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BEE Energy Sample / Model Paper 2015 : Energy Paper 2

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Paper 2 Set B REGULAR MODEL SOLUTIONS 16th NATIONAL CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION FOR ENERGY MANAGERS & ENERGY AUDITORS September, 2015 PAPER 2: Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities Date: 19.09.2015 Marks: 150 Timings: 1400-1700 HRS Section I: OBJECTIVE TYPE a) b) c) 1. Duration: 3 HRS Max. Marks: 50 x 1 = 50 Answer all 50 questions Each question carries one mark Please hatch the appropriate oval in the OMR answer sheet with Black Pen or HB pencil Which one of the following is not true with respect to the role of nitrogen in the combustion of any fuel a) produces oxides of nitrogen b) reduces the volume of combustion by-products c) dilutes the flue gases d) carries useful heat in flue gases 2. Which one of the following fuel has the highest hydrogen content and lowest sulphur content a) coal 3. b) fuel oil c) natural gas d) LSHS Which of the following requires the largest amount of oxygen/kg of substance for combustion a) carbon b) hydrogen c) sulphur d) 1 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR nitrogen 4. Which of the following depends on physical properties of fluids as well as geometry of the heat exchanger a) overall heat transfer coefficient coefficient c) LMTD (Log Mean Temperature Difference) 5. b) activated carbon c) un-slaked lime b) water walls c) re-heaters d) all of the above Transfer of heat without a conveying medium is possible with a) conduction none of the above 9. b) packaged boiler d) pulverized fuel boiler Which of the component is common to supercritical boiler and sub critical boiler for power generation a) economizer 8. d) all of Which of the following boiler utilizes the combination of suspension firing and great firing a) traveling grate stoker boiler c) spreader stoker boiler 7. d) effectiveness Which of the following can be used as desiccant in boiler preservation a) silica gel the above 6. b) fouling b) radiation c) convection d) The velocity of steam in steam pipe is directly proportional to a) number of bends in pipe b) 5th power of the diameter of pipe c) length of pipe d) specific volume of steam 10. The unit of overall heat transfer coefficient is a) W/m2 K b) W2/m2 K c) W2 /m3 K d) W/m3 K 11. The thermal resistance of an insulation a) decreases with increased thermal conductivity b) increases with increased thermal conductivity c) decreases with decreased thermal conductivity 2 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR d) has no relation with thermal conductivity 12. The parameter assumed to remain constant during LMTD calculation of a Heat exchanger is a) temperature drop c) specific heat of fluids b) heat transfer area d) none of the above 13. The material used to control SOx in the FBC boiler is a) limestone b) alumina c) silica d) fly ash 14. Scale losses in reheating furnaces will a) increase with excess air c) have no relation with excess air combustion gases b) decrease with excess air d) increase with CO in 15. NOx formation in FBC boilers is minimised because of a) higher velocity of flue gas in combustion chamber b) higher pressure of the air supplied c) lower temperatures in the bed and combustion chamber d) higher contact of solid particles in the flue gas 16. Hydrometer is used for the measurement of a) viscosity humidity b) density c) water content d) 17. Heat transfer rate for indirect heating application will be less if we heat with a) saturated steam c) superheated steam b) dry steam d) high pressure steam 18. Furnace wall heat loss depends on a) temperatures of external wall surfaces around the furnace c) thermal conductivity of wall brick b) velocity of air d) all of the above 19. For flash steam calculation, flash steam quantity available depends 3 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR upon a) condensate pressure and flash steam pressure b) steam pressure c) steam enthalpy at atmospheric pressure d) total heat of flash steam 20. Condensate at pressure of 4 kg/cm2 and 160oC temperature when exposed to atmosphere will a) become super heated c) remain as condensate b) partly convert to flash steam d) fully convert to flash steam 21. Coal size of 75% below 75 micron is required for use in a) spreader stoker boiler boiler c) fluidized bed boiler b) chain grate stoker d) pulverized