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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Biology (Billabong High International School (BHIS), Thane)

5 pages, 85 questions, 31 questions with responses, 37 total responses,    2    0
Aryan Jani
Billabong High International School (BHIS), Thane
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l :\ : llf,o.k"''' : 07. tl.,lOlS tlll lARt~ llfGHI ' ..... ,, ,.;' '-\ : lbrs 1-'irst t'NUmilun, "-u1u,u1Uhm ---- - Ans,w~ fl., this M't'f must he- writh n nn tht p:1pt r p1,widt"\I :-., 1\:m11d~>, '\'\'\\1 will not ~ :\ll,,"'\'\t f\, wrire ,h1ri1~' n~t I~ minuks This tintt is "' ht ~ '.t \t in 1\\ ,dil~ ~ qut' sti\'t1 l'lll~r ~ tin~ Sl\'ffl at tht ht~\\t ,\f this J\"l)(";f is the:- tim~ :,11,,\\'\'\i t\,r writin,i.t the :ms\\X-~ Al1Cftlpt sU quest.l\."'l\S .th\tu Stttion I :mJ ~U\.)' t~ur qucsti,,us th,m ~ dt,n II ~ intt'tl\k,1 n~vks thr Q\k'stfo.ns m~ ~ivt."n in tht hmd,t"t~ I .I At1\11-1tq>1 "'1 qWi...~iM\/rt)m this ,~ tio,: NalNtHfbllowhlg. Struc~ reJaying ~\in and ~-ssure impulses t\l tM l~.N hmm, ~ pain d\k.' to insutl1cic.'l\t blt."1\1'1 supplv fi.) th<. ht~l.11 mus dc. s. 1 Enl:),ne ~ in ~MS. t Enzyme rdea.....ed by tht' :1cn~"\-utlt" of spenu. 5. A plant honnone inhihiting apk~tl druninam.-e.. [51 Gm ah entt 1'><-ation of tht' foUowing. 1. ~ 2 Ciliary body J. Hyd3thodcs l5I 1. ,., que<'} Gn-e eae sipificant fuodion of th~- followin.:. I. Active transport in plan~ ~- B.. \S(.'phils 4. Corpus Juteum 5. Root ~-ssure -t .Pncem:1k~ r 151 3. H~1,01halamu$ Disdllpnb hdwtt11 the following bll-St-d on the criteria gin.n in tht bl":lck(ts. J. Oetinism and Myxoedema (Symptom) 2. Ovulation and Gesmtion (Detinition) 3. Phenotype and ¬y~ (Definition) 4. Caurosome and Centromro! (Location) 5. Pla.wolysis and J:kplasmolysis (Solution outside l~Jl) t (51 fill ia tk blanks and nwrire the passage. (51 The ______ in the testes is ~ ~re of s~.nnatog"ffit'Sis. n~c spen1,s :ukr ~l'.g produa,d. move into 3 cap like structure 1.'\tlkd _ _ _ _ _ _ lllC'ated on the ~ r pole of teitis w~ they are ______ and they _ _ _ _ _ _ . Th~s~ are then c~lfrit."d by the _ _ _ _ _ to the urethra. Arraqe th following in a logittl se,quentt ~ ithout clumging tht' first tt rni: I. 1. 3. ,, 4- 5- i5J S nlme. Metaphase. Cytok:inesis. Tefophnse,. Prophase. f.ndosmosis. pull. Cell to cell osmosis. Cortkru cdls. R()llt ~~ure. Cliloropbyll activation. NADPH. Polymerisation, Photolysi:-. l,f-wnt~r. Phot\~phospho.rylntion Right vcntricl~ Aona. Bicuspid valve. Lungs. Le.ft aurick Glomcru.lus. Tubular s rction. Selecti~ reabsorption. GllHtt\..-ru.lM tiltrnk'. Ultra.filtration. 1 l :J . IJ. d an entlMrine nland prcscol ID odr bodY . fbt d11ar11lll ep1tia ,nfl tr the q11ei.tlon1 tbat follow: .. ,. / -1~ 1Jen1if)' theendocrineglund und state it~ i) I location. Name 1Jicbormonc rcl1 uscd frorn part I' 11) wtuch bJWhJCh llelpsbruio in parturition part controls the ,11) - Jll j 'I ) \I\ Study tl1c sam and 'J. -"~ . ,., given PIW\nne iyand? f ,muo:rttionof' 1 in childrenormonc 1""" ~--1 10from ,, d. wrrnonc par' , , from , ptirt '2' N.uni: uh "'i_:a1111srn . N,1me th.e <l1 1 -) ;.;.:~ ~t ~ .,, ' "Ier due to the same condition in nduil<, '' 2 w1uch controls lactation. I -~ i fa;O~c , sfiOrl J hornozYgom1 pea plant havmg Round (R) yellow ( Y) seed!! is cro"'s d 'th h I kl d . d , " c w1 a omozygou11 pea plant having wr n e an green seeds. On husis of the given Information, answer the following. J\ ,\. i) ii) iii) iv) State the genotype of FI generation. What are the possible phenotypes of F2 generation? Name and explain the law