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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Pawar Public School (PPS), Bhandup, Mumbai)

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Pawar Public School (PPS), Bhandup, Mumbai
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Class X Subject PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, BHANDUP Duration Marks Date Prelim Geography 2 13.01.2024 80 No. of printed NAR, paces PUBL 2 hours CSCHO Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing theanswers. KAMDUR Attempt seven questions in all. Part Iis compulsory. Allthe questions from part I are to be attemnpted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ] To be supplied with this paper Survey of India Map Sheet G43S/7 and 20 cm of twine. Note: () (ii) In all Map Work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding of the map. The extract of Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S/7 must not be taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on completion of the paper. (iii) (iv) (v) The Map given along with the question paper must be fastened to your answer booklet after marking. Allsub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serialorder. Allworking including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer the rest of the paper. PART 1 30 MARKS (Attempt allthe questions from this section) Question 1 Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet noG43S/7; Eastings 22 to 32,Northings 02 to 12 and answer the following questions: i. |21 Give the six figure grid reference of: b. A 208 a. Prominent survey tree 181 ii. Mention two man made features in the grid square 2408 and two natural features in the grid (2] Square 2803. iii. iv. V. a. How is the drainage pattern in grid square 2407 different from that seen in 2310? b. What is the compass direction of Settlement Kotda (Jegol) from Settlement Jagol! a. What do you mean by 10r in grid square 2709 |2] b. Calculate the area between casting 22 to 32 and northing 02 to 12. Glen has to travel from Santarwada to Rampura. What mode of transport will he take and [2| calculate the distance he has to travel in km? Page 1ofS PPSB/23-24/10/GEOGRAPHY/ PRELIM 2 [2] SS [1] (1][1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [11 [1] EEEEEE5EEE meridian. [10] Cancer. called material. fuels. ix. rawfossil of standard Tropic is agricultural This on rainfall. dependency the sea.area. of Indian June. rainfall pesticides. from the large of times? on Organic d)Farming. to cm Mixed b)Farming. of India. away dependent close cms. month erosion. Sheet b) a having 50 Rawatbhata. Rill d) over erosion. table Water d) modernreduce gauge. than100 Conduits b) through and lies lies Narrow b) d) grooves Assam. b) Kerala. b)Kaiga. the Broad d) forests fertilizers More They it it to As in is As 70 It passes Kerala west. importance b) d) b) d) b) d) d) the shaped East. temperature. of the synthetic in which city to is in a in country. Maharashtra fingers grows rain Northregion gaining m longitude capital bring the palm 1.676 use recharging the many populated of Coast. Ghats. the in not is range of whichDigboi. Ganga. Date are is India soil provided: dot in important does equator. partforms Coromandel rainfall. products rails station lake. Western and annual interior red windsnamelaterite effective. in least river water the that runofferosion. ecofriendly. Babool Subsistence a)Farming.tea India Wular awith the of between plant Intensive Farming. farmingc) thethe of producer Largest Petrochemical higher option: the the and with the cmcms.rain to theladened erosion. Gully a) labellabellabellabellabelnamedot arealabel of label Bengal. West a) Nadu. closein bank Tiles Porous c) power Ber, 50 is Tamil c) cost map witha a of than200 Catchment a) andandand and and has lies are are distance Standard a) and correct Tarapur. like the and and c) is Stream type outline NuclearNarora. it it silt Meter c) TheyThey Shade Shade Lessto Shade Shade Shade Mark Jaipur Shade Mark Mark Trees Mark 100 3 Question Question 2 Why The the As As The The a) a) c) c) a) c) the Choosea) c) vi. vi. vii. LX. On i. viii. ii. iv. V. ii. ii. iv. i. X. vi. V. vii. of5 2Page PPSB PRE 2 (21 raintali. different 15.2 19.6 and in temperature 2S.5 occur section) climatc 29.2 questions: S for ii. theof the regions Question 4 Despite Study 1. 1.3 1.0 0.2 12.5 18.5 of interior the in or coast the b. [3| iii. 2. b. every twice least at overhead C. iv. 3 giving Justify effects. adverse b ii. (21 b. prevented? iv. on vertically in each JA 29.8 its be lie d)Compostingthis variations following of station it example from 17.8 30.8 b) Recycle MARKS can because almost questions: A? the How categories. questions 33.5 7.5 climate, the station one India J Does Valley? 50 sun Puducherry. givinganswer 33.2 mid-day 2 FIVE 1.5 in following temperature. M by of PART different erosion typeby and experienced Chambal 25.5 1.5 0.9 variation any A monsoon below than the soil the Farming? into found. has 21.6 (Attempt answer of the rainfall rains. M prevent soil. waste India provided rainfall following: following: range in is thethis 16.6 leached. fertile seen month. 