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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Euroschool Airoli, Mumbai) : Mid-term

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Arnavi Shah
Euroschool Airoli, Mumbai
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EuroSchool Discover Yourself HISTORY & CIVICS (H.C.G. Paper -1) Summative Assessment-I (Two hours) Grade: X Marks-80 Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. Youwill not be allowed to vvrite during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head ofthis Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attenapt all questions fronq Part I (Ccnnpulsoty). A total offive questionsare to be attempted Part Il, two out o/ three questions Section Aand three out offive questionsfrom Section B The intended Inarks'for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets [ ] PART 1 (30 Marks) Atlenqptall qtlestions Question I this Part. (16 marks) Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) i) How many members of the Rajya Sabha retire once every two years? a) one-sixth b) one-fourth c) two-third d) one-third Who determines the salaries and allowances of Members of Parliament and Ministers? a) President Parliament c) Finance Minister d) Comptroller and Auditor General iii) The process to remove the President from office in known as Impeachment. Which of the following statements correctly describes the same a. The impeachment process can be initiated only in the Lok Sabha b. A resolution has to be passed by a three-third majority of total membership of the House c. The Lok Sabha frames charges d. It can be introduced in case of violation of the Constitutionor grave misconduct Given below are details of a few Indian citizens iv) Candidate Q s Age Other details 20 Is not a citizen of India 25 Is a citizen of India 30 Holds an office of profit 35 Is not registered as a voter in any of the Parliatnentaryconstituencies Select the person who fulfills the eligibility criteria to become a member of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Indian Parliament. a) b) Q c) d) s In case there is a disagreement over an ordinary bill. Who will preside over v) the joint session of the Parliament? a) President b) Vice-President c) Ex-Officio Chairman Speaker vi) Identify the necessary conditions to promulgate an ordinance L: promulgated by the Prime Minister M. is a temporal)' law N: is promulgated when both the Houses of Parliament are not in session The President must be satisfied that circumstances make it necessary for hilli/her to take immediate action a) L and M b) N and O c) L and N d) M and O vii) Lok Sabha: Speaker:: Rajya Sabha: a) Auditor and Comptroller General b) Ex-Officio Chairman c) Lieutenant Governor d) Deputy Speaker vi ) Read the following statements given below about the Subsidiary Alliance and select the option that shows the correct relationship between (A) and (B). A. Subsidiary Alliance was introduced by Lord Wellesley B. Lord Wellesley wanted to improve administration in the provinces a) B contradicts A b) B is the reason for A is true but B is false d) A and B are independent of each other ix) The Government in a country named G has decided to enforce a law similar to the Rowlatt Act which was enacted by the British in colonial India in 1919 to curb the growing political upsurge in the country. Based on this informationwho among the following is most likely to negatively affected from the enforcement of the Law in country a) Its citizens b) law enforcement agencies c) d) Trade and commerce x) The Ali Brothers started the Khilafat Movement a) against the ill-treatment of the Sultan of Turkey b) in support of the separate electorates' c) in support to a call given by Gandhiji for Non-Cooperation d) against the British occupation of India xi) In memory of which incident was the monument given above constiucted? a) Simon Commission b) Jallianwala Bagh c) Chauri-Chaura d) Dandi March Who took up the initiative to start a separate political organization for the xii) Muslims in 1906? Salimullah b) Shaukat Ali c) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan d) Prince Agha Khan xiii) A reputed School in New Delhi is planning to go on a study trip, to Amritsar. As pan of this tour they will visit an important place where certain tragic events happened in 1919. Which place among the following are they referring to? a) Golden Temple b) Gobindgarh Fort c) Jallianwala Bagh d) The Partition Museum xiv) The Lucknow Pact did not lead to a) Hindu-Muslitll unity Govet-ntnent b) pressure on the c) unity within the Congress league d) dissolution of the Muslim of the Non-Cooperation milestone achieved the Which of the following was Movement? Muslims It stopped the injustice done to the b) Indian obtained political rights political pursuit c) The Hindus and Muslims came closer in d) It avenged Punjab atrocities a) xvi) March on 12 March Where did Mahatma Gandhi start his famous Salt 1930? a) Dandi b) Lahore c) Sabarmati d) Surat Question 2 i) (14 marks) Read the given news carefully Political reactions started pouring in as the UPA coordination committee on Tuesday approved creation of a separate state of Telangana by bifurcating Andhra Pradesh, informed sources in New Delhi. Source Hindustan July 30, 2013 P-rtqi&Qnt'S a) On whose recommendation can a bill for the formation of new states be introduced? I-low does a Bill become a Law? 121 lunagine you were part of the General Emergency imposed in India (1975).State under what circumstances the General Emergency can be proclaimed. [21 a poemt iii) Mention any two announcements made by the English East India Company officials which adversely affected the Mughal Dynasty in India. [21 State any two common social issues that Raja Ram Mohan Roy and iv) Jyotiba Phule worked for. [21 v) State any two objectives of the Muslim league. [21 vi) State any two causes of partition of Bengal. 