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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2022 : Physics (The Frank Anthony Public School (FAPS), Bangalore)

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Aditya Chakraborti
The Frank Anthony Public School (FAPS), Bangalore
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The Frank Anthony Public School, Bangalore 08 Class: 9 Mid -term Examination, September - 2021 PHYSICS SCIENCE Paper 1 Marks: 80 Time: (2 hrs) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all the questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION I (4 10=40 Marks). Attempt all questions from this Section. Each question carries [ 2+2+2+2+2 =10 marks] QUESTION 1 [ 5 2=10] a) Distinguish between distance and displacement.Give two differences each. b) What are vector quantities? Give one example. c) Name two factors on which the force needed to stop a moving body in a given time depends. d) Define the term retardation.Give an example for a body having it. e) What are the other two physical quantities that can be found using a velocity time graph for a moving body? QUESTION 2 [ 5 2=10 ] a) The separation between two masses is reduced to half.Show how the magnitude of gravitational force between them is affected? b) Name the SI unit of heat and how is it related to the unit calorie? c) i) 1 micron = . m ; ii) 1 nano second = s. d) Compare the time periods of two pendulums of lengths 1m and 9m. e) Define temperature and write its SI unit. QUESTION 3 [ 5 2=10 ] a) (i) Define the least count of an instrument. (ii) What is the least count of a standard laboratory micrometer screw gauge? b) State two differences between mass and weight. c) A body, initially at rest starts moving with a constant acceleration 2ms-2..Calculate the : (i) velocity acquired and ( ii) the distance travelled in 5s. d) When a shot is fired from a gun, the gun gets recoiled. Explain. e) Define the terms i) frequency ii) amplitude as related to a simple pendulum. Question 4 [ 5 2=10 ] a) Define i) uniform velocity and ii) uniform acceleration. b) i) Name the factor on which inertia of a body depends and ii) state how does it depend on the factor stated above. c) State any two uses of vernier callipers. d) Write the average value of g on the surface of earth. How is g and G related? e) Name any two non-renewable sources of energy. SECTION II (4 10=40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section. Each question carries 10 mark s (3+3+ 4). Question 5 a) Give reasons: [3+3+ 4] i ) You prefer to land on sand instead of hard floor while taking a high jump. ii) After alighting from a moving bus, one has to run for some distance in the direction of bus in order to avoid falling. iii) Crops get destroyed during winter nights in cold countries. b) (i) State the universal law of gravitation. (ii) Express it in a mathematical form. (Explain the symbols used.) (iii) State the value of universal gravitation constant in S.I. unit. c) The following table represents the distance of a car at different instants in a fixed direction. Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Distance (m) 0 10 20 30 40 50 i) Draw the displacement time graph .ii) Using the graph find whether the car is moving with uniform velocity.Also, from the graph, find iii) velocity iv) displacement of the car at t= 2.5 s. Question 6 [3+3+ 4] a) The wave length of light of a particular colour is 5800 . Express it in i) nanometre ii) metre iii) micrometre. b) i) State Newton s second law of motion and ii) write its mathematical form. iii) State conditions, if any, for this law to hold good? c) How are the following derived units related to the fundamental units? i) newton ii) joule iii) pascal iv) watt Question 7 [3+3+ 4] a) Using the following velocity time graph of a body answer the following questions. i) What is the time interval during which the body is moving with retardation? ii) What is the acceleration between the time interval between 5s to 7s? iii) When the body is said to have uniform acceleration? b) A body falls freely under gravity from rest and reaches the ground in time t. Write the three equations for its motion. c) A ball of mass 10 g is moving with a velocity of 50 m/s.On applying a constant force on ball for 2s, it acquires a velocity of 70 m/s.Calculate: i) Initial momentum of the ball ii) iii) iv) Final momentum of ball Rate of change of momentum The acceleration of the ball. Question 8 [ 3+3+ 4] a) i ) What do you mean by anomalous expansion of water? ii) At what temperature is density of water maximum ? iii) Write its value at that temperature. b) Explain the terms: i) pitch ii) least count and iii) zero error of a screw gauge. c) i) State two disadvatages of using nuclear energy for producing electricity.ii) What is meant by energy degradation? Question 9 [3+3+ 4] a) A body of mass 10 kg is taken from earth to moon. If the value of g on earth is 9.8 ms-2 and on the moon is 1.6 ms-2, find i) Weight of the body on earth ii) The mass and iii) weight of the body on moon. b) If a stone and a pencil are dropped simultaneously in vacuum from the top of a tower.i) Which of the two will reach the ground first? ii) Why? iii) What is the acceleration on them called as? c) i) Name two factors on which time period of a simple pendulum does not depend.ii) What is a second s pendulum? iii) What is the numerical value of the frequency of oscillation of a second s pendulum? Question 10 [3+3+ 4] a) Name the physical quantities which are measured in the following units: i) amu ii) light year iii) radian. b) i) Give an example of the motion of a body moving with a constant speed, but with a variable velocity.ii) Draw a diagram to represent such a motion.iii) When is the instantaneous speed of a body same as its average speed? c) A particle starts to move in a straight line from a point with velocity 10 ms-1 and acceleration ( -2 ms-2) .Find the displacement and velocity of the particle at i) t = 5s ii) t = 10s.

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