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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (The Bishops Co - Ed. School, Kalyaninagar, Pune)

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The Bishop's Co - Ed. School, Kalyaninagar, Pune
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\ THE BISHOP'S CQ-EP SCHOOL. KALVANI NAGAR - PUNE FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION (2024-2025} HISTORY & CMCS Class: 10 Reading Time: 15 minutes Date: 22.08.2024 Total Marks: 80 Writing Time: 2 hours Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes, this time is to be spent in reading the question paper. "1e time at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory), A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II, two out three questions from Section A and three out five questions from Section B. "1e intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given In brackets [ J Part I [30 Marks] Attempt all questions from this part Question 1 Choose the correct answers from the given options: [1X16] (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only.) i) The Central and State government draw their authority from the__ a) Parliament (b) Supreme Court (c) Constitution (d) Prime Minister ii) Though the Constitution of India has not mentioned a specific number of members of the Council of Members or specified names, it has put a ceiling on the size of Council of Ministers at the Centre and the State, identify the size. a) 30% of the strength of the Lok Sabha. b) 15% of the strength of the Lok Sabha. c) 20% of the total strength of the Lok Sabha. d) 5% of the total strength of the Lok Sabha. iii Given below are a few details of Indian citizens. E 25 He is an Indian citizen. f 30 Has resi ned from his overnment ob. G 35 Is a ersonali of re uted fame. H 37 ls ualified to be a member of the Council of States. Select the individual who fits the eligibility criteria to become the Vice President of India. a) G b) H c) E d) F iv) The Maximum gap between two sessions must be _ _ a) More than six months. b) Less than six months. c) Two months. d) Three months. v) A house has 350 members. On a particular day of the meeting 25 members are present. The Speaker adjourned the session for the day. Select a reason for suspending the meeting. a) Indiscipline in the house. b) There was no important matter of National importance to discuss. c) The Speaker took ill. d) Lack of quorum. vi) India has a Bicameral legislature wherein the Lok Sabha has a term of 5 years and can be dissolved earlier. Identify the term of the Rajya Sabha. P) It is a permanent house and cannot be dissolved. Q) 5 years. R) Members are elected for 6 years and 1/3rd members retire every two years. S) Members are elected for 6 years and 2/3rd members retire every two years. (a) P and S (b) only P (c) P and R (d) Q and S 1 vii) Identify the state that was taken over by Lord Dalhousie with an excuse of bein . a) Jhansi (b) Nagpur 9 misgovem~ (c) Awadh (d) Kanpur ct viii) Read the two statements given below and select the option that shows the correct relationship between the two. Assertion (A): India's wealth was being drained to England and not being utilised f their welfare. or Reason (R): India was being ruled by the British from England at a distance of thousands of miles. a) (R) contradicts (A) b) (A) and (R) are independent of each other. c) (R) is true but (A) is incorrect. d) (R) is true and the reason for (A) ~ . BVYSWADESHI . , -z ix) Wrth reference to the above visual identify the group of leaders who followed the above method to achieve their objectives. a) Dadabhai Naoroji, Lokmanya Tila~ Surendranath Banerjee. b) Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tila~ Bipin Chandra Pal. c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Jyotiba Phule, Swami Vivekanand. d) La\a Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadh ar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale. x) "The year is 1885. imagine you are a member of the Indian National Congress which of the fo\\c,y,nng 'WOU\d ~ likely not be your objectives . VJ)To train and organize public opinion in tfle country. X) To arouse the masses by influencing them with sacrifices. Y) Developing feelings of unity irrespective of caste and religion. Z) Writing petitions and letters. a) W (b) W, X, Y (c) X and Z (d) Y and Z ' xi) Identify the ODD ONE out of the following clauses of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. a) Withdraw all ordinances and end persecutions. b) Release all polrtical prisoners, except those guilty of violence. c) To press for investigations into police excess d) Discontinue the civil disobedience movement. xii) During the Ganapati Festival week, your society has organized an essay competitio n on the Topic 'Festivals and Nationalism'. Which of the following leaders would you most likely mention in your essay. a) Surendranath Banerjee b) Bipin Olandra Pal c) Lokmanya Tilak d) Lala Lajpat Rai XJli) Non Co-operation Moveme nt: government was brought to a standstill :: Civil Disobedience movement : ?_ __ a) Masses started picketing against foreign goods. b) People started producing indigenous goods. c) Working of the government was paralysed. d) People boycotted British goods. xiv) Wherever the Simon Commission went it was greeted with hartals and black flags, can you identify the ODD ONE from the following with respect to the Simon Commission? a) Toe commission comprised of 7 British Members of the Parliament. b) Lokmanya Trlak was brutalty injured and succumbed to the injuries. 2 c) The Commission was sent to investigate the need for Constitutional reforms. d) It was an Insult to the self respect of the Indians. sections xv) Imagine you are a_ social worker and are helping secure social justice for the weaker help. for to turn likely most you would s Institution of the society._ Which of the following a) Brahma SamaJ started by Rajaram Mohan Roy b) Swami Dayanand's Arya Samaj c) Satya Shodhak Samaj started by Jyotiba Phule d) Ramakrishna Mission started by Swami Vivekanand ip xvi) Read the two statements given below, select the option that shows the correct relationsh s. statement two between the to collect Assertion (A): The Government permitted the persons living along the coastal areas or manufacture salt. e. Reason (R): Gandhiji was the sole representative at the Second round table conferenc a) R contradicts A. b) R is true and the reason for A. c) A and Rare independent of each other. d) A is incorrect but R Is true. [ 2x7 = 14J Question 2 of time. period given a for office India's of President the over take to asked are you a) Imagine to asked being your for reasons two What post do you most likely hold at present? Mention [2] take over the President's office? b) Your Party has won the majority at the present General Elections. The Prime Minister has handed you the Defence Ministry. Name the category of Ministers you would belong to. [2] Mention the other categories of Ministers. question. following the answer and below given extract the c) Read ,....,. ... f -~ ., ." ' 4 t\ ,, ' Q..a.r, .,.._, ' . ,t~ - ., ' 'OM.I .....,, , ,,. - ~ f# ~ l I .,....., ~ ,._ .. , ~ 1 A '::;-i..t~t' , _ ' _ n11- Tll ._,._,_ _ _ . .., ,... 1;t T1 t -:J ;:.;,t.:ir,~~ Viceroy's camp At The Delhi Durbar, 1877 The engraving 'This page is from the then British newspaper, The Graphic, ofJanuary 27 1877. balls can Cannon cannons. and tents of rows with camp shows a panoramic view of the Viceroy~ as the Victoria Queen of ion proclamat the about was ceremony The neatly. stacked be seen Empress of India~ Source - '' [2] i) Name the Viceroy who organized the Grand Delhi Durbar. Viceroy. above the by ii) Meiltion any two unjust policies brought about d) Mr. Anoop Singh is an Indian soldier serving the British Army during 1856. He has been deputed to travel overseas along with the British Army, but he refused fo do so. Justify on what grounds was Mr. Anoop Singh being sent overseas and what was his reason for refusal?[2] e) Mention the founder of the Indian National Congress, which year was it founded in? [2] in f) Name the Viceroy who. implemented th.~ scheme of Partitioning Bengal in 1905. Put yourself place of a Nationalist leader andJnention the reasons you most likely think were behind the [2] partitioning of Bengal. 3

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