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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Science

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Sourav Kaushik
D A V Public School, Pundri
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Code No. cnts;f. 31/1/1 Candidates must write the Code No. IIIII on the title page of the answer-book. fcmlm .q wsr 1:R : =:s= : neck that this question paper contains 8 printed pages. C : .5= :::.nnber given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the _ _:;: ?age of the answer-book by the candidate. ?:ecse check that this question paper contains 27 questions. ?:ease write down the serial number of the question before attempting it. . : 5 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. the student will read the question will not write any answer on the answer script during this petiod. paper only t t t e e e e -11;{ -ij ctt 3ffi 'Chl. 111J: cots 10.15 1:R .cnW Chi 1:R fu'@ I 'ChT fu'@ I .10.30 enG 'B fffisRT cnT m;r cnT SCIENCE (Theory) Time allowed: hours} f.:rW!t=r ffirll : 2 FJUZJ 1... [Maximum marks: 60 [ .Jicn: 60 lllstructions : (i) The question paper comprises oftwo sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections. (ii) All questions are compulsory. (iii) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in all the three questions offive marks category. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted. [ P.T.O. (iv) A ll questions ofSection A and all questions ofSection B .a re to be attempted separately. (v) Questions number 1 to 6 in Section A and 17 to 19 in Section Bare short answer type questions. These questions carry one mark each. (vi) Questions number 7 to 10 in Section A and 20 to 24 in Section B are short answer type questions and carry two marks each. (vii) Questions number 11 to 14 in Section A and 25 and 26 in Section B are also short answer type questions and carry three marks each. (viii) Questions number 15 and 16 in Section A and question number 27 in Section B are long answer type questions and carry five marks each. f/14/rl.l (i) >lHf (ii) (iii) rf! cn1 TT;T 'J.TTTT '# W 1FlT t I ;mr:rcnt 'if;if qrrjf ffRsR gI q;r rrr 'i:fGR qrrff, 'J.TTTT 31 TflTT 'i:fGR >ITFT ;rtf t I t w;g >lHf '# 3Wl 3icif fiR JTHf '# '4Tott 'i:fGR cn1 iftnft (iv) ;mr:rcnt '1PT 31 Jik 'J.TTTT tr4t JTHf ffll (v) '1PT 31 (vi) "fi&rr 1 6 'J.TTTT -3Tf<qp: 'C/7: m d"&rT 17 'J.TTTT 19 "3ffif 'J.TTTT 31 d"&rT 7 it :dcif 10 JW 'J.TTTT d"&rT 20 24 it- gl (vii) 'J.TTTT 31 d"&rT 11 fiR :dcif (viii) 'J.TTTT 31 14 'J.TTTT w g, d"&rT 15 JW 16 WeT :dcif :3/n: '3ffif W 'J.TTTT "fi&rr 25 3ft< 2 6 CfiT d"&rT 2 7 CfiT fiR- WeT- gI SECTION A 'q'TTT 1. Balance the following chemical' equation : Pb(N0 3 h (s) R&;1kff{9(1 heat Pb(N0 3 )z(s) 31 / 1/1 3t PbO(s)+N_0 2 (g)+0 2 (g) ("ll{lCf){OJ -Cfl) figR:Id -ij R1R94 : PbO(s)+N0 2 (g)+0 2 (g) 2 2. Fresh milk has a pH of 6. When it changes into curd (yogurt) will its pH , alue increase or decrease ? Why ? CfiT pH l:fR 6 %1 GR \lfR 1R pH l1R m e$rr ? cp;ij ? 3. Name a reducing agent that may be used to obtain manganese from manganese dioxide. 4. Why does a ray oflight bend when it travels from one medium into another? CFIT 5. 