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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Vibgyor High School, Malad East, Mumbai)

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Vibgyor High School, Malad East, Mumbai
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VNO VIBG Y OR HIG H Second Prellmlnary Examlnatlon 2023-2024 ENGLISHLANGUAGE Max. Marke: 80 Tlme Allowed: 2houre Grade: X Date 09/01/2024 INSTRUCTIONS: Answers to thls paper must be wrltten on the paper provlcded separately. You will not be allowed to wrlte durlng the flrst 16 mlnutes. This time is to be spent In readlng tho questlon paper. The time given at the hoad of thls Paper ls the tlme allowed for wrltlng the answers. The Intended marks for the quostlons or parts of queatlons aro glven alongside the questlons In brackots [1 Attempt all flve questlons. This Paper consists of 9 prlntod pagos. (Do not spend more than 30 mlnutos on thls quostlon.) Question 1 Wrlte a composltlon (300-350 words) on any ono of the following: a The most valuable thing that we can glve anyone is our ime. Narrate an experience from your lIfe when you were forced lo spend time with someone and that made all the difference in his / her life. What were the positive changes seen in that person's life? b C Write an original shorl slory titled 'The Fortunate Mistake'. Studying regularly every day is more effective (han sludying for an extended period only on one day. Express your views either for or agalnst (his slalement. A crowd goes on a rampage aflera crickel malch onds. Describe such an incidenl when you were caughl unawares. What were your feelings on reaching the salely of your house? (20] VIBGHIGH Write a slory or a descriplion below. given Study the picture may be lo you. Your composition suggesls it what of account take suggestions from may you or picture the of about the subject connection between the picture clear a be must it, however, there and your composition. Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.) Select any one of the following: You lied to your mother about your marks in the class test and now you regret the same. Write a letter of apology to her mentioning what prompted you to lie to her and what lesson have youlearnt from it. Write a letter to the counsellor of your school requesting him/her to conduct a workshop on time management techniques that the students need to follow for the coming exams. You must mention the reason why such a workshop is necessary. [10] Question 3 student Wnite a notice for the school notice board requesting volunteers from Grades Villto Xto enroll for the Keep my School Walls Clean' drive that will be launched on Republic Day b iviting Write an email to the Principal of a neighbouring schoot him to inaugurate the cleanlinessdrive in your school Question 4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: shop- dirty. In the bazaar of one of our hillstations is an old, junk old books for looking dingy and dark - in which l often potterabout across useful or Victorian bric-a-brac. Sometimes one comes household items, but Ido not usualy notice these. Iwas, however. corner attracted to an old but well-preserved broom standing in a I needed. Ihad of the shop. A long-handled broom was just what and | did not cottage, no servants to sweep out the rooms of my one enjoy bending over double when using the common Indian wilh the The old broom was priced at ten rupees. | haggled | used it shopkeeper and got it for five. It was a sturdy broom and this story might to good effect almost every morning. And therecat sitting on the have ended - ifI had not found the large black garden wall. The black cat had bright yellow eyes, and it gave me a long. no penetrating look. Though it meowed once or twice, I paid had cat the that attention. But when I went indoors, | found be followed and begun scratching at the pantry door. It must lapped up the hungry, Ithought, and gave it some milk. The catcomfortable. For milk, sprang up on the cupboard and made itself more several days, there was no getting rid of that cat. It was skittle and dance interested in my broom than me, and would the around the broom whenever Iwas sweeping the rooms. When or il to up sidle would broom would rest against the wall, the cat rub itself against it. and fulI A cat and a broomstick - the combination was suggestive of possibilities! "Mr. Bond!" Miss Bellows came to see me in the middle of July. | believe home? she called out in an imperious voice. "Are you at you have my cat." eldetly Ihad been doing some gardening, and looked up to find annol met Englishwoman peering at me over the gate. Though lhad the was the lady before, Iknew her by name and reputation. She oldest resident in the hill station. 