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ICSE Notes 2017 : Geography climate give reasons

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Kabir Nasir
Hiranandani Foundation School (HFS), Thane
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INDIA CLIMATE STD 9 GIVE REASONS FOR THE FOLLOWING:a)Punjab /Haryana/ Kashmir get Winter Rain. A)They get winter rainfall from the Westerly Depression (Temperate Cyclones) originating in the Mediterranean Sea I Atlantic Ocean, as they lie in the temperate zone and are therefore in the pathway of these depression. b)Shillong /Dispur / Guwahati get less than 200 cm of rainfall annually, whereas Cherrapunji / Mawsynrarn which is nearby gets over 1250 cm of rainfall annually. A)Cherrapunji/ Mawsynram lies on the windward side of the Khasi hills and receives rainfall from the 'V.W. Monsoon Bay of Bengal 'branch while Shillong / Dispur / Guwahati lie on the leeward side of the Khasi hills and so they receive less rainfall being in the Rain Shadow area. c)The Coromandel Coast / Andhra Pradesh /Orissa / Tamil Nadu coasts have more rainy- months, but less rainfall than the Konkan Coast I Malabar Coast / Kanara / Coastal Maharashtra ( Karnataka State / Goa I Kerala. A)This because the Coromandel Coast is on the East Coast of India and receives little rain from the South West Monsoon winds in summer as it is on the leeward side. It also receives rain from the retreating monsoons. In addition to this it also receives rain from the North East Monsoons in winter, but the total amount of rain received is comparatively less as these winds are less forceful and carry less water. The Konkan coast is on the West side of India and receives rain from the South West Monsoon (winds) Arabian Sea branch and this branch is very forceful as the sea mass over which it blows is much larger. The total volume of the Arabian Sea current is probably 3 times more than the Bay of Bengal branch. d)In spite of the Aravalli hills, many parts of Rajasthan, Western Rajasthan /Bikaner / Jaisalmer / Jodhpur /Pokaran do not receive much rainfall. A)This is because the Aravallis lie parallel to the South West monsoon Arabian Sea branch. For this reason the winds by pass this region and no rain is shed as there are no mountain ranges that lie transversely across. More over this region is also on the leeward side or in the Rain shadow area /region when the South West Monsoon Bay of Bengal branch blows. e)' Rainfall decreases as one travels up the Ganga valley. ' A)The S.W. Monsoon Bay of Bengal branch deflects when it comes in contact with the Garo, and Jaintia hills in Assam moving up the Ganga Valley. The rain decreases as it is shed while following the line of the mountains. 1 f)Kanyakumari, Bombay, Goa, Cochin, Trivandrum, Mangalore, Vishakapatnam,Haldia, Calcutta, Madras, Pondicherry, Panaji, Kandla, Kakinada have an equal climate. . A)They have an equable climate because they are situated close to or along the hence the influence of the sea has an effect on the temperature. The diurnal range of temperature is less hence it has a moderate or maritime climate. Therefore the annual range in temperature is low. g)Madras / Vishakapatnam gets heavier rainfall than hyderabad / Secunderabad / Bangalore / Mysore. A)Madras / Vishakapatnam are situated on the East Coast while . Hyderabad / Secunderabad / Bangalore / Mysore are in the interior. During the winter months when the North East monsoons blow, they pick up moisture from the Bay of Bengal and hence gives Vishakapatnam, Madras heavier rain as they are on the Windward side of the Eastern Ghats while Hyderabad / Secunderabad / Bangalore / Mysore are on the Leeward side or in the Rain shadow region of the Eastern Ghats and therefore receive less rain. h)Cherrapunji or Mawsynram has very heavy rainfall. A)Cherrapunji or Mawsynram is on the Windward side of the Khasi hills. It receives rain from the South West Monsoon Bay of Bengal Branch as it is in the Pathway of these winds. Hence because of the high hills it receives heavy relief rain. i)Bombay, Goa, Panaji, Mangalore, Cochin, Thiruvananthapuram receive more rainfall than Pune, Sholapur, Nagpur, Amravathi, Aurangabad.: A)Because Bombay, Goa, Panaji, Mangalore, Cochin, Thiruvananthapuram lie on the Windward side of the Western Ghats while Pune, Sholapur, Nagpur, Amravathi, Aurangabad lie on the Leeward side or in the Rain Shadow region and hence when the SouthWest Monsoon Arabian Sea Branch blows, they receive heavy rain while Pune, Sholapur, Nagpur, Amravathi, Aurangabad lie in the Rain Shadow area and receive less rainfall. j)The rains in Delhi / Agra / Allahabad /Chandigarh / Amritsar / Ludhiana (any place in North India) begin much later than they do in Trivandrum, Cochin, Goa, Mangalore (any place in South India). A)Delhi is situated towards the North of India north of 231/2 N while Trivandrum (all places in South India) is situated in the South of India. The winds that bring rain are the South West Monsoon Arabian Sea Branch. These winds blow from the South West and hence Trivandrum being towards the South will receive heavy rain first. (Also the rain over much of Uttar Pradesh comes from the Bay of Bengal current which has to first move up the Ganga valley. k) Kanyakumari is the first to 'receive the South West Monsoon winds and the last to see it retreat. A) Kanyakumari is at the Southernmost tip of India. The winds that bring rain are the South West Monsoons, and since they corne from this direction Kanyakumari is in the pathway of these winds. 