fuel boiler 22. Ceramic coating is used in furnaces because it enhances a) conductivity c) emissivity b) convective heat transfer coefficient d) radiation factor 23. As the pressure of water increases from 1kg/cm2 to 8 kg/cm2, the values of enthalpy of steam and enthalpy of evaporation respectively a) increases & remains the same b) increases & decreases c) decreases & increases d) decreases & remains the same 24. A small quantity of leakage of stored Liquid LPG evaporates to produce about ____ times of volume of gas. a) 100 b) 150 c) 250 d) 350 25. Which of the following yields a low CO2 reading a) soot deposits on boiler tubes heater c) proper air-fuel mixture b) flue gas bypass in air pred) air ingress in flue gas duct 26. Which of the following salt causes temporary hardness in water a) calcium sulphate b) calcium bicarbonate 4 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR c) calcium chloride d) calcium nitrate 27. Which of the following is not required for determining economic thickness of steam line a) cost of fuel b) boiler efficiency c) enthalpy of steam calorific value of fuel d) 28. Which of the following has the lowest stoichiometric oxygen demand (kg/kg of fuel) a) hydrogen methane b) carbon c) sulphur d) 29. Which of the following contribute to spontaneous combustion of coal a) low Volatile matter none of the above b) low fixed carbon c) less ash d) 30. Which of the following boiler water treatment ensures complete removal of salts a) demineralization the above b) softening c) de-aeration d) all of 31. Which fuel among the following needs temperature control during storage a) coal b) furnace oil c) diesel oil d) kerosene 32. What happens when the float in a float trap develops a puncture a) loss of condensate fails to close b)loss of live steam c) fails to open d) 33. The stoichiometric amount of air required to burn 1 kg of methane is a) 69.57 b) 4 c) 17.39 d) 16 34. The heat loss in a furnace depends on a) emissivity of walls b) conductivity of refractory 5 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR c) wall thickness d) all of the above 35. The chemical used to prevent oxidation in boiler feedwater is a) sodium sulphite c) calcium phosphate b) sodium phosphate d) magnesium phosphate 36. The best time for intermittent blow down in a boiler a) High load under full pressure pressure c) high load under partial pressure pressure b) low load under full d) low load under partial 37. The amount of CO2 produced in complete combustion of 18 Kg of carbon a) 50 b) 44 c) 66 d) 792 38. Removal of condensate from main steam line is done to prevent a) steam locking above b) air locking c) water hammer d) all of the 39. Presence of _____ in flue gas confirms incomplete combustion in furnace a) CO b) NOx c) SOx d) all of the above 40. Portable fyrite is used for the measurement of a) CO2 content in flue gas c) stack temperature b) O2 content in flue gas d) both (a) & (b) 41. On an inverted bucket trap, what happens to the bucket as the trap fills with water a) it rises b) it inclines c) it sinks d) it remains stationary 42. In which zone of cupola furnace does the conversion of CO2 to CO take place? a) combustion zone b) melting zone c) reduction zone d) 6 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR preheating zone 43. In a fire-tube boiler, soot forms on a) outside tube surface c) waterside surface b) inside tube surface d) water wall surface 44. If the volatile matter in coal is low, which of the following equipment is the best waste heat recovery option in a boiler a) economiser pipe b) air preheater c) deaerator d) heat 45. Enthalpy of evaporation of any vapour at its critical point will be a) more than zero unpredictable b) zero c) less than zero d) 46. Corrosion in chimney, air pre-heater and economizer is mainly influenced by a) sulphur content in fuel c) moisture content in fuel b) ash content in fuel d) all of the above 47. An increase in bulk density of a refractory increases its a) volume stability c) Resistance to slag penetration b) heat capacity d) all of the above 48. A high carbon monoxide reading indicates a) moisture in the fuel temperature c) high excess air b) high furnace d) none of the above 49. 