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Class 10 CBSE Pre Board 2017 : English Communicative

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Aryan Ahluwalia
St. Helena's School and Junior College, Pune
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QUESTION PAPER CLASS X English -Communicative Maximum marks: 70 The question paper is divided into three sections. Section A: Section B : Section C: Time-3 hours 20 marks 25 marks 25marks SECTION-A : READING ( 20 MARKS) Read the following passage carefully: (12 marks) 1. Why is it that there are very few women players in our orchestras ? If one could reply flatly - sex discrimination: they don t want women in orchestras that would be a definite answer. But one can t say that. As a matter of fact there are, if not many, a few women playing today in symphony orchestras. Nevertheless, it is true that male orchestral players are in an overwhelming majority. Why is that ? I m afraid, there is no one answer. There are physical reasons why women don t perform well on certain instruments. The average woman is not likely to possess sufficient lung power and sheer muscular strength to play the tuba just as an average woman s hands are not likely to be large enough to finger a double bass satisfactorily. But what about the other instruments ? 2. I think social and family pressures have been very strong in keeping women out of orchestras. Think of the prejudice that existed half a century ago against the so-called nice girls going on stage. The stage was won out for the simple reason that it had to have women to play feminine roles in plays and operas, and was willing to offer a young woman more money than she could make in any other profession. Moreover, on stage, she was appearing as an individual, as a center of attraction. This was gratifying to both her and her family. To this day, while the average parents are reconciled to seeing their daughter become an opera singer or concert artist, they don t like the idea of seeing her submerging her personality to become the member of a chorus of the orchestra. 3. Another reason why we have so few women orchestral musicians is that so few of them play wind instruments well enough. They don t play well enough because they haven t had the proper training; and the reason for that lies in the history of orchestral music. You will find that famous European families of bassoon players or clarinetists taught their sons to play the family instrument. Their sons; but never their daughters. If they had any other pupils, those were also boys; not girls. And to this day, while women vote, hold public office and practise many other professions, without shocking our Sensibilities, in this particular field, the orchestra, our attitude towards women still remains the same. 4. However, this prejudice is rapidly crumbling, and is likely to disappear entirely in a few years. For this we have to thank our high-school bands and orchestras, which offer instruction, practice, and experience in playing all orchestral instruments to boys and girls alike. A.2.1 Complete the following sentences. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number: I. (1 8 = 8 marks) The reasons why there are only very few women orchestra players (a) Physical reasons (i) ............................................................................................................ (ii) ............................................................................................................ (b) Social reasons (i) ............................................................................................................ (ii) ............................................................................................................ (c) Women won out on stage because (i) ............................................................................................................ (ii) ............................................................................................................ II. The high school bands have to be thanked because ........................................... ............................................................................................................................ III. Lack of training has resulted in .......................................................................... A.2.2 Find words from the passage which mean the same as the phrases given below. Write your answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank number : (1 4=4 marks) (a) make a distinction / a difference.......................... Para 1 (b) breaking / falling off.......................... Para 4 (c) satisfying / to please.......................... Para 2 (d) learning.......................... Para 3 2. Read the following poem carefully (8 Marks) THESE DREAMS These dreams Obstinate offspring of my wayward mind Keep running out of my home. All too often. Somewhat humiliated Somewhat hurt Somewhat angry At times they even rush out barefoot. It is difficult to pacify these stubborn kids or humour them For theirs is a search for eternal spring They wish to seek out the stars and talk to them I am a tired traveller And have not the will To chase them anymore. I have come to terms With my wilderness but I do fear for Those na ve ones Come evening and they may seek solace If they come to you even as you sleep Do not