2 l)Cherrapunji or Mawsynram receives heavier rainfall than Shillong. (Also refer to ans. (b). A)This is because when the South West Monsoon Bay of Bengal blows Cherrapunji Mawsynram lies on the windward side of the Khasi hills while Shiliong lies on the Leeward or Rain Shadow area of the same hills hence receives less rain whileCherrapunji/Mawsynrarn receives the full impact of wind so it gets more rain. (See ans. (d) m)The Thar Desert (Western Rajasthan, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Pokaran) has scanty rainfall. A)The above mentioned places have scanty rainfall as the Aravallis are parallel to the wind (S.W. Monsoon Arabian Sea Branch) and there are no transverse ranges to check or block the path of these winds. Hence these winds bypass this area and so there is no rain. This area is in the Rain Shadow / Leeward side when the S.W. M. Bay of Bengal Branch blows in this region. n)Lucknow, (Kanpur, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Delhi, Agra, Indore) have a greater range in temperature than Thiruvananthapuram (Cochin, Madras, Goa, Mangalore, Pondicherry). (Also refer to Ans. (f). A)Lucknow has a greater range in temperature than Thiruvanthapuran because Lucknow is situated in the interior of the country and hence experience continentally while Thiruvanthapuram is along the 'coast so it experiences the moderating influence of the sea therefore it has maritime climate. Lucknow is further from the equator while Thirvananthapuram is closer to the equator. As we go further away from the equator the Range in Temperature is more. o)The snow that falls in winter on the south facing slopes of the Himalayas melt more quickly than that on the North facing slopes of the Himalayas. A)This is because the Himalayas are in the Northern Hemisphere and has an East to West Alignment. In the Northern Hemisphere the South facing slopes receive the sun's rays at a steeper angle hence this side is warm, as a result the snow melts. The North facing slopes receive indirect rays and hence it is colder and the snow will take a longer time to melt here. p)Nainital (Ooty, Mussoorie, Shimla, Ranchi, Mahabieshwar,. Srinagar, Darjeeling, Shillong, Dalhousie.Panchmarhi) are situated on a higher altitude than Agra (Delhi, Nagpur, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mysore, coimbatore, Baroda, Ahmedabad) A)This is because Nainital (Ooty, Mussoorie, Shimla, Ranchi, Mahableshwar, Srinagar, Darjeeling, Shillong, Dalhousie, Panchmarhi) are situated on a higher altitude than Agra (Delhi, Nagpur, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mysore, Coimbatore, Baroda, Ahmedabad), so the higher you go the cooler it gets because for every 1 km. (1000 rn) of ascent there is a drop of temperature by 6 C. Nanital is colder because it is further away from the equator and hence receives only indirect rays which are less intense and hence colder. Agra is closer to the equator and hence receives the more direct rays and hence is warmer. 3 q)Most of the rainfall of the. Indian Sub continent is received only in four months of the year. A)This is because during the summer months May and June, the sun is drawing towards the Tropic of Cancer and a low pressure develops in the Thar Desert, so this draws the south West Monsoons towards India. The S.W. Monsoon winds pass over an extensive oceanic area where steady evaporation has been taking place for some months. They enter the Indian seas at the end of May. The current then divides due to the topography of south India and Sri Lanka and advance into India giving rains to the entire region. They are onshore winds and the entire country receives rain during the months of June -- September. After September the LP moves (with the overhead sun) to the southern tropic - so India has HP. In winter we have the N.E. monsoons, they are offshore and bring hardly any rainfall. Only the Coromandel Coast (East coast of India) receives rain from this Monsoon. r)Punjab has three sources of rain. A)Punjab receives rain from the S.W.M. Arabian Sea Branch. It also receives rain from the S.W.M. Bay of Bengal Branch. In winter it receives rain from the Westerly depression coming in from the Mediterranean Sea. t)Tamil Nadu (Madras, Coromande1 Coast, Coastal A.P.) receives winter rain. A)In Tamil Nadu the North East Monsoon winds set in over the Bay of Bengal in October, and meets with the damp winds of the retreating summer monsoons. These current curves around the Bay of Bengal and blows directly on to Tamil Nadu giving it the wettest and the most disturbed weather of the whole year. u)Hill Stations in the South never experience snowfall