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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Computer Applications - The Bishop's School Kalyani Nagar

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Aryaki Mishra
The Bishop's School, Camp, Pune
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The Bishop's Co-Ed School, Kalyani Nagar Pune First Preliminary Examination 2023 - 2024 Computer Applications Class: 10 Total Marks: 100 Reading Time: 15 Minutes Writing Time: 2 Hours Date: 08.11.2023 Answer to this paper must be witten on the paper provided separately. You will not to be alowed to write during the irst 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. SECTION-A (Attempt all questionsfrom this Section) Question 1 Choose the correct answer to the questions from the given options. i. Which of the following is the correct prototype for the function 'check' which receives the character ch and an integer n and returns true or false. a. public int check (char ch, int n) b. public boolean Check (char ch, int n) c.. public boolean to check (char ch, integer n) public boolean check (char ch, int n) i. Identify the correct output of the following Java code. String a="10", b="20": int x=Integer.parselnt(a); int y=Integer.valueOf(b); System.out.printin(x+y): System.out.printin(a+b); a. 30 1020 b. 1020 1020 C. 1010 30 d. 30 2010 Choose the correct output of the following Java code. int x= 30; int y= 50; while( ++x < -y); System.out.printin(x); a. 80 b. 39 C. 40 t iv. [20] 41 "One thing in many different forms goes with which 00PS concept? Polymorphism b. Encapsulation C. Abstraction d. Inheritance Identify the correct output of the following Java code. int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; for ( int i= 0; i <ar.length - 2; ++i) System.out.print(arr[i] +" "); a. 1 2 3 4 J. 1 2 C. 1 d. 12 3 1 When an expression consists of int, double, long, float, then the entire expression vi. willget promoted intoa data type that is: a. float 6. double C. int d. long vi. Consider the following Java code: void Test(String s) char a = s.charAt(3); int b = s.indexOf('M'); String t S.substring(3,6); boolean p= s.equals(t); System.out.printin(a +"" +b+""+t+" "+ p); What will be the output for M 2 PUT false Test("COMPUTER")? a. b. P 3 PUT false P 2 PUT false d. U 3 PUT false vii. What value is returned by the compareTo() function in case the invoking string happens to be greater than the compared string? Va. a value that is greater than zero b. a C. value that is less than zero zero d. null will be returned ix. What will be the output of the following Java String s1= "Life is Beautiful"; code: System.out.printin("Earth" +s1.substring(4); . System.out.printtn(s1.endsWith("L"); Earth is Beautiful true b. Beautiful false C. Earth Beautiful false Earth is Beautiful false X What is the length of an array when its first index is denoted by 'i and last index is denoted by 'j? a. Length of an array = i+j b. Length of an aray = j-i-1 f. Length of an array = j-i d. Length of an array = j-i+1 xi. Give the output of the following program segment: int n[] ={1,2,3,5,7,9, 13,16}; double a=Math.pow(n[4], n[1]); double b=Math,sqrt(n[5]+n[7]): System.out.printin("a=" + a); System.out.printin("b=" + b); a= 49.0 b= 5.0 b. a=9.0 b=5.0 C. a=49.0 b=6.0 d. 49.0 5.0 2 xii. Which of the following is avalid way to create an object and calla constructor in . MyClass object = new MyClass(); Java? b. object = new constructor MyClass(); C. object = call new MyClass(); d. new MyClass(object); xii. Which of the following statements is correct? f replace() method replaces all occurrences of a character in astring with another character. b. replace() method replaces only the first occurrence of a character in a string with another character. C. replace() method replaces al characters in a string with another character. d. replace() method replaces the last occurrence of a character in a string with another character. x v, Aconstant which gives the exact representation of data is called a. Literal Variable C. Character d. Identifier XV. Which of the following method is used to test two strings for equality? a. checkEqual() b. Equal() equals() d. equal) Xvi. Choose the correct output: String sl= "Frozen": String s2 = "Notes"; System.out.printin (sl.substring(0, 5); System.out.printin(s2.toUpperCase( )): a. FROZEN NOTES b. Frozen NOTES C. FROZE Notes d. Froze NOTES xvi. Which keyword is used to allocate memory to an array in Java? a. import b, allocate l. new d. data type xviii. In Java, what is the purpose of a parameterized