2 m lift of condensate in steam pipe will result in back pressure of a) 0.02 bar bar b) 0.2 bar c) 2 bar d) 20 50. _____ gives an estimate of heating value of coal a) ash content b) moisture content c) fixed carbon d) volatile 7 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR matter -------- End of Section - I --------- 8 REGULAR Paper 2 Set B Section II: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS 40 Marks: 8 x 5 = (i) Answer all Eight questions (ii) Each question carries Five marks S-1 Calculate the electricity consumption in an induction melting furnace from the following melt cycle data, Mild steel (MS) scrap charged : 1250 kg Specific heat of MS : 0.68 kJ/kg 0C Latent heat of MS : 270 kJ/kg MS melting temperature : 1650 0C Inlet MS charge temperature : 35 0C Efficiency of furnace : 65% Ans: Theoretical energy required for melting = 1250 (0.68 x (1650 35) + 270)/3600 = 475.1 kWh Actual energy input to the furnace Electricity consumption S-2 = 475.1 / 0.65 = 730.9 kWh (a) Why should LPG cylinders not be stored in basements or cellars? (2.5 marks) (b) Why should the stack temperature of furnace oil fired boilers not be maintained below 160-170 C ? (2.5 marks) Ans: (a) LPG is a predominant mixture of propane and butane. Both propane and butane are denser than air. Consequently, the vapour flows along the ground into drains and sinks to the lowest level of the surroundings and gets ignited at a considerable distance from the source of leakage. Escape 9 REGULAR Paper 2 Set B of even small quantities of LPG can give rise to large volume of vapour mixture and can cause considerable hazard. Hence there should be adequate ground level ventilation where LPG cylinders are stored. For this reason LPG cylinders should not be stored in cellars or basements, which have no ventilation at ground levels. (b) For fuels containing sulphur, low temperatures (below 160-170 C) of stack can lead to sulphur dew point corrosion. The main disadvantage of sulphur is the risk of corrosion by sulphuric acid formed during and after combustion, and condensing in cool parts of the chimney or stack, air preheater and economiser. S-3 Feed water is provided to a boiler from the feed water tank at 60oC, temperature of condensate water returning to the tank is 88oC, and temperature of makeup water is 27oC. What is the amount of condensate recovered ? Solution: 27x + (1 x) 88 =60 Therefore x = 0.36 (36 percent makeup water or only 64% of condensate is recovered). S-4 Milk is flowing in a pipe cooler at a rate of 0.85 kg/sec. Initial temperature of the milk is 60 C and it is cooled to 22 C using a stirred water bath with a constant temperature of 10 C around the pipe. Specific heat of milk is 3.86 KJ/kg C. Calculate the heat transfer rate (kcal/hr) and also LMTD of the 10 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR exchanger. Ans: Heat transfer in cooling milk = 0.85 * 3.86 * (60 22) = 124.678 KJ/sec = 124.678 / 4.18 = 29.83 Kcal /sec = (29.83*3600)= 107378.122 kCal/hr LMTD: DT1 = 60 10 = 50 C DT2 = 22 10 = 12 C LMT D of the heat exchanger = (50 12) / ln (50 / 12) = 26.6 C S-5 Paddy husk is being used as a combustion fuel in a water tube boiler. The ultimate analysis of fuel is given below. Calculate theoretical amount of air required per 100 kg of husk for the combustion from the following data. Ultimate Analysis of Typical Agro Residues Moisture Mineral Matter Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur Oxygen % 11.8 17.7 32.0 5.0 0.9 0.1 32.5 Ans 11 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR Considering a sample of 100 kg of paddy husk. Component in fuel % (wt) in fuel Equation Specific stoichiometric oxygen required Actual stoichiometric oxygen required Carbon 32 C + O2 = CO2 2.67 85.44 12 + 32 = 44 (32/12) (32x2.67) H2 + 0.5 02 = H2O 8.0 40.0 2 + 16 = 18 (16/2) (5x8) S + O2 = SO2 1.0 0.1 32 + 32 = 64 (32/32) (0.1x1) Hydrogen Sulphur 5 0.1 Oxygen 32.5 (-)32.5 Nitrogen 0.9 - Moisture 11.8 - Mineral matter 17.7 - Total 100 93.04 Total Oxygen required = 93.04 kg oxygen / 100 kg fuel Therefore theoretical quantity of dry air reqd. = 93.04 / 0.23 = 404.5 kg air / 100 kg fuel (air contains 23% oxygen by wt.) 12 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR S-6 Determine the Energy Utilization Factor (EUF) from the following back pressure cogeneration plant diagram and data given. Back Pr.Steam P =4 kg/cm2 T =170 C Q =11MT/hr H =650kcal/kg Process Plant Inlet Steam P = 42 kg/cm2 T = 410 C Q = 11 MT/hr H = 760kcal/kg Condensate At P = 4 kg/cm2 T =170 C Alternator Power 0.7 MW Back Pr Turbine Cogeneration Plant Solution Input heat to turbine .(1 mark) = 11,000 x 760 = 8360000 Kcal/hr Useful heat to process Plant .