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ICSE Class X Notes 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) Practice Questions DRAMA, POETRY & PROSE

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Aayush Patel
St. John's Universal School, Mumbai
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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal s C.N.M. SCHOOL & N.D. PAREKH PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL ENGLISH LITERATURE QUESTION BANK STD: X (2017-18) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: DRAMA 1. Bassanio: Go father, with thy son, take leave of thy old master, and inquire my lodging out . 1. Who is the father and son that Bassanio talks to? What gift had the father brought to give him? What does Bassanio ask his servants to do immediately after the given extract? 2. Who is the old master? What proverb does the son mention? What does it mean? How according to the son is the proverb parted between the old master and the speaker in the extract? 3. How does the old master react when the son takes his leave? What does the old master mean by borrowed purse ? What is his intention? 4. What does this old master tell his daughter to do? Why does he say so? Does the daughter obey him? What does she say just after he leaves? 2. Shylock: Let not the sound of shallow foppery Enter my sober house i. ii. iii. iv. v. Who has invited Shylock to supper? State two reasons that show that Shylock was hesitant to accept the invitation earlier? Why does Shylock finally decide to accept? Who is referred to as The Prodigal Christian ? Why? What directions were given to Jessica? What does Launcelot whisper to Jessica as he leaves? Highlight four aspects of Shylock s character with the help of examples. 3. Portia: To these injunctions everyone doth swear That come to hazard for my worthless self. a) Where are Portia and Arragon? What had brought them together? What does hazard mean? Why does she use the word hazard ? b) What does Arragon mean by So I have address d me ? What does he wish? How does he show his dislike for the lead casket? c) How does he explain the meaning of the words on the silver casket? Why does he call it a good one? d) How does Arragon interpret the word many men inscribed on the gold casket? e) How does Arragon leave? What does Portia say after he departs? 4. Lorenzo: That is the voice or I am much deceived, of Portia. a) What birds are mentioned by Portia before Lorenzo recognises her? What comparison does she make about her voice? b) What does she say in connection to the various birds she mentions? c) What information does Lorenzo give to Portia? What instructions does Portia send to her servants? d) How does Bassanio explain the circumstances under which he parted with the ring? 6. I reason d with a Frenchman yesterday, Who told me, in the narrow seas that part? The French and the English, there miscarried, A vessel of our country richly fraught. i) Who is the speaker? What was his worry? What advice did the listener give him? ii) Why had Shylock rais d the duke ? Explain the two meanings of rais d the duke . What name does the listener use when he refers to Shylock? iii) Where did Shylock take the duke? What happened there? What information did he get there? iv)Explain in detail Shylock s reaction when he learnt that his daughter had eloped. v) How does the speaker describe the parting scene between Antonio and Bassanio? 12. Madam, although I speak it in your presence, You have a noble and a true conceit Of god-like amity; which appears most strongly? In bearing thus the absence of your lord. i) What does the speaker mean by the phrase, Of god like amity ? When would Portia be proud of her charity, according to the speaker? ii) Where are Portia and the speaker? Why does Portia feel that she is too near to praising herself? iii) Later, what instructions does Portia give Balthazar? iv)What aspect of Portia s nature is revealed in this scene? v) How does Portia plan to behave and speak when she is disguised as a young man? SECTION B- POETRY. 1. What would my wife be thinking of her man so strong and grown, If she could see me sitting here, too weak to stand alone? Could my mother have imagined, as she held me to her breast, That I d be sitting here one day with this pain in my chest? (i)What does his wife usually think of him? How do you know? (ii)Throw light on his present condition. (iii)Describe briefly what had happened last night. (iv)Is he really aware of his fatal wound? How can you say so? (v)What is the message the poet wishes to convey? 