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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Physics (St. Xaviers Collegiate School (SXCS), Kolkata)

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Aarush Ekghara
St. Xavier's Collegiate School (SXCS), Kolkata
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ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGIATE SCHO0L, 30 MOTHER TERESASARANI, KOLKATA-16 Class:X FIRST SEMESTERBLOCK TEST Date:16/08/2024 PHYSICS Full Marks: 80 Duration: Two hours (40 MARKS) SECTION-A |Compulsory Sectionl |15x1=15| Question l Choose thecorrect option. moment of force is: a distance of 60 cm from the pivot. The applied at is 20N of force a and pivoted iv. 120 Nem Abody is iii. 12 Nm a. ii. 1200 Ncm i. 12 Nem b produced by the prism does not depend an equilateral prism. The deviation A ray of light suffers refraction through on the: iii. Material of prism i. Angle of incidence i. Colour of light iv. Size of prism lens. The distance of an object is positioned in front of a converging c. A magnified erect image is obtained when the object from the lens would be: i. iii. Between one and two focal lengths Equal to one focal length iv. Less than one focal length ii. Equal to twice the focai length d. One of the common property of electromagnetic radiations is: i. All of them are deflected by clectric and magnetic fields ii. None of them are deflected by electric and magnetic fields ii. Allof them are deflected by electric fields but none by magnetic fields iv. A!ll of them are deflected by magnetic fields but none by electric fields e. For the given cooling curve, the latent heat is released in which stages: i. CD and FG f. ii. DE and EF ii. EF and FG iv. DE and FG Adevice based on the conversion of light energy to electrical energy is: ii. Motor iv. Camera ii. Photocell i. Dynamo . The resistance that must be connected to a 15 Q resistor to produce an effective resistance of 62 is: ii. 62 i. 92 ii. 1092 iv. 7Q iii. +10D iv. - 10D h. The power of a convex lens of focal length 10cm is: i. i. -1D i. Two biocks P and 1D of different metals have their masses in the ratio of 3:2 are given same amount of heat.Their temperature rises by same amount. The ratio of their specific heat capacities are: i. 3:2 ii. 9:4 ii. 2:3 iv. I:27 j. Of the three connecting wires in a household circuit which two wires are at the same potential: i. carth and neutral i. Live and neutrai wire i. neutral and fuse iv. earth and fuse k. The critical angle for glass-air is 45 for yelow coiour. Which of the following colour of light will have critical angle more than 450. i. Blue ii. Green iii. Indigo iv. Red . Inside a current carrying solenoid the i. magnetic lines of force are: Circular and do not intersect ii. Along the axis of the solenoid and are parallel to each other ii. Perpendicular to the axis of the solenoid iv. None of these m. The power rating of an electrical appliance is 200W-220V. If this appliance is connected to a l0V power supply, then the power consumption will be: i. 50W n. ii. 100W iii. 150W jy. Remains the same Awire of length 80 cm has resistance 3.55), The length of a similar wire of resistance 10.52 is: i. 120 cm 0. The ii. 160 cm terminal voltage of a cell in an open circuit condition ii. 180 cm iv. 240 cm is: i. Less than EMF ii. More than EMF ii. Equal to EMF iv. Depends on the internal resistance of the cell Question 2 i. What is the internal resistance of a cell? How does it depend on (a) surface area of electrodes (b) distance between the electrodes? i. State one similarity and one dissimilarity between X rays and y rays. ii. Atype of single pulley is very often used as a machine even though it does not give any gain in mechanical advantage. a. Name the type of pulley in question b. For what purpose is such a pulley used? 0v. List two advantages of connecting household appliances in parallel. v. How much boiling water at 100 Cis needed to melt 2kg of ice so that the mixture which vi. The diagram shows a coil wound around a U shaped soft iron bar AB.: all water is at 0 C? a. What is the polarity induced at the end A and B when the switch is closed? b. Suggest one way to strengthen the magnetic field in the electromagnet. vii. A ray of light is passing from one transparent medium to another having a different refractive index a. Name the quantity which does not remain constant in the above case. b. Under what condition without suffering deviation? in the above case the ray will enter other medium [3+2+2+2+2+2+2] Question3 i. A transformer is used to change a low alternating EMF to a high alternating EMF of same frequency. a. ldentify the transformer used for the above case. b. State whether the turns ratio of the above transformer is =1, <lor >1. ii. Calculate the resuitant moment of forces A and B about the point A. (Refer to the figure beiow) [2] (2| ii. Define radioactivity, How is the radioactivity affected if the substance is oxidized? 