even when the temperature falls to O C. A)The Hill Stations in the South (Nilgiris, Kodaikanal, Ooty) never experience snowfall although the temperatures fall to O C. This is because all these places lie in the Tropical Zone hence they are close to the Equator and hence the snowline (the line of perpetual snow) lies at a higher altitude at about 5000 m. above mean sea level. These hills are not so high (about 2800 m. approximately). Moreover, as these places are close to the Equator they receive the more direct rays of the sun, so the land is sufficiently heated and doesn't allow snowfall. v)There is a very high diurnal range in temperature in the Thar Desert (Any place in Rajasthan - Jaipur, Jodhpur, Jaisalmar, Bikaner, Udaipur). There is a great diurnal range in the above mentioned places because in these regions: There is no vegetation to block off the incoming solar isolation. No cloud cover to check solar radiation by day and ground radiation by night. The nature of the soil in these regions is either rocky or sandy and both types of soils are not water retentive, they heat quickly and cool quickly. Thus they increase the day temperatures and decrease the night temperatures. These places are far away from the influence of the sea coast so they' experience continentally hence the diurnal range in temperature is great. 4 w)People in Hill stations in the Himalayas will have their house built on the South facing slopes (Nainital, Shimla, Mussoorie, Darjeeling). A)The houses will be on the south facing slopes because the Himalayas have an East West alignment and are in the Northern Hemisphere. The south facing slopes will get the more direct rays (vertical rays) hence they are warmer, while the northern slopes will get the slanting rays hence they are colder. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 1.Describe two ways in which the Himalayas affect the climate of India. A)The Himalayas have an East to West Alignment so when the rain bearing South West Monsoon blow these mountain ranges act as a barrier and the rain bearing winds are forced to rise thereby becoming cool and therefore causing them to shed their moisture . giving relief rain to the country (Indo Gangetic Plain) . It also protects the Indo Gangetic plain from the cold winds which blow from Central Asia and Tibet during the winter. Thus the winters are not as cold as they would have been. 2)Name the winds that provide Relief rainfall to :a)Trivandrum coast,Northern Sircar Coast (A.P. Coast). Ans. S.W. Monsoon Arabian Sea Branch in summer. North East Monsoon in winter b)the Konkan coast, Malabar coast, Kanara coast, Coastal Maharashtra, Karnataka State, KeraIa and Goa. Ans. The south West Monsoon Arabian Sea Branch. 3.Describe the climatic conditions that prevail in India during the period of the retreating monsoons. Ans. With the migration of the sun towards the southern hemisphere. 1.Gradually a high pressure centre begins to build up over the land mass. 2.There is a gradual weakening of the monsoon and 3.The monsoon begins to withdraw as it gets weaker over the land. 4.During this period (Oct. - Nov.) the skies are clear. 5.There is low humidity. . 6.The weather becomes fresh and pleasant in the North. 7.While the air becomes almost stagnant in the Deccan. 8.The retreating monsoon brings much rain to coastal AP,O,TN: This is caused because of the variation of heat and moisture, hence we experience cyclones in this area. 9.Hence strong winds and torrential winds are experienced along the East coast of India. 4.Where do the monsoon winds that affect India, originate? A)The S.W. Monsoon winds originate as S.B. Trades from the H.P. centers over the Southern Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. 5.Name the town in India which receives the heaviest rainfall. A) Cherrapunji 1126 cm. / Mawsynram. (Meghalaya, Khasi Hills). 5 6a. Name the states that receive rain in January and February. Ans. Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Kashmir Tamil Nadu, Parts of A.P. and Kerala 6b. Name the source of rainfall. Ans. Westerly depression (Temperate cyclones) from the Mediterranean Sea (North Atlantic Ocean). North East Monsoon winds. 7.Name a region in India that receivesa)Orographical or Relief Rain A)Konkan coast, Canara coast, Malabar coast, West coast of India (Western side), Windward side of the Western Ghats. (Southern side) Windward side of the Garo, Khasi, Jaintia Hills, Southern side and Southern slopes of the Siwaliks. b) Cyclonic Rain A)Punjab, Haryana, Kashmir, Himachal, Eastern coast of India; Coromandel.Coast, Coastal A.P. and TN. 8.When do "Mango showers" occur and of what use are they? Why are they important? A)Mango showers occur in April and May in South, India. They are strong sea winds. They bring little rain. They are beneficial as it is important for Tea and Coffee plants. 9.In which part of the country does the 'Loo" blow. What kind of wind is it? When does it blow? A)The Loo wind blows across the Northern Plain. (Punjab, UP, Haryana, Delhi, Gujarat). It is a hot dry local wind. It blows during the month of May and June. 10.What is meant by the word "Monsoon"? A)It means MADSAM' - SEASON. 