2. I am going out rarely now and then. This is price of old age i. What is the sign of good status for the professor? ii. What does the professor say about his third son? Explain how he describes him. iii. How old was the Professor? How many grand children did he have? What does the word issues in the poem mean? What is it that the speaker is not against? What does he say about his daughters? iv. State three aspects from the poem that comment on the urban Indian way of life. v. Mention any two questions that the professor asks the student. According to the professor, what is the price of old age ? Name the poet. 3. I was still naked but I felt no shame, This thought disturbed me somewhat, till I came Upon a soldier, standing silently i) What had happened to the speaker? Why was he not ashamed of being naked? ii) What does the soldier symbolize? How does the soldier offer help to the narrator? iii) How is the morning described in the beginning of the poem? What had startled the speaker then? What thoughts came into his mind? iv)Why did the speaker decide to go to the hospital? Why was he unable to do so? v) Enumerate and explain the appearance of the people as seen by the narrator. 4. For these things in themselves, Beloved may Be changed, or change for thee, - and love, so wrought, May be unwrought so. i) What is meant by and love, so wrought, May be unwrought so. ? ii) Explain the line Thine own dear pity s wiping my cheeks dry? Identify the literary device used in the line. iii) What are the reasons for the poet s fear and insecurity? iv) When does one get a sense of Pleasant ease ? What does Pleasant ease mean? Why does the poet not want such pleasant ease ? v) What sort of love does the poet want? 5. Where words come out from the depth of truth, Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection, Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way, Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit. 1. What does the poet mean by tireless striving ? What does the poet want his countrymen to achieve? 2. What is meant by reason? What is reason compared to and why? 3. Explain the line Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit? 4. Who is referred to as thee in the poem? In what way is this poem a prayer? 5. Name and explain the literary devices in the second and third line of the extract. 6. I believe I can claw into the earth s belly Pick up the priceless gems And adorn myself with them I believe I can do many things Amidst the human angels Surrounded by the world s treasures. 1. What is meant by the earth s belly? What is its importance? What is the poetess intention? 2. What are the many things that the poetess believes she can do? 3. Where does the poetess believe she can do many things? Why? 4. Who are human angels? Why does the speaker call them so? 5. What lesson does one get by the poetess intentions? 7.Art is long, and Time is fleeting And our hearts, though stout and brave .. 1. Name the poem. Do you consider the title of the poem apt? Justify. 2. According to the poet when is the soul said to be dead? How does the poet refute the lines life is but an empty dream ? 3. Why does the poet say that the grave is not the goal of life? 4. Explain Art is long, and Time is fleeting . What is the poetic device used in the lines given? 5. What is a bivouac of life? Why is life compared to a bivouac? What do the lives of great men teach us? 8. But I firmly believe I complete the role assigned to me a) Why does the poetess say she firmly believes instead of I believe? b) Who is I in the above reference? What will be the result of throwing the pebble? What is the symbolic meaning of throwing the pebble upwards? c) Explain with examples what does the poem portray about the characteristic traits of the Speaker? d) What does the speaker mean by touch the silky clouds and feel the stars? With whom does the poet want to swim? What does right into the depths mean? e) Explain: i) Where I dream and breathe ii) Pick up the priceless gems and adorn myself with them Additional questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name the poet. What does the he want to do by throwing a pebble up wards? Like whom does the poet want to soar? What are the actions that the poet believes he can do? Which dangerous activity does the poet want to do in the water? Where will he find gems? What will he do with them? Whom does human angels refer to? Give an example of metaphor from the poem. What message does the poet convey? 9. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high a) What is meant by the above lines? Whose mind is the poet talking about? Which place is the Speaker referring to by the word Where ? b) What does the poet mean by knowledge is free ? What were the restrictions imposed on the spread of knowledge and with what effect? c) What according to the poet breaks up the world into fragments? What is the poet s intention of writing this? How can this world be stopped from breaking up? d) What does the poet mean by tireless striving ? What does the poet want his country to achieve by striving? What has the poet to say about the depth of truth in the poem? e) Give the qualities required to be able to attain the heaven of freedom? 