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VNO VIBG Y OR HIG H Second Prellmlnary Examlnatlon 2023-2024 ENGLISHLANGUAGE Max. Marke: 80 Tlme Allowed: 2houre Grade: X Date 09/01/2024 INSTRUCTIONS: Answers to thls paper must be wrltten on the paper provlcded separately. You will not be allowed to wrlte durlng the flrst 16 mlnutes. This time is to be spent In readlng tho questlon paper. The time given at the hoad of thls Paper ls the tlme allowed for wrltlng the answers. The Intended marks for the quostlons or parts of queatlons aro glven alongside the questlons In brackots [1 Attempt all flve questlons. This Paper consists of 9 prlntod pagos. (Do not spend more than 30 mlnutos on thls quostlon.) Question 1 Wrlte a composltlon (300-350 words) on any ono of the following: a The most valuable thing that we can glve anyone is our ime. Narrate an experience from your lIfe when you were forced lo spend time with someone and that made all the difference in his / her life. What were the positive changes seen in that person's life? b C Write an original shorl slory titled 'The Fortunate Mistake'. Studying regularly every day is more effective (han sludying for an extended period only on one day. Express your views either for or agalnst (his slalement. A crowd goes on a rampage aflera crickel malch onds. Describe such an incidenl when you were caughl unawares. What were your feelings on reaching the salely of your house? (20]