3 (201 VSYO welcome HIGH you are "and if it is yours said | cat." "I do have a come in while Ilook for her?" Why don't you comfortable while I She made herself for in. stepped her in my most | called Miss Bellows the cat. Though for searching I When returned to the went respond. not did lap. persuasive manner, she up on Miss Bellow's livingroom the cat was curled before you go? Would you like some tea some hot water her. got have you "Well, boiling." she said. "Can Ihave "Isee your kettle's in aglass?" to little puzzled, but l did not want "Hot water? Certainly." | was a antagonize Miss Bellows. she extracted two small From the pocket of her voluminous dress powders. Opening packets, similar to those containing chemists' crimson she poured first a purple powder and then a both packets, was a terrific one into the glass containing the hot water. There fizzling and bubbling as the frothy solution rose to the rim, giving off ahorrible stench. Miss Bellows put it to her lips and drained the Contents. "Time for me to leave," she said. The cat, tail in the air voiced its agreement. Miss Bellows gave me her thin, bony hand, and held mine at an icy grip. | saw Miss Bellows and the black cat to the gate and returned pensively to the sitting room. Living alone was beginning to tell on my nerves and imagination. I made a half-hearted attempt to laugh at my fancies, but the laugh stuck in my throat. Icouldn't help noticing that the broom was missing from its corner. Idashed out of the cottage and looked up and down the path. There was no one to be seen. ln the gathering darkness | could hear Miss Bellow's laughter. Something whirred overhead like a rocket. | looked up and saw them silhouetted against the rising moon,. Miss Bellows and her cat were ridingaway on my broomstick. [The Black Cat - Ruskin Bond] (i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: 1. haggled (a) argued (b) agreed (c) (d) discussed bargained 4 [3) VIBGYOR HIGH imperious (a) meek (b) (c) (d) domineering democratic hunble opposite of the word Which word in the passage means the (i) 'pacity'? (a) dingy (b) persuasive antagonize (d) pensively (c) questions briefly in your own words: (ii) Answer the following the old junk shop? (a) Why would the narrator often visit (b) narrator to be attracted to the What were the reasons for the broom standing in the corner of the shop? (c) (d) the cat was more interested in How did the narrator conclude that the broom than in him? proves that Miss Bellows was Quote the line from the story that truly the owner of the black cat. words. (e) Describe Miss Bellows in your own (iv) Question5 (i) describe the antics of Miss Bellows In not more than 50words, What made the narrator realize after entering the narrator's house. that she did not belong to our world? with the correct form of Fill in each of the numbered blanks passage but the word given in brackets. Do not copy the appropriate to write in correct serial order the word or phrase the blank space. Example: One day, Akbar (0)(draw) a line with his own royal hand, upon the floor of the open court. Answer: drew 5 [2] [2) [2) [1] [2] [8] [4] VIBGYOR HIGH (1)(challenge) his He courtiers to make his line (2) (erase) any part of it. (3) (stump) by this order of the King, (4)(baffle) and knew not what to do, shorterwithout Everyone They looked When it was Birbal's turn, all eyes (5) (eager) (6) (expect) the wise Birbal to (7) solve the puzzle. Birbal did not fail. All he did turned to him. All (be) draw alonger line next to the first one. Everyone in the court said, "It is correct. The first line is shorter now." (8) Akbar was delighted as Birbal's wit (triumph) once again. (i) (a) (b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. The truth of the matter finally dawned u_him. Iknow lshould be cleaning my study area, but Ihave been putting it (c) [4] for weeks. when we told her we were moving to She broke London. (d) | am sure Ravi is friendly, but he comes as a braggart every time we meet him. (e) This is the third time this month that the driver has not shown for work. (f) (g) many she wasa saviour. without so much as a telephone My brother likes to drop call. (h) Allthe tickets for the cricket match are sold (ii) Jointhe following sentences to make one complete sentence without using 'and', 'but' or 'so'. Choose the correct option. 