121 vii) Mention two terms Gandhiji agreed to as per the Gandhi-Irwin Pact?121 PART 11(50 Marks) SECTION A- CIVICS (20 Marks) Attempt any typoquestions from this Section Question 3 Parliament today is not a law making body only; it has become a multi-functional institution. With reference to this, answer the following questions: i) Mention any three disciplinary functions of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. ii Describe three exclusive powers granted to the Lok Sabha. ii Mention four ways in which the Parliament exercises control over executive. 131 [31 [41 Question 4 The President is the I-leadof the State and the First citizen of the country. With reference to the President answer the following questions: i) State any three reasons for the indirect election of the President of India. [31 ii) Describe any three situations in which thc Prcgidcnt ugcg Discretionary powers. iii) State any Courlegislative powers of the President oc India, 141 Question 5 Article 63 stipulates that there slvall be a Vice-President of India. With reference to this answer the following questions i) ii) iii) State three qualifications to contest for the post of the Election of the VicePresident of India. 131 Describe the manner of election of the Vice President of India of India, 131 Mention four circumstances when Vice-President takes over the office of the President of India. (41 SECTION B - HISTORY (30 Marks) Attempt any three questions from this Section Question 6 The First War of Indian Independence- 1857 was the result of varied factors and it lead to a series of changes. With reference to this, answer the questions. ii) lii Discuss any three econonnic causes of the First War of po Independence. 131 Describe how the introduction of the Enfield rifles ignited the spirit of rebellion among the Indian sepoys. 131 Mention any four ways in which the army was reorganized after the First War of Independence, 1857 141 Question 7 One of the nnost distinguishing features of the second half of the 19thCentury was the birth of national awakening in India. With reference to national awakening answer the following questions: Namc the Viceroy of India ho acted catalyst for thc growthof nationalist tnoxcnnent In thc latc IS 70's. Mention two oc his rcprcssivc policies, Desenbc the tx leof in creating national awakening in the ninctccnth century Name two organisations that served as precursors to the Indian National Conynss. State any two imtnediate objectives of the Indian National 141 Congress. Question S Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow: India's independence struggle took offin 1857 with the 'Sepoy Mutiny' What started as revolt by the Indian soldiers and the ruling classes; it spread like wildfire across the country In different regions, several communities came together with one objective to make India an independent country that can make decisions for its own welfare. However everyone had different ideas for the same. Some decided to use their intellectual prowess to spread ideas about freedom and liberty. Most of them were imbibed the knowledge disseminated by western thinkers and philosophers and used it in the local context. A shining example of this was a man named Surendranath Bannerjee known as the Father of Indian Nationalism', his contributions as a teacher and a prolific politician are well documented and remembered. Source: Logical Indian Crew, 10 Novenaber 2021 i) iii) Who were the Early Nationalists? Discuss in brief their objectives. 131 State any three methods of stimggleof the Early Nationalists. Mention any two contributions of Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Dadabhai 141 Naoroji to Freedom struggle. Question 9 Look at the picture given and answer the following questions: i) a) Identify the leaders in the above picture. b) To which section of the Congress did they belong to? [l] c) What are these three leaders popularly known as? i) Discuss the reasons for the Surat Split. ii) Mention the four different methods of struggle adopted by this Section of the Congress. Coycor-c [3] Question 10 i) iii) Describe any two factors that led to the Civil Disobedience 131 Movement. State one reason why Gandhiji chose to protest against the Salt Laws. State any two programmes of the civil Disobedience Movement.131 141 State four impacts of the Civil Disobedience Movement.

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