The use of DTD in XML development is (a) required when validating XML documents (b) no longer necessary after the XML editor has been customized (c) used to direct conversion using an XSLT processor (d) a good guide to populating a template to be filled in when generating an XML document automatically (x) Valid XML document means (a) the document has root element (b) the document contains at least one or more root element (c) the XML document has DTD associated with it and it complies with that DTD (d) each element must nest inside any enclosing element properly (xi) Container elements in HTML require (a) Starting tag (b) Ending tag (c) Starting and ending tag (d) None of these (xii) Which HTML tags cause browsers to render text as italics ? (a) <text sty e = ita ics ></text> (b) <ital.></ital.> (c) <i></i> (d) <b></b> (xiii) If the image you are loading in the web page is not available, then you want a text to appear in the image place holder. Which attribute lets you define this text ? (a) Src (b) Align (c) Text (d) Alt 53 7 P.T.O. (xiv) Copy of data that can be used to restore and recover data is (a) The copied data (b) Backup (c) Restoration data (d) None of these (xv) A progra designed to rep icate and eat up a co puter s storage is called (a) Virus (b) Spam (c) Worm (d) Mail (xvi) A digital document issued to a site by a certification authority of internet (a) e-code (b) digital certificate (c) digital signature (d) digital id (xvii) To avoid problems while working with internet you should follow this precaution : (a) Install antivirus on your computer (b) Take the backup of your files regularly (c) Do not click on unknown links (d) All of the above (xviii) Which attribute is not valid for <body> tag ? (a) background (b) color (c) vlink (d) leftmargin 53 8

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