constructor? a. To create multiple constructors with the same parameters. . To accept arguments and initialize object attributes. C. To prevent the instantiation of a class. d. To allow only private access to the constructor. xiX. Identify the correct output of the following Java code. String s1 = "Emily"; String s2= "Alex"; System.out.printn(s1.charAt(0)> $2.charAt(0); d. true b. false C. 0 d. 1 XX, Which of these methods of the String class is used to remove leading and trailing spaces? a. startsWith() b. empty() C., Trim() Question 2 i. Differentiate between length and length(). i. Convert the following if else if constrUct into switch case: if (ch=='c||ch==C) System.out.print("COMPUTER"); else if (ch == 'h ||h ==H) System.out.print("HINDI"); else iii. 0v, System.out.print("PHYSICAL EDUCATION"); "Aray is a composite data type", Explain this statement. Name the function which: a. Returns the index of the first occurrence of a character in a string. (2] [2] b. Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the given number as a double value. V. vi. Define a wrapper class. (2]the Give the output of the following program segment and mention how many t mes loop will execute: [2] int k; for ( k =5;k<=20; k +=7) if (k% 6==0) Continue; vi. vii. System.out.println(k); State one difference between constructor and function. What is meant by an infinite loop? Give an example. [2] [2] example. [2] (2] iX. State the purpose of the String function equalslgnoreCase() along with one X. Write the Java expression for the following equation: A= ut+ (1/2)at? SECTION-B (Attempt any four questions from this Section) The answers in this section should consist of the programs in either Blue Jenvironment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using variable description mnemonic codes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flow charts and algorithms are not required. Question 3 [15] Write a Java program to accept a number from the user and check if it is an Abundant number or not. An Abundant number is a number for which the sum of itsS proper factors is greater than the number itself. Example: Consider the number 12. Factors of 12 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Sum of factors = 1 + 2+3 +4 +6= 16 As 16 > 12 so 12 is an Abundant number. [15] Question 4 Write a program to accept the 10 names of students and their year of graduation from school as the values from the user, in two Single dimensional arrays. Using Linear Search technique on the sorted array accept the name of the student to be searched for and display the message "Record Exists" along with the year of graduation if the name entered exists in the array. If not, display the message "Record does not exist". 4 Question 5 [15) Design a Java class to overload a function display() as follows: display( )-To print the Pattern given below: BA CBA DCBA EDCBA FEDCBA display(int a, int n) - To calculate and display the sum of the following series: ii. s-a,+ ton 3 [15] Question 6 Write a program in Java to store the numbers in two different Double Dimensional Arrays S [3][3] and T [3] [3]. Find the product of the numbers of the corresponding elements of the two arays S and T and store them in the array W [3] (31. Also display the elements of all the three arrays. 1 2 3 Example: S= 4 5 6 7 8 7 1 8 21 T=2 5 8 W= 8 25 48 21 48 81 1 9 3 4 6 9 [15] Question 7 three-letter possible the all print word and three-letter any accept to program Write a Java combinations. No letter should repeat in the output. Example: Input: TOP Output: TOP, TPO, OPT, OTP, PTO, POT [15] Question 8 following description: with the consumer of a telephone bill the calculates that Bill class a Define Data Members: int bno - to store bill number String name - to store the name of consumer int call - to store the no. of calls consumed in a month double amt - to calculate the billing amount to be paid by the person Member Methods: initial value Bill() - constructor to initialize data members with default calls consumed Bill() - parameterized constructor to accept bill no, name and no. of as per the table consumer a Calculate() - to calculate the monthly telephone bill for Display() - to display all the details Units consumed First 100 calls Next 100 calls Next 100 calls Above 300 calls Rate Rs. 0.60/ call Rs. 0.80/ call Rs. 1.20/ call Rs. 1.50/ call Fixed monthly rental applicable to all consumers: Rs.125. above functions to perform Create an object of the dass in the main () method and invoke the the desired task. 5

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