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BEE Energy Sample / Model Paper : Sample paper

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Objective Type Each question carries One mark 1. 2. The energy sources, that are either found or stored in nature are a) Secondary Energy Sources b) Primary Energy Sources c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the above Natural Gas contains ? a) 95-99% methane b) 95-99% Ethane c) 95-99% methane & ethane mix d) None 3. 4. Inexhaustible energy sources are known as a) commercial Energy b) renewable Energy c) primary energy d) secondary energy Bangladesh primary energy consumption in 2017 is _____ of the world s consumption a) 1% 5. 6. b) 2% d)0.1% There are ___ gas fields discovered in Bangladesh a) 22 b) 25 c) 26 d) 16 Bangladesh natural gas reserves are estimated to last over a) 6.7 years 7. c) 0.2% b) 5.6 years c) 4.5 years d) 7.6 years Bangladesh coal is generally characterized as a) low ash and high sulfur b) low ash and low sulfur c) high ash and high sulfur d) high ash and low sulfur 8. The installed capacity of renewable energy in Bangladesh is ____ % of the total country share. a) 3.89 9. b) 2.98 b) Natural gas c) Coal d) Nuclear The expected energy efficiency improvement by 2030 by Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program of Bangladesh is a) 22% 11. d) 3.98 Which fuel dominates the energy mix in Bangladesh energy scenario? a) Oil 10. c) 2.89 b) 25% c) 20% d) 30% The judicious and effective use of energy to maximise profits and enhance competitive positions . This can be the definition of: a) Energy conservation b) Energy management c) Energy policy d) Energy Audit 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The energy management function is generally vested in (a) Senior Management (b) One energy manager or co-ordinator (c) Distributed among number of middle manager (d) (b) & (c) together The objective of energy management includes a) Minimising energy costs b) Minimising waste c) Minimising environmental degradation d) All the above The ratio of current year s production to the reference year s production is called as a) Demand factor b) Production factor c) Utilisation factor d) Load factor Replacement of steam based hot water generation by solar system is an example of a) Matching energy usage to the requirement b) Maximising system efficiency c) Energy substitution d) Performance improvement One unit of electricity is equivalent to kcal heat units. a) b) c) e) 17. 800 860 400 680 The benchmarking parameter for air conditioning equipment is a) kW/Ton of Refrigeration b) kW/ kg of refrigerant handled c) kcal/m3 of chilled water d) Differential temperature across chiller 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. The percentage of energy saved at the current rate of use, compared to the reference year rate of use, is called a) Energy Utilization b) Energy Performance c) Energy Efficiency d) None Which instrument is used to monitor O2, CO in flue gas? (EA) a) Combustion analyzer b) Power analyzer c) Pyrometer d) Fyrite Lux meter is used to measure a) Illumination level b) Sound intensity and illumination level c) d) Harmonics Speed For a cement plant the parameter, kWh/MT of clinker indicates a) Energy Index parameter b) Utility factor c) Production factor d) Load factor Energy manger should be well versed with a) Manufacturing and processing skills b) Managerial and technical skills c) Technical and marketing skills d) Managerial and commercial skills 23. An energy policy does not include a) Target energy consumption reduction b) Time period for reduction c) Declaration of top management commitment d) Future production projection 24. CO2 measurement of Fyrite kit is based on a) Weight basis (dry) b) Volume basis (dry) c) Weight basis (wet) d) Volume basis (wet) 25. Non-contact speed measurements can be carried out by a) Tachometer b) Stroboscope c) Oscilloscope d) Speedometer 26. The tool used for performance assessment and logical evaluation of avenues for improvement in Energy management and audit is a) Fuel substitution b) Monitoring and verification c) Energy pricing d) Bench marking 27. Infrared thermometer is used to measure a) Surface temperature b) Flame temperature c) Flue gas temperature d) Hot water temperature 28. Find out the odd among the following choices for fuel substitution for industrial sector of India. a) LDO with LSHS b) Coal with rice husk c) Natural gas for fertilizer plant d) LPG for soft coke 29. The various types of the instruments, which requires during audit need to be a) Easy to carry b) Easy to operate c) Inexpensive d) All (a) to (c) 30. Air velocity in ducts can be measured by using a) Orifice meter b) Borden gauge c) Pitot tube d) Anemometer and manometer 31. An energy audit team is formed during a) post audit phase b) audit phase c) pre-audit phase d) the time of study 32. Which of the following is not part of energy monitoring a) data recording b) data analysis c) data reporting d) energy efficiency equipment financing 33. The energy sources that are either found or stored in nature are a) Secondary Energy Sources b) Primary Energy Sources c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the above 34. Which of the following is commercial energy source? a) Electricity b) Coal c) Oil d) All the above 35. Inexhaustible energy sources are known as a) commercial Energy b) renewable Energy c) primary energy d) secondary energy 36. Energy consumption per unit of GDP is called as: a) Energy Ratio b) Energy intensity c) Per capita consumption d) None Short Answer Questions Each question carries Five marks 1. List any four important factors involved in deciding final cost of purchased electricity. 2. What are the principles of energy management? 3. What is the need for managerial skills in energy management? 4. What do you mean by energy audit? 5. Explain how matching energy usage to requirement can enhance energy efficiency 6. Give any four bench marking parameters followed in equipment/utility related in Industries. 7. List any one energy audit instrument used for power measurement and one for flue gas measurement along with parameters to be measured? 8. What is the significance of an energy policy? 9. How do you classify energy conservation measures? 10. Define energy management . 11. List steps involved in pre-audit phase. 12. What are the factors to be considered before procuring fuels for energy efficiency and economics? 13. What are the few comparative factors need to be looked in to for external benchmarking used for inter-unit comparison and group of similar units? 14. What is the objective of energy management? 15. What are the few important technical feasibility parameters that one should consider during analysis of energy conservation opportunities? 16. What do you understand by plant energy performance (PEP)? 17. What are fuel substitution and list one example of fuel substitution? 18. What are the base line data that an audit team should collect while conducting detailed energy audit? 19. List at least four examples falling under optimising the input energy requirements while maximizing system efficiency. 20. Which set of standard equipment does the energy auditor need to establish the operational efficiency of an Induced draft fan? Assume that the operational efficiency of the motor can be known from the performance chart of the motor 21. Classify the types of the energy available on the earth? 22. Briefly mention about primary sources of energy? 23. What is renewable energy and list at least three renewable energy sources? 24. Define Reserve to Production Ratio ? 25. How do you define Final Energy Consumption and which sector dominate in Bangladesh ? 26. What is Energy intensity and what it indicates? 27. Differentiate between Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency? 28. Explain PDCA approach to EnMS? 29. What are the benefits of implementing ISO 50001? Long Answer Questions Each question carries Ten marks 1. Briefly describe the Energy Efficiency & Conservation programs, target and methodology in the Bangladesh energy action plans? 2. Briefly explain with examples on fuel and energy substitution? 3. Distinguish between preliminary energy audit and detailed energy audit ? 4. Give a typical energy audit reporting format. 5. Write down the steps involved in Energy management Strategy ? 6. List steps involved in detailed energy audit . Note: This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

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