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ISC Class XII Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Calcutta Girls' High School (CGHS), Kolkata)

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Arghyajeet Ghosh
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Calcutta Orientation CLASS: XIl TIME: 3 HOURS Girls High School Examination 2024-25 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LITERATURE F.M.:0 (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS IN SECTION AAND SECTION B The Deaed marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets || SECTION A -20 MARKS uestion 1 [10} 1o0se the correct options for the following questions: () Which trait in Banguodoes Not incite Macbeth to kill Banquo in Act III Scene Iof the play Macbeth? (a) Royalty of nature. (b) Daunt less temper. (c) Wisdom. (d) Magnanimity. (ii) Which statements in Act IIl of the play Macbeth bear testimony to the fact that divine retribution has begun? (P) Lady Macbeth's articulation Naught's had, all's spent." () Macbeth's enunciation "Treason has done his worst." (r) Macbeth's statement "Better be with the dead," (s) Lady Macbeth's assurance "Gentle my lord, sleek o'er your rugged looks:* (a) P and R. (b) Pand ). (c) R and S. (d) P and S. (ii) What diminutive bird is being referred to in Act IV Scene II of the play Macbeth by Lady Macduff in order to denounce Macduff's nonchalance towards his family? (a) Martin. (b) Wren. (c) Owl. (d) Sparrow. (iv) What can be comprehended about Malcolm from Act IV Scene Il of the nlay Macbeth? (a) Malco lm is as gullible as Duncan. (b)Malcolm is a naivete. (c)Malcolm cannot be inveigled. (d) Malco Im is not introspective. ) Which of the following BEST captures the central idea of the short story. There WillCome Soft Rains"? (a) The story dramatizes the tension between nature and latter to be the mnore powerful force. (b) The story science, showing the illustrates h0w techno logy, meant to serve humanity, becomes meaningful in thei absence (c) The story explores the themes of human the indifference of nature and the dual -edged nature of fragility. technology (d) Bradbury's sinister conflation of technology with human and animal decimated. house ife - particularly through sentience to the his ascription ofwhereas nalure wilI| be demonstrates that technology will thrive the (vi) when he states In the story, Indigo", what does the narrator implicate that Dumka truth struck me like a hammer blow? poor could rcach his (a) He had reached a dead end. There was no way he at aimed callit were all night. (b) It seemed as if the shafAs of lightning tyres had decidcdto ambassador. (c) He realizedthat another of hisnorthwester couldstrike that such a a day (d)He never had an inkling terror in his heart. (vii) figure of speech He was, deep down, entirely detached and free." Which has short story "Atithi"? oeen eimployed in this expression taken from the Aliteration. (a) Hyperbo le. (b) Simile. (c) Personification. (d) (vii) Which tone best describes the speaker's response to the landlady's lnquy about his complexion in the poem Telephone conversat ion ? Warm and eXCited. (a) Humorous and sardonic. (b) Solemn and petrified. (c) (ix) poem What contrast does Tithonus draw between mortals and himself in the (d)Indifferent and passive. <Tithonus"? and (a) Mortals live in misery while he eniovs eternal bliss. (b) Mortals age whereas despair live in Mortals (c) die, while he endures endless ageing, he feels buoyant. (d) Mortals are wiser, while he is ignorant despite living forever. Which statement from the poem. Death Be Not Proud" illustrates Donne's use of paradox? (a) Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery. (b) Thou art slave to fate, chance kings, and desperate men. (c) And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die. (d) Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me. QUESTION 2 Complete the following sentences by providing a reason for each: () (i) [10} InAct VScene I, of the play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth's instiuction to keep a light by her continually is ironical because In Act VScene VIll of the play Macbeth, Macbeth articulates "And be these juggling fiends no more believed," because (ii) InAct IV Scene I of the play Macbeth, Macbeth is dejected and despondent at the (iv) InAct III Scene Vof the play Macbeth, Hecate admonishes the witches because (v) Tarapada in the story "Atithi" is compared to a swan because In the story "Indigo" Aniruddha's idea regardingthe open country being agical end of the apparition scene because (vi) is shattered because (vi) In the story "There WillCone