2 iv. Two resistors Rl and R2 are connected first in series and then in parallel. Show the equivalent resistance in each case in the same V-I graph. [21 (21 v. Grve reason: Drinks get cooled more quickly by adding pieces of ice than ice-cold water. SECTION-B |40 MARKS] Answer any four questions Question 4 i. Auniform metre rule is pivoted at 65 cm mark. The ruler is kept balanced when a load of 36 gf is hung at 90 em mark. a. Draw the diagram for this arrangement. b. Calculate the weight of the metre rule. ii. Apiece of ice of mass 90 gis dropped into 360 gof water at 60 C. Calculate the final temperature of water after allthe ice has melted. (Specific latent heat of fusion of ice-336J/g: Specific heat capacity of water =4200J/kg C] ii. a. Awater pump raises 600 kg of water through avertical height of 10 min Iminute. Calculate the power of the electric pump. [Takeg9.8mis] b. Give two points of difference between noise and musical note. (3+3+4] Question 5 i. The angle of incidence is 45 and angle of refraction is 60 for a rectangular transparent glass block, when a ray emerges into air from it. Calculate: a. the refractive index of the slab. b. the magnitude of angle of emergence. ii. A pulley system has a velocity ratio of 4 and an efficiency of 90%. Calculate: a. the MA of the machine b. The effort required to raise a load of 720N by the system. iii. a. What do you understand by a non-Ohmic conductor? Draw a graph for such a conductor. b. A convex lens of R.I. 1.5 is immersed in a liquid of R.I. 1.5. Comment on the optical behavior of this lens (3+3+4] liquid system. Question6 i. State the purpose for which the following rules are used: a. Right hand thunb rule. b. Fleming's left hand rule. c. Fleming's right hand rule. ii. An electric geyser is rated 1500W, 250Vis connected to a 250V line mains. Find the following: a. Current drawn by it. b. The energy consumed by it in 50 hours. c. The cost of energy consumed if each unit costs Rs. 6.00 iii. Three resistors of 3 , 1.52 and 12 are connected in parallel. The combination of the above resistors is connected in series to a resistance of 8.0S2 and then to a battery of EMF 4.5V. If the internal resistance of the cell is negligible then: a. Drawa neat circuit diagram b. Calculate the current in the main circuit. c. The p.d. across 8.0 2 resistor d. The current flowing through the 32 resistor. (3+3+4] Question7 tor 20 minutes toa 42resistance wIre current supplies which a power source, water-4200J/kg"C| [Specific heat capacity of a 20 C. by water of g 400 Fulcrum (F) in a bottle opener and and Effort(E) and raises the temperature of Load(L), of relative positions l. Calculate the p.d. at the ends of lever and ii. a. State the class of itdirectly? inclined plane as compared to lifting an over load a lift to needed b. Why is less effort of the medium? convex is it related to refractive index will you differentiate between a iii. a. Define critical angle. How how paper this Using paper. piece of (3+3+4| b. You areprovided with a printed sugar tong. and a concave lens. The first after short sharp shout. He hears 2 echoes. a gjves cliffs large two between I. Aman standing in a valley sound is 340m/s. Calculate: Is and the next after 1.5s. The speed of Question 8 from each cliff. a. The distance of the man b. The distance between the cliffs. your observations: ii. Refer to the diagram below and describe the direction of the arrow. a. when the magnet is rapidly moved in b. The magnet isstopped within the coil. c. The magnet is pulled out rapidly. O0000 40:1, of number of turns in primary is to secondary coil is iii. a. A transformer lowers EMF from 240V. If the ratio findthe EMF produced in the secondary coil. b. Write two precautions in handling radioactive substances. (3+3+4] Question 9 i. Give three characteristics of image formed by concave lens. from 30 Cto 80 C. What mass of steamat 100 C when ii. It is required to raise the temperature of 8.4 kg of water increase? (Specific heat capacity of passed through this mass of water will bring about this amount of temperature water=4.2J/g C, Specific latent heat of vaporization of waterr 2268J/g] ofA is doubled while that ofB is halved. ii. a. For two given bodies A and B having equal masses, the velocity Find the ratio of their new kinetic energies. b. Why are danger signs coloured in red? |3+3+4|

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