10. The morning stretched calm, beautiful, and warm. Sprawling half clad, I gazed out at the form of shimmering leaves and shadows. Suddenly A strong flash then another, startled me. I saw the old stone lantern brightly lit. (i) What does the poet conclude the flashes to be? What was he doing just before the flashes occurred? (ii)Describe the scene immediately after this extract? (iii) What was the weird experience he had? Why did he think it weird? What was the real reason? (iv)Describe the condition of his wife. What was her name? (v)Later in the poem the doctor asks his wife to go ahead. Why? What were his feelings after she had gone? 11. Whose woods these are I think I know His house is in the village though. i. Why has the traveller stopped by the woods? What does the farmhouse symbolise? ii. What does the horse find unusual? What does the horse symbolize? iii. Bring out the symbolism of the line The woods are lovely, dark and deep . iv. What is the deeper meaning of the lines And miles to go before I sleep, Miles to go before I sleep . Additional questions 1. Where is the poem set? 2. Which line in the poem shows the poet knew the owner of the woods? Why can the owner of the woods not see the poet? 3. What does he want to watch in the woods? 4. How does the horse react to the poet s stopping? 5. Which two sounds are mentioned in the poem? 6. How does the poet describe the woods? 7. Why can the poet not wait or long in the woods? 8. Give an example of repetition from the poem. 9. Explain how the poet s journey in the poem can be compared to the journey of life? 10. Justify the silence depicted in the poem. SECTION C- PROSE. 1. No praise was now too high for Alagu and his sense of fairness and justice. This is the true panchayat. Alagu has divided truth from falsehood as a swan separates milk from water. Friendship has its place in life, but it cannot override truth and justice. It is only honest men like Alagu who sustain the earth, or it would have sunk under the ocean long ago. (i)Describe briefly why the panchayat was called. (ii) Why was it that no praise was too high for Alagu? (iii)What was the verdict passed by Alagu? (iv) Explain the statement It is only honest men like Alagu who sustain the earth . (v) With reference to the end of the story, how was Jumman convinced that the panch speaks the voice of God. 2. Stopping her game abruptly Mini ran to the window which overlooked the main road, and began calling out at the top of her voice, Kabuliwala, O Kabuliwala! i) How old was Mini? What aspect of Mini s mature does the narrator talk about in the beginning of the Prose lesson? ii) What game was Mini playing before running to the window? Describe the Kabuliwala. iii) Describe the first meeting between Mini and the Kabuliawala. iv)Why was the Kabuliwala being escorted by two policemen? What question did Mini ask him then? v) Describe the memorabilia of his daughter that the Kabuliwala carried with him? What was its effect on the narrator? 3. She has one chance-let us say, ten, "he said and shook down the mercury in his clinical thermometer. And that chance is for her to live. i. ii. How has the author personified Pneumonia and its actions? She has one chance-let us say, ten. And that chance is for her to live. What is evident about Johnsy s condition from these lines? Explain. Mention two words that describes her state of mind. iii. iv. v. What was the patient s most passionate wish? Why was she counting the leaves backward? Who was Behrman? How did he earn his living? What important role did Behrman play in the story? 4. He guessed that something was wrong and used the public announcement system to tell people to go out from a different exit. 1. Name the person making the announcements. Where was he and why? 2. What did he hear and see? How did this person show exemplary courage? 3. Why did Kabeer wish to be selfless like Sandra Samuel? 4. Who was Muhammed Taufeeq Sheikh? How had he helped the people during the 2008 attacks? 5. What role did Karambir Singh Kang play during the terrorists attack on Mumbai? Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow 1. Bassanio: Go father, with thy son, take leave of thy old master, and inquire my lodging out . 1.Who is the father and son that Bassanio talks to? What gift had the father brought to give him? What does Bassanio ask his servants to do immediately after the given extract? 2. Who is the old master? What proverb does the son mention? What does it mean? How according to the son is the proverb parted between the old master and the speaker in the extract? 3.How does the old master react when the son takes his leave? What does the old master mean by borrowed purse ? What is his intention? 4.What does this old master tell his daughter to do? Why does he say so? Does the daughter obey him? What does she say just after he leaves? 