SoftRains", the fire engulfing the house and bursting it is symbolic because 2 (vii) (ix) nthe po Tithonus" strong hours is said to be indignant with Tithonus because Inthepocm "Beethoven'", Beethoven's music is said to invade their nervous systemfike an Armada marching through firing cannon balls detonating every moleoule in their body into explosions of heavenly sensation because (x) In the poem "Small towns and rivers" the poet views rituals as permanent because SECTION B 60 MARKS MACBETH -- SHAKESPEARE Question 3 () In reference to Act IV Scene I of the play Macbeth, describe how Macbeth's hubris iS evident in his interactions with the witches and the apparitions. How does this SCene showcase his overconfidence? Delineate how it leads to his tragic end. Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 100 150 words incorporating the fo llowing details. (a) Explain how Macbeth misinterprets the prophecies of the witches. (b) State how the prophecies ingrain inhim a sense of false security. (i) With reference to Act VScene Vil of the play Macbeth, analyse the importance of Macbeth's refusalto surrender in his final moments. How does this cho ice iluminate aspects ofhis character, especially his pride and defiance? Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 100 - 150 words incorporating the following details. (a) Examine whether Macbeth's decision reflects true courage or merely reveals his unchecked and excessive hubris. (b) State how his downfall is a product of his own choices. (ii) (a) How does the sleepwalking scene in Macbeth serve as an example of poetic justice for Lady Macbeth's role in Duncan's murder and the events that follow? Discuss how her guilt-induced madness and deteriorating mental state serve as retribution for her actions earlier in the play. Write your answer in about 200 - 250 words. [10] OR (b) Macbeth's character is often described as a tragic hero. In your view, does Macbeth evoke sympathy as a tragic hero, or is he simply a villain? Substantiate. Write your answer in about 200 -250 words. [10] PRISM -- PROSE Question 4 () Referring closely to the short story "Indigo" Discuss whether the storyis fraught with supernatural elements. Give reasons to substantiate your answer. Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 100- 150 words, incorporating the following details. (5) (a) The paranormal events experienced by the protagonist. 3 rationat circumstances beyondthe extraordinary faces (b) An ordinary man realm. (i) (ii) ensnare answer did Mrs. Drew manner what in Lady", Cookie The story your short the In Write [5) prompted her to do so? details. Bernard, and what underlying motives the following incorporating words, 150 100 of paragraph in ashort (a) Playing on his naivety. (b) Her parasitic tendency. Soft "There Will Comne fire. story short the from the extinguish (a) Drawing upontextual evidence attempts to house the which by methods Rains," elucidate the (10) underscore the theme of Nature versus struggle this does Inwhat ways words. 250 200about Technology? Write your answer in with freedom in conflict personal significance yearning for (b) In what ways are Tarapada's this tension emphasize the broader [10] does ibilities? societalexpectations? How respons communal with ambitions of reconciling individual OR RHAPSODY Question 5 (i) be not slave" in the poem Death, a as Death to refer of scheme Whydoes Donne place in the grand Death's about words, imply 100 - 150 Proud". What might this short paragraph of about a in answer your existence? Write details. incorporating the followingexternal forces. subservient to (a) Death is boundaries of mortality. (b) The soul's journey (i) POEMS surpasses the Beethoven's "Beethoven'" explain the effect of poem paragraph of about 100With reference to the short a in answer your [5] musicon the audience. Write following details. the incorporating armada. like an 150 words, invaded the ir nervous system music his how that shook the State crescendos (a) creating colide, to comets (b) His music caused constellations. (i) ramifications of "Tithonus" address the poem the does wish for immortality (a) Inwhat ways initial Tithonus's does human bubris and desire? How wanting to transcend natural human message about words. [10) reflect a cautionary in about 200 - 250 boundaries? Write your answer OR is subjected to a "Telephone Conversat ion,"the speaker (b) In the poem and dehumanizing questions. How does this reflect the Soyinka be suggesting abou! series of intrusive natureof)racis1m, and what might society? dehumanizing on both individuals and attitudes the Impact ofsuch

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