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PG Exam 2007 : Chemistry (T. J. P. S College, Guntur)

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Baje Ibbrahhim
T. J. P. S College, Guntur
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Low-Cost Speaker and Language Recognition Systems Running on a Raspberry Pi Abstract This paper describes two state-of-the-art and portable voice-based authentication and language recognition systems. While the authentication system allows secure access to a media center at home, the language recognition system can be used as a previous step to automatically transcribe and translate the recognized text from its original language into another one. The most important advantage of the developed systems is that they can run on a low cost embedded device, such as a Raspberry Pi (RPi), and using only open-source projects, which makes it feasible to replicate or include in other systems, but also allows its implementation as part of educational projects in electronics. The developed systems have been tested on real data with very good results. Regarding the authentication system, the validation process is done in 3.3 seconds in average with an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 19% on test files with 20 seconds, and tested with up to 87 different speakers. On the other hand, the language recognition system is able to recognize up to six languages. For this system, important efforts were done in order to reduce the processing time and memory requirements while keeping high the recognition rate. The final system uses 64 Gaussians and 200 i-vectors, obtaining an average cost error rate (Cavg) of 8.6% for the six languages. Keywords Speaker recognition, Language recognition, i- vectors, embedded devices, open-source tools. I.INTRODUCTION: This article describes the implementation of two types of recognition systems based on the use of voice. The first is a speaker recognition system that allows access to multimedia content in the home (such as movies, music or photos) by different classes mobile devices (such as tablets, Smartphone or remote controls). Today, most voice recognition systems are used as a security mechanism in applications remotely [1] authentication. However, our system takes a different approach as it is motivated by the increasing number of devices capable of hosting, view or record all types of multimedia productions, as well as the efforts of diverse companies by providing applications and devices multimodal interaction that enable access different contents. Examples of such applications include Windows Media Center or marketed by Microsoft Easy Remote U-Verse AT & T. Despite the wide range of benefits included in general they do not have any authentication system that prevents access to the private content of a user by other users. Moreover, the second system enables automatic identification of the language spoken by a person. Such systems are quite applicable today as a step to more complex automation tasks. So for example, a voice recognition system, necessary to transcribe the words spoken by a person, requires prior knowledge of the language in which that person will talk to in order to properly load the acoustic models and language necessary for recognition ; Another example of application is called call-center or centers of automated customer care. In this case, if a caller speaking in English, the system must recognize that language and transfer the call to an English speaking operator. You can also mention other applications such as automated information kiosks [2] or the automatic translation systems of speech-to-speech [3].

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