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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Chemistry (St. Milarepa Academy, Darjeeling)

7 pages, 95 questions, 56 questions with responses, 58 total responses,    2    0
Biswamilan Pradhan
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SAINT MILAREPA SCHOOL CHEMISTRY SCIENCE Paper 2 (Two hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 (a) Choose the most appropriate answer. (i) Which of the following is a common characteristic of a covalent compound? A High melting point. B Conducts electricity when it is in the molten state. C Consists of molecules. D Always soluble in water. (ii) To increase the pH value of a neutral solution, we should add: A An acid B An acid salt C An alkali D A salt (iii) A salt which in solution gives a bluish white precipitate with NaOH solution and a white precipitate with BaCl2 solution is: A CuSO4 B FeSO4 C Fe2 (SO4)3 D CuCl2

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