1 The forest was gloomy and dark. The hunters travelled through it. (a) The forest was gloomy and dark through which the hunters travelled it. (b) The forest through which the hunters travelled was gloomy and dark. 6 [4] VIBGYOR (c) HIGH The forest was gloomy and dark by which the hunters travelled through. (d) The forest which was gloomy and dark was lravelled through by the hunters. 2. The monarch died. His son was crowned immediately. Scarcely did the monarch die that his son was crowned. (a) (b) Scarcely did the monarch die than his son was crowned. (c) Scarcely did the monarch die then his son was crowned. (d) Scarcely did the monarch die when his son was crowned. He does well. He is nervous in the beginning. (a) In spite of being nervous in the beginning, he does well. (b) Despite of being nervous in the beginning, he does well. beginning. (c) He does well, despite he is nervous in the beginning. (d) He does well yet he is nervous in the 3. 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) The lion is stronger. The fox is weaker. The fox is weaker and the lion is stronger. The fox is not more strong than the lion. The foX is not as strong as the lion. stronger. The fox is weaker but the lion is 1 following according Choose the correct option to rewrite the sentence. to the instructions given after each refused to listen to his friend's advice. He was So obstinate that he (a) (Rewrite without using 'so....that') not listen to his friend's advice. He was very obstinate and he did (iv) (b) (c) not listen to his friend's advice. He was too obstinate and he did listen to his friend's advice. He was too obstinate to refuse to (d) his friend's advice. He was too obstinate to listen to 2 Japanese is one of the toughest languages to learn in the world today. comparative form.) (Rewrite the above sentence in the 7 [8] VIBGYOR HIGH (a) languages in learnthanmost other Japanese is more tougher to the world today. learn than (6) Japanese is tougher to (c) most other languages in the world today. world today is tougher than the in learn to language other No Japanese. (d) 3 other languages in the Japanese, to learn, is tougher than most world today. out the The new machine did a fabulous job of straightening garments. (a) (Begin: A fabulous job. Afabulous job was done bythe new machine to straighten out the (b) garments. A fabulous job of straightening out the garments was done by the new machine. (c) A fabulous job by the new machine was done to straighten out the (d) garments. Afabulous job was being done by the new machine of straightening out the garments. 4. He could not betray his friend or his brother. (Begin: Neither could he. ..) (a) (b) Neither could he betray his friend or his brother. Neither could he betray his friend nor his brother. (c) Neither could he betray his friend nor could he his brother. (d) Neither could he betray his friend or could he his brother. 5. "Will yoube here for the concert tomorrow?" said Arun to Rita. (End:. day.) (a) Arun asked Rita ifshe would be here for the concert the next day. (b) Arun said to Rita if she would be there for the concert the next day. VIBGYOR HIGH Arun enguired of Rita if she would be there for the concert the (c) next day. Arun questioned of Rita if she would be there for the concert the (d) next day. 6. As soon as he reached home the water heater exploded. (a) (Begin: No sooner. ....) No sooner did he reach home then the water heater exploded. (b) No sooner than did he reach home that the water heater exploded. No sooner then did he reach home than the water heater (c) exploded. exploded. No sooner did he reach home than the water heater (d) 7. (a) (b) with your studies. Youcan only go on the picnic if youare done ...) (Begin: Unless. can go on the picnic. Unless youare done with your studies, you youcannot go on the Unless youare not done with your studies, picnic. (c) cannot go on the Unless you are done with your studies, you picnic. (d) you can go on the Unless yOu are not done with your studies, picnic. 8 thinking. She did not say a word but Iknew what she was (Begin: Although. Although she did not say a word, Iknew what she was thinking. thinking. (b) Although she did not say a word, Iknew what was she thinking. (c) Although she did not say word, I knew what she was (d) Although she did not say anything I knewwhat she was thinking. (a)

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