2. Shylock: Let not the sound of shallow foppery Enter my sober house 1. Who has invited Shylock to supper? State two reasons that show that Shylock was hesitant to accept the invitation earlier? 2. Why does Shylock finally decide to accept? Who is referred to as The Prodigal Christian ? Why? 3. What directions were given to Jessica? 4. What does Launcelot whisper to Jessica as he leaves? 5. Highlight four aspects of Shylock s character with the help of examples. 3. Portia: To these injunctions everyone doth swear That come to hazard for my worthless self. 1. Where are Portia and Arragon? What had brought them together? What does hazard mean? Why does she use the word hazard ? 2. What does Arragon mean by So I have address d me ? What does he wish? How does he show his dislike for the lead casket? 3. How does he explain the meaning of the words on the silver casket? Why does he call it a good one? 4. How does Arragon interpret the word many men inscribed on the gold casket? 5. How does Arragon leave? What does Portia say after he departs? 4. Lorenzo: That is the voice or I am much deceived, of Portia. 1. What birds are mentioned by Portia before Lorenzo recognises her? What comparison does she make about her voice? 2. What does she say in connection to the various birds she mentions? 3. What information does Lorenzo give to Portia? What instructions does Portia send to her servants? 4. How does Bassanio explain the circumstances under which he parted with the ring? 6. I reason d with a Frenchman yesterday, Who told me, in the narrow seas that part? The French and the English, there miscarried, A vessel of our country richly fraught. 1. Who is the speaker? What was his worry? What advice did the listener give him? 2. Why had Shylock rais d the duke ? Explain the two meanings of rais d the duke . 3. What name does the listener use when he refers to Shylock? 4. Where did Shylock take the duke? What happened there? What information did he get there? 5. Explain in detail Shylock s reaction when he learnt that his daughter had eloped. 6. How does the speaker describe the parting scene between Antonio and Bassanio? 12. Madam, although I speak it in your presence, You have a noble and a true conceit Of god-like amity; which appears most strongly? In bearing thus the absence of your lord. 1. What does the speaker mean by the phrase, Of god like amity ? When would Portia be proud of her charity, according to the speaker? Where are Portia and the speaker? Why does Portia feel that she is too near to praising herself? 2. Later, what instructions does Portia give Balthazar? 3. What aspect of Portia s nature is revealed in this scene? 4. How does Portia plan to behave and speak when she is disguised as a young man? SECTION B- POETRY. 1. What would my wife be thinking of her man so strong and grown, If she could see me sitting here, too weak to stand alone? Could my mother have imagined, as she held me to her breast, That I d be sitting here one day with this pain in my chest? 1. What does his wife usually think of him? How do you know? 2. Throw light on his present condition. 3. Describe briefly what had happened last night. 4. Is he really aware of his fatal wound? How can you say so? 5.What is the message the poet wishes to convey? 2. I am going out rarely now and then. This is price of old age i. What is the sign of good status for the professor? ii. What does the professor say about his third son? Explain how he describes him. iii. How old was the Professor? How many grand children did he have? What does the word issues in the poem mean? What is it that the speaker is not against? What does he say about his daughters? iv. State three aspects from the poem that comment on the urban Indian way of life. v. Mention any two questions that the professor asks the student. According to the professor, what is the price of old age ? Name the poet. 4. I was still naked but I felt no shame, This thought disturbed me somewhat, till I came Upon a soldier, standing silently 1. What had happened to the speaker? Why was he not ashamed of being naked? 2. What does the soldier symbolize? How does the soldier offer help to the narrator? 3. How is the morning described in the beginning of the poem? What had startled the speaker then? What thoughts came into his mind? 4. Why did the speaker decide to go to the hospital? Why was he unable to do so? 5. Enumerate and explain the appearance of the people as seen by the narrator. 4. For these things in themselves, Beloved may Be changed, or change for thee, - and love, so wrought, May be unwrought so. 1. What is meant by and love, so wrought, May be unwrought so. ? 2. Explain the line Thine own dear pity s wiping my cheeks dry? Identify the literary device used in the line. 3. What are the reasons for the poet s fear and insecurity? 4. When does one get a sense of Pleasant ease ? What does Pleasant ease mean? Why does the poet not want such pleasant ease ? 