(1 mark) = 11,000 x 650-170 = 5280000 Kcal/hr Useful Electrical output in alternator = 700x860= 602000 Kcal/hr .(1 mark) Energy Utilization Factor (EUF) = (602000+5280000) /8360000 = 70.36% S-7 For combustion of 500 kg/hr of Natural Gas containing 100% Methane, Calculate the percentage of CO2 in the flue gas while 20% excess air is supplied. Ans: CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2H2O 13 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR 1 mole of Methane requires 2 moles of Oxygen. 16 Kg of Methane requires 64 Kg of Oxygen. 16 Kg of Methane produces 44 Kg of CO2. 500 Kg/hr of Methane requires 2000 Kg/hr of Oxygen. 500 Kg/hr of Methane requires 1375 Kg/hr of CO2. Theoretical air required for combustion = 2000 / 0.23 = 8695 Kg/hr Considering 20% excess air, Actual air supplied for combustion is = 8696 * 1.2 = 10435 Kg/hr of air Flue gas generation with 20% excess air = 500 + 10435 = 10935 Kg/hr % CO2 in the flue gas = 1375 / 10935 = 12.6 % S-8 In a sugar mill, a process requires 5000 kg/hr of dry saturated steam at 7 kg/cm2 (g). For the flow velocity not to exceed 25 m/s, determine the pipe diameter size for distribution of steam. Specific volume at 7 kg/cm2 = 0.24 m3/kg Ans. The velocity of steam maximum = 25 m/s Specific volume at 7 kg/cm2 = 0.24 m3/kg Mass flow rate = 5000 kg/hr = 5000/3600 = 1.389 kg/sec 14 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR = 1.389 x 0.24 = 0.333 m3/sec Volumetric flow Volumetric flow rate(m3/s) = Velocity (m/s) x cross sectional area (m2) Therefore, 4 Volumetric flowrate Flow velocity D2 D 4 Volumetric flowrate Flow velocity D 4 0.333 25 D 0.130 m or 130 mm Since the steam velocity must not exceed 25 m/s, the pipe size must be at least 130 mm; the nearest commercially available size, 150 mm, would be selected. -------- End of Section - II --------- 15 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR Section - III: LONG DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 6 x 10 = 60 (i) Answer all SIX questions (ii) Each question carries Ten marks L-1 Write short notes on any two of the following: a) Plate heat exchanger b) Multiple effect evaporator c) Gas turbine cogeneration system L-2 (page 242 of book-2) (page 247-248 of book-2) (page 192 of book-2) a) Find out the efficiency of the furnace oil fired boiler by the direct method in an agro product manufacturing plant given the following data: Type of boiler : Furnace oil fired Quantity of steam (dry) generated : 5 TPH Steam pressure / temp : 10 kg/cm2(g)/ 180 0C Quantity of oil consumed : 0.350 TPH Feed water temperature : 75 0C GCV of Furnace oil : 10300 kCal/kg 2 Enthalpy of saturated steam at 10 kg/cm pressure : 665 kCal/kg Enthalpy of feed water : 75 kCal/kg Cost of furnace oil : Rs 32/kg Annual operating hours : 7200 hrs /year b) The oil fired boiler was converted to coconut shell firing maintaining the same steam and feed water parameters. i) Determine the fuel consumption per hour ii) Return on investment for the conversion scheme. Fuel fired in the boiler GCV of coconut shell Efficiency with coconut shell firing Cost of coconut shell : coconut shell fuel : 4200 kCal/kg : 76% : Rs 12/kg 16 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR Annual interest on capital Annual operating hours Investment towards boiler conversion : Rs 6 lakhs /yr : 7200 hrs /year : Rs 50 lakhs Solution: a) Efficiency of furnace oil fired boiler (Direct method) Boiler Efficiency ( ) = 5000 x (665-75) / (350 x 10300) = 81.8% (on GCV basis) i) Coconut shell fuel consumption after conversion: Fuel consumption = 5000 x (665-75) / (0.76 x 4200) = 924.2 kg/hr ii) ROI for the conversion scheme: Annual fuel cost of furnace oil fired boiler = 350 x 7200 x 32 = Rs 8,06,40,000 /year Annual fuel cost of coconut shell fired boiler = 924.2 x 7200 x 12 = Rs 7,98,50,880/year Annual net monetary savings after conversion = [(8,06,40,000 - 7,98,50,880) 6,00,000] x 100 50,00,000 = 3.8 % 17 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR L-3 a) In a typical fertiliser manufacturing plant, the quantity of 133200 Ton of Ammonia is produced using naphtha as fuel as well as raw material (feed) and electricity from captive power plant. Naphtha as fuel Naphtha as feed raw material Electricity Ammonia production plant Ammonia Production The quantity of raw material consumption and its heating values are given in table. Raw material Quantity Heating Value consumption 