11.What is meant by : a)Pre-Monsoon Period A)It is the period Prior to the rainy season when the whole of India has high temperature resulting in Low Pressure centers. b) Burst of Monsoon A)The Burst of Monsoon occurs in the southernmost state of Kerala - by the first week of June. This causes violent storms with heavy showers. The rain descends upon the parched earth in torrential downpours accompanied by Thunder and Lightning. 12.Name regions that get :a) Above 200cm of rainfall. A)Southern slopes of the Eastern Himalayas - Meghalaya, Assam, West Bengal. West coast region - Konkan, Kanara and Malabar Coast. Places: Bombay, Goa, Thiruvanthapuram, Cochin, Mangalore, Cherrapunji, States : Coastal Maharashtra, Goa, KS, K, West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya. 6 b) Moderate rainfall 100 cm. - 200 cm. of rainfall. A)Regions : Middle Ganga Valley, Central Deccan Plateau. Places : Patna, Lucknow, ShimIa, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Madras, Imphal. States : Eastern Maharashtra, M.P., North - Andhra Pradesh, South - Tamil Nadu. c) Areas of scanty rainfall less than 50cm. of rain. A)Regions :The Thar desert, Parts of the Deccan plateau. Places :Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer, Pokaran, Leh, Ladakh. States : Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kashmir, South Punjab 13.a.What do you mean by the Retreating Monsoon? b.)Name a region which receives a good amount of rain from the Retreating Monsoon. c)Describe the climatic conditions that prevail during this time. A)a.Retreating Monsoon means the "Withdrawal of the S. W. Monsoon." b)The coastal regions of the East - Coromandel Coast, Coast of A.P., Orissa, T.N. and parts of Kerala. c)With the migration of the sun towards the southern hemisphere. Gradually a high pressure centre begins to build up over the land mass. There is a gradual weakening of the monsoon and. The monsoon begins to withdraw as it gets weaker over the land. During the period (Oct. - Nov.) the skies are clear. There is low humidity. The weather becomes fresh and pleasant in the North. While the air becomes almost stagnant in the Deccan. The retreating monsoon brings much rain to coastal AP, 0, TN. This is caused because of variation of heat and moisture hence we experience cyclones in this area. Hence strong winds and torrential winds are experienced along the East coast of India. 14. During which months of the year does the greater part of India receive its rain? A)June, July, August, September. 15.Why do Mussorie, Shimla, Shrinagar, Nainital get Winter Rainfall? A)They get Winter Rainfall from the Westerly depressions. originating in the Mediterranean sea/ Atlantic ocean, these winds move towards the East bringing Cyclonic rain to these hill stations in India as they lie in the Temperate Zone and they are in the pathway of the depressions. 16.What is the most important feature of the Tropical Monsoon type of climate ? A)The most important feature is the Alternation of seasons. During winter the interior of the large land masses in Asia becomes very cold and develops a High Pressure (H.P.) centre. The cold surface winds move out towards the surrounding sea as the N.E. Monsoon. In summer the interior of the land masses becomes extremely hot This causes the development of Low Pressure (L.P.) areas. Winds then begin to blow from the high pressure areas in Australia to the L.P. These winds on crossing the Equator deflect to the right and become the South West Monsoon Winds. 17. Why are there great variations in the climate of the Indian Sub-continent? A)The Indian Sub-continent extends from 8 N - 37 N and a distance of 3200 km. from North to South. Thus there is a great variation in the climate (A great latitudinal extent, extending into two climatic zones - Tropical and Temperate Zone). 7 18.a) In which part of the country does the No'Westers blow? b) What are they also called ? a)They blow - West Bengal and Assam. b)They are also known as Kalibaisakhi 19. Name the four seasons of India and the months during which they occur. A)Hot dry season (March, April,May) SUMMER Rainy season (June - Sept.) HOT WET Retreating of the S.W. Monsoons (Oct-Nov) COLD WET Cold season (Dec. - Feb.) COLD DRY WINTER . 20.In which state does the South West Monsoons first occur. A.) Kerala 21.Describe the climatic conditions over India before the outbreak of the S. W. Monsoons. A) The weather is dry and excessively hot all over the country. The temperatures are above 45 C over most of the interior of the country. A low pressure centre builds up over the That desert as Temp. soar to 50 C. Strong dusty winds known as Loo blow over the Northern Plain 22. aWhat is meant by Rain Shadow area? . b.Give an e.g. of a rain shadow area in India. A) a.Rain shadow is the area beyond the Leeward slope of the mountain where there is little or no precipitation. b)Places East of the Western Ghats and the North of the Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills. . Places - Pune, Bangalore / Dispur, Guwahati, Shillong. 