5. What sort of love does the poet want? 5. Where words come out from the depth of truth, Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection, Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way, Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit. 1. What does the poet mean by tireless striving ? What does the poet want his countrymen to achieve? 2. What is meant by reason? What is reason compared to and why? 3. Explain the line Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit? 4. Who is referred to as thee in the poem? In what way is this poem a prayer? 5. Name and explain the literary devices in the second and third line of the extract. 6. I believe I can claw into the earth s belly Pick up the priceless gems And adorn myself with them I believe I can do many things Amidst the human angels Surrounded by the world s treasures. 1. What is meant by the earth s belly? What is its importance? What is the poetess intention? 2. What are the many things that the poetess believes she can do? 3. Where does the poetess believe she can do many things? Why? 4. Who are human angels? Why does the speaker call them so? 5. What lesson does one get by the poetess intentions? 7.Art is long, and Time is fleeting And our hearts, though stout and brave .. 1. Name the poem. Do you consider the title of the poem apt? Justify. 2. According to the poet when is the soul said to be dead? How does the poet refute the lines life is but an empty dream ? 3. Why does the poet say that the grave is not the goal of life? 4. Explain Art is long, and Time is fleeting . What is the poetic device used in the lines given? 5. What is a bivouac of life? Why is life compared to a bivouac? What do the lives of great men teach us? 8. But I firmly believe I complete the role assigned to me 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Why does the poetess say she firmly believes instead of I believe? Who is I in the above reference? What will be the result of throwing the pebble? What is the symbolic meaning of throwing the pebble upwards? Explain with examples what does the poem portray about the characteristic traits of the Speaker? What does the speaker mean by touch the silky clouds and feel the stars? With whom does the poet want to swim? What does right into the depths mean? Explain: i) Where I dream and breathe ii) Pick up the priceless gems and adorn myself with them 9. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high 1. What is meant by the above lines? Whose mind is the poet talking about? Which place is the Speaker referring to by the word Where ? 2. What does the poet mean by knowledge is free ? What were the restrictions imposed on the spread of knowledge and with what effect? 3. What according to the poet breaks up the world into fragments? What is the poet s intention of writing this? How can this world be stopped from breaking up? 4. What does the poet mean by tireless striving ? What does the poet want his country to achieve by striving? What has the poet to say about the depth of truth in the poem? 5. Give the qualities required to be able to attain the heaven of freedom? 10. The morning stretched calm, beautiful, and warm. Sprawling half clad, I gazed out at the form of shimmering leaves and shadows. Suddenly A strong flash then another, startled me. I saw the old stone lantern brightly lit. 1. What does the poet conclude the flashes to be? What was he doing just before the flashes occurred? 2. Describe the scene immediately after this extract? 3. What was the weird experience he had? Why did he think it weird? What was the real reason? 4. Describe the condition of his wife. What was her name? 5. Later in the poem the doctor asks his wife to go ahead. Why? What were his feelings after she had gone? 11. Whose woods these are I think I know His house is in the village though. 1. 2. 3. 4. Why has the traveller stopped by the woods? What does the farmhouse symbolise? What does the horse find unusual? What does the horse symbolize? Bring out the symbolism of the line The woods are lovely, dark and deep . What is the deeper meaning of the lines And miles to go before I sleep, Miles to go before I sleep . 5. Elaborate on the message conveyed through the poem. SECTION C- PROSE. 1. No praise was now too high for Alagu and his sense of fairness and justice. This is the true panchayat. Alagu has divided truth from falsehood as a swan separates milk from water. Friendship has its place in life, but it cannot override truth and justice. It is only honest men like Alagu who sustain the earth, or it would have sunk under the ocean long ago. 1. 2. 3. 4. Describe briefly why the panchayat was called. Why was it that no praise was too high for Alagu? What was the verdict passed by Alagu? Explain the statement It is only honest men like Alagu who sustain the earth . 5. With reference to the end of the story, how was Jumman convinced that the panch speaks the voice of God ? 