1 'ffift %? Draw the given diagram in your answer book and complete it for the path of ray of light beyond the lens. 1 I I 2F I 2F F C!1T F ::!R"<tctir ir Cfi<: "ffi:r 1ffi mur cfiT I 2F 6. I 2F Why does sky look blue on a clear day ? 7. I F F K.r ir 3Wfim ;fiffi CFIT 1 %? A compound which is prepared from gypsum has the property of hardening when mixed with a proper quantity of water. Identify the compound. Write the chemical equation for its preparation. For what purpose is it used in hospitals ? 8. %I 31f4dl<1l (a) 2 cp:rr ir % ? fcR:f f.miur fcrfu CfiT U("II4RCfi w:t'iCfi(OI What is the colour offerrous sulphate crystals? How does this colour change after heating ? 31/ 111 3 [P.T.O. (b) Name the products formed on strongly heating fen ous sulphate ctystals. 2 What type of chemical reaction occurs in this change ? m (Cfi) m\1fRfT qftc:nf"i m ('&) 9. i5n&:<.11 fcf>B m cf,1 ? lf4 <m '11( fcf>B m CfiT ? qft:C4d"i m<n h&:ctl CfiT lf4 'Cfi8 >rrn 1 m<tt ? What is the minimum number of rays required for locating the image f01med by a concave minor for an object. Draw a ray diagram to show the f01mation of a vittual 2 image by a concave minor. fcfiBT IDU SlRIRikl CflT m<ft ? 1J;Cfi 1J;Cfi fcgur 34'fug @f:q Cfi{ R@ I fcf;cr;:ft 10. cf,1 341 C4 f.:tmfuf <m GCfoT IDU 31N"Rft Cfid I 5l Rt Rl kl CfiT A piece of wire of resistance 20 .Q is drawn out so that its length is increased to twice its original length. Calculate the resistance of the wire in the new situation. 20 Q <m: 11. <m: "CfiT &l"C!Cfi{ <ft '3B CfiT qft:h<:'H What is meant by 'rusting'? With labelled diagrams describe an activity to find out . the conditions under which iron rusts. CfiT -qm 12. Oil4ifcfla wrR 3 tit51lldl CfiT quf;:J Give reasons for the following observations : 3 (a) The element carbon f01ms a vety large number of compounds. (b) Air holes of a gas burner have to be adjusted when the heated vessels get blackened by the flame. (c) Use of synth etic detergents causes pollution of water. RtoiR-If@d (Cf>) (TT) 'B ('&) 3 1/111 2 '11( CfiRUT cf,1 '&R1 34441'lfcN : 3lfuCfi G R ffi mfm er.lU imG 'B 4 't5) \1fRfT 13. \Vhat is hypermetropia? State the two causes of hypermetropia. With the help of ray rnagrams, show : (i) the eye-defect hypermetropia . (ii) correction of hypermetropia by using a lens CfliT R-tfu!Q\1 CfiRUT (i) 14. ? "ffi:r wWT IDU (ii) Cf)J Two resistors, with resistances 5 .Q and 10 .Q respectively are to be connected to a battery of emf 6 V so as to obtain : (i) minimum current flowing (ii) maximum current flowing (a) How will you connect the resistances in each case ? (b) Calculate the strength of the total current in the circuit in the two cases. m s n 3fu: 1o n >rRmq (i) mu a2ff (ii) v cfiT : tfm (en) ('&) 15. . en) 'Q\Cfi 6 3 (a) fu'Q: 31111 it en) lfR Cf)J >TcnR ? Which two 'criteria did Mendeleev use to classify the elements in his periodic table? (b) State Mendeleev's periodic law. (c) Why could no fixed position be given to hydrogen in Mendeleev's periodic table ? (d) How and why does the atomic size vary as you go : (i) from left to right along a period ? 5 (ii) down a ,group ? OR (a) Why did Mendeleev have gaps in his periodic table ? (b) State any three limitations ofMendeleev's classification. (c) How does electronic configurations of atoms change in a period with increase 5 in atomic number ? (en) q IqGo:sl cnT 311F1T<:rT ? ('&) 4.