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ICSE Class X Notes 2020 LAST MINUTE REVISION : Biology

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Singh Ashish
HVB Academy, Mumbai
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BIOLOGY - X LAST MINUTE REVISION NAME / DEFINE / EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING RELATED TERMS, FILL IN THE BLANKS, IMPORTANT DIAGRAM AND RELATED QUESTIONS, MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS ANSWERS. 1. Structure which initiates and regulates cell division in animal cell. Centrosome 2. Cell organelles concerned with protein synthesis. Ribosomes 3. Cell organelle which gives turgidity to plant cells by pressing against the cell wall. Vacuoles 4. Small particles, crystals or droplets which acts as storage of food for cell, starch in plant cell and glycogen in animal cells. Granules 5. Type of cell division in somatic cells. Mitosis 6. Types of cell division for reproductive sex cells/ gametes. Meiosis 7. Mitotic phase in which chromosomes arrange at equatorial plane. Metaphase 8. Mitotic phase in which centrioles start moving towards opposite poles. Prophase 9. Mitotic phase in which the two sister chromatids of each chromosome separate and are drawn apart towards opposite poles. Anaphase 10. Mitotic phase in which furrow starts in the cell membrane at the middle in an animal cell. Anaphase 11. Mitotic phase in which nuclear membrane and nucleoli reappear. Telophase 12. Mitotic phase in plant cell in which cell plate is laid down in the cytoplasm at the equatorial plane. Telophase 13. Phase of cell cycle in which volume of cytoplasm increases, RNA and Proteins are synthesized. G1 (First Growth Phase) 14. Phase of cell cycle in which more DNA is synthesized and the chromosomes are duplicated. Syntheisis Phase( S-phase) 15. The point of attachment of two sister chromatids. Centromere 16. Structure formed when the DNA strand winds around a group of eight histone molecules. Nucleosome. 17. Structure formed of three components, phosphate, pentose sugar and any one nitrogenous base pairs. Nucleotide. 18. Repeated sequences of nucleotide that encode a particular protein.Genes 1 19. Technique in which genetic constitution of an organism is altered by introducing new genes. Genetic engineering 20. Any heritable feature. Character 21. Alternative form of a character. Traits 22. Artificially arranging the chromosomes according to shape and size on a chart. Karyotype 23. Full complement of DNA including genes and the intergenic regions.Genome 24. Alternative form a gene, occupying the same position on homologous chromosomes and affecting the same characteristics in a different way. Alleles 25. The set of genes present in the cells of an organism. Genotype 26. The observable characteristics of an organism which is genetically controlled. Phenotype 27. The appearance of a trait which is exclusively present on either X chromosome or Y chromosome. Sex linked inheritance 28. Sudden change in one or more genes or in the number or structure of chromosomes. Mutation 29. Phenomenon by which living or dead plant cells absorb water by surface attraction. Imbibition 30. The free movement of molecules of a substance(solute or solvent, gas , liquid) from region of their higher concentration to region of their lower concentration when two are in direct contact with each other. Diffusion 31. The movement of water molecules from its region of higher potential to its region of lower potential across a semipermeable membrane. Osmosis 32. A membrane which allows the passage of molecules freely. Freely permeable membrane .e.g cell wall/ muslin cloth 33. A membrane which allows the passage of molecules selectively. Semi -permeable membrane e.g Cell /plasma membrane/ cellophane paper/ Visking bag 34. The minimum pressure that must be exerted to prevent the passage of pure solvent molecules into the solution when the two are separated by semipermeable membrane. Osmotic pressure 35. Relative concentration of the solutions that determine the direction and extent of diffusion. Tonicity 36. The relative concentration of water molecules and the solute on either side of cell membrane is the same. Isotonic 37. The solution outside the cell has a lower solute concentration than the fluids inside the cell. Hypotonic 38. The solution outside the