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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2024 : Physics

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Indu Sharma
Ryan International School (RIS) ICSE, Chembur, Mumbai
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. . R. I. C. S. E. 0IH SECOND AS SESS MENT 2017-2 ST D. : IX SUB. : PIIYSICS --- ... ;.; ..; ..- =- =- ~ ,. , [ M NM ] MAIH<S: 80 I , : 2 II ns . - - - - - - -_JT I M ..: ..: ... .:~ ~- --- ---- - - SECT ION - A 140 Ma rks J Attempt all qucstion .11 Question I. ssure and define it? ~ W~at is the S.l . unit of pre se pressure. li>1 W nte two wa ys to dec rea ,c) Sta te Pa sca l's La w de th 1ck er at th e bottom. Why? 'd1"'The. wa ll of .the . da ~ is ma . -~ h' W nte the prmc1ple of Hydrau1 1c mac me . 'trJ ~u es ti on II. 12] 12] _y,y ".'f f2j f2J f2 j [2] liquid differ? ~ and id sol the by d rte exe re ssu pre b How does the. [2] ce multiplier? for a as s act ine ch ma c uli dra ~W hy Hy [ ] . ple 2 nci pri it's te Sta r? ete 'e'J W ha t is an altim [2] itudes? alt h hig at k lea n pe in nta fou W hy do es the SI unit of the red in torr? How is it related to asu me is tity an qu ( ] l ica ~s t_p ha ;.CpYW 2 y. qu an tit 4 '1 V\ Question III . . aY St ate Archimedes Principle. nefine Upthrust and state it's S.I. unit. [2] [21 w does the density of water Ho C. g de 10 to gC de O m for d 4W at er is heate change with Temperature? ve density of a substance? ati rel m ter the by d an rst de un u -.df What do y~ 3 3 is it's relative density? m kg 0 x1 7.8 is n iro of ity ns ~T he de .flu es tio n IV. it related to the unit calorie? ...a!f' Na me SI unit of heat and ho w is . JJ) i~ h ing. eat on t ac ntr co ich wh s ce tan bs su Na me tw o L ics. State second law of thermodynam (21 (21 (21 , Std. IX IC'Sl'. -2- MN M 1 . [2 value. ~ At wh at tem per atu re ti le. <l c ns1ty ot wa ter 1:-. 111 ux imu111 ? Sta te it' s ~ expect ed nd of wa ter has it 's top lay e r dur in g win ter . Sta te the De ep Po . Ju st .111 con tac t with ice (ii) at the bot tom of th e tem per atu re of wa. t ct. . I ~iy cr (1) l21 pond. \40 Ma rks \ SE CT IO N - B An sw er any 4 question s /- ; uestion V. f3) l pay it? \ a) What is Carbon tax? Who wil f31 . life on earth? on t pac im the is b) Wh at is at wh and ing rm Global wa house gases. [41 en gre ee thr me Na ? ect eff use Ho c) What do you mean by Green / Question VI. ng of solar panels. a) Write the disadvantages of usi h between heat and temperature. b) n 1st mgu1s e and non-renewable energy c) Di sti ng uis h between renewabl [31 [31 [4) Question VII. ensions 50 cm x 50 cm x 50cm dim its th wi ter wa on ng ati flo is a) A blo ck of wo od ke ant force acting on the blo ck . Ta ins ide water. Calculate the buoy 2 (31 3 . s m/ 9.8 = g and /m kg 00 10 de nsi ty of wa ter - ~ Q-\Rl! 3 3 ty of iron is ~ 0 kg/m , find nsi de the If . air in gf .5 44 ~ iro b) A piece of [31 . ter wa in d rse me im en wh the weight of iron piece . ter. The volume of wood is wa on ats flo kg 24 ss ma of od wo of c) A block 3 low the surface of water (ii) the be ck blo of e lum vo the (i) d Fin . m 0.032 3 [41 ). /m kg 00 10 = ter wa of sity en (D density of wood. Question VIII. ined in vesse~ a) A buoy is held inside water conta forces that ~ ~ of the vessel. Name the three ce acts. state the direction in which each for ing it with a thread to the the buoy in equilibrium and [ I" w qg ICSE Std. IX IL - 3- MNM Physics b) A balloon filled with hydrogen rises to a certain height and then stops rising [3] further. Explain why? c) A body of volume V and density p is kept completely immersed in a liquid of density PL If g is acceleration due to gravity, write the expression for the following: [4] / the weight of the body. ~i . / ~e upthrust of the body. \ ~;the apl?~ent weight of the body in liquid.iv. the loss of weight of the body. t . ___ ,.,. ''Question IX. a) Write three uses of hydraulic press. [3] b) What force is applied on a piston of area of cross section 2cm2 to obtain a force of 150N on ~e piston of area of cross section 12cm2 in a hydraulic machine? [3] c) Write four advantages of using mercury as a barometric liquid. [4] Question X. a) Illustrate with the help of a labelled diagram of a si~ple barometer that the atmospheric press1Jre at a 1)lace is 76cm of Hg. [31 5 2 b} At sea level the atmospheric pressure is l.04x10 Pa. A ssuming g=l0m/s and 3 density of air to be uniform and equal to 1.3 kg/m Find the height of the [31 atmosphere. c) Write the weather forecast by the use of barometer. ***** [41

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