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Class 12 Exam 2014 : Computer Science

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Arjun Bhargava
Warren Academy School, Jaipur
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QUESTION BANK CLASS-XII SUB- INFORMATICS PRACTICES 1. Define the following(i) Repeaters (ii) Gateway (iii) Bridge (iv) Hub (v) Switch 2. What is the difference between LAN and Internet? 3. Expand the termsOSI, FLOSS, FSF, GNU, GPL, W3C, OSS 4. What are different types of standards? 5. What do you mean by topology? What are the most popular topology? 6. What is the difference between WAN and MAN? 7. What are the components required for networking? 8. How is free software different from freeware? 9. Compare and contrast(i) TTF and OTF (ii) Static and dynamic fonts 10. What is the significance of Unicode? 11. What is object oriented programming? 12. What is the relationship between properties, methods and events? 13. Name the character set supported by java. 14. Name the eight primitive java types. 15. What is the effect of absence of break in a switch statement? 16. What is the significance of a null statement? 17. What are iteration statements? Name the iterative statements provided by java. 18. What is meant by entry controlled loop and exit controlled loop? Explain with example. 19. How would you set a label to have both an image as well as text? 20. What is the difference between a text field and password field when both can obtain text from user? 21. Name the swing API classes that create (i) A list (ii) A combo box 22. How are following passed in java (i) Primitive types (ii) Reference types 23. What is inheritance? Name its various forms. 24. What is an abstract class? 25. What are literals in java? How many types of literals are allowed in java? 26. Rewrite the following fragment using switch: if (ch= = E ) eastern++; if (ch= = W ) western++; if (ch= = N ) northern; if (ch= = S ) southern; else unknown++;

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