cell has a higher solute concentration than the fluids inside the cell. Hypertonic 2 39. The passage /movement of a substance (salt or ion) from its lower to higher concentration using energy from the cell, through a living cell membrane. Active transport 40. The state of a cell in which the cell wall is rigid and stretched by an increase in volume of vacuoles due to the absorption of water. Turgidity 41. The phenomenon of the contraction of cytoplasm from the cell wall caused due the withdrawal of water when placed in strong hypertonic solution. Plasmolysis 42. The condition in which the cell content is shrunken and the cell is no more tight. Flaccidity 43. The pressure developed in the roots due to continued inward movement of water through cell to cell osmosis which help in ascent of cell sap upward through stem. Root pressure 44. Loss of water and mineral salts along leaf margins through special glands called hydathodes. Guttation/ Exudation 45. Removing a ring of bark and phloem along the girth of stem keeping xylem intact. Girdling 46. Evaporative loss of water from aerial parts of plant.Transpiration 47. An instrument used for measuring the rate of transpiration. Ganong s photometer 48. Special openings present on the bark of old woody stem. Lenticels 49. Loss of cell sap from cut or injured parts of plant. Bleeding 50. The process of addition of phosphate in prescence of sunlight. Photophosphorylation 51. Process of conversion of several molecules to produce one molecule of any substance. Polymerisation. 52. Keeping the plant in dark for 24-48 hours. Destarching 53. Site of dark reaction of photosynthesis. Stroma of chloroplast 54. Pigment necessary for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll 55. Element essential for formation of chlorophyll . Magnesium 56. Light yellow coloured , alkaline liquid part of blood which contains fibrinogen. Plasma 57. Abnormal increase in number of Red blood cells/ erythrocytes. Polycythemia 58. Abnormal decrease in number of Red blood cells/ erythrocytes. Erythropenia 59. Abnormal increase in number of White blood cells/leucocytes. Leukemia 60. Abnormal decrease in number of White blood cells/leucocytes. Leucopenia 61. The process in which WBC S particulary Neutrophils engulf solid substances, especially bacteria. Phagocytosis. 62. Process by which WBC s escape out by squeezing through the fine walls of capillaries into the tissues. Diapedesis 3 63. Two X-linked diseases. Colourblindness and Haemophilia 64. Two Y-linked diseases. Hypertrichosis and male pattern baldness 65. Surgical method of contraception in males. Vasectomy 66. Surgical method of contraception in females. Tubectomy 67. Family planning methods to avoid pregnancy. Contraception 68. Forced abortion in case of genetic diseases or unwanted pregnancy. Induced abortion / Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) 69. Sign of inverted red triangle. Family welfare 70. Statistical study of human population. demography 71. Part of the eye that controls the amount of light entering the eye. Iris 72. Part of the brain which controls breathing rate , heart beat and peristalsis etc. Medulla oblongata 73. Part of the brain that helps us to see. Occipital lobe of cerebral cortex 74. Part of the brain which relays pain and pressure impulses to cerebrum. Thalamus 75. Part of the brain which controls body temperature and activities of pituitary gland. Hypothalamus 76. Condition caused due to over secretion of thyroxine. Exopthalmic goiter 77. Condition which affects the growth of children showing dwarfism and mental retardation. Cretinism 78. Condition in adults in which the person becomes sluggish with swelling of face and hands. Myxoedema 79. Protective membrane of brain and spinal cord. Meninges 80. Site of light reactions in photosynthesis. Grana 81. Receptor cells in retina sensitive to dim light. Rods 82. Receptor cells in retina sensitive to bright light. Cones 83. Hormone that regulates water absorption in kidney tubules/ nephron. Anti diuretic hormone (ADH) 84. Remnant of ruptured follicle in ovary. Corpus luteum 85. Permanent stoppage of menstrual cycle. Menopause 86. Onset/ beginning of menstruation in young females.Menarche 87. Part of testes which produces sperms. Seminiferous tubules. 