2.0 winter soil, Dry it heavier of where of out annual the to zone for annual formed? is need unity lava Bringdata 13.7 a dividing driestthe receives heat? Temperature good the is 2.5 is erosion area thethe country?for receivessouthern acute to for soilsoil broad climatic the October reference India. it it an the Calculate reason Alluvial reason c)Segregation Laterite of is recasonsis is Name Rainfall in is a)Incineration Station A an thrce Name Goa Punjab HowWhy type What year The C in is is CIm a a What There With What Question5 Give Give jee" 5 of 3 'age PPSB/23-24/10/GE PRELIM2 a. [3| b. C. ii. b. 2] 2] C. ifi. 0v. 3] (3) ii. a. b. (2 C. ii. iv. [3] b. C. [3] ii. a. b. C. iii. a. b. (2] iv. 3) 3] i. ii. 2. b. C. why Ko past? Rajasthan. week Khetexplain #2s the the this which "Har season? b) of context period in and on and forest Reserve Based of Ladakh Haryana motto this aover of dry destruction the community. m Jarzwa In the a) 60 Punjab, annually, visit Munshi. during withirigation. than you to launched Justify. of scaleleaves youmore observed venture If dimensions. assured KM.local following: takenwere forest!? dam.harvesting. large their economy. ofs 4Page (FMKYS) by the coal. encounter? joint with a hadtrees 1950involves to shed and irigation. industry. irigation. agriculture? visit?this iswhich led into energy. the for? equalbarrage Isiands the project. area water the forests in had Indian answer wood you of is sector. temperature cultivated indiastarted thatagriculture Yojana of questions: have used you which equipment India. height rain this of solar Nicobar of Justify. did forest. method Deciduous the PPSB/23-2 PRELIM a use. of method will for oilseeds source must oilseeds between of private vegetation July, of on Sinchayee using project transformation in irigation in festival domestic the furrowsart mechanisms reservoir role grown this climate. expand conservation andandfollowing 7th annual electrical of Tropical Lift dependablethe following: of the built? following:gold. the of multi-purpose Andarman difference significant to system perfected planting advantagescultivation year natural infound in Krishi oilseeds to on use fromoilcakes for liquid refinery long averzge July of irrigation, implemented it thethe in ideal which primitivemoderators depend Punjab is oils of trees Mantri the a tree1st forest why river90km the used called answer following: of to throughout from of stage of have not a two typethe the uses is reasons for trip points two playsto oil for in two India the is Anthracite are furrow plains the anyare which reference the ancestors Farmers starting aNarme schoolinformation firstfirstany reason WhichisWhatNameName Which are Pradhan reason Bauxiteis Name Tanks Agriculture the was Petrol Name in two What theThe The Mention Gangetic On Name IwoForests wet List farmers In a 7QuestionPani" a & Question Write Name 9QuestionWith Give The List Give Our 6Question Yourand i. Tevis's father is a farmer. He asked his son to help him get some labourers for 'Retting". Which crop do you think is grown by Travis's father? b. Why is this crop known as 'golden fiber'? iN. Name the following: a. Leading producer of coffee in India. b. Crops associated with South West Monsoon. 12| Question 10 i. Rapid industrialization can solve major social and economie problems of India. Justity. ii. |2) a. Name the largest integrated steel plant in the private sector in India. |3| (3| b. Where is this plant located? c. From where does the plant receives its coal supplies? giving an example for each? iii. How are Basic Industries different from Tertiary industries? Explain iv. State any twocontributions of electronics in the field of defence. 12] Question 11 [3| i. country'? How does Golden Quadrilateral help in the economic development of our ii. State three advantages of roadways over railways. ii. Give a reason for the following Mobile radars are installed on expressway. a. b. Rivers of Peninsular India is not ideal for navigation. a popular means of transport in India? ii. Mention any one disadvantage of airways. Why is it still Question 12 waste per day - the highest among 13 Municipal i. "Ludhiana produces 1,100 tonnes garbage or solid Corporations (MCs) in Punjab* Kumar Goel, came on a plea by two The order by a tribunal bench, headed by chairperson Adarshwho had alleged that the local authorities city residents -Kapil Arora and Kuldeep Singh Khaira They had submitted a list of 23 such wereregularly flouting solidwaste management norms. private persons were locations in the city, including ponds or by the roads, where the civic body or the garbage was being where dumping the waste illegally. They had also submitted a list of locationsbody were either not working civic the by procured put on fire and also where the static compactors or were yet to be installed. a. b. C. ii. iv. [21 The Indian Express What are the illegal ways in which waste is disposed in Ludhiana? What facility was provided by the civic bodies to manage waste? As a student what strategies willyou suggest to deal with waste management in the city? What is acid rain? State any two effects of acid rain. Name the two methods of composting followed in India. State any two impacts of waste accumulation. Page 5 of5 PPSB/23-24/10/GEOGRAPHY/PRELIM 2 (3] |1| |3| [2)

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