1.Naphtha - feed 2.Naphtha - fuel 3.Electricity 56800 Ton 28200 Ton 1080 x Lakh kWh 10650 kCal / kg 10650 kCal / kg 3200 kCal/kWh Calculate the specific energy consumption of ammonia production in Gcal / Ton. b) Sketch the schematic diagram of Back Pressure Turbine and Extraction Condensing Turbine Cogeneration systems (Note: no explanation required). Answer a) Specific Energy Consumption(SEC) of Ammonia Raw material Quantity Heating Value 18 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR consumption 1.Naphtha feed 2.Naphtha - fuel 3.Electricity Gcal 56800 Ton 10650 kCal / kg 604920 28200 Ton 1080 x Lakh kWh 10650 kCal / kg 300330 3200 kCal/kWh 345600 1250850 Ammonia 133200 Ton production Specific Energy Consumption(SEC) of Ammonia production = 9.39 Gcal per Ton Answer b) schematic diagram of (i)Back Pressure Turbine and (ii)Extraction Condensing Turbine Cogeneration systems L-4 As a part of energy conservation measure, APH (Air Pre-heater) is installed in a fired heater. The APH is designed to pre-heat 240 m3/min of combustion air to 250 C. Flue gas enters the APH at 375 C. Calculate the flue gas leaving the stack and also determine the improvement in furnace efficiency after the installation of APH with the following data Density of air : 1.15 kg/m3 19 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR Specific heat of air : 0.23 Kcal/kg C Specific heat of flue gas : 0.26 Kcal/kg C Calorific value of fuel : 9850 Kcal/kg Air to fuel ratio : 17 Efficiency of furnace : 69 % Ambient temperature : 30 C Solution: Amount of Air flow = 240 * 60 * 1.15 = 16560 Kg/hr Amount of fuel = 16560 / 17 = 974.12 Kg/hr Amount of flue gas = 16560 + 974.12 = 17534.1 Kg/hr Heat absorbed by combustion air = 16560 * 0.23 * (250 30) = 837936 Kcal/hr Temperature difference in flue gas = 837936 / (17534.1 * 0.26) = 183.8 C Flue gas leaves the stack at temp Efficiency of APH = 375 183.8 = 191.2 C = Heat absorbed by air / Heat input * 100 = 837936 * 100 / (974.12* 9850) = 8.73 % Overall efficiency after APH = 69 + 8.73 % = 77.73 % 20 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR L-5 A liquid waste stream has a flow rate of 3.5 kg/s and a temperature of 75o C with a specific heat capacity of 4190 J/kgK. Heat recovered from the hot waste stream is used to pre-heat boiler make-up water. The flow rate of the make-up water is 2.8 kg/s, its temperature is 12oC and its specific heat capacity is 4190 J/kg/K. The overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is 800 W/m2K. If a make-up water exit temperature of 50oC is required, and assuming that there are no heat loss from the heat losses from the exchanger, determine 1) The heat transfer rate 2) The exit temperature of the effluent and 3) The area of the heat exchanger required Solution : i) Heat gained by makeup water = Qc= mc cc T = 2.8 x 4190 x (50-12) = 445816 W = 445.82 kW ii) mh ch (th1 th2) = mc cc (tc1 tc2) 3.5 x 4190 x (75 - th2) = 2.8 x 4190 x (50 -12) th2 = 44.6 o C iii) Now because the water outlet temperature is above the outlet temperature of the effluent a counter-flow heat exchanger is required LMTD = t1 t2 ln ( t1/ t2) 21 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR = (75-50)-(44.6-12) ln (75-50)/(44.6-12) = 25-32.4 ln(25/32.4) LMTD = 28.54oC Q = UA (LMTD) = 445816 800 x 28.54 Area =19.5 m2 L-6 A process industry is equipped with a steam power plant generating 1,25,000 units/day and a separate low-pressure boiler generating at an average steam production of 9.5 Tons of steam/hour at enthalpy of 630 kcal/kg for process heating. The feed water temperature to the boiler is 62oC.The efficiencies of the steam power plant and boiler are 27% and 78% respectively. Coal is used in both cases and calorific value of coal is 4000 kcal/kg. The management proposes to commission a cogeneration plant retaining the coal as fuel. The expected energy utilization factor of the cogeneration plant is 75%. Calculate coal savings with the new cogeneration plant. SOLUTION: Heat input for separate production of power and useful heat Heat input with cogeneration plant = (125000 x 860) / (24 x 0.27) + (9.5 x (630-62) x 1000))/0.78 = = 16589506 + 6917949 23507455 kcal/hr = [(125000 x 860) /24 + (9.5 x (630-62) x 1000)] / 0.75 = (4479167 + 5396000) / 0.75 22 Paper 2 Set B REGULAR Coal savings = 13166889 kcal/hr = = (23507455 13166889) / 4000 2585 kg/h . . End of Section III .. . 23

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