23.aWhatis meant by 'Windward' area? b.Name a city , town and an area that lies on the windward side. A.a. The windward side of an area is the slope of a range that gets the full blast of an onshore wind and hence this area gets plenty of rain as the wind is forced to rise and is thereby cooled by expansion in the higher altitudes. Hence this side gets the rain. (b) City - Bombay, Panaji, Mangalore, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram Area: 1.Western side of the Western ghats, the West coast - Konkan, Kanara, Malabar Coast. 2.The Southern side of the Gharo Khasi Jaintia hills, Meghalaya .. 24.With reference to the Bay of Bengal Branch of the South West Monsoon, answer the following questions :(a) What is the direction of the rain bearing winds which blow over the Gangetic and Brahmaputra basins A) a.They are the S.W. Monsoon but they deflect because of the high Himalayas. They then move along the Ganga Valley that is in a North Westerly manner as they are attracted to the L.P. centre in Rajasthan / Punjab. b)Name the area which receives the heaviest rainfall from these winds. A.) b.Southern side of the Garo Khasi Jaintia hills, West Bengal, Meghalaya, 8 (c) Name 2 ranges of hills which are responsible for this rainfall. A.c. Garo, Khasi, Jaintia hills. d)State 2 causes for floods in the Ganga Brahmaputra basins/ Assam Valley. A.)d Deforestation Heavy Rainfall from S.W. Monsoon, Bay of Bengal Branch and the Steep gradient of the land in the upper regions results in soil Erosion along with the rain water and this area being a very flat plain results in floods. They are also swollen by spring thaw. e)What happens as the winds travel up the Gangetic valley and why? A)The South West Monsoons, Bay of Bengal Branch moves along giving rain to W. Bengal and the whole' Ganga Basin. The rainfall however, decreases as the winds move North West. The lower Ganga Valley 'gets the most rains and' upper Ganga valley the least. The wind moves in a northwesterly direction because of the funnel shaped alignment of the land so they are forced to move up the Ganga valley moreover the L.P. Centre in Punjab / Rajasthan compel the winds to move in that direction. 25.Which branch of the monsoon is more powerful? Why? A)The south West Monsoon Arabian Sea Branch is more powerful than the Bay of Bengal Branch because the total volume of this current is probably three times as great as that of the Bay of Bengal Current This-is due to two factors :The Arabian Sea is a larger sea than the Bay of Bengal. The entire Arabian Sea Branch goes over India whereas only a part, of the Bay of Bengal Branch enters India, the rest going towards Myanmar and Thailand. 26.Why are the Monsoons very important to India? A)India is an agricultural country so the prosperity of India depends on the rains. Agro based industries are affected therefore Indian Economy affected. Slight variation in' the direction of rain bearing winds may convert a normally well watered area into a desert. The H.E.P. plants are affected and hence the supply of electricity 'to, industries is rationed resulting in great loss therefore it will be a setback to the Industries of Trade and Commerce. 27. Why is the winter rain in Punjab and Tamil Nadu important? A) In Punjab it is important because there is additional rain for the Rabi crop wheat and barley. In Tamil Nadu it is important because there is additional rain for 3rd. crop of rice and it also helps coconut and rubber plantations. 28. aWhat 2 factors does the distribution of rainfall over the country depends upon ? A) 1The direction of the rain bearing winds. 2.The position of the mountain ranges. 28.b What are the No'Westers also called? A.)They are also called Kalibaisakhi. (See Ans.18 a). 29.Name the winds which blow over the major part of India during the hot weather season. A)The Loo winds (See Ans.9). 9 30. Name the local winds that blow in summer in North India. A.) The Loo and the No'Westers (Kalibaisakhi) (See Ans.9 & 18.a). 31a. Name the winds which provide relief rainfall to the Western.coast"Kanara,'Malabar Konkan Coast. A)The South West Monsoon Arabian Sea Branch. b.Name the mountains responsible for this rain. A.)Western Ghats. 32.The Tamil Nadu Coast and the Western Himalayas / Punjab / Haryana / Kashmir receive winter rainfall from different sources. What are these sources? A)Tamil Nadu receives rain from the N.E. Monsoons. Western Himalayas {Punjab / Haryana / Kashmir receive winter rain from the Westerly depression originating in the Mediterranean Sea/Atlantic Ocean} 33a. In what months of the year does Tamil Nadu get its main rainfall ? A.)Tamil Nadu gets its main rainfall in the months December, January and February. b. Name the winds that bring this area rain. A.)N.E. Monsoons. c.Explain how this rain occurs ? A)During the winter months, due to the apparent migration of the sun to the Southern hemisphere there is a high pressure centre in the Thar Desert. The winds blow from HP to LP hence they move out. These winds when they pass the Bay of Bengal they pick up moisture and bring heavy rain to Tamil Nadu as it is on the windward side of the Eastern Ghats 34.Give a reason why Calcutta, Patna, Asansol, Jamshedpur, Ranchi have more rainfall than Delhi, Agra, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Allahabad. A)Calcutta, Patna, Asansol, Jamshedpur, Ranchi have more rainfall than Delhi, Agra, Chandigarh, Lucknow and Allahabad because they lie in the lower Ganga plain/valley so when the S.W. Monsoon Bay of Bengal Branch comes up the lower Ganga Valley it sheds its moisture and gives more rain here and as we go further up the plains, the amount of rain lessens. The rest of the places are in the upper and the middle Ganga valley. 