-:%8191 31/1/ 1 31lVfi BRUfT qJff<:fi{OJ fuQ\ 'fefn G) f.:r:n:r Cf)J 5 [ P.T.O. \511 "BCnT ? (ll) (er) .q fcnB )fCfiR 3lTCl<f -ij -B t qf\CIJ.:i 311CfiR (i) 3W : ? 9. (Cfi) 3llCffi qlffCfl(OI 3lTCl<f -ij (-rr) -ij ftm ? Rif@C(I 'R fci;:<Q It! -q fcnB )fCfiR 16. (a) What is a magnetic field? How can the direction of magnetic field lines at a placed be determined ? State the rule for the direction ofthe magnetic field produced arOtmd a current (b) 10. canying conductor. Draw a sketch of the pattern of field lines due to a current flowing through a straight conductqr. OR (a) What is a solenoid? Draw a sketch of the pattern of field lines of the magnetic field through and around a current carrying solenoid. 11. Consider a circular loop ofwire lying in the plane ofthe table. Let the current (b) pass through the loop clockwise. Apply the right hand rule to find out the direction of the magnetic field inside and outside the loop. (Cfi) CR:fT ? 'R oo3:ft fcnB )fCfiR fe8rr \511 'B'CfiOT ? 1.2. ("&) 3ffi 3W @3:ft Cf?r 'Cf)@f CfiT -qcrr 31fusr (Cfi) ("&) -:qffi -ij -qm 3ffi OR ( 31 /1/ 1 qfFIIRiCfll ('8lRi'"fl;q:s) CR:IT ? 4R-=t1Ricfll oo3:ft CfiT ICflR -qm CfiT fcRm: m 6 1:@1fi:1;t l1T'"f -qm -ij Cf?r 'ffi1l 1 SECTIONB 'q'fTT G:f wm 44lcHOI M CFn CfiT ? Wn Name two tissues that 20. What will happen to a plant if its xylem 1s removed? 18. 19. 1 What are the two main components of our environment? 17. CfiT <Fn 1 1?rn ? control and coordination in multicellular animals. -ij <rm Bl4;(;l4 <:fi8 ";fTl1 1 f0f@l;l What are natural resources ? State two factors that work against an equitable disttibution of these resources. 2 ? mntB1 B11R fcrcRuT Cfi17l Cfi ft ? 21. What is water harvesting? Mention any two water harvesting structures. 2 22. What are 'nastic' and 'curvature ' movements? Give one example of each. 2 23. What is biogas ? Why is biogas considered an ideal fuel for domestic use ? 2 24. (a) Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. (b) Choose the renewable sources of energy from the following list : 2 Coal, biogas, sun, natural gas (<;ti) (&) RIOO"''f0fulol .q ch't41:11, 25. <rm mm .q mm q:;) 46.c11Rl; : f0f@l; I fro Explain analogous organs and homologous organs. Identify the analogous and homologous organs amongst the following : 3 Wings of an insect, wings of a bat, forelimbs of frog, forelimbs of a human. 3 1/ 111 7 [ P.T.O. --Pl'""lRif@ffi .:Wncfil 26. fcR:ft cfilz llRCf Explain the tenns : (a) (ii) placenta (i) implantation What is the average duration of human pregnancy? (b) ("c:n) Pl'""lRif@a 3 : 27. 'ql0ll11G'9 w-rmn cfiT 3ftmf fcRr-ft tmfi t ? ("&) llRCf (a) Draw a diagram of human alimentary canal and label on it : Oesophagus, Gallbladder, Liver and Pancreas. Explain the statement, ' Bile does not contain any enzyme but it is (b) 5 essential for digestion.' OR Draw a diagram of excretory system in human beings (a) label on it : Aorta, vena cava, urinary bladder, urethra. List two vital functions of the kidney. (b) (Cfi) :m 1:R Pl'""lfflf@a CfiT "''l"lifcha ("&) 5 tl" (Cfi) ("&) GT :m1:R Plqfflf@a "''l'"iifcha l=fRCf 3R"!'lf.:i Rifuil( I 31 1 1 8

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