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ICSE Class IX Sample / Model Paper 2021 : Physics : Saint Lawrence School, Tentoloi

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Anil Kumar Dash
Saint Lawrence School (SLS), Tentoloi, Balaramprasad, Angul
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Date-26.02.2021 SAINT LAWRENCE SCHOOL ANNUAL EXAM., 2020-2021 CLASS 9, PHYSICS TIME-2 hours F.M.-80 SECTION A(Answer all questions) Q.1.a) Write the S.I. unit of the following physical quantities: Temperature, Electric charge, Solid angle, Luminous intensity. b) What is a Seconds pendulum? Calculate its frequency of oscillation. c) What is instantaneous speed? Suggest a device that measures this speed. d) State the Newton s law of motion that: (i) gives the qualitative definition of force, (ii) specifies a property of force. e) A body of mass 500 g is resting on a frictionless table. Calculate the acceleration produced in the body when acted upon by a force of 0.01 N. [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] Q.2.a) Calculate the height of a water column which will exert on its base the same pressure as the 70 cm column of mercury. [Take Density of mercury = 13600 kg m-3 and Density of water = 1000 kg m-3.] [2] b) What is buoyant force? Compare the buoyant force experienced by a body, completely immersed in water, when it is present at a depth of 10 cm and 20 cm from the free surface of water. [2] c) State the principle of floatation and name two devices based on this principle. [2] d) A body floats just below the surface of a liquid. What will be your observation, if the liquid is heated (below its boiling point)? Explain your answer. [2] e) What do you mean by anomalous expansion of water? [1] State its important role in nature (explanation not required). [1] Q.3.a) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image of a point object by a plane mirror. [2] b) Give two differences between concave mirror and convex mirror. [2] c) A parallel beam of light incident parallel to the principal axis of a spherical mirror, after reflection, it converges to a point on the principal axis which is situated at a distance of 7.5 cm from its pole. Name : (i) this point and (ii) its distance from the pole. Also find the radius of curvature of the mirror. [2] d) Calculate the speed of sound in dry and still air at 25 oC. [2] e) What do you mean by Ultrasound? Give its two applications. [2] Q.4.a) Define: (i) Electric current, (ii) Electric Potential. [2] b) State Ohm s law. [1] c) State and define the S.I. unit of : (i) Electric current, (ii) Resistance. [3] d) In transferring 1.5 C charge through a metallic wire 9 J of work is needed. Find the potential difference across the ends of the wire. [2] e) What special feature does a magnetic substance have that makes it a temporary magnet on coming in contact with a permanent magnet? [1] f) State two factors on which the strength of the induced magnetism depends. [1] SECTION B (Answer any four questions) Q.5.a) Express the following derived units in M.K.S. system: (i)newton, (ii) joule, (iii) pascal. b) What will happen to a pendulum clock if it is taken to the moon? Explain your answer. c) A body when projected up goes to a height h and returns back to the point of projection in time t. Find: (i) its average speed and (ii) average velocity. d) A cricket ball of mass 100 g moving at a speed of 30 ms -1 is brought to rest by a player in 0.03 s. Find the resistive force applied by the player. Q.6.a) Write two differences between Speed and velocity. b) Give two examples each of : (i) contact forces, (ii) non-contact forces. c) Define the S.I. unit of force and derive its relationship with the C.G.S. unit of force. [3] [2] [2] [3] [2] [2] [3]

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