35 What is the geographical factor which accounts for a somewhat uniform pattern of climate in India in spite of it stretching from 8 N - 37 N ? A)This is because of the great influence of the Himalayan Mountains. 36 What are the main features of the rainfall in India. Rainfall is mainly during summer. Rainfall is erratic. Rainfall is sporadic and unevenly distributed. Rainfall is orographic (relief). Some parts receive cyclonic or conventional rain. Cyclonic - winter rain - N. India Summer - coastal regions Conventional- South India closer to the Equator (Kerala). Total dependence of the Indian Economy on the rain. 10 37Why does the S. W. Monsoon Bay of Bengal Branch to move up the Ganga Valley? A) The South West Monsoon Bay of Bengal pass the Brahmaputra delta and strike against the lower ranges of the Himalayas and because of the mountain barrier they are deflected in a westerly direction because of the funnel shape of the Ganga valley and hence they blow from the S.E and hence they then move parallel to the. Himalayas. The funnel shape alignment of the land causes the winds to be directed up the Ganga Valley. 38.Which regions receive more than 200 cm of rain? Why? A)The regions that receive more than 200 cm of rain are the windward. side or the western side of the Western Ghats. (The Western Coastal Plain) and the windward side of the Garo Khasi and Jaintia Hills - (The Southern slopes of those 'mountains) Meghalaya. The Western Coastal Plain receive rainfall from the S.W. Monsoon Arabian Sea Branch. When these winds blow they come in contact with the Western Ghats. The winds are forced to rise and they shed their moisture. Being on the windward side they get the full blast of the rain bearing winds. The windward side of the Garo Khasi Jaintia hills receive rain from South West Monsoon Bay of Bengal Branch. 39.What are the factors that affect the climate of India ? 'Latitude - the vast extent 8 N - 37 N. The direction of Mt. Ranges & Altitude . Distance from the sea Direction of winds 40.Name places that experience continentally. A)Agra, Delhi, Jaipur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Pokaran, Bhopal, Meerut, Bareily, Amritsar, Lucknow,' Ludhiana, Indore, Patna,Kanpur, Chandigarh;" Nagpur, Hyderabad, Bikaner, Ajmer, Jabalpur, Mathura, Ambala and Varanasi." 41.Name the places that experience Oceanic / coastal / Insular maritime climate. A)Kandla, Okha, Dwarka, Porbandar, Diu, Bombay, Ratnagiri, Pariaji, Murmagao, Karwar, Mangalore, Cannanore, Calicut, Koehi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kanyakumari, Tuticorin, Nagapattinam, Pondicherry, Madras, Kakinanda, Vishakapatnam, HaldiCalcutta, Machilipatnam. . . 42. Name places on high altitudes. A)Darjeeling, Shillong, Shimla, Kulu, Manali, Mussorie, Srinagar, Nainital,Raniket, Ranchi, Kurseong, Ooty, Wellington, Panchmarhi, Mahableshwar, Lonavla, Khandala, Yercaud, Conoor, Abu, Munnar. . 43. Name the state to receive rain first. A. Kerala 44.Why are Cochin (Kochi), Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrutn), Kanyakumari hot through out the year. A)They are hot throughout the year because they are close to the equator and they receive the direct rays of the sun throughout the year. 11 45.In what way are the monsoons similar to the Land and sea breeze? A. Both are caused due to the differential rate of heating and cooling of land and water. Both are caused because of the differences between the pressure of land and sea. Both reverse their direction periodically and derive their names accordingly 46.What is the chief cause of the tropical monsoon type of climate? A)The chief cause of the Tropical monsoon climate is the differential heating and cooling of the land and the water, and the resulting low pressure regions drawing in the winds. 47.Which place is hotter? (a) Chandigarh (Amritsar, Jalandhar, Meerut, Bareilly, Delhi, Agra). (b) Hyderabad, Bangalore, Secunderabad, Mysore) Why? A)Hyderabad (Bangalore, Secunderabad, Mysore) Hotter than Chandigarh Amritsar,Jalandhar, Meerut, Bareilly, Delhi, Agra) because Hyderabad (Bangalore, Secunderabad, Mysore) lies within the tropics,' hence closer to the equator so it receives the direct rays of the sun, and this direct ray is concentrated over a smaller area, and passes through less atmosphere hence it is hotter. Chandigarh (Amritsar, Jalandhar, Meerut, Bareilly, Delhi, Agra) lies outside the tropics further from Equator, hence receives only the indirect rays of the sun. This indirect ray is longer, is spread over a large surface area and also passes through more layers of atmosphere because of the curvature of the earth, hence the ray is less intense so as we move away from the equator the temp. goes on decreasing according to their distances. 