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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Geography (Infant Jesus Anglo - Indian Higher Secondary School (IJHSS), Kollam)

3 pages, 88 questions, 27 questions with responses, 27 total responses,    0    0
Adhithyan Js
Good Shepherd Public School & Junior College, Thengana, Changanasserry
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STD: X FIRST TERM EXAMINATION September 2016 Geography Time: 2hrs Marks: 80 Part I (30 marks) Attempt all questions from this part Question1. Study the extract of the survey of the India Map Sheet 45D/7 and answer the following questions: a) Give the six figure grid reference for: [2] (i) Surveyed tree 219 north east of Pirojpura settlement. (ii) Triangulated height 364 in the southern part of the map extract. b) What is the direction of flow of Banas river? Give one evidence for your answer. [2] c) What do you understand by: [2] (i) 12r in the grid square 9878. (ii) 180 in the grid square 9182. d) Calculate the area in kilometre of the region between 93 and 99 eastings and 76 and 81 northings. [2] e) (i) What is the compass direction of settlement Juvol from settlement Arnivada. (ii) Give the difference in altitude between the highest point on the map to the altitude of Moti Bhatamal. [2] f) Name the feature depicted by: [2] (i) Blue line in Balaram Nadi. (ii) Brown patch in grid square 9678. g) Name the drainage pattern in: [2] (i) grid square 9782. (ii) grid square 9478. h) What do you infer about the climate of the region by the information provided on the map. Give an evidence to support your answer. [2] i) Name two manmade and two natural features in 9580. [2] j) What do the following depict: [2] (i) Black vertical line running along 93 easting. (ii) RS near Chitrasani settlement. Question2. On the outline map of India provided: a) Draw, name and number the Standard Meridian of India. [1] b) Label the river Yamuna. [1] c) Shade and name the Gulf of Khambhat. [1] d) Mark and name the Karakoram Range. [1] e) Mark and name the Nathu-La Pass. [1] f) Mark with a dot and name Vishakhapatnam. [1] g) Mark with arrows, name South West Monsoon winds over the Bay of Bengal. [1] h) Print S on the iron mines in Singhbhum. [1] i) Mark and label Mumbai High. [1] j) Mark and name Lake Chilka. [1] Part II (50 marks) Attempt any five questions from this part. Question3. a) Name the different seasons in India stating the months when they are experienced. [2] b) (i) Why is the range of temperature more at Agra than at Mumbai. (ii) Name a region in India which receives rainfall both in summer and winter. (iii) Name the local wind that bring light rainfall to South India and is good for tea and coffee crops. [3] c) State the benefits that are derived from the local winds that blow in summer in the following states: [2] (i) Kerala. (ii) West Bengal. d) Mention a geographical reason for each of the following: [3] (i) Western Rajasthan receive no rain from the Arabian sea branch of the South West Monsoon Winds. (ii) Even in summer Shimla is cooler than Delhi. (iii) The Ganga Plain gets the monsoon rain much later than the west coast of India. Question4. a) (i) How is black soil formed. (ii) Name one cash crop for which black soil is most suited. [2] b) (i) Name the transported soil most widely found in India. (ii) How is this soil formed? [2] c) (i) Name the soil found on the summits of Eastern Ghats. (ii) How is this soil formed? (iii) Why is this soil not suitable for cultivation? [3] d) (i) What is meant by soil erosion. (ii) How is it caused? (iii) Give two methods adopted by the government to conserve soil. [3] Question5. a) (i) What is the name given to the natural vegetation found on the coastal strips of the Ganga Delta. Name the typical tree found in this region. (ii) What is the most commercially important vegetation belt in India? In what rainfall range is it located. [2] b) Distinguish between agro forestry and social forestry. [2] c) (i) Why are the forests grown around the cities having the Iron and Steel Industries? (ii) State the characteristic feature of Tropical Evergreen forests. (iii) Name an important tree of Tropical Evergreen forest. State its uses. [3] d) (i) Give two characteristic features of vegetation found in tropical deserts. (ii) Name a tree of desert vegetation. State its uses. [3] Question6. a) (i) State two reasons why tank irrigation is important in India. (ii) State any two favourable conditions necessary for digging wells. [2] b) (i) Why are perennial canals more useful than inundation canals. (ii) Name one state where canal irrigation is popular. [2] c) (i) State one advantage of tank irrigation. Where is it commonly practised in India. (ii) What is a tube well? Why is it useful during drought conditions? (iii) How is new method like sprinkler method useful for the farmers. [3] d) (i) What is rain water harvesting. (ii) State the objectives of rain water harvesting. (iii) Name two states which practice rain water harvesting in India. [3] Question7. a) (i) Why is manganese an important raw material for iron and steel industry. (ii) Name one iron ore field in Orissa. [2] b) (i) Name the best quality of iron ore which has magnetic property. (ii) Name an important coal field located in West Bengal. [2] c) (i) State any one important use of bauxite as a raw material. (ii) Name one state where bauxite is found. (iii) Name an industry which uses limestone as a raw material. [3] d) (i) Mention two main uses of petroleum. (ii) Name one new and old oilfield in India. [3] Question 8. a) How has poverty and fragmentation of land become problems of agriculture of India. [2] b) Distinguish between intensive commercial farming and Extensive commercial farming. [2] c) (i) Explain two important characteristics of plantation farming. (ii) Name one important plantation crop. [3] d) (i) What do you mean by Jhumming. (ii) Where is Jhumming practised? (iii) Why is Jhumming forbidden? [3] Question 9. a) Explain briefly the meaning of the following terms: [3] (i) Composting. (ii) Segregation. (iii) Incineration. b) (i) What is acid rain. What are its affects. (ii) Why is acid rain often called Lake killers. [2] c) What was the cause of the following: [3] (i) The Bhopal Tragedy. (ii) The Minamata disease. (iii) The Chernobyl disaster. d) (i) What is understood by biodegradable waste. (ii) Name one solid and gaseous waste. [2] ***********************

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