push them away, tenderly hold them In your lap like their fond mother Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below: (1X5= 5 marks) 1) The poet feels that he cannot control his dreams by saying that they a)are somewhat angry b)are obstinate offspring c)rush out barefoot d)keep running out of his home 2) I do fear for these na ve ones means that his dreams a) need to be protected b) need love and care c) have become rebellious d) need a parent to look after them 3) The message of the poem is a) one must never stop dreaming b) dreams distract you c) practicality is the way of life d)dream but know your limits 4) The poetic device in the first stanza is a)simile b)alliteration c)metaphor d)personification 5) Like a fond mother we must a)nurture our dreams b)push our dreams to the limits c)hold them in our laps d)let them be free 2. Why doesn t the traveler wish to chase his dreams anymore? (1 mark) 3.Which words in the poem mean the following- (2 marks) a) agree with someone to keep them happy b) lacking experience,wisdom or judgement c) unpredictable d) comfort in time of distress SECTION B: WRITING & GRAMMAR ( 25 MARKS) 3.The condition of the public park in your locality is miserable. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper with the help of the points given below in 120 150 words. You are Rohan / Rajni. (5 marks) Poorly managed parks Heaps of garbage everywhere Boundary wall broken Dirty animal s resting place Swings broken 4.Students most think that their teacher exaggerate their bad qualities. But it is not at all true. They love their students and have their best interest at heart. With the help of the following story line, write a story in about 120 words on the topic A teacher s love for his student ( 10 marks) 5.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done for you. (1/2 8=4 marks) Dance is an art form is e.g. Incorrect Is Correct As well known, for dance as a (a) ..................... therapy is not known in many. (b) .................... Dance therapy involves a synthesis (c) . ................... of the grace and vigour on Indian (d) . ................... classical and folk dance movements into a innovative (e) . ................... holistic therapy. It brings over the (f) . .................... inner feelings for the participants (g) . ................... and can help them with develop a (h) . ................... healthy personality. 6. Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. Write the answers against the correct numbers. (1 3=3 marks) put into / as the / at low / baby can / he is / as soon / water / toddle / tide / As soon as the baby can toddle he is put into water at low tide. (a) older / at low tide / as / wade about / allowed to / he is / he grows / (b) permitted to / from which / judgment / he may / make small mistakes / he is / learn to make better / (c) are given / to swim / small canoes / the children / they / own / are able / of their / when / 7. Read the conversation and complete the paragraph that follows: ( 3 marks) Ganga: How did you spend your holidays? Gautham: I went for cricket coaching. What did you do? Ganga: I went for NTSC coaching classes. Gautham: At least during the holidays you could have enjoyed yourself. Ganga: But I enjoyed it. Ganga asked Gautham a)___________ holidays. Gautham said that b) ___________ cricket coaching and wanted to know c) ___________ during the holidays. When Ganga told him that she had gone for NTSC coaching classes, Gautham told that she could have enjoyed herself during the holiday. Ganga replied she had enjoyed joining the coaching classes. SECTION C : LITERATURE TEXTBOOK AND LONG READING TEXT ( 25 MARKS) 8. Read the extracts given below and complete the statements that follow: (1x 3 = 3 MARKS) In me she has drowned a young girl And in me an old woman Rises towards her day after day Like a terrible fish 1.Why does the poet refer to the terrible fish in the last line. 2.Why has it been described as being terrible? 3.What does the phrase in me she has drowned a young girl mean? Or Are we pinching it before Elizabeth comes 1.What does it refer to here ? 2.How does Victoria conclude that her parents are pinching it? 3.Mention two reasons Mrs Slater give for her activities. 9. Answer the following questions in 30 40 words: (2X4= 8 marks) 1.Do you agree with the frog s assessment that the nightingale is a brainless bird? 2.What is the theme of the sonnet Not marble, nor gilded monuments ? 3.Why couldn t Ali enjoy sportsman s pleasure of hunting any more after Miriam left him? 4.Draw the contrast between the childless and artless faces and the seriousness beyond their years visible on them. 10. Answer in 80 100 words: (1X4 = 4 marks) As one of the villagers participating in hunting expedition, you are very surprised to see an extravagant display of wealth and money for fame which ends in failure. You decide to write a diary mocking at the situation and expressing your feelings against the show of false ego. 11. Write the answer in about 150 words: (1X 10= 10 marks) a. The best and the most beautiful things in this world can t be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Justify the famous quote of Helen Keller. Or b. Helen was quite attached to her father. His death was her first great sorrow. Write about her father in 150 words.

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