48.Which place is cooler in summer - Chandigarh or Simla, Patna or Ranchi, Bangalore or Ooty, Dehra Dun or Mussorie, Bombay or Mableshwar, Thiravananthapuram or Munnar, Coimbatore or Kodaikanal. Give a reason for your answer. A)The places that will be cooler in summer are Simla, Ranchi, Ooty, Mussoorie, Mahableshwar, Munnar and Kodaikanal. These places are cooler because they are on a higher altitude. The temperature decreases with increasing altitude, that there is a drop of 6 C with every one km. of ascent. 49.Why does Allahabad, Delhi, Nagpur, Patna, Agra, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Udaipur, Lucknow, have a greater annual range of temperature than Calcutta, Bombay, Alibaug, Goa, Panaji, Kandla, Mangalore, Cochin, Tbiruvananthapuram, Kanyakumari, Madras, Vishakhapatnam, Haldia. . A)Allahabad, Delhi, Nagpur, Patna, Agra, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Udaipur, Lucknow, have a greater annual range of temperature because these places are far away from the sea and so experience extreme climate that they experience continentally. While Calcutta, Bombay, Alibaug, Goa, Panaji, Kandla, Mangalore, Cochin, Thiruvananthapmam, Kanyakumari, Madras, Visbakhapatnam and Haldia are close to the sea and so experience moderate or maritime climate. 50. Give reasons :a) Sea coasts have equable climate / or have a small low diurnal range. A)Places near the sea have moderate climate or equable climate because the sea has a moderating influence on the climate of the coastal areas due to the phenomenon of land and sea breeze. (Due to the different heating properties of land. and sea, the land gets hotter faster during the day. The hot air over the land rises as it is light creating a Low Pressure at the same time the air above the sea is cooler hence High Pressure is created. . The cool winds from the sea blow towards the land and lowers the 12 temperature.during the day. During the night the sea takes a longer time to cool while the land cools fast. Hence the air above the water is hotter than the air above the land. A Low Pressure is created on the sea and H.P. on the land. So the cold winds at night blows from the land to the sea. Thus they are equable and have a low diurnal range) b)Places far away from the sea have extreme climate or have a high annual range. A)Places far away from the sea or in the interior of land masses have extreme temps. (Very hot summers and cold winters) because they do not have the moderating influence of the sea. The land cools fast, the temp. drops. Thus the Range in the temperature is great. This results in continental climate. 51. What is the name given to the type of climate experienced by places as far as a) far away from the sea b) places close to the sea A) a. Continental climate 52Where in India is the diurnal range in temperature the greatest? Give reasons. A.)The diurnal range in temperature is the greatest in Thar Desert (REASONS - Ans. 55) 53. Give reasons why deserts / Thar / Western Rajasthan / Southern Punjab. / North Gujarat experience a high day temperature and a much lower night temperature. A)These places experience high dry temp. and a much lower night temperature because they do not have :1.Clouds to check solar radiation by day and ground radiation by night, There is no vegetation to cut off solar insolation. Hence .there is rapid heating and cooling. 2. The soil is either rocky or sandy and this soil has no water hence it heats rapidly by day and cools equally by night. Hence there is a great difference in the diurnal range. 54 Name (a) the hottest state (b) the state that receives maximum rainfall. (c) maximum rainfall a)hottest state - Rajasthan b)coldest state - Kashmir c)maximum rainfall - Meghalaya (Cherrapunji) / (Mawsynram) 55 How does vegetation affect the climate of a place ? Vegetation serves the purpose of a clothing for the surface of the earth. The forests shut off much of the insolation hence the suns rays are not able to penetrate to the ground. Leaves transpire therefore high humidity therefore lower temperatures. Rainfall is higher. 56In what way does cloud and rainfall affect the temperature of a place. A)Clouds check solar radiation by day and ground radiation by night. So places like the Thar desert where there are no clouds, the day temperatures are high and the night temperatures are very low. So the range 'in temperature is very high. Rainfall lowers the summer temperature or the temperature during the day. 57 Why are the south facing slopes of the 'Garo Khasi Jaintia hills or Himalayas or SiwaIiks warmer than the North facing slopes of these hills or mountains? A)The above mentioned hills are in the Northern' hemisphere and have an East West Alignment. 