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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Biology (St. Teresas School, Bolpur) : End Term Exam 2020-21

4 pages, 75 questions, 74 questions with responses, 74 total responses,    2    0
Anango Mohan Chatterjee
St. Teresa's School, Bolpur
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ST. TERESA'S SCH0OL, BOLPUR Term-end Examination 2020-21 Biology Std X Time: 3hrs F.M-80 Section-I (40 marks) Name the following a. In this stage, mixing up of genes occur. b. In this condition, the solution outside the eell has a higher solute concentration than the fluids inside the cell c . In this phenomenon, the plants sap escapes from the ruptured or cut surface of plant. DCT lies in this part of kidney. . Diencephalon is the part of this organ. 2. Define:a. Accommodation dANS Match the following: a . Guard cells 6 Neurolema eVasa recta bTurgor pressure Hepatic portal system -e. Carbon cycle tectorial membrane tonsil myelin sheath Lymph gland Membranous Labyrinth K+ bowman's capsule 4Correct the statements if it is wrong:- Globin is the iron containing part of haemoglobin. 6.Cone cells are sensitive to dim light. . Growth hormone regulates the rate of cellular oxidation resulting in heat production at rest. Grey matter lies on the inner side in spinal cord. Osmosis requires energy supplied by the cell in the form of ATP. . Fillin the blanks: aIn centrioles start moving apart and reach opposite poles. b . Conversion of glucose molecules to one molecule ofstarch is known as The average lifespan of a RBC is d.The arteriole emerges from the bowman's capsule. AnO eThere are numbers of cranial nerves. Answer in one word:aThe structure where photophosphorylation takes place. n bVasopressin is secreted by this lobe of pituitary. D . The wall of this blood vessel consists of a single layer of squamous epithelial cels. d.The structure forms after supercoiling of nucleosomes. Nu.. we. Almost two third part of water is reabsorbed in this part of kidney. , 7.Mention the chief function of the following:a. Vitreous humour b.WBC c. Cerebellum d. eustachian tube e. Oxytocin 8. Mention the exact a. location of the following FRET b. Yellow spot c. Thyroid gland d. Section -I (40 Answer any four Corpus callosum e. Henle's loop marks) questions Jativen below is the diagram of eye and formation of image of an object inside the eye. Write the place where image of the object is ii being formed. Name the defect of eye drawn here andwhat two reasons are possible for this defect? How can this defect be corrected. What is presbyopia? Name the parts level Ito 4. JbThe diagram given below proves an important factor in experimentally. Study the diagram and answer the followingphotosynthesis questions. What factor is studied in this experiment? iThe plant was kept in a darkroom before conducting the experiment. Why? ii. Why was the experimental leafthen kept in YBoiling water i 2.Methylated spirit Which solution is used to test for in a leaf? What observation of the presence of starch experimental leaf takes place at the end of the starch test? 2a Answer the following questions by studying the section of the human brain. Name the labelled parts A,B and C. Write the main functions of A,B and C. What are the three protective membranous covering of the brain? In which places the cerebrospinal fluid is present? Name the folds and grooves of grey matter in brain. present in the layer in plants.The bThe figure given below describes certain physiological phenomenon and a few hours.Study the setup carefully setup was exposed to sunlight for answer the following questions. What is the purpose of the experiment? covered Why is the soil surface of the potted plant i by rubber sheet? the What do you observe on the inner side of belljar after a few hours? How will you set up a control for the above i experiment? 3.a.The given diagram shows some capillaries in close contact with a group of cells. Name the blood vessels X and Y. ii) ii) iv) v) State the changes taking place in the blood as it passes from X to Y through group of cells. Name the liquid present between the a cells and the capillaries. State one structural difference between X and Y. Which type of blood cell produces antibodies? b. the following questions. in the kidney where this structure is Study the diagram given below i.Name the region and answer present. ii. Name the parts labelled 1,2,3 and 4. urine. ii. Name the stages involved in the formation of iv. What is the technical term given to the process occurring in 2and 3? Briefly describe the process. athe diagram shows a and stage during cell division study the diagram following questions. Name the parts labelled 1, 2 and 3. iTdentify the states shown here by giving one reason. #i. Where in the body does this type of cell division occur? TV. Name the stage next to this stage and draw a diagram to represent the same. opill answer the ABThe diagram given below is a representation of a certain phenomenon according in the nervous system study the diagram and answer the following questions. ciName the phenomenon that is being depicted. and 4. functions the Write 1,5 and 6. iHow does the arrangement the spinal cord differ from that of the Name the parts 1, 2,3 iy of parts of neurones in brain? SsGiven alongside is the diagram of an experimental setup. suNMUIGHT GWhat is the objective ofthis experiment? J Will it work satisfactorily? Give reason. What alteration(s) will you make in it for obtaining expected result? ivWould you take any step before starting the experiment? Describe this state and explain its necessity. i. Name a mixed gland AEWATER 1- S.. ii. The hormone which controls the water exchange in the renal tubule. A ii. The metabolism. gland that regulate Carbohydrate, protein and fat iv. The disease caused by over secretion of thyroxine. 1 v. The hormone which stimulates the breakdown of glycogen in liver. Aond of a part of the eross 6. a. The diagram given below is a diagrammatic representation section of a root in the root hairzone. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow. i) i) Name the Is the root parts indicated by 1 to 4. hair cell unicellular or multicellular? iii) Name the process responsible for the of water molecules from the soil entry 3 into A, Al and then A2. iv) How is this pressure setup? 6.b. Define i. Endocrine system iv. Systemic circulation ii. Crossing over v. Chloroplast. ii. Active Transport

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