based on the above cross. Draw a cross to represent the progeny between colourblind male and carrier female. State the percentage of all the phenotypes ohtained. i\ 50 year old male complains of difficulty in rending when be holds the newspaper close to bis eyes. However holding it at an arm's length improves his vision. IJ. i) ii) iii) iv) v) 151 (SJ What condition could he be suffering from? State the cause of the above mentioned defect. What correction can be done for this defect? Draw a diagram to represent it. Define accommodation of eye. Why can one not distinguish colours in moonlight? Question 4 (5) Study the given diagram and answer the questiofls that follow: \. i) ii) iii) Label'parts l to 3. What do they collectively form? Part ' 1' exists in 4 types. Name the types. Jfthe diagram is comparable to a ladder, what forms the rungs of the ladder? The given diagram shows two types of blood celJs in our body. Observe the diagram and answer the folJowing question: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Identify A and B. Give the function of both the cells. Distinguish between A and B basect on structure of nucleus. What constitutes pus? Draw a diagram showing T.S. of an artery. A (5) 13 3 I . . ~ 0uosrroo . .,he (o 11owing, l red oral y. . adrttinrste serving it. Ci, t re ~ . . cted .andnot salad just i,efotbrcan atferent arteriole. A, , m1e d alt to , tb'cket 1ns1Jl11l '~ ter 10 ad sarteriole JS J alysfs. i) chefs pr fferent 1ead to pat ji) a1ood inthe~nal cord maly ein nanire, iii) (le 10 sp . 1 s aJka 11l 1 ,stJ1JnJ that lollow: iv) 01111 J sccrct1ort proswoc , the qu , ) on~ fo . I 0 . r,111 B. vell d,ag ""'e the g1 ObSC . "d D . e ~ ~gwlar radlatiOll (0.2 to 4 m) outgoing infrared radiation I :Inflated radlaffon Atmosphere \, Earth i) ii) iii) iv) lnfrired radlatl~ emitt.ed by earth's ,surface (4 lo 100 m) J<!entifv the phenomenon. . Name 2gases responsible for the above mentioned phenomenon. What is the consequence of the above phenomenon? Why should CFC's be replaced wi1't alterna~ve sources? Question 6 A. The diagram below depicts astructure found in plants. O~erve the diagram and am qaestiom that follow: ' iJ ii) iii) iv) v) Give the location of the structllre. Label parts l am..1 2. Nam~rhe cell regulating the ~ ni,1 6 and closing of this structure. Give .2adaptations of the above ment~ oned cell to perform its function. Nam~2substanc1:s which enter or ex11 from Part 2. gil'eD dia~m represents the sectional.view of the female reproductive system. e the diagram and answer the qn~stions that follow : obser"" fbe i) ii) iii) jv) [5] r,abel parts 1 to 4. Give 2 functions of part labeled 3. f{ow does part ' l ' prepare for a possible pregnancy? Draw a diagram of the spenn and label a) Acrosome b) Mitochondria ) o7 1uestJO The diagram below depicts the external view of the human heart. Obsirve the diagram and ansWer the questions that follow: [5) l, i) ii) iii) iv) Name the parts 1,2,3 and 7. What happens if the part number '8' develops ari internal clot? Which type of blood does part '5' carry? 1 Mention one structural difference between part '5' and '4'? i { 8 R;ght ...enlric.1a ~ - Give below is the diagram of a part of the human ear. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: i) ii) iii) iv) Label parts 'A' and 'B '. State the function of Part 'A' and 'C'. Part A has a sensory structure that helps in hearing. Name the structure and give its specific Jocation. What will happen if the 3 bones in the middle ear are replaced by one single bone? f5] 8 5

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