13 The South facing slopes are warmer as they get the more direct rays as the sun rays strike at a steeper angle, while the north facing slopes get only the indirect ray and hence they are less intense. (See Ans. 1 p.) 58.The Thar desert has sandy and rocky soil while the Indo Gangetic plain has alluvial soil. Which place would have greater diurnal range in temperature and why? A)The Thar desert would have a greater diurnal range in temperature because of the nature of its soil which is rocky and sandy and hence has an extreme climate. This is because sandy and rocky soil do not retain water and is heated rapidly and cools rapidly. While on the other hand the Indo Gangetic plain has alluvial soil. This alluvial soil has the ability to retain water hence this soil is heated slowly and cools slowly hence the Indo Gangetic plain will have a small range in temperature resulting in an equable climate. 59 During which months of the year does the greater part of India receive its rain? A.)June to September 60. Name regions with 2 rainy seasons A)The regions with two rainy seasons are Punjab, Kashmir, Himachal, Haryana, T.N. and Coastal A.P. 61What kind of rain does Punjab get in winter and in summer. Mention another region with similar rainfall. A)In summer Punjab gets - relief or orographical rain In winter Punjab gets - Cyclonic rainfall. Summer - T.N. gets relief or orographical Winter - T.N. gets cyclonic rainfall and orographical rainfall. 62 Mangalore and Madras lie approximately on the same latitude, yet Mangalore receives its rainfall from June to September, while Madras receives its main rain in November to February, What are the reasons for this difference? A)Mangalore lies on the west coast of India and experience the South West Monsoon Arabian Sea branch which blows from June to September and this place is on the windward side of the western Ghats of this monsoon and hence receives rain during this period. While Madras lies on the East coast of India and this place experiences the N.E. Monsoons during the months of November to February.' These monsoons bring rain to Madras in winter and lies on the windward side of the Eastern Ghats 63 a Name the winds which provide rainfall to the Tamil Nadu coast. 'A)The N.E. Monsoons bring rain during Nov, Dee, Jan, Feb. The S.W. Monsoon brings little rain during June - Sept. and a bit more when it retreats in October. ' b) Name the place in India which receives the heaviest rainfall A)Cherrapunji / Mawsynram (Meghalaya). c) Name the hills where it is located A) Khasi Hills. 64. Explain why Nainital is cooler than Agra. A)This is because Nainital is situated on a higher altitude than Agra. The higher you go the cooler it gets. For every 1 km. (1000 m.) of ascent there is a drop in temperature by 6 C. 14 65 With reference to the Bay of Bengal Branch of the S. W. Monsoon winds, answer the following questions:(a) Name the area which receives the heaviest rainfall from these winds. A)The Windward / Southern sides of the Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills (Meghalaya), (Cherrapunji / Mawsynram). (b) Name the hills responsible for the heavy rainfall. A)Garo Khasi and Jaintia hills. (c) What happens as these winds travel up the Ganga Valley? A)As the south West Monsoon, Bay of Bengal branch travels up the Ganga Valley it sheds moisture and gives ram as it goes up. Lower Ganga gets the heaviest rain. Middle Ganga gets moderate rain and Upper Ganga gets the least. This is because the winds shed their moisture as they travel up the Ganga Valley. 66. Name the state that has the least amount of rainfall. A)Rajasthan 67 Name (a) a cold desert (b) a hot desert (a) A cold desert - Ladakh in Kashmir (b) A hot desert- The Thar desert, Rajasthan 68 Why does coastal Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa or Coromandel coast receive rain in the early winter months (Nov., Dec.)? . A)All these places lie on the East Coast of.India. During the winter months the N.E. Monsoons blow as they pass the Bay of Bengal they pick up moisture and on coming in contact with the Eastern Ghats they bring rain to the coastal areas of T.N., A.P., Orissa. This is also the period of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal. 69 Calcutta receives about 145 cms of rainfall while Lahore only 45 cm by the S.W. Monsoon Bay of Bengal Branch. A)This is because Calcutta is situated in the Lower Ganga Valley and the South West Monsoons Bay of Bengal Branch first pass through Calcutta giving it more rain and then the wind travels up the Ganga Valley and while it comes to the Upper Indus Valley where Lahore is, the amount of rainfall shed is less. 70 Why does much of the Central Maharashtra I KS / Central Deccan Plateau have only light rainfall ? A)Central Maharashtra has only light rainfall because it lies in the Rain shadow of the Western Ghats when the South West Monsoon Arabian Sea Branch blows, and hence by the time these winds cross the Ghats they have very little water as much of the rain has been shed on the windward side or western Maharashtra. 15

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