88. Cells of testes which produces male sex hormone testosterone. Leydig cells ( Interstitial cells) 89. Rupture of follicle and release of ovum. Ovulation 90. Shock absorber for the embryo/ foetus. Amniotic fluid 91. Part which helps in diffusion of nutrients and wastes between mother and foetus. Placenta 92. Two gases that form acid rain. Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide 93. Two green house gases. Methane, Carbon dioxide, Nitrous oxide 94. Monthly discharge of blood and disintegrated tissues by shedding of endometrium in human female. Menstruation 95. Process of union of male and female gamete. Fertilization. 4 96. Process of giving birth in human female. Parturition. 97. Fixing of blastocyst in endometrium lining. Implantation 98. Period during which immature reproductive system of young boys and girls mature. Puberty 99. Hormone secreted by corpus luteum. Oestrogen and Progesterone 100. The full term of development of embryo in uterus. Gestation 101. Tube that carries sperm out of testes. Sperm duct/ vasadeferens 102. A sac which develops around the embryo before the formation of allantois. Amnion sac 103. Gestation period in human females.280 days 104. Twins produced from two ova. Fraternal twins. 105. Twins produced from one ovum. Identical twins 106. Hormone in plants which is gaseous in form. Ethylene 107. Hormone found at meristems which promotes stem elongation and maintains apical dominance. Auxins 108. Plant hormone responsible for germination, dormancy, flowering, leaf and fruit senescence. Gibberellins 109. Phytohormone which plays acrucial role in adaptive responses to environmental stresses such as drought, heat, cold etc. Abscissic acid. 110. Phytohormone which regulates cell division, plant development and morphogenesis.Cytokinins TIPS TO DRAW DIAGRAM AND IMPORTANT DIAGRAMS AND DIAGRAM BASED QUESTIONS a. Stages of mitosis- draw same number of chromosomes if asked to draw the next phase or previous or prior phase, label it, draw proportionately. b. Duplicated chromosome (paired chromatids joined by centromere) and unduplicated chromosome. c. Identify turgid cell/ flaccid cell/ plasmolysed cell. d. Chloroplast ( double membrane, oval shape and label it) e. Diagram based questions on photosynthesis experiment.( students should be able to identify aim of expt and related questions), example of variegated leafcroton, Geranium, coleus f. Diagram based questions related to structure of heart, blood vessels and valves, direction of blood flow, hepatic portal circulation and its importance. g. Diagram based questions pertaining to Urinary system, functions of parts, V.S / L.S of Kidney, single nephron, single malphighian capsule. h. Structure of neuron and labeling of its parts and functions and terms related. i. Internal structure of spinal cord, nervous pathway in spinal reflex.( dorsal root, ventral root, central canal, sensory neuron and motor neuron) j. Diagram of L.S/ Horizontal section of eye, its internal parts label it. Quesdtions related to functions of various structures associated with eye and various types of eyes defects, its correction diagram and type of lenses involved. 5 k. Internal structure of ear, labelling and its functions of parts students are expected to know. l. Diagram of structure of sperm, label the parts. Distinguished into head, acrosome, middle piece containing mitochondria, and tail. m. Male reproductive parts, functions of parts its location, hormones secreted. n. Female reproductive parts, functions of parts its location, hormones secreted. o. Vasectomy, labelling, surgical importance in males. p. Tubectomy, labelling, surgical importance in females. Tips for solving Biology paper. i. Draw diagrams neatly with pencil and label it as per instructions. ii. Solve questions as per question number. Write question number as mentined in question paper. iii. Write all sub questions of a particular questions together. iv. Write legible handwriting, minimize cancellations. v. Draw underline to important/key words with pen or pencil. vi. Write full words and matching words in match the column. vii. Mark the questions during reading time which you are confident and do well. viii. Write new questions or section two questions preferable from fresh page. ix. Write your details such as UID No.on each and every supplement and tie it in sequential order. BEST OF LUCK 6

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