2. Stopping her game abruptly Mini ran to the window which overlooked the main road, and began calling out at the top of her voice, Kabuliwala, O Kabuliwala! 1. How old was Mini? What aspect of Mini s mature does the narrator talk about in the beginning of the Prose lesson? 2. What game was Mini playing before running to the window? Describe the Kabuliwala. 3. Describe the first meeting between Mini and the Kabuliawala. 4. Why was the Kabuliwala being escorted by two policemen? What question did Mini ask him then? 5. Describe the memorabilia of his daughter that the Kabuliwala carried with him? What was its effect on the narrator? 3. She has one chance-let us say, ten, "he said and shook down the mercury in his clinical thermometer. And that chance is for her to live. 1. How has the author personified Pneumonia and its actions? 2. She has one chance-let us say, ten. And that chance is for her to live .What is evident about Johnsy s condition from these lines? Explain. Mention two words that describes her state of mind. 3. What was the patient s most passionate wish? Why was she counting the leaves backward? 4. Who was Behrman? How did he earn his living? 5. What important role did Behrman play in the story? 4. He guessed that something was wrong and used the public announcement system to tell people to go out from a different exit. 1. Name the person making the announcements. Where was he and why? 2. What did he hear and see? How did this person show exemplary courage? 3. Why did Kabeer wish to be selfless like Sandra Samuel? 4. Who was Muhammed Taufeeq Sheikh? How had he helped the people during the 2008 attacks? 5. What role did Karambir Singh Kang play during the terrorists attack on Mumbai? SAMPLE QUESTIONS 2018 Question 1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Shylock : [Aside] How like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian; But more , for that in low simplicity He lends out money gratis and brings down The rate of usance here with us in Venice. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Where does this scene take place? Who is the fawning publican ? Who is the third person present here? Explain fawning publican .Why did Shylock hate him? Why have the other two men come to Shylock? Why could not the fawning publican resolve the matter without coming to Shylock? Write any three ways in which the fawning publican had ill-treated Shylock. [3] [3] [3] [3] Question 2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Bassanio : Sweet Portia, If you did know to whom I gave the ring, If you did know for whom I gave the ring, And would conceive for what I gave the ring, And how unwillingly I left the ring, When naught would be accepted but the ring, You would abate the strength of your displeasure (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) What was the importance of the ring in the relationship between Portia and Bassanio? Name the other couple for whom the ring created much trouble? To whom and for whom had Bassanio given the ring? For what had he given the ring? What were the three reasons stated by Portia that would have prevented Bassanio from parting with the ring? A little later, Lorenzo says, Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way of starved people . Give the meaning of manna . What was the manna dropped by the fair ladies in the way of starved people ? State any two qualities of Portia, giving relevant examples. [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] Question 7. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: As a result of the panchayat s verdict, the strong roots of the tree of friendship which Jumman and Alagu had planted toget now sorely shaken. The two were seldom seen together. A single blast of truth had loosened their friendship. It fell like a tr roots instead of going deep into the solid earth, were loosely held in sand. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Why had the Panchayat been called for? What was the Panchayat s verdict? How did the villagers react to the Panchayat s verdict? What effect did the verdict have on Jumman? Narrate the circumstances under which the second Panchayat met. What verdict did Jumman pronounce? Was his verdict fair? How did Jumman carry out his responsibility as the head-panch ? What effect did Jumman s verdict have on his relationship with Alagu? What did Jumman realise? Question 8. With close reference to Journey by Night written by Norah Burke,give an account of the dangers and difficulties that Sher Singh faced while making the trip to the hospital. [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] [16]

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Additional Info : ICSE Class X Notes 2020 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) Practice Questions DRAMA, POETRY & PROSE ICSE Notes 2018 : Practice Questions 1
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